Gregory Crosswhite wrote:
> On Dec 4, 2009, at 11:02 AM, Ben Franksen wrote:
>> Gregory Crosswhite wrote:
>>> I have posted Blueprint to Hackage so that people can see what I have
>>> done and possibly play with it.
>> Very interesting, this. However, I could not build it. I get [...]
> At the moment you need to execute the setup script manually:
> runhaskell Setup.hs bootstrap
> ./Setup configure
> ./Setup build +RTS -N4 -RTS
> ./Setup install
> (The "+RTS -N4 -RTS" part is optional;  it just tells Setup to use up to 4
> threads to do building in parallel where possible.)

Thanks. I recommend adding a small readme.txt explaining stuff like that.

> Anyway, thank you for checking out Blueprint!  At this point it might be
> better to pull the sources directly from github (the "Home Page" link)

Will do.

> since I have made many improvements since that release (though I haven't
> fixed the "cabal install" problem yet).  And I do plan on thoroughly
> polishing and documenting Blueprint one of these days.  :-)

Thanks & Cheers

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