Daniel Fischer wrote:
On Tuesday 06 July 2010 07:04:18, wren ng thornton wrote:
Cabal has a partial listing embedded in its code, though I can't seem to
find a textual version at the moment. In general, Hugs has all the
features of GHC 6.6: FFI, CPP, MPTCs, FunDeps, OverlappingInstances,...
I'm forgetting off-hand whether it has Rank2Types/RankNTypes, but I
think so. The one notable difference between Hugs and GHC6.6 is that it
does not have IncoherentInstances, and instead supports a
different/incompatible way of trying to solve that problem.

Another notable difference are BangPatterns.

Were BangPatterns in 6.6? I never used them until 6.8, so...

If support for BangPatterns could be added, that would be very convenient.
Of course you can do it with seq, but BangPatterns are, well, very convenient compared to seq.
Of course my plea for BangPatterns extends to JHC/UHC etc.

Since Hugs doesn't do strictness analysis (AFAIK), it seems like it should be implementable in a desugaring pass. At the expense of writing a Haskell parser, it could be done via the -F flag without even updating Hugs. Though that'd be an ugly hack.

I don't know whether anyone's still reading them, but you could post a ticket on http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/hugs/ for it.

Live well,
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