Dougal Stanton wrote:

It seems that profiling and threading are not supported at the same
time in GHC6.6. At least, it objects to using both the flags at the
same time, and there's a Trac entry for that issue.

So I just wanted to be sure that I really need threading. I'm passing
text through some filters written in perl, just ordinary command line
programs. I do it like this:

  (hin, hout, herr, ph) <- runInteractiveProcess cmd args Nothing Nothing
  forkIO $ hPutStr hin content >> hClose hin
  out <- hGetContents hout
  return (ph, out)

which seems to require threading. If I compile without, it will hang
indefinitely, I presume deadlocked. Is there a way this can be done
without threading?

You certainly can use threading with profiling, just not the "threaded RTS" that you get with the -threaded option. There are certain restrictions that apply when you don't use -threaded, but ordinary forkIO works fine.

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