Just to avoid any misunderstanding...

I am certain that C.M. Brown meant to say "CC'ed the Haskell-beginners mailing list" instead of "moved", but I think it's worth emphasizing that the new beginners list was ostensibly created for various discussed reasons, but all to provide a more tailored forum for beginners, not to restrict participation on haskell-cafe. Words like "move" could sound to a beginner like a dismissal or demotion.

(This policy is clearly different from the haskell list, which has a much stronger collegially-enforced moderation policy limited to announcements.)

I would hate to think that people on the beginners list might worry that their questions were not "good enough" to join the "grown-ups" on haskell-cafe. I think CC'ing to beginners is hint enough, and soon enough people will choose the best forum for their comfort level.


C.M.Brown wrote:
Hi Fernando,

I hope you don't mind, but I've moved this over to the Haskell-beginners
mailing list, where I think this kind of question will be more

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