I'm trying to figure out how to use the POSIX function utime.  I'm pretty
much stumped at the moment, largely because I can't figure out how to do
anything useful with ClockTime variables.

I can't see any way to make use of GHC.Posix.utime, as it gives a binding
to the utime function, but the argument is of type Ptr (), and I can't see
how to make this to a pointer to the contents of a pair of ClockTimes.

I had thought that I could just write my own utime wrapper in C, but I'm
still stumped on getting anything out of a ClockTime! The problem is that I
would like my code to be portable, so I can't assume a ClockTime is a
UInt32 (or that a time_t is a 32 bit int).  Any ideas how I can get around

The only idea I have at the moment is to define a MyClockTime which is
always a UInt64 and then do in my C wrapper I could cast back and forth
from time_t to an int64 type. Ugh.
David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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