Hi Ali,

Ali Razavi <ali.raz...@gmail.com> writes:

> Greetings,
>  I have only used the wxHaskell library before, but I am looking into trying 
> one of these more
> advanced' frameworks. To
> serve my proclivity for QT, I would like to know how its Haskell binding, 
> qtHaskell, compares to
> that of Gtk.
If you just want a GUI toolkit for Haskell, and don't care QT or GTK+.
I recommend use gtk2hs.

Now, qtHaskell's development looks not open enough, still have many Qt
binding haven't finish.

And gtk2hs is more mature and stable, most important is gtk2hs have friendly
developer will help you in anytime. :)

Of course, if just want to use QT, qtHaskell is right choose. :)


  -- Andy

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