Re: [Haskell-cafe] Graph theory analysis of Haskell code

2007-12-06 Thread Ketil Malde
Tim Chevalier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 aka a call graph. This is called control flow analysis and the
 classic paper on it is Olin Shivers' dissertation

 This is very well-trodden ground, but if you familiarize yourself with
 the literature on the subject, then who knows, you may discover
 something new.

I'll just add that having a tool visualizing this would be very useful
for refactoring code.  If you e.g. use color to distinguish
nodes/functions from different modules, you could use that information
to decide to merge or split modules to minimize external interfaces.

You could also try to automatically cluster nodes, which would be more
interesting theoretically, but IMO less likely to be practical.

Another option would be to couple this with profiling or coverage
information to visualize something about the usage of paths and nodes
in the call graph.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ghc overlapping instances - solved

2007-12-06 Thread Steffen Mazanek

Isaac, this works for me.

Thx a lot,


2007/12/5, Isaac Dupree [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Steffen Mazanek wrote:
  Stefan and Isaac, thx for providing quick advice.
  @Stefan: Unfortunately I have to use a list.
  @Isaac: I do not get it. Could you please provide a short example of
  The question still remains. Which arguments do I have ghc to start with
  get the same behavior than hugs with -98 +o (here it works).
  I provide my example for testing purposes:
  module Test where
  import Test.QuickCheck
  import Monad(liftM,liftM2)
  type Program = [Stmt]
  data Stmt = Text | IfElse Program Program | While Program deriving (Eq,
  instance Arbitrary [Stmt] where
arbitrary = sized genProg
  instance Arbitrary Stmt where
arbitrary = sized genStmt
  genStmt::Int-Gen Stmt
  genStmt 0 = return Text
  genStmt 1 = return Text
  genStmt 2 = oneof [return Text, return (While [Text])]
  genStmt n | n2 = oneof ([return Text,
liftM While (genProg (n-1))]++
   [liftM2 IfElse (genProg k) (genProg
  genProg::Int-Gen Program
  genProg 0 = return []
  genProg 1 = return [Text]
  genProg n | n1 = oneof ((liftM (\x-[x]) (genStmt n)):[liftM2 (:)
  k) (genProg (n-k))|k-[1..n-1]])
  prop_ConstructParse progr = True
where types = progr::Program
  main = mapM_ (\(s,a) - putStrLn s  a) [(flowchart construct and
  test prop_ConstructParse)]

 is prop_ConstructParse the only thing that breaks when you remove the
 instance Arbitrary [Stmt] where arbitrary = sized genProg, or have I
 missed something?  If that's all, try this (untested) :

 prop_ConstructParse = forAll (sized genProg) (\progr - True)

 and similarly for other properties.

 Or, you _can_ use a newtype for quickcheck-only, something like this:

 newtype P = P { unP :: Program }
 instance Show P where show = show . unP
 instance Arbitrary P where arbitrary = sized genProg . unP
 prop_ConstructParse (P progr) = True


Dipl.-Inform. Steffen Mazanek
Institut für Softwaretechnologie
Fakultät Informatik

Universität der Bundeswehr München
85577 Neubiberg

Tel: +49 (0)89 6004-2505
Fax: +49 (0)89 6004-4447

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] RE: [Haskell] Nested guards?

2007-12-06 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
[redirecting to Haskell Cafe]

|  It is clear that this situation must not stay this way.  Bit by bit,
|  disciples of Perl and Python discover Haskell and demand that Haskell will
|  be plastered with syntactic sugar until the simplicity of the functional
|  approach isn’t visible anymore.  Sadly, they seem to be successful with this
|  as syntax extensions like parallel list comprehensions show.

I think it is helpful to distinguish superficial complexity from deep 
complexity.   All of Haskell's syntactic sugar is just that: it can be 
translated into a small purely-functional language using straightforward 
translation schemes.  Even something relatively complicated like the order 
by/group by extension that Phil and I proposed at this year's Haskell 
workshop, has an easy translation that takes a dozen or two lines to give in 
full detail.

In contrast, something like higher order functions, or mutable state, is deep 
complexity. Both have a pervasive effect on the language semantics and on its 
implementation.  (The effect of mutable state is much, much worse, but they are 
both deep.)

Concerning Haskell, I'm quite relaxed about superficial complexity, as you'll 
have seen from what happens in GHC.  Section 3.6 of the History of Haskell 
paper addresses this point specifically [1].  You may disagree with the choice 
made by the Haskell committee at the time, and with subsequent developments, 
but it was quite a conscious choice, and one not without its advantages.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] IVar

2007-12-06 Thread Simon Marlow

Jan-Willem Maessen wrote:

On Dec 5, 2007, at 3:58 AM, Simon Marlow wrote:

Ah, so I was thinking of the following readIVar:

readIVar = unsafePerformIO . readIVarIO

But clearly there's a better one.  Fair enough.

Hmm, so unsafePerformIO doesn't deal with any operation that blocks?  

Well, operations that block inside unsafePerformIO do block the whole 
thread, yes, and that may lead to a deadlock if the blocking operation is 
waiting to be unblocked by its own thread.  It sounds like you want to back 
off from any earlier-than-necessary evaluation at this point.  Fortunately 
this problem doesn't arise, because GHC won't commute evaluation past an IO 

I'm wondering about related sorts of examples now, as well:

  x - newIVar
  y - unsafeInterleaveIO (readIVarIO x)
  writeIVar x 3
  print y

Or the equivalent things to the above with MVars.

Yes, this suffers from the same problem.  If the compiler were to eagerly 
evaluate y, then you'll get deadlock.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is this strict in its arguments?

2007-12-06 Thread Alistair Bayley
 Use of isNothing and fromJust and a cascade of ifs is generally a poor
 sign, much better to use case:

 findAllPath pred (Branch lf r rt)
  | pred r =
  case (findAllPath pred lf,findAllPath pred rt) of
(Nothing,Nothing)   - Nothing
(Nothing,Just rtpaths)  - Just (map (r:) rtpaths)
(Just lfpaths,Nothing)  - Just (map (r:) lfpaths)
(Just lfpaths,Just rtpaths) - Just (map (r:) $ rtpaths ++
  | otherwise = Nothing

 the general pattern is : replace isNothing with a case match on Nothing,
 replace fromJust with a case match on Just, don't be afraid to case two
 expressions at once.

Nested Maybe cases put me in mind of the Maybe monad. Although in this
case it''s not trivial; we also need to involve the Maybe [a] instance
of Data.Monoid too (for the mappend function). I do wonder if I'm
abusing the monadic instances of Maybe though; is this really any
clearer than Jules' code?

(BTW, this has probably come up before, but wouldn't it be a little
bit nicer if when returned mzero rather than () in the do nothing

 when' :: MonadPlus m = Bool - m a - m a
 when' pred action = if pred then action else mzero

 findAllPath :: (a - Bool) - (BTree a) - Maybe [[a]]
 findAllPath pred (Leaf l) = when' (pred l) (return [[l]])
 findAllPath pred (Branch lf r rt) =
   when' (pred r) $ do
 x - mappend (findAllPath pred lf) (findAllPath pred rt)
 return (map (r:) x)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Looking for largest power of 2 = Integer

2007-12-06 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
| (2) Is it safe to assume an underlying implementation based on GMP?
| (In Num.lhs there is an alternative definition for .NET. Is that ever
| used?) Is it safe to assume the size of a GMP limb is the same as
| the word size? (I'm assuming it is for now.)

I think it's safe for now.  In principle the impl of Integer could be anything, 
and various people would like it to be something other than gmp for licensing 
reasons. But as of today, it's always gmp.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Looking for largest power of 2 = Integer

2007-12-06 Thread Simon Marlow

Dan Piponi wrote:

There's a bit of work required to make this code good enough for
general consumption, and I don't know much about Haskell internals.

(1) What is the official way to find the size of a word? A quick
look at 6.8.1's base/GHC/Num.lhs reveals that it uses a #defined

I'm not 100% sure what you mean by word in this context, but assuming you 
mean the same thing as we do in GHC when we say word (a pointer-sized 
integral type), then one way is

  Foreign.sizeOf (undefined :: Int)


  Foreign.sizeOf (undefined :: Ptr ())

(in GHC these are guaranteed to be the same).

There's also

  Data.Bits.bitSize (undefined :: Int)

which might be more appropriate since you're using Data.Bits anyway.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is this strict in its arguments?

2007-12-06 Thread Luke Palmer
On Dec 6, 2007 9:30 AM, Alistair Bayley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Use of isNothing and fromJust and a cascade of ifs is generally a poor
  sign, much better to use case:
  findAllPath pred (Branch lf r rt)
   | pred r =
   case (findAllPath pred lf,findAllPath pred rt) of
 (Nothing,Nothing)   - Nothing
 (Nothing,Just rtpaths)  - Just (map (r:) rtpaths)
 (Just lfpaths,Nothing)  - Just (map (r:) lfpaths)
 (Just lfpaths,Just rtpaths) - Just (map (r:) $ rtpaths ++
   | otherwise = Nothing
  the general pattern is : replace isNothing with a case match on Nothing,
  replace fromJust with a case match on Just, don't be afraid to case two
  expressions at once.

I have actually seen this pattern a lot recently.  Recently I have
started using a function:

mergeMaybes :: (a - a - a) - Maybe a - Maybe a - Maybe a
mergeMaybes f Nothing y = y
mergeMaybes f x Nothing = x
mergeMaybes f (Just x) (Just y) = Just (f x y)

With which findAllPath could be written:

finaAllPath pred (Branch lf r rt)
| pred r= fmap (map (r:)) $ mergeMaybes (++) (findAllPath lf)
(findAllPath rt)
| otherwise = Nothing

Or this more search-like feel:

findAllPath pred (Branch lf r rt) = do
guard (pred r)
subpaths - mergeMaybes (++) (findAllPath lf) (findAllPath rt)
return $ map (r:) subpaths

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: C Preprocessor

2007-12-06 Thread Reinier Lamers

Bernd Brassel wrote:

Is it already a known problem that the preprocessor cannot cope with the
whole set of possible string declarations?

Yes, it is:

I ran into it lately. I was totally unaware of what caused GHC's parse 
error on a valid line until someone on the IRC channel pointed it out. 
According to the ticket, cpphs (a Haskell-oriented CPP replacement) does 
get it right.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is this strict in its arguments?

2007-12-06 Thread Jules Bean

Alistair Bayley wrote:

Nested Maybe cases put me in mind of the Maybe monad. Although in this
case it''s not trivial; we also need to involve the Maybe [a] instance
of Data.Monoid too (for the mappend function). I do wonder if I'm
abusing the monadic instances of Maybe though; is this really any
clearer than Jules' code?

I think the 'right' answer for this case is to drop the maybes and just 
use lists, which is what the OP himself realised. I often find that if I 
think I want a Monoid instance for Maybe [a], what I really want is to 
just use [a]. (Not always of course...).

(BTW, this has probably come up before, but wouldn't it be a little
bit nicer if when returned mzero rather than () in the do nothing

Yes and no. I've wanted your when' once or twice, but the return () 
version is useful too...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: C Preprocessor

2007-12-06 Thread Malcolm Wallace
 Is it already a known problem that the preprocessor cannot cope with
 the whole set of possible string declarations?
 Yes, it is:
 According to the ticket, cpphs (a Haskell-oriented CPP replacement)
 does  get it right.

After installing, give ghc the options -cpp -pgmPcpphs -optP--cpp.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Nested guards?

2007-12-06 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2007 10:03 schrieb Simon Peyton Jones:
 [redirecting to Haskell Cafe]

 |  It is clear that this situation must not stay this way.  Bit by bit,
 |  disciples of Perl and Python discover Haskell and demand that Haskell
 |  will be plastered with syntactic sugar until the simplicity of the
 |  functional approach isn’t visible anymore.  Sadly, they seem to be
 |  successful with this as syntax extensions like parallel list
 |  comprehensions show.

 I think it is helpful to distinguish superficial complexity from deep
 complexity.   All of Haskell's syntactic sugar is just that: it can be
 translated into a small purely-functional language using straightforward
 translation schemes.  Even something relatively complicated like the order
 by/group by extension that Phil and I proposed at this year's Haskell
 workshop, has an easy translation that takes a dozen or two lines to give
 in full detail.

 In contrast, something like higher order functions, or mutable state, is
 deep complexity. Both have a pervasive effect on the language semantics and
 on its implementation.  (The effect of mutable state is much, much worse,
 but they are both deep.)

The point is that higher order functions, type classes, etc. enable you 
to “extend the language yourself” to a large degree by just creating 
libraries.  Such powerful concepts give you the ability to create domain 
specific languages by just writing Haskell code.  So they serve the approach 
of having few concepts in the language which allow you to do many things.

On the other hand, syntactic sugar often deals with very special cases.  
Guards are sugar for case distinction on just a single type (Bool), list 
comprehensions deal with specific operations (map, filter, etc.) of a 
specific type ([]).  Parallel list comprehensions even sugar a function which 
is somehow broken in a language without dependent types (zip; because of the 
ad-hoc solution for zipping lists of different length).

In my opinion, syntactic sugar is good if it is about more general things.  do 
and proc expressions are really useful but they don’t deal with specific 
types but with whole classes of types which are rather large.  The ability to 
define infix operators is really helpful, especially for creating DSLs.  
(Johannes Waldmann has a different opinion here.)

 Concerning Haskell, I'm quite relaxed about superficial complexity, as
 you'll have seen from what happens in GHC.

Yes, I have seen what happens in GHC and it makes me very sad.  I think, since 
you are a GHC developer, you have a different perspective.  You can modify 
the compiler to provide language extensions.  People like me cannot do this.  
And I think that the solution is not to make the language larger and larger 
everytime someone wants a feature but to give people the tools to provide 
features without language changes.

 Section 3.6 of the History of Haskell paper addresses this point
 specifically […].

I want to cite the first paragraph:

 A major source of tension both within and between members of the committee
 was the competition between beauty and utility.  On the one hand we
 passionately wanted to design a simple, elegant language […]  On the other
 hand, we also really wanted Haskell to be a useful language, for both
 teaching and real applications.

This reasoning is really flawed, in my opinion.  The claim is that a language 
without all kinds of syntactic sugar wouldn’t be useful, especially not for 
real applications.  I claim that I’m writing really useful code in Haskell 
and I find myself not using many kinds of syntactic sugar.  Not because I 
just have an opinion that syntactic sugar is bad but because I feel that my 
style of coding is sensible.  I never consciously decided against syntactic 
sugar.  My low-sugar style just emerged automatically over the years.

As I already said, I definitely want do expressions, proc expressions and 
definable infix operators.  However, I seldomly use where clauses.  List 
comprehensions are more or less absent from my code and I’m even not 
interested in getting to know how pattern guards and parallel list 
comprehensions work in detail.  And I don’t want to write SQL-like code in 
Haskell using the order-by/group-by extension.

 You may disagree with the choice made by the Haskell committee at the time,
 and with subsequent developments, but it was quite a conscious choice, and
 one not without its advantages.

The choice of the Haskell committee might be okay, the subsequent developments 
in GHC are problematic, in my opinion.


Side note:  I hope you can cope with my direct style of writing.  After all, 
I’m just an unfriendly German. ;-) 

Best wishes,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is this strict in its arguments?

2007-12-06 Thread Yitzchak Gale
Jules Bean wrote:
 I think the 'right' answer for this case is to drop the maybes and just
 use lists, which is what the OP himself realised.

Yes, part of the fun of programming is when
you realize that you have been re-implementing the
right data type inside of a wrong one.

Alistair Bayley wrote:
 (BTW, this has probably come up before, but wouldn't it be a little
 bit nicer if when returned mzero rather than () in the do nothing

No. We already have both of those:

when pred action
guard pred  action

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type class question

2007-12-06 Thread Peter Padawitz
Yes, the recursive calls of compCommand are supposed to be calls of 

The intention of the program is a generic evaluator comp... of 
Sigma-terms in arbitrary Sigma-algebras. The signature Sigma is given by 
the first 4 types (and the corresponding functions in the class 
declaration), the terms are the objects of the types, and the algebras 
are the class instances.

The problem with my implementation in terms of multiple-parameter 
classes seems to be - I conclude this from Ryan's comment - that  the 
intended dependency among the parameters is not reflected here. But what 
are the alternatives? Roughly said, I need a construct that allows me 
gather several type variables such that an instance is always an 
instance of all of them.

On Dec 3, 2007 7:43 AM, Peter Padawitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What is wrong here? ghci tries (and fails) to deduce certain types
for the comp functions that I did not expect.

|type Block   = [Command]
data Command = Skip | Assign String IntE | Cond BoolE Block Block |
   Loop BoolE Block
data IntE= IntE Int | Var String | Sub IntE IntE | Sum [IntE]
| Prod [IntE]
data BoolE   = BoolE Bool | Greater IntE IntE | Not BoolE

class Java block command intE boolE
   where block_ :: [command] - block
 skip :: command
 assign :: String - intE - command
 cond :: boolE - block - block - command
 loop :: boolE - block - command
 intE_ :: Int - intE
 var :: String - intE
 sub :: intE - intE - intE
 sum_ :: [intE] - intE
 prod :: [intE] - intE
 boolE_ :: Bool - boolE
 greater :: intE - intE - boolE
 not_ :: boolE - boolE

 compBlock :: Block - block
 compBlock = block_ . map compCommand

 compCommand :: Command - command
 compCommand Skip   = skip
 compCommand (Assign x e)   = assign x (compIntE e)
 compCommand (Cond be c c') = cond (compBoolE be)
(compCommand c)
(compCommand c')

 compCommand (Loop be c)= loop (compBoolE be)
(compCommand c)-}

 compIntE :: IntE - intE
 compIntE (IntE i)   = intE_ i
 compIntE (Var x)= var x
 compIntE (Sub e e') = sub (compIntE e) (compIntE e')
 compIntE (Sum es)   = sum_ (map compIntE es)
 compIntE (Prod es)  = prod (map compIntE es)
 compBoolE :: BoolE - boolE

 compBoolE (BoolE b)  = boolE_ b
 compBoolE (Greater e e') = greater (compIntE e) (compIntE e')
 compBoolE (Not be)   = not_ (compBoolE be)

Well, first of all, the definition of compCommand should use calls to 
compBlock, not recursive calls to compCommand.  But that's not the 
main source of your problems.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish?  And why do you need a type 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: About -Wall option

2007-12-06 Thread Yitzchak Gale
Luis Cabellos wrote:
 I have a question, what's the best way to program?
  - put all the signatures in the Haskell Code?
  - Only put the type signatures needed to compile (like monomorphism errors
 or ambiguous signature)?

Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
 Inserting all type signatures is definitely best practice.

(Moving to the cafe from ghc-users...)

My personal style is:

o Put signatures on everything at the top-level
o Inside let and where, only where necessary, BUT:

Inside let and where, I try to make sure that every
function I define there is such that I would never want
to call it separately in ghci/hugs while debugging,
or in a unit test.

Besides making testing and debugging easier, that
rule forces the overall structure of every function to be
simple and easy to read. In that case, type signatures
just clutter the code and make it less readable.

Conversely, if the relationship between the type of
the let/where function and the type of the outer
function is complex and not obvious, I will likely need
to test that function. So it will go into a separate
top-level function with a type signature.

(I don't think this style creates any problems in Cabal.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] HOgg 0.3.0 Released

2007-12-06 Thread Conrad Parker
HOgg 0.3.0 Released

The HOgg package provides a commandline tool for manipulating Ogg files,
and a corresponding Haskell library. HOgg is in hackage, or on the web at:

This is the second public release. The focus is on correctness of Ogg
parsing, production and editing. The capabilities of the hogg commandline
tool are roughly on par with those of the oggz* [0] tools. Although hogg
does not yet provide an equivalent to oggz-validate, it has subcommands
for chopping out a section of a file, and for adding skeleton metadata.

HOgg supports chained and multiplexed Ogg bitstreams conformant with
RFC3533[1]. HOgg can parse headers for CMML, FLAC, OggPCM, Speex, Theora
and Vorbis media codecs, and can read and write Ogg Skeleton bitstreams.

[0] Oggz:
[1] RFC3533:

New in this release

The hogg tool contains new subcommands: chop, addskel and list-codecs.
Additionally, subcommands for inspecting streams (hogg dump, hogg pagedump)
can now take start and end time options.

$ hogg help chop
chop: Extract a section (specify start and/or end time)
Usage: hogg chop [options] filename ...

  Extract the first minute of file.ogg:
hogg chop -e 1:00 file.ogg

  Extract from the second to the fifth minute of file.ogg:
hogg chop -s 2:00 -e 5:00 -o output.ogg file.ogg

  Extract only the Theora video stream, from 02:00 to 05:00, of file.ogg:
hogg chop -c theora -s 2:00 -e 5:00 -o output.ogg file.ogg

  Extract, specifying SMPTE-25 frame offsets:
hogg chop -c theora -s smpte-25:00:02:03::12 -e
smpte-25:00:05:02::04 -o output.ogg file.ogg

  -h, -?   --help   Display this help and exit
  -V   --versionOutput version
information and exit
  -c Content-Type  --content-type=Content-Type  Select the logical
bitstreams for a specified content type
  -s Timestamp --start=TimestampSpecify a start time
  -e Timestamp --end=Timestamp  Specify an end time
  -o filename  --output=filenameSpecify output filename

Additionally, the HOgg package now contains support for building with GHC
version 6.8, and the Codec.Container.Ogg library contains various internal


I am very interested in hearing about problems with building or installing
the package, particularly from people who are not yet familiar with building
from Haskell source. You need ghc instead of gcc; it compiles to a binary:

$ ./Setup.hs configure
$ ./Setup.hs build
$ sudo ./Setup.hs install

Building of this release has been tested with:
  * GHC versions 6.4, 6.6 and 6.8.1 [2]
  * The Haskell build system Cabal versions 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.1.6, and the
current development trunk. [3]

The GHC and Cabal versions listed above span the packages available in most
current distributions. I've tested on Debian unstable and Ubuntu Feisty. I'm
particularly interested to hear reports of build success or failure on other
distributions or operating systems.

[2] GHC:
[3] Cabal:


$ hogg help
Usage: hogg subcommand [options] filename ...

  help  Display help for a specific subcommand (eg. hogg help chop)

  info  Display information about the file and its bitstreams
  dump  Hexdump packets of an Ogg file
  pagedump  Display page structure of an Ogg file
  dumpraw   Dump raw (unparsed) page data

  rip   Rip selected logical bistreams from an Ogg file (default: all)
  reconstruct   Reconstruct an Ogg file by doing a full packet demux

  chop  Extract a section (specify start and/or end time)
  merge Merge, interleaving pages in order of presentation time
  addskel   Write a Skeleton logical bitstream

  known-codecs  List codecs known by this version of hogg

Please report bugs to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Source code is available from the darcs repository at:

  darcs get


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Clean Dynamics and serializing code to disk

2007-12-06 Thread Claus Reinke

if you want to make something like this for haskell (and
i'd very much like to use it!-), there are several issues,

1 handling code: 
   - going for a portable intermediate representation, 
   such as bytecode, is most promising, especially

   if the code representation is fairly stable (if you're
   worried about performance, choose a representation
   that can be compiled further by the backend on
   the target machine)
   - shipping the code objects, and serializing only
   pointers into those, then linking into the objects
   dynamically on load, can work if platform and 
   compiler (ghc versions aren't abi-compatible) 
   don't change

2 handling types: 
   - 'out e' needs a runtime representation of the static 
   type of e; 
   - 'e - in' needs to compare e's type representation 
   at runtime against the static type expected by the 
   usage context

   - types evolve, type representations evolve
   - haskell's Dynamic doesn't handle polymorphic
   types, and its type representations are not
   standardised, so they can change even if
   the types do not (there's no guarantee that
   reading an expression written by another
   program will work)
   - doing a proper integration of Dynamic raises
   other issues wrt interactions with other type
   system features (see the Clean papers for 
   examples) or wrt parametricity (if any type

   can be wrapped in/extracted from a Dynamic,
   can you now have type-selective functions of
   type 'a-a'?)

3 handlings graphs: in a typical functional language
   implementation, there are several parts that need
   to do this already, although they tend to be 
   specialised to their intended use, so they might

   not cover all needs for general serialization

   - a distributed implementation needs to ship 
   graphs to other nodes (but often ships code

   in a separate setup phase..)
   - the memory manager needs to move graphs
   between memory areas (but often does not
   touch code at all)

   graph representations evolve, so if you can reuse 
   code from one of the existing parts here, that will 
   save you not only initial time but, more importantly, 
   avoid a maintenance nightmare.

4 surviving evolution:

   if you got all of that working, the more interesting
   issues start popping up

   - implementations move on, can your code keep up?
   - programs move on, can your system handle versions?
   - the distinction between static/dynamic has suddenly
   become rather blurry, raising lots of interesting
   opportunities, but also pointing out limitations of
   tools that rely on a fixed single compile-time/
   runtime cycle

   many of those issues were investigated long ago,
   in the area of orthogonally persistent systems 
   (including types and first-class procedures), see

   a thread from earlier this year for a few references:

non-trivial, but doable - you'd probably spend a
lot more time thinking, investigating current code, 
prototyping options, and sorting out issues, than 
on the final implementation. it is the kind of problem

where you either spend a lot of time preparing an
overnight success, or you start hacking right away
and never get anywhere!-)


ps: i implemented first-class i/o for a pre-haskell
functional language (long gone now) - i experimented 
with dynamic linking of object code, but went with 
byte code, didn't have to struggle with types, because 
the language had runtime types and checking anyway, 
and was able to reuse code from the distributed 
implementation for storage/retrieval. and saw only

the very early stages of 4;-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Graph theory analysis of Haskell code

2007-12-06 Thread David Roundy
On Thu, Dec 06, 2007 at 09:34:30AM +0100, Ketil Malde wrote:
 Tim Chevalier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  This is very well-trodden ground, but if you familiarize yourself with
  the literature on the subject, then who knows, you may discover
  something new.
 I'll just add that having a tool visualizing this would be very useful
 for refactoring code.  If you e.g. use color to distinguish
 nodes/functions from different modules, you could use that information
 to decide to merge or split modules to minimize external interfaces.
 You could also try to automatically cluster nodes, which would be more
 interesting theoretically, but IMO less likely to be practical.
 Another option would be to couple this with profiling or coverage
 information to visualize something about the usage of paths and nodes
 in the call graph.

Indeed, a visualization tool like this would be cool!
David Roundy
Department of Physics
Oregon State University
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Graph theory analysis of Haskell code

2007-12-06 Thread Josef Svenningsson
This sounds like a fun project and it is certainly feasible to do. I
thought I'd give you some pointers to fun stuff that people have been
doing in the past.

Thomas Reps have been doing program analysis since the dawn of time,
but one paper that seems particularly related to what you try to do is
Identifying modules via concept analysis. You can find that and the
rest of his papers on his homepage:

There are many different characteristics of a program graph that can
be of interest. One that has recently given rise to some interesting
results is the notion of tree width. An example of it's is the
following paper:

Have fun,


On Dec 6, 2007 12:46 AM, Ivan Miljenovic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This isn't strictly Haskell related, but anyway.

 Next year I will be doing my honours in mathematics.  One possible
 topic for my thesis that I've thought of - and my supervisor is quite
 enthused about - is to use graph theory to analyse various textual
 sources, starting with source code but leaving the framework open
 enough to be able to extend it to other sources (e.g. email address

 How I envisage it happening is that a parser would be used to find all
 functions in the given code, treat these as nodes in the graph and
 then use directed edges to indicate which functions call other
 functions.  This resultant graph can then be analysed in various ways
 suitable to the context (e.g. find that a library module can be split
 into two since there are two completely separate trees present in the
 graph that don't interact at all, or if a function is only ever called
 by one other function then it can be subsumed into it).

 So, here is the question I ask of all of you: is this feasible?  Do
 you know if anything like this has ever been attempted before?  I know
 there are some other usages of graph theory related to source code
 (e.g. McCabes complexity metric [1]), but I couldn't seem to find
 anything related to what I'm proposing.  I intend to code this up in
 Haskell (possibly using FGL: I know of it, but haven't really looked
 at it) and use Haskell as my primary target for analysis, so in a
 sense the resultant graph could be seen as a Haskell equivalent to


 Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type class question

2007-12-06 Thread Jules Bean

Peter Padawitz wrote:
Yes, the recursive calls of compCommand are supposed to be calls of 

The intention of the program is a generic evaluator comp... of 
Sigma-terms in arbitrary Sigma-algebras. The signature Sigma is given by 
the first 4 types (and the corresponding functions in the class 
declaration), the terms are the objects of the types, and the algebras 
are the class instances.

The problem with my implementation in terms of multiple-parameter 
classes seems to be - I conclude this from Ryan's comment - that  the 
intended dependency among the parameters is not reflected here. But what 
are the alternatives? Roughly said, I need a construct that allows me 
gather several type variables such that an instance is always an 
instance of all of them.

well, given

class Java a b c d where 

if it is true that everything is determined by choice of any one of 
them, you could write

class Java a b c d | a - b, b - c, c - d, d - a where...

otherwise, well you can express whatever dependency network you want...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Hoogle works once more

2007-12-06 Thread Neil Mitchell

I've just finished updating Hoogle ( to
work with the latest GHC API, in particular all the base split that
has occurred and the few functions that were added. It took rather
longer than I would have liked, because of paper deadlines etc, but
its now sufficiently automated that it should only take a few seconds
next time the libraries move in new directions.

So now, if there is a function you are looking for in the core
libraries which you can't find, tell me. Equally, if any of the
documentation links lead to a 404, please do tell me.

Hoogle still doesn't search all the hackage packages (that is the
ultimate intention), just a selection of packages. The darcs URL's of
the packages it searches are:

I picked this list based on a couple of critera:

1) The library MUST have documentation under
2) The library should have shipped with GHC at some point recently (6.6 or 6.8)
3) The library is generally useful, not task specific (Gtk2hs, OpenGL
are task specific)
4) If a library is Core to GHC, it should probably be in that list

Quite a few libraries were close decisions, aided by nothing more than
my mood at the time. In particular things like packedstring might be
worth removing, and things like cgi or html/xhtml might be worth
adding. Since this is a tool for the whole community, it makes sense
that the whole community has input on what that list should be.

Whatever list is decided upon, it will only be for the near future.
Once Hoogle 4 is finished, every library on Hackage will be searched
as an equal.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hoogle works once more

2007-12-06 Thread Dougal Stanton
On 06/12/2007, Neil Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've just finished updating Hoogle ( to
 work with the latest GHC API, in particular all the base split that
 has occurred and the few functions that were added. It took rather
 longer than I would have liked, because of paper deadlines etc, but
 its now sufficiently automated that it should only take a few seconds
 next time the libraries move in new directions.

This is great news. Hoogle is a fantastic tool.

Is there a way to search on module names? If I put in Data.Map then
the one thing that doesn't come up is a link to the library page for
Data.Map. That would be a really good short-cut.

Once again, thanks.



Dougal Stanton
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hoogle works once more

2007-12-06 Thread Denis Bueno
On Dec 6, 2007 10:50 AM, Neil Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So now, if there is a function you are looking for in the core
 libraries which you can't find, tell me. Equally, if any of the
 documentation links lead to a 404, please do tell me.

Thanks for your work on Hoogle!  It is an extremely useful tool.

Not sure if this qualifies in any category above, but I just searched for:

Monad m = m (m a) - m a

And I couldn't find Control.Monad.join on any of the first 4 pages or
so of results.  If I search for join, of course, the first result is:

Control.Monad.  join:: Monad m = m (m a) - m a

Is this a bug, or simply a known limitation?  If the latter, is there
a workaround, in case I happen not to know the name of join?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Waiting for thread to finish

2007-12-06 Thread Jules Bean

ChrisK wrote:

A safer gimmick...

Ben Franksen wrote:

tickWhileDoing :: String - IO a - IO a
tickWhileDoing msg act = do
  hPutStr stderr msg  hPutChar stderr ' '  hFlush stderr
  start_time - getCPUTime
  tickerId - forkIO ticker

... an async exception here will leave the ticker runnning

  res - act `finally` killThread tickerId

The best way to make this safe that I know of is:

  res - block $ do
tickerId - forkIO ticker
unblock act `finally` killThread tickerId

...but with a change that Simon M just checked in to GHC head, this will 
now spawn 'ticker' in blocked state, so you won't be able to kill it. 
You would therefore want unblock $ forkIO ticker or forkIO $ unblock ticker

I'm not sure if there is a strong reason to prefer one over the other.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Waiting for thread to finish

2007-12-06 Thread Jules Bean

david48 wrote:

Threads won't give you a speedup unless you run the program on a
multi-core/multi-proc machine.

That's actually not true. Threads allow you managing your IO blocking 
better, and not making IO block your whole program can certainly speed 
it up by a couple of orders of magnitude.

They help making the program simpler, IMHO.

They can. They can make it more complex, too :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hoogle works once more

2007-12-06 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Dougal Stanton wrote:

Is there a way to search on module names? If I put in Data.Map then
the one thing that doesn't come up is a link to the library page for
Data.Map. That would be a really good short-cut.

You can already search for unqualified module names:

shows module Data.Map as first result.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: type class question

2007-12-06 Thread Ben Franksen
Ryan Ingram wrote:
 On 12/5/07, Ben Franksen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You would have to use functional dependencies or associated types to
 eliminate this error.  Alternatively, you can add a dummy argument of type
 block and pass undefined :: BlockType in to help choose the instance

Sounds reasonable, and in fact that was what I tried first. However

data Command = Skip

class Java block command | command - block where
  block_ :: [command] - block

  compBlock :: [Command] - block
  compBlock = block_ . map compCommand

  compCommand :: Command - command

still gives

Could not deduce (Java block command1)
  from the context (Java block command)
  arising from use of `block_' at Bla.hs:7:14-19
Possible fix:
  add (Java block command1)
  to the class or instance method `compBlock'
In the first argument of `(.)', namely `block_'
In the expression: block_ . (map compCommand)
In the definition of `compBlock':
compBlock = block_ . (map compCommand)

which is /exactly/ the same error as I get w/o the fundep.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Problems building and using ghc-6.9

2007-12-06 Thread Simon Marlow

Daniel Fischer wrote:

Then I tried to build zlib-
$ runghc ./Setup.hs configure --user --prefix=$HOME
Configuring zlib-
Setup.hs: At least the following dependencies are missing:
base =2.02.2
??? okay, there was something with flag bytestring-in-base, removed that, so 
that build-depends was base  2.0 || = 2.2, bytestring = 0.9, then

$ runghc ./Setup.hs configure --user --prefix=$HOME
Configuring zlib-
Setup.hs: At least the following dependencies are missing:
base 2.0||=2.2, bytestring =0.9

This turns out to be something that broke when we changed the command-line 
syntax for ghc-pkg in the HEAD.  I've just posted a patch for Cabal on 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: type class question

2007-12-06 Thread Jules Bean

Ben Franksen wrote:

Ryan Ingram wrote:

On 12/5/07, Ben Franksen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You would have to use functional dependencies or associated types to
eliminate this error.  Alternatively, you can add a dummy argument of type
block and pass undefined :: BlockType in to help choose the instance

Sounds reasonable, and in fact that was what I tried first. However

data Command = Skip

class Java block command | command - block where
  block_ :: [command] - block

  compBlock :: [Command] - block
  compBlock = block_ . map compCommand

  compCommand :: Command - command

still gives

Could not deduce (Java block command1)
  from the context (Java block command)
  arising from use of `block_' at Bla.hs:7:14-19
Possible fix:
  add (Java block command1)
  to the class or instance method `compBlock'
In the first argument of `(.)', namely `block_'
In the expression: block_ . (map compCommand)
In the definition of `compBlock':
compBlock = block_ . (map compCommand)

which is /exactly/ the same error as I get w/o the fundep.

Yes, because command determines block but block doesn't determine command.

So in a usage of 'compBlock' it has no way of deciding which 'command' 
to use, although it can choose the block from the return type.

You could have command - block, block - command, if that is indeed true.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] parser

2007-12-06 Thread Ryan Bloor
Can anyone advise me on how to check whether a string contains ints, chars, 
bools, etc 
2345 + 6767 shoudl give IntAdd (2345) (6767)
2345 should give IntT 2345
Who's friends with who and co-starred in what?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Graph theory analysis of Haskell code

2007-12-06 Thread Tommy McGuire

Ivan Miljenovic wrote:

How I envisage it happening is that a parser would be used to find all
functions in the given code, treat these as nodes in the graph and
then use directed edges to indicate which functions call other
functions.  This resultant graph can then be analysed in various ways
suitable to the context (e.g. find that a library module can be split
into two since there are two completely separate trees present in the
graph that don't interact at all, or if a function is only ever called
by one other function then it can be subsumed into it).

It just occurred to me that this idea is more general than the control 
or data flow analysis that are the focus of similar ideas I've seen 
before.  For example, you could trace type usage through the code (which 
would likely be a subset of the control flow for Haskell, but an 
interesting subset nonetheless).  :-)

Tommy M. McGuire
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hoogle works once more

2007-12-06 Thread Neil Mitchell

 Is there a way to search on module names? If I put in Data.Map then
 the one thing that doesn't come up is a link to the library page for
 Data.Map. That would be a really good short-cut.

As Tillman says, you can search for Map alone to find Data.Map. The
new version (Hoogle 4) already supports this properly, so searching
for Data.Map is equivalent to searching for Map in the Data.*
hierarchy - which does exactly what you want.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hoogle works once more

2007-12-06 Thread Neil Mitchell
Hi Dennis,

 Not sure if this qualifies in any category above, but I just searched for:

 Monad m = m (m a) - m a

 And I couldn't find Control.Monad.join on any of the first 4 pages or
 so of results.  If I search for join, of course, the first result is:

 Control.Monad.  join:: Monad m = m (m a) - m a

 Is this a bug, or simply a known limitation?  If the latter, is there
 a workaround, in case I happen not to know the name of join?

Unfortunately its a known bug, and there are no workarounds. Removing
the Monad m = part of the query will actually make it more likely to
give back join, but is still not great. The problem is that when I
wrote Hoogle 3 I didn't understand higher-kinded type classes, and as
a result, Hoogle 3 does a particularly bad job on them. The next
version has been designed from the beginning to handle them properly,
so once that's finished, you'll have no more problems.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Pattern matching error

2007-12-06 Thread georg86

I need to write a function which should is supposed to merge multiple
entries with the same
key (out of a sorted key-value-list) into one single entry.
However, I keep getting a pattern matching error.

(For example, for input [('b',[5]),('b',[4]),('b',[1]),('b',[6])]: 
Program error: pattern match failure: kgroup

Thank you very much for your help.

kmerge::Eq a = [(a,[b])]-[(a,[b])]

kmerge [] = []

kmerge ((x,[y]):[]) = [(x,[y])]

kmerge ((x,[y]):(u,[v]):xs) | x == u = kmerge ((x,[y,v]):xs) 
 | otherwise = (x,[y]):(u,[v]):kmerge xs
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Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pattern matching error

2007-12-06 Thread Brent Yorgey
 kmerge ((x,[y]):[]) = [(x,[y])]

Matching on [y] like this will only match lists with a single element (and
bind y to that element).  You probably just want to say

kmerge ((x,y):[]) = [(x,y)]

etc., which will bind y to the entire list.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Waiting for thread to finish

2007-12-06 Thread ChrisK
Jules Bean wrote:
 ChrisK wrote:
 A safer gimmick...

 Ben Franksen wrote:
 tickWhileDoing :: String - IO a - IO a
 tickWhileDoing msg act = do
   hPutStr stderr msg  hPutChar stderr ' '  hFlush stderr
   start_time - getCPUTime
   tickerId - forkIO ticker
 ... an async exception here will leave the ticker runnning
   res - act `finally` killThread tickerId

 The best way to make this safe that I know of is:

   res - block $ do
 tickerId - forkIO ticker
 unblock act `finally` killThread tickerId
 ...but with a change that Simon M just checked in to GHC head, this will
 now spawn 'ticker' in blocked state, so you won't be able to kill it.
 You would therefore want unblock $ forkIO ticker or forkIO $ unblock ticker
 I'm not sure if there is a strong reason to prefer one over the other.

That is new. Ah, I see GHC.Conc.forkIO now has a note:

 GHC note: the new thread inherits the /blocked/ state of the parent 
 (see 'Control.Exception.block').

BUT...doesn't this change some of the semantics of old code that used forkIO ?

I wanted a way to control the blocked status of new threads, since this makes it
 easier to be _sure_ some race conditions will never happen.

And so my new preferred way of writing this is now:

 -- we are in parent's blocked state, so make the ticker explicit:
   res - bracket (forkIO (unblock ticker))
  const act  -- act runs in parent's blocked state


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pattern matching error

2007-12-06 Thread Philip Weaver
If you add a third pattern, you can see exactly what it's failing to match:

kmerge x = error (show x)

In order to do this, you just need to add Show constraints for a and b in
the type of kmerge:

   kmerge :: (Show a, Show b, Eq a) = [(a,[b])]-[(a,[b])]

You'll find that the pattern that it's failing to match is:


Because you combined 5 and 4 and passed that on to your recursive 'kmerge'
call.  Your patterns only cover the case where there is exactly one element
in the list.

- Phil

On Dec 6, 2007 9:39 AM, georg86 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need to write a function which should is supposed to merge multiple
 entries with the same
 key (out of a sorted key-value-list) into one single entry.
 However, I keep getting a pattern matching error.

 (For example, for input [('b',[5]),('b',[4]),('b',[1]),('b',[6])]:
 Program error: pattern match failure: kgroup

 Thank you very much for your help.

 kmerge::Eq a = [(a,[b])]-[(a,[b])]

 kmerge [] = []

 kmerge ((x,[y]):[]) = [(x,[y])]

 kmerge ((x,[y]):(u,[v]):xs) | x == u = kmerge ((x,[y,v]):xs)
 | otherwise = (x,[y]):(u,[v]):kmerge
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] parser

2007-12-06 Thread Thomas Hartman
you need to write a parser.

Parser is a popular library on hackage that should do what you want. (I 
have never used it though.)

Or read

and adopt the code from there to your purposes. 

I found this paper extremely helpful when I needed to build a parser.


12/06/2007 12:06 PM


[Haskell-cafe] parser

Can anyone advise me on how to check whether a string contains ints, 
chars, bools, etc 
2345 + 6767 shoudl give IntAdd (2345) (6767)
2345 should give IntT 2345

Get closer to the jungle. I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] regex package for yhc?

2007-12-06 Thread Thomas Hartman
Is there some way to use any of the various regex packages on hackage via 
yhc? Has anyone installed one them successfully?

I'd like regex-tdfa, but would settle for regex-posix, or really, anything 
that brings the convenience of regex to yhc.

In general, is there a straightforward way to install extralibs type 
packages for universal import availability in yhc? 

Is there a cabal equivalent for yhc? Documentation pointer would be 
appreciated; I searched but couldn't find anything. Maybe not using the 
right keywords...



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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell examples?

2007-12-06 Thread Ian Lynagh
On Tue, Dec 04, 2007 at 12:21:40PM -0500, Brent Yorgey wrote:
 I'm looking for good examples of using Template Haskell to evaluate CAFs at
 compile time, e.g. if I have some expensive-to-calculate lookup table which
 I'd rather have evaluated at comile time and included in the executable as a
 constant value, rather than having it computed every time the executable is
 run.  I know I've seen examples of this before, but now that I would
 actually like to study such an example, I can't seem to find any.  Any
 suggestions?  Or can anyone make up a simple example on the spot? =)

For any Lift'able type you can do something like this:

import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

foo = $( lift (not True) )

where not True is the CAF (and it cannot refer to functions defined in
the current module due to restrictions in teh TH implementation).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hoogle works once more

2007-12-06 Thread Magnus Therning
Neil Mitchell wrote:
 I've just finished updating Hoogle ( to
 work with the latest GHC API, in particular all the base split that
 has occurred and the few functions that were added. It took rather
 longer than I would have liked, because of paper deadlines etc, but
 its now sufficiently automated that it should only take a few seconds
 next time the libraries move in new directions.

Brilliant news.  I've felt slightly crippled the last few weeks due to
ending up on 404 pages when using hoogle ;)

I also like the new logo... it is new, right?

 Whatever list is decided upon, it will only be for the near future.
 Once Hoogle 4 is finished, every library on Hackage will be searched
 as an equal.

This is great news.  I've always missed System.Posix and Network.BSD in


Magnus Therning (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4) Jabber:

What if I don't want to obey the laws? Do they throw me in jail with
the other bad monads?
 -- Daveman

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: check if program uses haskell 98 only? Re: [Haskell-cafe] regex package for yhc?

2007-12-06 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 6 Dec 2007, Thomas Hartman wrote:

 On a related note... is there some easy way to be sure that a program I am
 compiling uses only haskell 98? (Because any pure haskell 98 should always
 compile on yhc... right?)

You can for instance use 'haskell98' as dependent package instead of
'base' in the Cabal description. If you import other modules, I don't know
how to check that these are Haskell 98. I weakly remember corner cases
where GHC accepts more than Haskell 98 in Haskell 98 mode. (At least it
sometimes suggests fixes for errors that are not Haskell 98, e.g.  class
constraints in signatures. :-)

 I compile this with ghc, no options, and iIt doesn't have any {-#-#}
 options, so according to what I understand, it is using pure haskell 98.
 So I might think this was a candidate for using on yhc.

I could not always pass a GHC-certified module to Hugs or even Haddock. I
remember there is some difference with respect to the trailing 'where' in
the 'instance' head, if the instance declaration is empty.  Haddock expect
some spaces in infix operators (I believe ( # ) instead of (#)), which are
not required by Hugs and GHC.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pattern matching error

2007-12-06 Thread Ketil Malde
Philip Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 You'll find that the pattern that it's failing to match is:


You could also use ghc with -Wall, which will tell you exactly which
cases you've omitted.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Nested guards?

2007-12-06 Thread Aaron Denney
On 2007-12-06, Wolfgang Jeltsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 list comprehensions deal with specific operations (map, filter, etc.)
 of a specific type ([]).

Ah, so we should bring back monad comprehensions?

Aaron Denney

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: regex package for yhc?

2007-12-06 Thread ChrisK
Thomas Hartman wrote:
 Is there some way to use any of the various regex packages on hackage
 via yhc? Has anyone installed one them successfully?
 I'd like regex-tdfa, but would settle for regex-posix, or really,
 anything that brings the convenience of regex to yhc.
 In general, is there a straightforward way to install extralibs type
 packages for universal import availability in yhc?
 Is there a cabal equivalent for yhc? Documentation pointer would be
 appreciated; I searched but couldn't find anything. Maybe not using the
 right keywords...

I put the regex-* packages on hackage.  I have had no reports of use with yhc.

Some of the convenience comes from the regex-base font end.

The high level (=~) and 'match' regex API depends on the MPTC's of regex-base,
and these currently use functional dependencies.  This works on GHC and Hugs.

I cannot quickly find on what YHC 

The regex-posix package is a backend, the oldest.  It exposes the platform's
POSIX regex.h library through the FFI calls in Text/Regex/Posix/Wrap.hsc.  This
C api is further layered in the data type specific modules:


And all of that is re-exported in


A similar design is followed by the regex-pcre backend (and the deprecated
regex-tre backend).

One _could_ refactor regex-posix into two packages.  One would give standalone
accesses to the backend and simply be Haskell98 + FFI.  The other would declare
the instances to make this available though regex-base.

The regex-tdfa backend is my own creation, and is not a wrapper for another
library.   It uses some non-Haskell98 syntax, such as the mdo syntactic sugar
for MonadFix (aka recursive do).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] who are the contributors to the Unix package?

2007-12-06 Thread Galchin Vasili

   Who started this effort? Who is currently doing work on the Unix package?

Kind regards, Vasya
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is this strict in its arguments?

2007-12-06 Thread Ryan Ingram
On 12/6/07, Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have actually seen this pattern a lot recently.  Recently I have
 started using a function:

 mergeMaybes :: (a - a - a) - Maybe a - Maybe a - Maybe a
 mergeMaybes f Nothing y = y
 mergeMaybes f x Nothing = x
 mergeMaybes f (Just x) (Just y) = Just (f x y)

mergeMaybes = liftM2 -- from Control.Monad
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is this strict in its arguments?

2007-12-06 Thread Ryan Ingram
On 12/6/07, Ryan Ingram [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 12/6/07, Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have actually seen this pattern a lot recently.  Recently I have
  started using a function:
  mergeMaybes :: (a - a - a) - Maybe a - Maybe a - Maybe a
  mergeMaybes f Nothing y = y
  mergeMaybes f x Nothing = x
  mergeMaybes f (Just x) (Just y) = Just (f x y)

 mergeMaybes = liftM2 -- from Control.Monad

Oh wait, not quite.  Didn't realize you were returning the intermediate
values in the not nothing case.

mergeMaybes f x y = liftM2 f `mplus` x `mplus` y
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: who are the contributors to the Unix package?

2007-12-06 Thread Don Stewart

   Who started this effort? Who is currently doing work on the Unix

Kind regards, Vasya

It is maintained by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is this strict in its arguments?

2007-12-06 Thread Ryan Ingram
OK, last post.  I clearly need more sleep.

On 12/6/07, Ryan Ingram [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  mergeMaybes f x y = liftM2 f `mplus` x `mplus` y

mergeMaybes f x y = liftM2 f x y `mplus` x `mplus` y
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Nested guards?

2007-12-06 Thread Ben Franksen
Aaron Denney wrote:
 On 2007-12-06, Wolfgang Jeltsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 list comprehensions deal with specific operations (map, filter, etc.)
 of a specific type ([]).
 Ah, so we should bring back monad comprehensions?

I don't miss monad comprehension much, but I'd like to have a way to use
comprehension for other sequence types, notably ByteString, array types and
Data.Sequence (other than converting to lists and back).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] regex package for yhc?

2007-12-06 Thread Duncan Coutts

On Thu, 2007-12-06 at 15:21 -0500, Thomas Hartman wrote:

 Is there a cabal equivalent for yhc?

One day we hope Cabal will support yhc. It currently supports ghc, hugs
and has partial support for nhc98 and jhc.

The main thing holding it back is dependency chasing in Cabal or the
lack thereof. Cabal relies on the build-in dep chasing in hugs, ghc
--make. It uses hmake for nhc98. We hope to replace this hodge-podge
with proper dependency chasing support in Cabal, that's also extend to
pre-processors etc. If anyone is interested in helping with this
project, subscribe to cabal-devel and get involved.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is this strict in its arguments?

2007-12-06 Thread Ian Lynagh
On Tue, Dec 04, 2007 at 03:07:01PM -0800, Ryan Ingram wrote:
 Is there a reason why strictness is defined as
  f _|_ = _|_
 instead of, for example,
  forall x :: Exception. f (throw x) = throw x

There's discussion along these lines in


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Nested guards?

2007-12-06 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2007 22:47 schrieb Aaron Denney:
 On 2007-12-06, Wolfgang Jeltsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  list comprehensions deal with specific operations (map, filter, etc.)
  of a specific type ([]).

 Ah, so we should bring back monad comprehensions?

No, we already have do expressions.

Best wishes,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Graph theory analysis of Haskell code

2007-12-06 Thread Ivan Miljenovic
On 07/12/2007, Tommy McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How I envisage it happening is that a parser would be used to find all
  functions in the given code, treat these as nodes in the graph and
  then use directed edges to indicate which functions call other
  functions.  This resultant graph can then be analysed in various ways
  suitable to the context (e.g. find that a library module can be split
  into two since there are two completely separate trees present in the
  graph that don't interact at all, or if a function is only ever called
  by one other function then it can be subsumed into it).

 It just occurred to me that this idea is more general than the control
 or data flow analysis that are the focus of similar ideas I've seen
 before.  For example, you could trace type usage through the code (which
 would likely be a subset of the control flow for Haskell, but an
 interesting subset nonetheless).  :-)

While I'd like to do this, for the purposes of ensuring that the
project contains enough mathematics (and to keep my supervisor happy,
since he is skeptical about why I keep bringing Haskell into
everything, even though I've re-implemented in Haskell a program that
he wrote in C which generated more/better answers, and we _still_
can't find where the bugs in his code are, but that's another
story...), I'm not sure if I can delve too deeply into
Haskell-specifics.  Of course, if I can somehow turn the type usage
into nodes on the graph, then that should be all right! :D

On 06/12/2007, Ketil Malde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'll just add that having a tool visualizing this would be very useful
 for refactoring code.  If you e.g. use color to distinguish
 nodes/functions from different modules, you could use that information
 to decide to merge or split modules to minimize external interfaces.

 You could also try to automatically cluster nodes, which would be more
 interesting theoretically, but IMO less likely to be practical.

 Another option would be to couple this with profiling or coverage
 information to visualize something about the usage of paths and nodes
 in the call graph.

This is partially what I was hoping to do.  I do know that my
supervisor was interested in examining C code and attaching cost
information to the nodes (using some Unix profiling tool which he
couldn't remember the name of), but I'm not sure how I'd go about
adding compilation and profiling into such a program.

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Hoogle works once more

2007-12-06 Thread Hitesh Jasani
Hoogle is an amazing tool, thanks for all your work on it!

Let me put my vote in to include cgi and html/xhtml in the next revision.  It
might help dons convert another person or two to Haskell ... not that he needs
any help.

- Hitesh

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Graph theory analysis of Haskell code

2007-12-06 Thread Tommy McGuire

Ivan Miljenovic wrote:

On 07/12/2007, Tommy McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It just occurred to me that this idea is more general than the control
or data flow analysis that are the focus of similar ideas I've seen
before.  For example, you could trace type usage through the code (which
would likely be a subset of the control flow for Haskell, but an
interesting subset nonetheless).  :-)

While I'd like to do this, for the purposes of ensuring that the
project contains enough mathematics (and to keep my supervisor happy,
since he is skeptical about why I keep bringing Haskell into
everything, even though I've re-implemented in Haskell a program that
he wrote in C which generated more/better answers, and we _still_
can't find where the bugs in his code are, but that's another
story...), I'm not sure if I can delve too deeply into
Haskell-specifics.  Of course, if I can somehow turn the type usage
into nodes on the graph, then that should be all right! :D

I was actually thinking that something like that would be more valuable 
for a language like C, where types are not represented in the control flow.

By the way, in a completely different context I just ran across a couple 
of references:

Concrete Architecture of the Linux Kernel. Ivan T. Bowman, Saheem 
Siddiqi, and Meyer C. Tanuan.

Conceptual Architecture of the Linux Kernel, Ivan T. Bowman.

(The first is available on CiteSeer; I haven't found the second.)

On 06/12/2007, Ketil Malde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'll just add that having a tool visualizing this would be very useful
for refactoring code.  If you e.g. use color to distinguish
nodes/functions from different modules, you could use that information
to decide to merge or split modules to minimize external interfaces.

You could also try to automatically cluster nodes, which would be more
interesting theoretically, but IMO less likely to be practical.

Another option would be to couple this with profiling or coverage
information to visualize something about the usage of paths and nodes
in the call graph.

This is partially what I was hoping to do.  I do know that my
supervisor was interested in examining C code and attaching cost
information to the nodes (using some Unix profiling tool which he
couldn't remember the name of), 

prof and gprof?

but I'm not sure how I'd go about
adding compilation and profiling into such a program.

Tommy M. McGuire
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Graph theory analysis of Haskell code

2007-12-06 Thread Ivan Miljenovic
On 07/12/2007, Tommy McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was actually thinking that something like that would be more valuable
 for a language like C, where types are not represented in the control flow.

 By the way, in a completely different context I just ran across a couple
 of references:

 Concrete Architecture of the Linux Kernel. Ivan T. Bowman, Saheem
 Siddiqi, and Meyer C. Tanuan.

 Conceptual Architecture of the Linux Kernel, Ivan T. Bowman.

 (The first is available on CiteSeer; I haven't found the second.)

OK, thanks.

 prof and gprof?

That looks like them.  Of course, us Haskellers have no need of such
things, since our programs have profiling inbuilt into the RTS (at
least when using GHC, anyway)!

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Announce: PDXFunc: Portland FP Users Group

2007-12-06 Thread Don Stewart

Who:   Portland Functional Programmers Group

   Time and location:
   Monday, December 10th, 7pm at CubeSpace, 622 SE Grand, Portland,
   OR 97214. Directions:

   Functional concurrency with Haskell

Portland isn't going to miss out on the fun!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Graph theory analysis of Haskell code

2007-12-06 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Fri, Dec 07, 2007 at 10:16:43AM +1000, Ivan Miljenovic wrote:
 On 07/12/2007, Tommy McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I was actually thinking that something like that would be more valuable
  for a language like C, where types are not represented in the control flow.
  By the way, in a completely different context I just ran across a couple
  of references:
  Concrete Architecture of the Linux Kernel. Ivan T. Bowman, Saheem
  Siddiqi, and Meyer C. Tanuan.
  Conceptual Architecture of the Linux Kernel, Ivan T. Bowman.
  (The first is available on CiteSeer; I haven't found the second.)
 OK, thanks.
  prof and gprof?
 That looks like them.  Of course, us Haskellers have no need of such
 things, since our programs have profiling inbuilt into the RTS (at
 least when using GHC, anyway)!

prof derives most of its utility from special hooks baked into gcc and
libc.  So gcc/prof is not really that different from ghc/hp2ps.


Description: Digital signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] how to compile this in yhc?

2007-12-06 Thread Thomas Hartman
Is there some way to compile the following function in yhc?

works in ghc with glasgow exts deactivated, yhc complains context for needed (in final line)

readfloat :: String - Maybe Float
readfloat x | null parse || not (null leftover) = fail $ myRead: ++x
| otherwise = return v
  where parse@((v,leftover):ps) = readsPrec 0 x



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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] surprised by type class binding -- is this a bug?

2007-12-06 Thread Greg Meredith

i'm sure i don't understand type classes, yet. Still, i was surprised at
ghci's response to the code below. Clues gratefully accepted.

Best wishes,


-- transcript
-- Prelude :l grn
-- [1 of 1] Compiling GeneticRegulatoryNetwork ( grn.hs, interpreted )

-- grn.hs:33:35:
--Couldn't match expected type `b1' (a rigid variable)
--   against inferred type `b' (a rigid variable)
--  `b1' is bound by the type signature for `sequence' at grn.hs:25:36
--  `b' is bound by the instance declaration at grn.hs:31:0
--  Expected type: [b1]
--  Inferred type: [b]
--In the expression: molecules
--In the definition of `sequence':
--sequence (Site l1 molecules) = molecules
-- Failed, modules loaded: none.
-- Prelude

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
-- -*- mode: Haskell;-*-
-- Filename:grn.hs
-- Authors: lgm
-- Creation:Thu Dec  6 15:38:26 2007
-- Copyright:   Not supplied
-- Description:

module GeneticRegulatoryNetwork

data Segment p =
  | Section [p] (Segment p)
deriving (Eq, Show)

class BindingMolecule b l | b - l where
name:: b - l
complement  :: b - b
complements :: b - Bool

class Locale s l1 l2 | s - l1 l2 where
label   :: s - l1
sequence:: (BindingMolecule b l2) = s - [b]
provides:: (BindingMolecule b l2) = s - [b] - Bool
matches :: (BindingMolecule b l2) = s - [b] - Bool

data (BindingMolecule b l2) = Site b l1 l2 = Site l1 [b] deriving (Eq,

instance (BindingMolecule b l2) = Locale (Site b l1 l2) l1 l2 where
label(Site l1 _)  = l1
sequence (Site l1 molecules) = molecules
provides (Site l1 molecules) molecules' = False -- tbd
matches  (Site l1 molecules) molecules' = False -- tbd

L.G. Meredith
Managing Partner
Biosimilarity LLC
505 N 72nd St
Seattle, WA 98103

+1 206.650.3740
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: surprised by type class binding -- is this a bug?

2007-12-06 Thread Greg Meredith

Belay that. i see the problem.

Best wishes,


On Dec 6, 2007 11:11 PM, Greg Meredith [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 i'm sure i don't understand type classes, yet. Still, i was surprised at
 ghci's response to the code below. Clues gratefully accepted.

 Best wishes,


 -- transcript
 -- Prelude :l grn
 -- [1 of 1] Compiling GeneticRegulatoryNetwork ( grn.hs, interpreted )

 -- grn.hs:33:35:
 --Couldn't match expected type `b1' (a rigid variable)
 --   against inferred type `b' (a rigid variable)
 --  `b1' is bound by the type signature for `sequence' at grn.hs:25:36
 --  `b' is bound by the instance declaration at grn.hs:31:0
 --  Expected type: [b1]
 --  Inferred type: [b]
 --In the expression: molecules
 --In the definition of `sequence':
 --sequence (Site l1 molecules) = molecules
 -- Failed, modules loaded: none.
 -- Prelude

 {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
 -- -*- mode: Haskell;-*-
 -- Filename:grn.hs
 -- Authors: lgm
 -- Creation:Thu Dec  6 15:38:26 2007
 -- Copyright:   Not supplied
 -- Description:

 module GeneticRegulatoryNetwork

 data Segment p =
   | Section [p] (Segment p)
 deriving (Eq, Show)

 class BindingMolecule b l | b - l where
 name:: b - l
 complement  :: b - b
 complements :: b - Bool

 class Locale s l1 l2 | s - l1 l2 where
 label   :: s - l1
 sequence:: (BindingMolecule b l2) = s - [b]
 provides:: (BindingMolecule b l2) = s - [b] - Bool
 matches :: (BindingMolecule b l2) = s - [b] - Bool

 data (BindingMolecule b l2) = Site b l1 l2 = Site l1 [b] deriving (Eq,

 instance (BindingMolecule b l2) = Locale (Site b l1 l2) l1 l2 where
 label(Site l1 _)  = l1
 sequence (Site l1 molecules) = molecules
 provides (Site l1 molecules) molecules' = False -- tbd
 matches  (Site l1 molecules) molecules' = False -- tbd

 L.G. Meredith
 Managing Partner
 Biosimilarity LLC
 505 N 72nd St
 Seattle, WA 98103

 +1 206.650.3740

L.G. Meredith
Managing Partner
Biosimilarity LLC
505 N 72nd St
Seattle, WA 98103

+1 206.650.3740
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] distinguish functions from non-functions in a class/instances

2007-12-06 Thread Philipp N.

Ryan Ingram wrote:
 No, that doesn't work; it's close, but not quite.  liftM doesn't have the
 right type signature.
 liftM :: Monad m = (a - r) - (m a1 - m r)
 What would work is if you could define a function
 liftLast :: Monad m = (a0 - a1 - ... - aN - r) - (a0 - a1 - ... -
 aN - m r)
 nary' f = runIdentity . nary (liftLast f)
   -- ryan

I don't see a way to implement liftLast or nary for functions like (a - b
- ... - r) where r is not of the form (m s).

Of course one can use the Identity Monad for m, but in either case you have
to modify functions like (Int - Int) to something like (Int - m Int) for a
fixed type m (e.g. Identity).

  -- philipp n.
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