
I'm thinking of trying to get a devroom for haskell.org at the next FOSDEM, which is Saturday-Sunday February 6th-7th 2010 in Brussels: http://www.fosdem.org/2010/call-developer-rooms

The idea would be to try to introduce Haskell to people at FOSDEM who were interested, and thus help build our ties with We'd try to have a few introductory talks about Haskell, and some demos etc. It would probably also make sense to talk about/demo darcs at the same time.

Apparently there's a lot of demand so it's a bit of a long shot, and I expect we'd only get one day, which is probably all we'd need.

To make this work, we'll need several reasonably experienced Haskellers to turn up to help out with the talks, demos and talking to people in general. I've got a couple of people interested already but need more.

So, please could you let me know, preferably within the next week, whether you would be interested in coming along and helping. You can email me directly or on-list as you prefer.

The deadline for actually making the application for the devroom is 22nd November.


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