Re: [Haskell-cafe] Status update on {code, trac, projects, planet, community}

2011-02-17 Thread Roel van Dijk
I believe has moved to a new machine. Its IP address
also changed, which causes your ssh to issue a warning. You can fix it
by deleting the entry from your local
~/.ssh/known_hosts file.

On 16 February 2011 18:58, Henning Thielemann wrote:

 Thank you a lot for bringing back! I missed it a lot!
 However, I still get

 $ ssh
 The RSA host key for has changed,
 and the key for the according IP address
 is unknown. This could either mean that
 DNS SPOOFING is happening or the IP address for the host
 and its host key have changed at the same time.
 Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
 It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.

 How can I verify that it is safe to continue logging in?
 Could you restore the old host key?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] upgrading mtl1 to mtl2

2011-02-17 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 4:57 PM, Max Bolingbroke

 I think the problem is that the mtl1 Functor instances looked like:

 instance Monad m = Functor (ReaderT e m) where
  fmap = ...

 But the mtl2/transformers instances look like:

 instance Functor f = Functor (ReaderT e f) where
  fmap = ...

I see! So the problem is not that previously (Monad m) implied (Functor m)
(which has been proposed only recently) but that previously many Functor
instances required (Monad m) but now require (Functor m).

Thanks for the clarification,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Faster timeout but is it correct?

2011-02-17 Thread Simon Marlow

On 16/02/2011 08:39, Bas van Dijk wrote:

timeout :: Int -  IO a -  IO (Maybe a)
timeout n f
 | n   0= fmap Just f
 | n == 0= return Nothing
 | otherwise = do
 myTid- myThreadId
 timeoutEx- fmap Timeout newUnique
 uninterruptibleMask $ \restore -  do
   tid- restore $ forkIO $ threadDelay n  throwTo myTid timeoutEx

   let handle e = case fromException (e :: SomeException) of
Just timeoutEx' | timeoutEx' == timeoutEx
-  return Nothing
_ -  killThread tid  throwIO e

   mb- restore (fmap Just f) `catch` handle
   killThread tid
   return mb

If nobody proves it incorrect I will make a patch for the base library.

uninterruptibleMask is quite unsavoury, I don't think we should use it 
here.  I can see why you used it though: the killThread in the main 
thread will always win over the throwTo in the timeout thread, and that 
lets you avoid the outer exception handler.

Hmm, it makes me uncomfortable, but I can't find any actual bugs.  At 
the very least it needs some careful commentary to explain how it works.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Faster timeout but is it correct?

2011-02-17 Thread Simon Marlow

On 16/02/2011 23:27, Bas van Dijk wrote:

On 16 February 2011 20:26, Bas van  wrote:

The patch and benchmarks attached to the ticket are updated. Hopefully
this is the last change I had to make so I can stop spamming.

And the spamming continues...

I started working on a hopefully even more efficient timeout that uses
the new GHC event manager.

The idea is that instead of forking a thread which delays for the
timeout period after which it throws a Timeout exception, I register a
timeout with the event manager. When the timeout fires the event
manager will throw the Timeout exception.

I haven't gotten around testing and benchmarking this yet. I hope to
do that tomorrow evening.

The code is currently living in the System.Event.Thread module:

module System.Event.Thread where
import Data.Typeable
import Text.Show (Show, show)
import GHC.Conc.Sync (myThreadId, throwTo)
import GHC.IO (throwIO,unsafePerformIO )
import GHC.Exception (Exception, fromException)
import Control.Exception.Base (catch)

-- I'm currently using the Unique from System.Event
-- because I got a circular import error when using Data.Unique:
import System.Event.Unique (UniqueSource, newSource, Unique, newUnique)

uniqSource :: UniqueSource
uniqSource = unsafePerformIO newSource
{-# NOINLINE uniqSource #-}

newtype Timeout = Timeout Unique deriving Eq

instance Show Timeout where
 show _ = timeout

instance Exception Timeout

timeout :: Int -  IO a -  IO (Maybe a)
timeout usecs f
 | usecs   0 = fmap Just f
 | usecs == 0 = return Nothing
 | otherwise  = do
 myTid- myThreadId
 uniq- newUnique uniqSource
 let timeoutEx = Timeout uniq
 Just mgr- readIORef eventManager
 mask $ \restore -  do
   reg- registerTimeout mgr usecs (throwTo myTid timeoutEx)
   let unregTimeout = M.unregisterTimeout mgr reg
   (restore (fmap Just f)= \mb -  unregTimeout  return mb)
 `catch` \e -
   case fromException e of
 Just timeoutEx' | timeoutEx' == timeoutEx -  return Nothing
 _ -  unregTimeout  throwIO e

If this version works, it's definitely preferable to your first 
proposal.  It relies on unregisterTimeout not being interruptible - 
otherwise you're back to uninterruptibleMask again.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Using MonadFix to tie the knot with STM

2011-02-17 Thread Simon Marlow

On 16/02/2011 12:46, Sebastiaan Visser wrote:

On Feb 12, 2011, at 6:08 PM, Antoine Latter wrote:

On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 8:47 AM, Sebastiaan  wrote:

Hi all,

During a little experiment I discovered there is no MonadFix instance available 
for the STM monad. Is this absence the consequence of some deep restriction of 
how STM works or 'just accidental'? Is there some way I could derive this 

If you port `fixST` to the STM monad, it seems to work fine at first glance:

But I would want someone else's opinion on it to make sure I'm not
doing something like introducing lazy STM values that violate
atomicity, or something. The strict `case` on the return value makes
me feel pretty good about it.


Interesting! This approach seems to work for my examples as well. Unfortunately 
I do not have enough insides into STM to be able to tell if the code is correct.

Does someone else have an opinion on this? When not I might propose adding the 
instance to the STM package.

I think it's ok.  Go ahead and propose it.



For those who are interested and may know other ways to solve my problem, I'm 
trying to tie the knot in a graph by using transactional variables as the edges 
between nodes. I'm trying to do this in a rather generic way:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable, 
StandaloneDeriving, DoRec #-}
module Graph where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable
import Prelude hiding (mapM)
import qualified Data.Map as M

instance MonadFix STM where
   mfix = error I need this instance!  -- What to do?

-- A single node is a graph, has a list of both incoming and outgoing edges.

data Node edge = Node
   { nodeId   :: NodeId
   , payload  :: String
   , incoming :: [edge]
   , ougoing  :: [edge]
   } deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

type NodeId = String

-- A graph with an index on the nodes by NodeId, parametrized with the type we
-- want to used as the edge pointer.

type Graph edge = M.Map NodeId (Node edge)

-- Type level fixed point combinator with a TVar annotation.

newtype TFix f = TIn { tout :: TVar (f (TFix f)) }

-- Take a graph that uses NodeIds as edges and recursively transform it into a
-- graph with TVars to the neighbouring nodes in the edges.

tieTheKnot :: Graph NodeId -  STM (Graph (TFix Node))
tieTheKnot untied =
   do rec tied- (mapM . mapM) (\nodeid -  TIn$  newTVar (tryLookup nodeid 
tied)) untied
  return tied

-- Helper function to lookup a pre-tied node from a graph, throws an error when
-- the edge could not be resolved. This should, of course, not happen!

tryLookup :: NodeId -  Graph (TFix Node) -  Node (TFix Node)
tryLookup i = fromJust (error msg) . M.lookup i
   where msg = tieTheKnot: Lookup error, input is an incomplete graph.

Thanks in advance,

Sebastiaan Visser
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] happy + alex parsing question

2011-02-17 Thread Roman Dzvinkovsky
adding state to lexer seems to be the way to go.

2011/2/16 Mihai Maruseac

 On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 5:31 PM, Roman Dzvinkovsky
  using alex+happy, how could I parse lines like these?
  mr username says message\n
  where both username and message may contain arbitrary characters
  If I make lexer tokens
  mr { T_Mr }
   says  { T_Says }
  \r?\n{ T_Eol }
  .{ T_Char $$ }
  and parser
  'mr '{ T_Mr }
  ' says ' { T_Says }
  eol  { T_Eol }
  char { T_Char }
  line :: { (String, String) }
   : 'mr ' string ' says ' string eol { ($2, $4) }
  string :: { String }
 : char{ [ $1 ] }
 | char string { $1 : $2 }
  then I get error when username or message contain mr 
  substrings, because parser encounters T_Mr token.
  Workaround is mention all small tokens in my string definition:
  string :: { String }
 : { [] }
 | 'mr ' string{ mr ++ $2 }
 | ' says ' string {  says  ++ $2 }
 | char string { $1 : $2 }
  but that is weird and I'm sure there is a better way.

 I don't have an implementation right now but you could try having some
 states or user data in which to record whether you have already parsed
 the 'mr ' part (etc..) Guess you could use monadUserData parser (just
 like I've found after a night without sleep [1] - solved now).



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alex monadUserState question

2011-02-17 Thread Mihai Maruseac
On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 2:42 PM, Simon Marlow wrote:

 Just downloaded the latest Alex package from Hackage (different from
 the one in Ubuntu's repositories by 2 minor versions) and found that
 the monadUserState wrapper still misses 2 functions for dealing with
 changes in the user supplied state. Is this intended or it was an
 unwanted omission?

 Could you tell me what's missing?  Is this a regression?

Yes, there are two functions (this is the type that I guess they should have)

getUserData :: Alex AlexUserState
setUserData :: AlexUserState - Alex ()

I've used them in a particular implementation today in this way but
maybe there are other ways to handle them too.

He're the code I've used:

getUserData :: Alex AlexUserState
getUserData = Alex $ \s@AlexState{alex_ust=ud} - Right (s, ud)

setUserData :: AlexUserState - Alex ()
setUserData ust = Alex $ \s - Right (s{alex_ust=ust}, ())

Thanks for the quick input,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Unable to get parallelism using `par`

2011-02-17 Thread C K Kashyap
I tried the first example from A tutorial on Parallel and Concurrent
programming in Haskell but I cant seem to get sparks to get converted to OS

Below is the program I am using.
I did ghc --make -threaded program.hs
./program +RTS -N2
I don't see any speed gain compared to N1.
Am I missing something?

import System.Time
import Control.Parallel

fib :: Int - Int
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

mkList :: Int - [Int]
mkList n = [1..n-1]

relPrime :: Int - Int - Bool
relPrime x y = gcd x y == 1

euler :: Int - Int
euler n = length (filter (relPrime n) (mkList n))

sumEuler :: Int - Int
sumEuler = sum . (map euler) . mkList

sumFibEuler :: Int - Int - Int
sumFibEuler a b = fib a + sumEuler b

parSumFibEuler :: Int - Int - Int
parSumFibEuler a b
= f `par`  (e `pseq` (e + f))
f = fib a
e = sumEuler b

secDiff :: ClockTime - ClockTime - Float
secDiff (TOD secs1 psecs1) (TOD secs2 psecs2)
 = fromInteger (psecs2 - psecs1) / 1e12 + fromInteger (secs2 - secs1)

r1 :: Int
r1 = sumFibEuler 38 5300

main :: IO ()
main = do
t0 - getClockTime
pseq r1 (return())
t1 - getClockTime
putStrLn (Sum:  ++ show r1)
putStrLn (time:  ++ show (secDiff t0 t1) ++  seconds)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Unable to get parallelism using `par`

2011-02-17 Thread Daniel Fischer
On Thursday 17 February 2011 17:02:55, C K Kashyap wrote:
 I tried the first example from A tutorial on Parallel and Concurrent
 programming in Haskell but I cant seem to get sparks to get converted
 to OS threads.

 Below is the program I am using.
 I did ghc --make -threaded program.hs
 ./program +RTS -N2
 I don't see any speed gain compared to N1.
 Am I missing something?

Hmm, using parSumFibEuler instead of sumFibEuler, I get  100% CPU usage 
(close to 200% if I adjust parameters so both computations take 
approximately the same time).
Works for me, then.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Unable to get parallelism using `par`

2011-02-17 Thread Brandon Moore

From: C K Kashyap

I tried the first example from A tutorial on Parallel and Concurrent 
programming in Haskell but I cant seem to get sparks to get converted to OS 

Below is the program I am using.
I did ghc --make -threaded program.hs
./program +RTS -N2
I don't see any speed gain compared to N1.
Am I missing something?

If you are using ghc 7.01, you need to compile with -rtsopts for the compiled
program to parse +RTS options. I don't know of any way to provide a default
value at compile time.

Also, in general a program might not run faster with speculation, so if you 
check if several threads are used, check if CPU time used is over 100%.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Status update on {code, trac, projects, planet, community}

2011-02-17 Thread Henning Thielemann
Duncan Coutts schrieb:

 Several people have asked about the new host key. Yes, there is a new
 RSA host key for the community server, the fingerprint of which is:
 ssh will likely give you a scary warning and you'll need to delete the
 old entry in your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file. You don't need to enter a new
 one, just delete the old one. When you next log into the server, ssh
 will ask you if you're happy with the new key. If you're paranoid, you
 can double check that it matches the key fingerprint above.

Do you think it is paranoid? Unfortunately it has become quite common to
ignore SSH warnings because admins often do not care about restoring
keys when updating the operating system or moving the machine, even not
telling users that the host key has changed. But if I had  ignored the
SSH warning on recently I might have logged in and from
there maybe to other servers, thus giving my passwords to the attackers.
I think generally that just deleting a host from known_hosts in response
to an SSH warning and blindly accepting a new host key is not a fix. Am
I too afraid?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Status update on {code, trac, projects, planet, community}

2011-02-17 Thread Vincent Hanquez
On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 07:30:23PM +0100, Henning Thielemann wrote:
 Do you think it is paranoid? Unfortunately it has become quite common to
 ignore SSH warnings because admins often do not care about restoring
 keys when updating the operating system or moving the machine, even not
 telling users that the host key has changed. But if I had  ignored the
 SSH warning on recently I might have logged in and from
 there maybe to other servers, thus giving my passwords to the attackers.
 I think generally that just deleting a host from known_hosts in response
 to an SSH warning and blindly accepting a new host key is not a fix. Am
 I too afraid?

If sshd has been compromised, so is the original host private key. It would be
kind of pointless (security wise) to restore it on the new server.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Status update on {code, trac, projects, planet, community}

2011-02-17 Thread Vo Minh Thu
2011/2/17 Henning Thielemann
 Duncan Coutts schrieb:

 Several people have asked about the new host key. Yes, there is a new
 RSA host key for the community server, the fingerprint of which is:


 ssh will likely give you a scary warning and you'll need to delete the
 old entry in your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file. You don't need to enter a new
 one, just delete the old one. When you next log into the server, ssh
 will ask you if you're happy with the new key. If you're paranoid, you
 can double check that it matches the key fingerprint above.

 Do you think it is paranoid? Unfortunately it has become quite common to
 ignore SSH warnings because admins often do not care about restoring
 keys when updating the operating system or moving the machine, even not
 telling users that the host key has changed. But if I had  ignored the
 SSH warning on recently I might have logged in and from
 there maybe to other servers, thus giving my passwords to the attackers.
 I think generally that just deleting a host from known_hosts in response
 to an SSH warning and blindly accepting a new host key is not a fix. Am
 I too afraid?


Regarding you giving passwords when logging in other marchines, I
think it would not be the case if you only use key authentication from
machines to machines. Your private key can be only on your local
machine and you can use an ssh agent to do log from machines to


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Faster timeout but is it correct?

2011-02-17 Thread Bas van Dijk
On 17 February 2011 13:09, Simon Marlow wrote:
 uninterruptibleMask is quite unsavoury,

Agreed, that's why I called this implementation fragile because it
relies on the, not well known semantics, of interruptible operations.

 I don't think we should use it here.

I agree that it looks fishy. However the biggest part of the
computation passed to uninterruptibleMask is running in the restored
state. The only part that is running in uninterruptible masked state
that may potentially block (and thus potentially deadlock) is the
killThread in the exception handler. However since the timeout thread
is running inside unsafeUnmask it is ensured that the ThreadKilled
exception always gets thrown.

 I can see why you used it though: the killThread in the main thread will
 always win over the throwTo in the timeout thread, and that lets you avoid
 the outer exception handler.

Yes, and I think that the removal of the outer exception handler makes
the code run so much faster.

 Hmm, it makes me uncomfortable, but I can't find any actual bugs.  At the
 very least it needs some careful commentary to explain how it works.

Good point, I will add a comment with an explanation how it works.

My brother Roel had an interesting idea how to make the code run even
faster by replacing the Unique with the ThreadId of the timeout
thread. I implemented it and it now runs 19 times faster than the
original compared to the 13 times faster of my previous version.
Here's the new implementation:

newtype Timeout = Timeout ThreadId deriving (Eq, Typeable)

instance Show Timeout where
show _ = timeout

instance Exception Timeout

timeout :: Int - IO a - IO (Maybe a)
timeout n f
| n   0= fmap Just f
| n == 0= return Nothing
| otherwise = do
myTid - myThreadId
uninterruptibleMask $ \restore - do
  tid - unsafeUnmask $ forkIO $ do
tid - myThreadId
threadDelay n
throwTo myTid $ Timeout tid
  (restore (fmap Just f) = \mb - killThread tid  return mb)
`catch` \e -
case fromException e of
  Just (Timeout tid') | tid' == tid - return Nothing
  _ - killThread tid  throwIO e

It relies on ThreadIds being unique, but I believe this is the case
because otherwise the throwTo operation will be nondeterministic,

Obviously, this trick won't work in the event-manager-based version
because I don't fork a thread there. So I have to keep using Uniques
in that version. Speaking of Uniques: what is the best way to create
them? I see 3 options:

* Data.Unique. I tried using it but got a circular import error. Maybe
I can get around that with a boot file.

* System.Event.Unique. This is what I currently use. However I need to
create a UniqSource for the newUnique function which may be a bit

uniqSource :: UniqueSource
uniqSource = unsafePerformIO newSource
{-# NOINLINE uniqSource #-}

* Also use System.Event.Unique but get the UniqSource from the
EventManager. This does require that the emUniqueSource function is
exported which it currently isnt't.

Johan what do you think?

import System.Event.Manager   (emUniqueSource)

timeout :: Int - IO a - IO (Maybe a)
timeout usecs f
| usecs   0 = fmap Just f
| usecs == 0 = return Nothing
| otherwise  = do
myTid - myThreadId
Just mgr - readIORef eventManager
uniq - newUnique $ emUniqueSource mgr
let timeoutEx = Timeout uniq
mask $ \restore - do
  reg - registerTimeout mgr usecs (throwTo myTid timeoutEx)
  let unregTimeout = M.unregisterTimeout mgr reg
  (restore (fmap Just f) = \mb - unregTimeout  return mb)
`catch` \e -
case fromException e of
  Just timeoutEx' | timeoutEx' == timeoutEx - return Nothing
  _ - unregTimeout  throwIO e



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Faster timeout but is it correct?

2011-02-17 Thread Bas van Dijk
On 17 February 2011 20:34, Bas van Dijk wrote:
 Speaking of Uniques: what is the best way to create them?
 I see 3 options:

There may be a 4th option but it requires changing the
System.Event.Manager.registerTimeout function from:

registerTimeout :: EventManager
- Int
- TimeoutCallback
- IO TimeoutKey


registerTimeout :: EventManager
- Int
- (TimeoutKey - TimeoutCallback)
- IO TimeoutKey

Then we can use the TimeoutKey as our Unique (Note that a TimeoutKey
is actually a newtype for a Unique):

newtype Timeout = Timeout TimeoutKey deriving Eq

instance Exception Timeout

timeout :: Int - IO a - IO (Maybe a)
timeout usecs f
| usecs   0 = fmap Just f
| usecs == 0 = return Nothing
| otherwise  = do
myTid - myThreadId
Just mgr - readIORef eventManager
mask $ \restore - do
  reg - registerTimeout mgr usecs $ \reg - throwTo myTid $ Timeout reg
  let unregTimeout = M.unregisterTimeout mgr reg
  (restore (fmap Just f) = \mb - unregTimeout  return mb)
`catch` \e -
case fromException e of
  Just (Timeout reg') | reg' == reg - return Nothing
  _ - unregTimeout  throwIO e


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Faster timeout but is it correct?

2011-02-17 Thread Bryan O'Sullivan
On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Bas van Dijk wrote:

 Then we can use the TimeoutKey as our Unique (Note that a TimeoutKey
 is actually a newtype for a Unique):

That should be fine. It's not a public API, so changing it like that
shouldn't be an issue.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Help needed for converting IOArray to ByteString

2011-02-17 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Tue, 8 Feb 2011, C K Kashyap wrote:

I need to convert IOArray to bytestring as shown below - 

import Data.Array.IO
import Data.Binary.Put
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import Data.Word

main = do
arr - newArray (0,9) 0 :: IO (IOArray Int Int)
let bs=toByteString arr
return ()

How can I implement the 'toByteString' function?

Why do you want to convert? If you process images you might consider one 
of the Vector libraries like storable-vector or vector. You can work on 
them in a mutable way, write them to disk, pass them to C libraries and so 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Web Framework Happstack 6 Released

2011-02-17 Thread Jeremy Shaw


I am pleased to announce the release of Happstack 6. We fully  
recommend that all Happstack users migrate to the new release.

Happstack is a high-performance Haskell web framework. It has high- 
level functionality for routing requests, extracting parameters,  
manipulating responses, serving static file contents, compression  
responses, and more. It includes an integrated HTTP server and a  
native RAM-cloud database system known as MACID. This allows you to  
deploy your web application with out having to configure apache, php,  
mysql, memcached, etc!

Install instructions can be found here:

If you are porting existing applications you should check out the  
Happstack 6 migration guide:

Porting should be pretty straight-forward. Despite the massive  
reorganization, the exports from Happstack.Server are largely the same.

What's Exciting!

The focus of this release has been happstack-server. The primary goal
was to make happstack-server much easier to learn and to use.

This includes:

 1. improving the overall organization of the library
 2. greatly improving the documentation
 3. making it easier to install
 4. ensuring that the server provides fast, reliable performance
 5. making it easier for new (and old) developers to understand and  
get started

If you have looked at Happstack before and found it too difficult to  
understand, I highly recommend you take another look. The new  
organization and documentation make it far easier to understand.

More Logical Organiation

In prior versions, the Happstack.Server.SimpleHTTP module contained  
just about everything, with little organization, and no real  
differentiation between the external API and the library internals. In  
Happstack 6, SimpleHTTP has been refactored into numerous, smaller  
modules. The internals have been moved into  
Happstack.Server.Internal.* so that they are not leaking into the  
external API. This should make it much easier to find what you are  
looking for, and prevent you from accidently running across internal  
things like the WebT monad, which you do not really need to know  
anything about.

Better Documentation

The API documentation for happstack-server is also much better. All  
external API functions should now have good haddock documentation with  
many inline examples.

However, learning a new library by studying the API documentation can  
still be pretty frustrating. So we also have the brand new Happstack  
Crash Course.

The Happstack Crash Course covers a vast majority of the happstack- 
server API. It covers the API in a logical manner and includes many  
downloadable, runnable examples. It is intended to be read start to  
finish, and to also be usable as a reference guide for specific How  
do I do XXX questions.

Additionally, the guestbook example has been updated to a cleaner,  
more modern style of Happstack coding. It also has more comments/ 
haddock documentation.

Better API

During the process of documenting Happstack, many small improvements  
where made to the API. Once you try to document something stupid you  
realize how stupid it is and decided it would be good to fix it first ;)

For example, the Cookie API now makes it more obvious how to create  
session cookies vs persistent cookies. And makes it obvious how to  
expire a cookie.

The functions for looking up values in the query string and require  
body no longer require the use of the RqData monad. You can use the  
look* functions directly in the ServerPart monad.

If you do choose to use RqData, it now has an Applicative instance  
which can accummulate and report lookup errors. ( 
) There are a bunch of other improvements to request data handling  
documented here,

Easier Install

In order to make Happstack easier to install we have removed as many  
dependencies as possible. happstack-data no longer depends on  
happstack-util, which makes it easier to install happstack-data or  
happstack-state with out the rest of the framework. HSP and  
HStringTemplate support has been moved into *optional* happstack-hsp  
and happstack-hstringtemplate packages.

New Features

Happstack also has a number of new features including:

 - support for Heist templates( 

 - support for Hamlet templates
 - improved environment for extracting query string and form values ( 
 - support for recompilation and reloading of templates in a running  

Re: [Haskell-cafe] upgrading mtl1 to mtl2

2011-02-17 Thread Brandon S Allbery KF8NH
Hash: SHA1

On 2/16/11 00:51 , Evan Laforge wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 7:58 PM, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:
 On 16 February 2011 14:46, Evan Laforge wrote:
 I just got started on this because packages are starting to use mtl2.
 I had hoped it would be simple, and hopefully it is, but...

 Do I really have to add (Functor m) to the 300 or so functions with
 (Monad m) on them?  Or just not use fmap or applicative?

 Use liftM instead of fmap if all of your functions are polymorphic in
 the type of Monad and you don't want to bother putting in the Functor
 There are hundreds of 'fmap's in there too.  And even more $s and a
 scattering of *s.  And... these functions are convenient!  I like
 using them.  If upgrading to mtl2 means porting away from Functor
 and Applicative... then that's even less of a minor incompatibility!
  At least the class context mangling can be mostly done with search
 and replace.
 Says that the only benefit of 'transformers' is that it's haskell 98
 and thus more portable, but doesn't that come with the caveat that
 only if you don't use classes and do all the lifting manually?

 Yes, but some people don't want the extensions.
 Ok, so does that mean the migration to transformers so mtl could be
 deleted is cancelled?  Or was rendered obsolete by mtl-2?  Or maybe I
 was imagining it?  I think minimal extensions is a worthy goal, but
 you can hardly position Y as the next step for X when all it is is X
 minus features that people still like...

Yes; as I understand it, mtl2 is transformers + monad-fd, and the standard
upgrade path is to go to mtl2.  monads-tf is expected to eventually replace
monads-fd, but it's not a near future change (for one thing, type families
are still being figured out; see the recent thread about injective type
functions as an example).  It was decided that the mtl2 route would be
easier than forcing people to replace mtl with transofrmers + monads-fd.

- -- 
brandon s. allbery [linux,solaris,freebsd,perl]
system administrator  [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]kf8nh
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Faster timeout but is it correct?

2011-02-17 Thread Johan Tibell
On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 2:43 PM, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Bas van Dijk wrote:

 Then we can use the TimeoutKey as our Unique (Note that a TimeoutKey
 is actually a newtype for a Unique):

 That should be fine. It's not a public API, so changing it like that
 shouldn't be an issue.

I think this sounds like a good option.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Faster timeout but is it correct?

2011-02-17 Thread Bas van Dijk
On 18 February 2011 00:56, Johan Tibell wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 2:43 PM, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Bas van Dijk wrote:

 Then we can use the TimeoutKey as our Unique (Note that a TimeoutKey
 is actually a newtype for a Unique):

 That should be fine. It's not a public API, so changing it like that
 shouldn't be an issue.

 I think this sounds like a good option.

Currently I created a new function registerTimeoutWithKey and wrote
registerTimeout in terms of it. I also exported registerTimeoutWithKey
from System.Event.Manager and System.Event. This isn't necessary so I
can easily change it back. However maybe it's useful on its own. It
does require a library proposal so I have to think it over.

The changes are only minimal:

-- Registering interest in timeout events

-- | Register a timeout in the given number of microseconds.  The
-- returned 'TimeoutKey' can be used to later unregister or update the
-- timeout.  The timeout is automatically unregistered after the given
-- time has passed. Note that:
-- @registerTimeout mgr us cb = 'registerTimeoutWithKey' mgr us $ \_ - cb@
registerTimeout :: EventManager - Int - TimeoutCallback - IO TimeoutKey
registerTimeout mgr us cb = registerTimeoutWithKey mgr us $ \_ - cb

-- | Like 'registerTimeout' but the 'TimeoutCallback' is given the 'TimeoutKey'.
registerTimeoutWithKey :: EventManager
   - Int
   - (TimeoutKey - TimeoutCallback)
   - IO TimeoutKey
registerTimeoutWithKey mgr us f = do
  !key - newUnique (emUniqueSource mgr)
  let tk = TK key
  cb = f tk
  if us = 0 then cb
else do
  now - getCurrentTime
  let expTime = fromIntegral us / 100.0 + now

  -- We intentionally do not evaluate the modified map to WHNF here.
  -- Instead, we leave a thunk inside the IORef and defer its
  -- evaluation until mkTimeout in the event loop.  This is a
  -- workaround for a nasty IORef contention problem that causes the
  -- thread-delay benchmark to take 20 seconds instead of 0.2.
  atomicModifyIORef (emTimeouts mgr) $ \f -
  let f' = (Q.insert key expTime cb) . f in (f', ())
  wakeManager mgr
  return tk

The timeout function is now defined as:

newtype Timeout = Timeout TimeoutKey

instance Exception Timeout

timeout :: Int - IO a - IO (Maybe a)
timeout usecs f
| usecs   0 = fmap Just f
| usecs == 0 = return Nothing
| otherwise  = do
myTid - myThreadId
Just mgr - readIORef eventManager
mask $ \restore - do
  key - registerTimeoutWithKey mgr usecs $ \key -
   throwTo myTid $ Timeout key
  let unregTimeout = M.unregisterTimeout mgr key
  (restore (fmap Just f) = \mb - unregTimeout  return mb)
`catch` \e -
case fromException e of
  Just (Timeout key') | key' == key - return Nothing
  _ - unregTimeout  throwIO e

Benchmarks are coming...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Faster timeout but is it correct?

2011-02-17 Thread Johan Tibell
On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 4:09 PM, Bas van Dijk wrote:
 Currently I created a new function registerTimeoutWithKey and wrote
 registerTimeout in terms of it. I also exported registerTimeoutWithKey
 from System.Event.Manager and System.Event. This isn't necessary so I
 can easily change it back. However maybe it's useful on its own.

I say only export a more general function (under the old name).

 It does require a library proposal so I have to think it over.

It doesn't. System.Event isn't a public API. Doesn't mean that you
don't have to think it over thought. ;)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Faster timeout but is it correct?

2011-02-17 Thread Bas van Dijk
On 18 February 2011 01:16, Johan Tibell wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 4:09 PM, Bas van Dijk wrote:
 Currently I created a new function registerTimeoutWithKey and wrote
 registerTimeout in terms of it. I also exported registerTimeoutWithKey
 from System.Event.Manager and System.Event. This isn't necessary so I
 can easily change it back. However maybe it's useful on its own.

 I say only export a more general function (under the old name).


 It does require a library proposal so I have to think it over.

 It doesn't. System.Event isn't a public API. Doesn't mean that you
 don't have to think it over thought. ;)

Why is it not public? It is listed in the base API docs:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Faster timeout but is it correct?

2011-02-17 Thread Johan Tibell
On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 4:19 PM, Bas van Dijk wrote:
 Why is it not public? It is listed in the base API docs:

Because it's not explicitly designed to be. Eventually it should be.
We designed it as a separate library and didn't change the names when
merging it into GHC (that was painful enough as it was). I did send a
patch to add a comment to that affect to the GHC mailing list but
perhaps it never got applied.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Faster timeout but is it correct?

2011-02-17 Thread Bas van Dijk
On 18 February 2011 01:28, Johan Tibell wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 4:19 PM, Bas van Dijk wrote:
 Why is it not public? It is listed in the base API docs:

 Because it's not explicitly designed to be.

Ok, that will make changing it a bit easier.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Web Framework Happstack 6 Released

2011-02-17 Thread Thomas Hartman
I don't know who said it first, but I'm repeating it.

2011 is going to be the tipping point year for haskell web frameworks.

Thanks Jeremy!

2011/2/17 Jeremy Shaw

 I am pleased to announce the release of Happstack 6. We fully recommend that
 all Happstack users migrate to the new release.

 Happstack is a high-performance Haskell web framework. It has high-level
 functionality for routing requests, extracting parameters, manipulating
 responses, serving static file contents, compression responses, and more. It
 includes an integrated HTTP server and a native RAM-cloud database system
 known as MACID. This allows you to deploy your web application with out
 having to configure apache, php, mysql, memcached, etc!

 Install instructions can be found here:

 If you are porting existing applications you should check out the Happstack
 6 migration guide:

 Porting should be pretty straight-forward. Despite the massive
 reorganization, the exports from Happstack.Server are largely the same.

 What's Exciting!

 The focus of this release has been happstack-server. The primary goal
 was to make happstack-server much easier to learn and to use.

 This includes:

  1. improving the overall organization of the library
  2. greatly improving the documentation
  3. making it easier to install
  4. ensuring that the server provides fast, reliable performance
  5. making it easier for new (and old) developers to understand and get

 If you have looked at Happstack before and found it too difficult to
 understand, I highly recommend you take another look. The new organization
 and documentation make it far easier to understand.

 More Logical Organiation

 In prior versions, the Happstack.Server.SimpleHTTP module contained just
 about everything, with little organization, and no real differentiation
 between the external API and the library internals. In Happstack 6,
 SimpleHTTP has been refactored into numerous, smaller modules. The internals
 have been moved into Happstack.Server.Internal.* so that they are not
 leaking into the external API. This should make it much easier to find what
 you are looking for, and prevent you from accidently running across internal
 things like the WebT monad, which you do not really need to know anything

 Better Documentation

 The API documentation for happstack-server is also much better. All external
 API functions should now have good haddock documentation with many inline

 However, learning a new library by studying the API documentation can still
 be pretty frustrating. So we also have the brand new Happstack Crash Course.

 The Happstack Crash Course covers a vast majority of the happstack-server
 API. It covers the API in a logical manner and includes many downloadable,
 runnable examples. It is intended to be read start to finish, and to also be
 usable as a reference guide for specific How do I do XXX questions.

 Additionally, the guestbook example has been updated to a cleaner, more
 modern style of Happstack coding. It also has more comments/haddock

 Better API

 During the process of documenting Happstack, many small improvements where
 made to the API. Once you try to document something stupid you realize how
 stupid it is and decided it would be good to fix it first ;)

 For example, the Cookie API now makes it more obvious how to create session
 cookies vs persistent cookies. And makes it obvious how to expire a cookie.

 The functions for looking up values in the query string and require body no
 longer require the use of the RqData monad. You can use the look* functions
 directly in the ServerPart monad.

 If you do choose to use RqData, it now has an Applicative instance which can
 accummulate and report lookup errors.
 There are a bunch of other improvements to request data handling documented

 Easier Install

 In order to make Happstack easier to install we have removed as many
 dependencies as possible. happstack-data no longer depends on
 happstack-util, which makes it easier to install happstack-data or
 happstack-state with out the rest of the framework. HSP and HStringTemplate
 support has been moved into *optional* happstack-hsp and
 happstack-hstringtemplate packages.

 New Features

 Happstack also has a number of new features including:

  - support for Heist templates
  - support for Hamlet templates
  - improved environment for extracting query string and form values

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Faster timeout but is it correct?

2011-02-17 Thread Bas van Dijk
On 18 February 2011 01:09, Bas van Dijk wrote:
 Benchmarks are coming...

Here are some preliminary benchmarks.

I used the latest GHC HEAD (7.1.20110217) build for performance.

Because I wanted to finish the build of ghc before I went to bed I
used a faster machine than my laptop. So the results should not be
compared to my previous results.

PC specs:
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 3Ghz. with 6MB cache
OS: An up to date 64bit Ubuntu 10.10

First of all the implementations:

The current:

data Timeout = Timeout Unique

timeout :: Int - IO a - IO (Maybe a)
timeout n f
| n   0= fmap Just f
| n == 0= return Nothing
| otherwise = do
pid - myThreadId
ex  - fmap Timeout newUnique
handleJust (\e - if e == ex then Just () else Nothing)
   (\_ - return Nothing)
   (bracket (forkIO (threadDelay n  throwTo pid ex))
(\_ - fmap Just f))

The new:

newtype Timeout = Timeout ThreadId

timeout :: Int - IO a - IO (Maybe a)
timeout n f
| n   0= fmap Just f
| n == 0= return Nothing
| otherwise = do
  myTid - myThreadId
  uninterruptibleMask $ \restore - do
tid - unsafeUnmask $ forkIO $ do
  tid - myThreadId
  threadDelay n
  throwTo myTid $ Timeout tid
(restore (fmap Just f) = \mb - killThread tid  return mb)
  `catch` \e -
  case fromException e of
Just (Timeout tid') | tid' == tid - return Nothing
_ - killThread tid  throwIO e

The event-manager based:

newtype Timeout = Timeout TimeoutKey

timeout :: Int - IO a - IO (Maybe a)
timeout usecs f
| usecs   0 = fmap Just f
| usecs == 0 = return Nothing
| otherwise  = do
myTid - myThreadId
Just mgr - readIORef eventManager
mask $ \restore - do
  key - registerTimeoutWithKey mgr usecs $ \key -
   throwTo myTid $ Timeout key
  let unregTimeout = M.unregisterTimeout mgr key
  (restore (fmap Just f) = \mb - unregTimeout  return mb)
`catch` \e -
case fromException e of
  Just (Timeout key') | key' == key - return Nothing
  _ - unregTimeout  throwIO e

The benchmarks: (These should really be extended!)

willTimeout = shouldTimeout $ timeout 1 (threadDelay oneSec)
wontTimeout = shouldNotTimeout $ timeout oneSec (return ())

nestedTimeouts = shouldTimeout $ timeout 10 $
   shouldNotTimeout $ timeout (2*oneSec) $
 threadDelay oneSec

externalException = do
  (tid, wait) - fork $ timeout oneSec (threadDelay oneSec)
  threadDelay 500
  throwTo tid MyException
  r - wait
  case r of
Left e | Just MyException - fromException e - return ()
_ - error MyException should have been thrown!


The benchmarks were build with -O2 and -threaded and run without RTS
options (So no -N2, I may do that later but AFAIK the RTS will
automatically find the number of cores)

willTimeout/old 24.34945 us1.0 x
willTimeout/new 26.91964 us0.9 x (large std dev: 5 us)
willTimeout/event   12.94273 us1.9 x  :-)

wontTimeout/old 16.25766 us1.0 x
wontTimeout/new 637.8685 ns   25.5 x  :-)
wontTimeout/event   1.565311 us   10.4 x  :-)

externalException/old   10.28582 ms1.0 x
externalException/new   9.960918 ms1.0 x
externalException/event 10.25484 ms1.0 x

nestedTimeouts/old  108.1759 ms1.0 x
nestedTimeouts/new  108.4585 ms1.0 x
nestedTimeouts/event109.9614 ms1.0 x

Preliminary conclusions:

I think the most important benchmark is wontTimeout because AFAIK
that's the most common situation. As can be seen, the new
implementation is 25 times faster than the old one. The event-manager
based implementation is 10 times faster than the old one but not quite
as fast as the new one. Although the event-manager based timeout has
to do less work the new one probably exploits parallelism because it
forks a thread to do part of its work.

A nice result is that in my previous efforts I couldn't achieve
speedups in the willTimeout benchmark. Fortunately the event-manager
based implementation is twice as fast as the original.

Further work:

I will brainstorm on this some more and update my patches for base
during the weekend.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Faster timeout but is it correct?

2011-02-17 Thread Johan Tibell
On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 5:01 PM, Bas van Dijk wrote:
 willTimeout/old         24.34945 us    1.0 x
 willTimeout/new         26.91964 us    0.9 x (large std dev: 5 us)
 willTimeout/event       12.94273 us    1.9 x  :-)

 wontTimeout/old         16.25766 us    1.0 x
 wontTimeout/new         637.8685 ns   25.5 x  :-)
 wontTimeout/event       1.565311 us   10.4 x  :-)

I find this very surprising. Both new and event eventually ends up
using the event manager in the end. One via threadDelay (which calls
registerTimeout) and one directly via registerTimeout. The difference
should be that new also spawns a thread.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] `cabal install darcs` fail !

2011-02-17 Thread z_axis

cabal update
cabal install darcs
Installing library in
Registering hashed-storage-0.5.5...
Reading package info from dist/installed-pkg-config ... done.
Writing new package config file... done.
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
darcs-2.5.1 depends on haskeline- which failed to install.
haskeline- failed during the configure step. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1

uname -a
FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE #1: Wed Sep  8
09:07:54 CST 2010  i386

It seems that the cabal is NOT very strong, isnot it ?

e^(π.i) + 1 = 0
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