[Haskell-cafe] Re: exceptions vs. Either

2004-08-06 Thread MR K P SCHUPKE
After all, Java basically does exactly what you're asking for with

Java's head/tail would be doing runtime checks if they are throwing exceptions,
static guarantees mean the program would not be allowed to compile if it broke
the static guarantees.

end-programmers have to worry much less about handling errors properly.

Which is a bad thing! All programmers always have to consider error conditions,
if they don't they write buggy code - that's the nature of the beast. I prefer
making programmers expicitly face the decisions they are making, rather than
have things implicitly handled in a way that hides what is going on from the

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: exceptions vs. Either

2004-08-06 Thread Keith Wansbrough
 After all, Java basically does exactly what you're asking for with
 Java's head/tail would be doing runtime checks if they are throwing exceptions,
 static guarantees mean the program would not be allowed to compile if it broke
 the static guarantees.

Not so.  In Java, the programmer is forced to handle most exceptions
by the type system.  That is, if the exception is not handled, the
program will not compile, thus providing a static guarantee that
exceptions are handled.

Only unchecked exceptions (RuntimeException and Error) are exempt
from this check.

--KW 8-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: exceptions vs. Either

2004-08-06 Thread MR K P SCHUPKE
Not so.  In Java, the programmer is forced to handle most exceptions

I forgot you had to do that... Exceptions are explicit in the type
signatures. I think Oleg posted a message a while back about how to
make exceptions explicit in haskell type signatures... But I would
rather use static guarantees where possible, and exceptions where
necessary. I haven't really tried using the techniques for explicit
exceptions, but on consideration I might see if it is practical to
code in that style...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: exceptions vs. Either

2004-08-06 Thread MR K P SCHUPKE
Static guarantees are great, but if you have to explicitly change your
style of coding to cope with those extra constraints, it can become (very)

I had to change coding style moving from imperative to declarative languages,
but I think it was worth it... Likewise I think having the ability to make
strong static guaranees is worth it - you may not, which is why it is 
important not to break any existing programs with language extensions
(if any are necessary). My programs will have less bugs though!

worse-is-better, even in its strawman form, has better survival

I fully subscribe to the 'worse is better' approach, but I don't see
how it contradicts the principle of static guarantees - you can have
both. Simplicity is about algorithmic complexity not about whether
type signatures are provided by the programmer. Infact type
signatures are in themselves an embodyment of the simple is better
principle. A type signature expresses certain static guarantees about
the function in a vary compact way. Consider the sort example...
being able to declare a type signature on a sort algorith that enforces
ordering of the output would prove the sort algorithm can _only_ output
correctly sorted lists under _all_ circunstances. This type signature
is much simpler than the actual sort - hence is useful.

sort :: (HList l,HOrderedList l') = l - l'

Nice and readable, and much simpler than the actual algorithm (be
it bubble sort, or a quick sort)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: exceptions vs. Either

2004-08-06 Thread Keith Wansbrough
 correctly sorted lists under _all_ circunstances. This type signature
 is much simpler than the actual sort - hence is useful.
   sort :: (HList l,HOrderedList l') = l - l'
 Nice and readable, and much simpler than the actual algorithm (be
 it bubble sort, or a quick sort)

The type signature you give is no different from

sort :: (C1 l, C2 l') = l - l'

and conveys no more information.  You should include the definitions
of the classes before saying this is much simpler than the actual

--KW 8-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: exceptions vs. Either

2004-08-06 Thread MR K P SCHUPKE
You should include the definitions of the classes before saying

HOrderedList l' just has to prove by induction that for any element
in the list, the next element is greater, so the class is simply:

class HOrderedList l
instance HNil
instance HCons a HNil
instance (HOrderedList (HCons b l),HLe a b) = HCons a (HCons b l)

which is the equivalent type level program to  

ordered :: [Int] - Bool
ordered [] = True
ordered [a] = True
ordered (a:(b:l)) = if a=b then ordered (b:l) else False
ordered _ = False

It is obvious by observation that the a=b ensures order.
This is a lot simpler than say a heap-sort.   

I suppose you could contend that there are some classes above
I still haven't defined - but you wouldn't expect to see definitions
for (=) which is defined in the prelude. Of course to show statically
that order is preserved the 'value' of the elements to be ordered must
be visible to the type system - so the values must be reified to types...
This can be done for any Haskell type, but for numbers we would
use Peano numbers - the HLe class for these is again easily defined
by induction:

class HLe n n' 
instance HLe HZero HZero
instance HLe x y = HLe (HSucc x) (HSucc y)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] closed classes [was: Re: exceptions vs. Either]

2004-08-06 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Fri, 2004-08-06 at 14:05, MR K P SCHUPKE wrote:
 You should include the definitions of the classes before saying
 HOrderedList l' just has to prove by induction that for any element
 in the list, the next element is greater, so the class is simply:
 class HOrderedList l
 instance HNil
 instance HCons a HNil
 instance (HOrderedList (HCons b l),HLe a b) = HCons a (HCons b l)

Somewhat off-topic,

It's when we write classes like these that closed classes would be
really useful.

You really don't want people to add extra instances to this class, it'd
really mess up your proofs!

I come across this occasionally, like when modelling external type
systems. For example the Win32 registry or GConf have a simple type
system, you can store a fixed number of different primitive types and in
the case of GConf, pairs and lists of these primitive types. This can be
modelled with a couple type classes and a bunch of instances. However
this type system is not extensible so it'd be nice if code outside the
defining module could not interfere with it.

The class being closed might also allow fewer dictionaries and so better
run time performance.

It would also have an effect on overlapping instances. In my GConf
example you can in particular store Strings and lists of any primitive
type. But now these two overlap because a String is a list. However
these don't really overlap because Char is not one of the primitive
types so we could never get instances of String in two different ways.
But because the class is open the compiler can't see that, someone could
always add an instance for Char in another module. If the class were
closed they couldn't and the compiler could look at all the instances in
deciding if any of them overlap.

So here's my wishlist item:

closed class GConfValue v where


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] introspection | meta data

2004-08-06 Thread Crypt Master
Can you name these fields?  If so, haskell has (sorta clumsy) named 
and you can select and update fields by name, and you can replace
'setSFField 3 sf x' with 'sf {somefield=x}'
I did think of this, but unfortunatly my algorithm cant use names (without 
hard coding all possible combinations )

 So what is the general haskell approach to this type of 
 data problem... ?

A C array of pointers maps closest to a MutableArray, which is mostly a 
with different performance.  Unless you're casting pointers, in which case
Dynamic types or the Generic stuff is maybe what you want.  Or a redesign 
I looked at haskell arrays, but since I cant point to an element in my tuple 
it wont work out. The ANSI C use of arrays is a really simple (but nasty) 
way to provide a means for me to loop over a fixed struct record. The 
Generic library looks super, only had time to browse some slides thus far, 
but will defiantly try understand that.

As for a redesign and
Others have given good answers for this, but I suspect you may have chosen 
wrong data structure...
I would be keen on any ideas you have on how to design this in haskell. 
Learning to think in haskell is after all the goal :-) The example below is 
trivial and real world, both reasons why I chose to use it.

Any comments welcome, none expected :-)
I idea is to perform a search over a number fields in a hierachical fashion 
where each field can have a wild card. The real world example is printer 
selection. In a multi-national company all users tend to be on one (or a 
few) central servers, but require there printouts to come to them locally 
whereever they are. Users typically range in 1000s and so by user 
defintions are out.

Simplified Search fields:
Environemnt, Users, Report, Version, Host  Printer
-- --
The most speicific field is host on the right with it becomming more 
general moving to towards the left.

Setup data could choose to override all of report RPT1 version Ver1 to 
Printer Bobs Printer

*ALL, *ALL, RPT1, Ver1, *ALL,  Bobs Printer
but Simon may be an exception, then a record could be added like so:
*ALL, SIMON, RPT1, Ver1, *ALL, Simons Printer
This record would be found first for simon, but former found found for 
everyone else.

A search starts from fully specific data i.e no wild cards.
The basic algortihm I worked out is:
1. Search setup data
2. If no record found
  2a:  Set current field to most specific field (host in this case)
  2b: Toggle current field  ( if Wildcard then make it value, if value make 
it wildcard )
  2c:  if current field is *ALL goto 1 above (we stop here to perform a 
search on the current permutation)
  2d: Loop to 2b until no more fields

And my haskell working proto type is this:
module Main where
  -- Env   User Report Version HostPrinter
egdata1 = [((PD7334EU, *ALL,  *ALL,*ALL, *ALL), Default 
  ((PD7334EU, USER1, *ALL,*ALL, *ALL), 
  ((PD7334EU, USER2, Report1, Version1, *ALL), 
  ((PD7334EU, *ALL,  Report2, *ALL, *ALL), 

type SearchFilter = (String, String, String, String, String)
type Record   = (SearchFilter, String)
findPrinter :: String - String - String - String - String - [Record]
- String
findPrinter env user report version host printerdata =
 findPrinter' sf sf printerdata
   sf = (env, user, report, version, host)
findPrinter' :: SearchFilter - SearchFilter - [Record] - String
findPrinter' (*ALL, *ALL, *ALL, *ALL, *ALL) _ _ = 
findPrinter' sf origsf printerdata
   | printer ===  findPrinter' (toggle sf origsf 5) origsf
   | otherwise   =  printer
 printer = searchPrinter sf printerdata
searchPrinter :: SearchFilter - [Record] - String
searchPrinter _ [] = 
searchPrinter sf ((x,p):xa)
   | sf == x= p
   | otherwise  = searchPrinter sf xa
toggle :: SearchFilter - SearchFilter - Int - SearchFilter
toggle sf origsf 0 = sf
toggle sf origsf n
   | newValue == *ALL   = newSF
   | otherwise= toggle newSF origsf (n-1)
  newValue = toggleField (getSFField n sf) (getSFField n origsf)
  newSF= setSFField n sf newValue
toggleField :: String - String - String
toggleField *ALL x = x
toggleField _ _ = *ALL
getSFField :: Int - SearchFilter - String
getSFField 1 (x,_,_,_,_) = x
getSFField 2 (_,x,_,_,_) = x
getSFField 3 (_,_,x,_,_) = x
getSFField 4 (_,_,_,x,_) = x
getSFField 5 (_,_,_,_,x) = x
setSFField :: Int - SearchFilter - String - SearchFilter
setSFField 1 (a,b,c,d,e) f = (f,b,c,d,e)
setSFField 2 (a,b,c,d,e) f = (a,f,c,d,e)
setSFField 3 (a,b,c,d,e) f = (a,b,f,d,e)
setSFField 4 (a,b,c,d,e) f = (a,b,c,f,e)
setSFField 5 (a,b,c,d,e) f = (a,b,c,d,f)
main = putStrLn (findPrinter PD7334EU USER2 Report2 Version3
SomeHost egdata1)

Re: [Haskell-cafe] closed classes

2004-08-06 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Fri, 2004-08-06 at 15:44, Malcolm Wallace wrote:
  module Closed(foo) where
  class C a where foo = ...
  instance C ...
  module Main where
  import Closed
  do what you want?  You can only use existing instances of C, but not
  declare them (outside of the Closed module), IIUC.
 Ah, but now you cannot use (Closed t) = as a predicate in type
 signatures, and since you cannot write a partial signature, you must
 omit the signature altogether...

A similar non-solution is to export the class name but not the class
methods, so you cannot defined them in other modules.

However this doesn't help if there are default methods or no methods,
you can still say:

instance ClosedClass Foo

Note the lack of 'where' keyword.

Granted, for most classes this would stop other modules interfering but
it doesn't give the optimisation opportunities or the better overlapping
instance detection.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] closed classes

2004-08-06 Thread Ketil Malde
Malcolm Wallace [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Ah, but now you cannot use (Closed t) = as a predicate in type
 signatures, and since you cannot write a partial signature, you must
 omit the signature altogether...

Hmm..yes, that would be a disadvantage. :-)

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: exceptions vs. Either

2004-08-06 Thread André Pang
On 06/08/2004, at 6:56 PM, MR K P SCHUPKE wrote:
After all, Java basically does exactly what you're asking for with
Java's head/tail would be doing runtime checks if they are throwing 
static guarantees mean the program would not be allowed to compile if 
it broke
the static guarantees.
As Keith said, Java will check at compile time whether or not you 
handle the exception.  My point is this: it is impossible to check 
whether the exception is properly handled.  If you adjust Haskell's 
tail function to return (Maybe [a]) instead of just ([a]), you are 
doing the thing as Java from a pragmatic perspective: you are adding 
information to the type system that tells the programmer the function 
may fail.  You also suffer the same consequence as Java: you have no 
idea whether the programmer properly handles the error situation.

If I am writing a one-shot, never-use-again script that takes 3 minutes 
to write, and I _know_ that I'm not going to be feeding the tail 
function a non-empty list--e.g. because I'm writing a one-shot 
five-minute script to transform a file from one text format to another, 
as is the case for lots of Perl programs--then the extra Maybe type 
just gets in the way.  I'll either ignore the Nothing case, or write 
`case tail foo of ... Nothing - error bleh'.  I will go so far to 
say that such a program can be considered correct: it does exactly 
what I want it to do, in exactly the circumstances I desire (0 byte 
files being specifically excluded from the circumstances!).

Which is a bad thing! All programmers always have to consider error 
if they don't they write buggy code - that's the nature of the beast. 
I prefer
making programmers expicitly face the decisions they are making, 
rather than
have things implicitly handled in a way that hides what is going on 
from the
It's a question of whether the library designer should impose their 
will on the library user.  As a library designer, do you feel that you 
are always making the right decision for the library user 100% of the 
time?  I know I never feel like that when I write libraries ...

% Andre Pang : trust.in.love.to.save
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Partial signatures

2004-08-06 Thread oleg

Malcolm Wallace wrote:
 and since you cannot write a partial signature,

Can't we really?

It seems `partial signature' means one of two things:

- we wish to add an extra constraint to the type of the function
  but we don't wish to explicitly write the type of the
  function and enumerate all of the constraints

- we wish to specify the type of the function and perhaps some
  of the constraints -- and let the typechecker figure out the
  rest of the constraints.

Both of the above is easily possible, in Haskell98.

In the first case, suppose we have a function

 foo x = Just x

and suppose we wish to add an extra constraint (Ord x) but without
specifying the full signature of the function. We just wish to add one

 addOrd:: (Ord x) = x - a
 addOrd = undefined

 foo' x | False = addOrd x
 foo' x = Just x

Even a not-so-sufficiently smart compiler should be able to eliminate
any traces of the first clause of foo' in the run code. So, the recipe
is to define a function like `addOrd' (or like an identity), give it
the explicit signature with the desired constraint, and then `mention'
that function somewhere in the body of foo. Or, as the example above
shows, prepend a clause of the form
foo arg ... | False = addOrd arg ...
In that case, the body of the function foo does not have to be changed at

For the second case: suppose we wrote a function

 bar a i = a ! i

and wish to give it a type signature

* bar:: Array i e - i - e

But that won't work: we must specify all the constraints:
Could not deduce (Ix i) from the context ()
  arising from use of `!' at /tmp/d.lhs:207
Probable fix:
Add (Ix i) to the type signature(s) for `bar'
In the definition of `bar': bar a i = a ! i

But what if we wish to specify the type without the constraints (and
let the compiler figure the constraints out)? Again, the same trick

 barSig:: Array i e - i - e
 barSig = undefined

 bar' a i | False = barSig a i
 bar' a i = a ! i

Incidentally, barSig plays the role of a Java interface of a
sort. barSig is a bona fide function, and can be exported and
imported. To make sure that some other function baz satisfies the
barSig interface (perhaps with a different set of constraints), all we
need to do is to say
baz arg1 ... | False = barSig arg1 ...

We can also attach to barSig some constraints. The typechecker will
figure out the rest, for bar' and baz.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Type classes... popular for newbies, isn't it?

2004-08-06 Thread Arjun Guha
This class definition is giving me a lot of problems with the successor 

class (Ord st) = MinimaxState st where
  successors:: st - [(action,st)]
  terminal:: st - Bool
A trivial example would be:
instance MinimaxState Int where
  terminal i = i == 0
  successors i = [(1,i+1), (-1,i-1)]
However, I get this error in GHC:
Could not deduce (Num action)
from the context (MinimaxState Int, Ord Int)
  arising from the literal `1' at AbTest.hs:7
Probable fix:
Add (Num action) to the class or instance method `successors'
In the first argument of `negate', namely `1'
In the list element: (- 1, (- i) - 1)
In the definition of `successors':
successors i = [(1, i + 1), (- 1, (- i) - 1)]
I have the class definition and the instance definition in seperate 
files.  I don't understand where I'm supposed to put the probable fix. 
 I don't want it to be in the class definition, since action should be 
fairly arbitrary.

In fact, no matter what I try, I get errors, for example:
instance MinimaxState Int where
  terminal i = i == 0
  successors i = [(action,i+1), (action,i-1)]
Cannot unify the type-signature variable `action'
with the type `[Char]'
Expected type: action
Inferred type: [Char]
In the list element: (action, i + 1)
In the definition of `successors':
successors i = [(action, i + 1), (action, (- i) - 1)]
Any suggestions?
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