[Haskell-cafe] Re: Sequencing Operations in a Monad

2007-09-21 Thread Al Falloon
SevenThunders wrote: Well it certainly requires some thought here. As I see it, I now have two reasonable choices. Either I pull all my matrix operations back inside the IO monad and avoid the matrix action as a matrix variable paradigm (due to the loss of referential transparency) or I devis

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Sequencing Operations in a Monad

2007-09-15 Thread apfelmus
SevenThunders wrote: Ryan Ingram wrote: As long as the FFI calls don't make destructive updates to existing matrices, you can do what you want. For example, assuming you have: -- adds the second matrix to the first & overwrites the first matrixAddIO :: MatrixIO -> MatrixIO -> IO () -- creates