[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: htime-0.1

2011-02-24 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
Hello all,

I kept being annoyed at the fact that Windows doesn't come with anything
similar to the unix "time" utility, so I created a small Haskell program
that does something similar. I thought this could perhaps be useful to
others, so it's now available on Hackage:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Auto elimination of MVars using a monad or monad transformer.

2011-02-24 Thread Chris Dew
Hello, just like everyone else, I have a question about monads.  I've
read the tutorials, written one monad myself (not in this email), but
I still consider myself a Haskell beginner.

* Does GHC eliminate unneeded MVars during compilation?

I'm expecting that it doesn't, as that would mean optimising away
ForkIOs, which would be quite a thing to do.  I've included example
code below.

* Is there a monad which allows their automatic elimination of MVars
(or their creation only when necessary)?

This would be similar to how the IO monad allows you to do purely
functional things with a do block, using let.

I've had a go at a lifting function, which wraps a pure function into
an IO action which forever reads from one MVar and writes to another.
What I'm looking for is some form of Monadic context in which many
pure functions, MVar fillers and MVar consumers could be linked
together, where only the necessary MVars remain (or were created) at
compilation time.

* Would this be a monad, or a monad transformer?

* Can you specialise a monad transformer on a single base (in this
case IO) so that you can use forkIO in the bind or return?



module Main (

import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, MVar, newEmptyMVar, putMVar,
takeMVar, ThreadId, threadDelay)
import Control.Monad (forever)

stepA :: MVar String -> IO ()
stepA boxa = forever $ do
  line <- getLine
  putMVar boxa line

stepB :: MVar String -> IO ()
stepB boxb = forever $ do
  line <- takeMVar boxb
  putStrLn line

-- This simply wraps a string in brackets.
bracket :: String -> String
bracket x = "(" ++ x ++ ")"

-- This lifts a function into an action which forever performs the function
-- between the two MVars given.
lft :: (a -> b) -> MVar a -> MVar b -> IO ()
lft f c d = forever $ do
 x <- takeMVar c
 putMVar d (f x)

-- Just like C's main.
main :: IO ()
main = do
  box <- newEmptyMVar
  box2 <- newEmptyMVar
  forkIO $ stepA box
  forkIO $ lft bracket box box2
  forkIO $ stepB box2
  threadDelay 1000 -- Sleep for at least 10 seconds before exiting.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HANSEI in Haskell?

2011-02-24 Thread Antoine Latter
On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 10:15 PM, Chung-chieh Shan
> On 2011-02-24T16:20:46-0600, Antoine Latter wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Chung-chieh Shan wrote:
>> > What
>> > we need is a way to tell the garbage collector that the store reference
>> > and the cell reference are both needed to access the data so the data
>> > can be garbage-collected as soon as *either* the store reference *or
>> > the cell reference* is.  (Analogy from the capabilities literature:
>> > the key and the lock are both needed to open the door so the door can
>> > be garbage-collected as soon as either the key or the lock is.)  Any
>> > thoughts on how to achieve that?
>> Here's a weak cell which is a candidate for GC as soon as either the
>> cell or the key is lost:
>> http://hpaste.org/44280/weak_ref_needing_both_halves
> That's promising!  The lock I have in mind would probably be a map from
> Int to weak pointers.  I'm unfamiliar with System.Mem.Weak so I'll have
> to study this code further.  What is "addFinalizer lock (finalize wk)"
> for?  It seems wk doesn't have any finalizers to run.

I was confused by GHC weak references for some time.

GHC Weak references have the following parts:

* a key
* a value
* finalizers attached to the key

Setting up a weak reference to a value ties the value's liveness to
the key's liveness (even if the weak reference itself is dead).

Calling 'finalize' on the weak reference breaks the link between the
weak reference, and runs the finalizers attached to the key.

So here, we attach a finalizer to the "Lock" structure which then
breaks the link between the key and the value (this doesn't break the
link from the weak ref to the value, it simply stops the key from
keeping the value alive).

This might not be entirely safe in the face of some optimizations -
finalizers on ForeignPtrs and MVars are odd, to work around other
oddities that I don't yet grasp.


> Thanks!
> --
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HANSEI in Haskell?

2011-02-24 Thread Chung-chieh Shan
On 2011-02-24T16:20:46-0600, Antoine Latter wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Chung-chieh Shan wrote:
> > What
> > we need is a way to tell the garbage collector that the store reference
> > and the cell reference are both needed to access the data so the data
> > can be garbage-collected as soon as *either* the store reference *or
> > the cell reference* is.  (Analogy from the capabilities literature:
> > the key and the lock are both needed to open the door so the door can
> > be garbage-collected as soon as either the key or the lock is.)  Any
> > thoughts on how to achieve that?
> Here's a weak cell which is a candidate for GC as soon as either the
> cell or the key is lost:
> http://hpaste.org/44280/weak_ref_needing_both_halves

That's promising!  The lock I have in mind would probably be a map from
Int to weak pointers.  I'm unfamiliar with System.Mem.Weak so I'll have
to study this code further.  What is "addFinalizer lock (finalize wk)"
for?  It seems wk doesn't have any finalizers to run.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fun with the ST monad

2011-02-24 Thread Sterling Clover
On Feb 24, 2011, at 3:45 PM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

> OK, so I had a function that looks like
>  transform :: [Word8] -> [Word16]
> It works nicely, but I'd like to use mutable state inside. No problem! Use 
> the ST monad. Something like
>  transform :: [Word8] -> [Word16]
>  transform xs = runST (work xs)
>  work :: [Word8] -> ST s [Word16]
> Ah, yes, well there is one *small* problem... If you do that, the function 
> becomes too strict.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fun with the ST monad

2011-02-24 Thread wren ng thornton

On 2/24/11 3:45 PM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

OK, so I had a function that looks like

transform :: [Word8] -> [Word16]

It works nicely, but I'd like to use mutable state inside. No problem!
Use the ST monad. Something like

transform :: [Word8] -> [Word16]
transform xs = runST (work xs)
work :: [Word8] -> ST s [Word16]

Ah, yes, well there is one *small* problem... If you do that, the
function becomes too strict.

Given only this specification, the problem is overconstrained, which is 
why you get too much strictness. That is, your types are too general to 
allow you to do what you want (e.g., they allow the first Word16 to 
depend on the last Word8). What is it that transform is supposed to do?

As for figuring out how to do it, first consider the following:

-- | @fix (PreList a) == [a]@ modulo extra bottoms.
type PreList a b = Maybe (a,b)

fmap_PreList :: (b -> c) -> PreList a b -> PreList a c
fmap_PreList f Nothing = Nothing
fmap_PreList f (Just(a,b)) = Just (a, f b)

enlist :: PreList a [a] -> [a]
enlist Nothing   = []
enlist (Just (x,xs)) = x:xs

prelist :: [a] -> PreList a [a]
prelist [] = Nothing
prelist (x:xs) = Just (x,xs)

-- | Monadic version of @Data.List.unfoldr@.
unfoldM :: (Monad m) => (b -> m (PreList a b)) -> (b -> m [a])
unfoldM coalgM b = do
m <- coalgM b
case m of
Nothing -> return []
Just (a,b') -> (a:) `liftM` unfoldM coalgM b'

Assuming that we can generate the elements of [Word16] incrementally, 
then this function almost gives us what we need. The problem is that 
even though the (a:) part is pure by the time we reach it, we can't see 
that fact because of the liftM pushing it down into the monad again. To 
put this a different way, consider the following distributive law:

distList :: (Monad m) => m (PreList a (m [a])) -> m [a]
distList mx_mxs = do
maybe_x_mxs <- mx_mxs
case maybe_x_mxs of
Nothing  -> return []
Just (x,mxs) -> (x:) `liftM` mxs

{- N.B.,
unfoldM coalgM == distList . mfmap (unfoldM coalgM) . coalgM
mfmap :: (b -> c) -> m (PreList a b) -> m (PreList a c)
mfmap = liftM . fmap_PreList

In order to factor out the (a:) constructor we need to find some way of 
*not* using distList in unfoldM. That way, the monadic effects 
associated with the head of the list can be separated from the effects 
associated with the tail of the list. Unfortunately, the obvious attempt 
doesn't typecheck.

:: (Monad m)
=> (b -> m (PreList a b))
-> b -> fix (\rec -> m (PreList a rec))
unfoldM' coalgM = mfmap (unfoldM' coalgM) . coalgM

One problem is the fact that we can't write infinite types, though we 
can get around that easily by using a newtype. The other problem is that 
we need a function for running ST in a way that allows nested ST to be 
run at some later time. Something like,

semirunST :: (Functor f)
  => (forall s. ST s (f (ST s a))) -> f (ST s a)

You can't do that in ST, since allowing this would mean that multiple 
evaluations of the (ST s a) embedded in the result could return 
different answers and communicate with one another[1]. However, if you 
use another monad for encapsulating memory regions (e.g., ST RealWorld, 
STM, IO) then you can probably get away with it.

But you're probably better off using State[2] instead of ST. Or 
converting the whole thing to an iteratee-style computation which is 
more explicit about the type of stream processing involved and thus what 
kinds of laziness are possible.

[1] Though it would be safe to combine it with the newtype:

newtype Compose f g x = Compose (f (g x))
newtype Fix f = Fix (f (Fix f))
interleaveST :: (Functor f) => Fix (Compose (ST s) f) -> Fix f

But given the API for ST, you can't define interleaveST in a way that 
actually interleaves evaluation instead of using a distributive law for 
pulling the (ST s) up over f and then running everything at once.

[2] State is easy:

runfoldState :: (b -> State s (PreList a b)) -> b -> s -> [a]
runfoldState coalgM = evalState . rec
rec b = do
m <- coalgM b
case m of
Nothing -> return []
Just (a,b') -> do
s <- get
return (a : evalState (rec b') s)

Live well,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: unordered-containers - a new, faster hashing-based containers library

2011-02-24 Thread wren ng thornton

On 2/24/11 3:05 AM, Joachim Breitner wrote:


Am Mittwoch, den 23.02.2011, 20:06 -0500 schrieb wren ng thornton:

On 2/23/11 4:42 PM, Sterling Clover wrote:

A quick grep of some of my own source reveals that I've used M.size and S.size 
only to test for sizes equal to 1. So, for my purposes at least, an O(1) 
isSingleton operation would be just as useful as an O(1) size.

I agree, a fast isSingleton function would cover a very common use
case--- especially for set-like containers.

would ghc’s rule system be strong enough to replace "size m == 1" by
"isSingleton m"? It would be nice if programmers get the advantage even
when they did not notice that a isSingleton function is provided.

Not really. I mean, yes, you could use rules for that; but it would be 
fragile and susceptible to breakage due to refactoring.

Since maps are finite, you shouldn't get any changes in the domain 
semantics (i.e., I believe that whether you hit bottom or not cannot 
change based on whether rules fire), but you could get asymptotic 
changes (since size is O(n) times whatever loop you're in) and you can 
get memory leak changes as well (depending on whether CSE fires or not). 
For me, allowing that much semantic variability based on whether rules 
fire or not is unacceptable. This is why I disabled the rewrite rules in 
Data.List.Extras.LazyLength[1] (which, granted, is even worse since 
infinite lists means that you can get domain semantic differences as well).

I'd rather advocate for having smart/lazy size comparison functions like 
Data.List.LazyLength offers, advertising them well, and then relying on 
users to say what they mean.


Live well,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: unordered-containers - a new, faster hashing-based containers library

2011-02-24 Thread wren ng thornton

On 2/23/11 8:06 PM, wren ng thornton wrote:

On 2/23/11 4:42 PM, Sterling Clover wrote:

A quick grep of some of my own source reveals that I've used M.size
and S.size only to test for sizes equal to 1. So, for my purposes at
least, an O(1) isSingleton operation would be just as useful as an
O(1) size.

I agree, a fast isSingleton function would cover a very common use
case--- especially for set-like containers.

On reflection, in order to handle all the comparisons of size to some 
small constant, it would be better to have two functions: one for 
comparing the size of a collection against a boundary condition, and one 
for comparing the size of two collections. That is, you should add 
analogues of the functions in Data.List.Extras.LazyLength[1].

The lazy boundary condition function is O(min(m,n)) where m is the size 
of the boundary and n is the size of the collection. For detecting 
singletons, doubletons, etc, this reduces to O(1) though there may be a 
constant factor hit vs dedicated isSingleton/isDoubleton/et functions. 
It would be a slight difference that diminishes as m increases, but it 
could be worth benchmarking...

Similarly, the lazy comparative size function is O(min(m,n)) where m and 
n are the sizes of the two collections. This is always less than the 
O(m)+O(n) of taking the sizes individually[2], but it's remarkably less 
when one of the collections is known to be much smaller than the other 
(even if you don't know which is which).


[2] The O(m)+O(n) can be parallelized to yield O(max(m,n)) but that's 
still greater than O(min(m,n)). With some form of chunked-lazy natural 
numbers you may be able to get the parallel version to approach 
O(max(m,n)) and then get into a battle of constant factors.

Live well,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fun with the ST monad

2011-02-24 Thread Alexander Solla
On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 2:42 PM, Andrew Coppin

>Anybody have any hints on how to get around this?
>> Use a lazy state monad?
> That's not going to work. It still needs to read the input to determine
> which monadic action comes next, and hence what the final result will be. So
> whether it forces the result or not, it still has to scan the entire input
> before it can generate any output.
>From the sound of it, you want some kind of lazy IO, driven/generated by a
state monad.  Check out the "safe-lazy-io".  I've never used it, but the
announcement is pretty convincing.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fun with the ST monad

2011-02-24 Thread Andrew Coppin

Anybody have any hints on how to get around this?

Use a lazy state monad?

That's not going to work. It still needs to read the input to determine 
which monadic action comes next, and hence what the final result will 
be. So whether it forces the result or not, it still has to scan the 
entire input before it can generate any output.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HANSEI in Haskell?

2011-02-24 Thread Antoine Latter
On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Chung-chieh Shan
> Arnaud Clère  wrote in article 
>  in gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe:
>> On 24/02/2011 09:30, o...@okmij.org wrote:
>> > The sort of laziness needed for non-deterministic programming calls
>> > for first-class store.  It can be emulated, albeit *imperfectly*,
>>  > for example, as was described in the ICFP09 paper.
>> What do you mean by "imperfectly"?
> I think Oleg meant that, because the garbage collector only understands
> the native store and not our emulation of first-class stores, cells of
> a first-class store that are no longer referenced will nevertheless not
> be garbage-collected until the store itself is garbage-collected.  What
> we need is a way to tell the garbage collector that the store reference
> and the cell reference are both needed to access the data so the data
> can be garbage-collected as soon as *either* the store reference *or
> the cell reference* is.  (Analogy from the capabilities literature:
> the key and the lock are both needed to open the door so the door can
> be garbage-collected as soon as either the key or the lock is.)  Any
> thoughts on how to achieve that?

Here's a weak cell which is a candidate for GC as soon as either the
cell or the key is lost:


The implementation is GHC specific, as far as I know.

I don't know if it's exactly what you're looking for, but the idea
could be adapted towards some other purpose.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GRIN and Urban Boquist's thesis

2011-02-24 Thread Lemmih
On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 9:36 PM, David Waern  wrote:
> 2011/2/24 Lemmih :
>> They will also be in the lhc repository once I restore it on 
>> code.haskell.org.
> Lemmih,
> while you're here, what's the status of LHC? It's an interesting
> project but we haven't heard much from you lately.

Yeah, I've been out of commission for way too long due to college
preparation and stuff. There's good news, however. For the last few
weeks I've been working nearly full-time on adding garbage collector
support to the backend. It is my hope that the work is interesting
enough to be published somewhere.

Feel free to skip this paragraph if you're not interested in garbage
collection. Presently, nearly all Haskell compilers use some form of a
shadow stack to implement garbage collection. This has two major
 * Managing the shadow stack adds overhead (roughly measured to around
%62 in the case of UHC).
 * Forcing objects down on the shadow stack inhibits many optimizations.
Instead of using a shadow shack, Boquist used a method that was
specialized to the GRIN object model and it didn't have any of these
drawbacks. I plan on generalizing said method so it works with any
object model. Hopefully I'll be able to show that you can keep track
of roots without incurring any overhead on the mutator.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fun with the ST monad

2011-02-24 Thread Alexander Solla
On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 12:45 PM, Andrew Coppin  wrote:

> Ah, yes, well there is one *small* problem... If you do that, the function
> becomes too strict.
> The input list is being read from disk by lazy I/O. With the original
> implementation, the input file gets read at the same time as the output file
> is written. But runST returns nothing until the *entire* input has been
> compressed. So writing to disk doesn't start until the entire file has been
> slurped up into memory.
> Anybody have any hints on how to get around this?

Use a lazy state monad?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Fun with the ST monad

2011-02-24 Thread Andrew Coppin

OK, so I had a function that looks like

  transform :: [Word8] -> [Word16]

It works nicely, but I'd like to use mutable state inside. No problem! 
Use the ST monad. Something like

  transform :: [Word8] -> [Word16]
  transform xs = runST (work xs)
  work :: [Word8] -> ST s [Word16]

Ah, yes, well there is one *small* problem... If you do that, the 
function becomes too strict.

The input list is being read from disk by lazy I/O. With the original 
implementation, the input file gets read at the same time as the output 
file is written. But runST returns nothing until the *entire* input has 
been compressed. So writing to disk doesn't start until the entire file 
has been slurped up into memory.

Anybody have any hints on how to get around this?

My first thought was to break the ST computation into several seperate 
pieces. But, /by design/, you cannot do this. And here's why:

  main = do
let r = runST $ newSTRef 0
let x = runST $ n <- readSTRef r; writeSTRef r (n+1); return n
let y = runST $ n <- readSTRef r; writeSTRef r (n*2); return n
print x
print y

Now what the hell does this print out? Because it appears, logically, 
that it ought to vary depending on the order in which x and y are 
accessed - a clear violation of referential integrity.

Fortunately of course, by a clever dodge, this code doesn't actually 
type-check. That's great, because it has undefined semantics. But it's 
also a problem, since it's exactly the sort of thing I'd like to do.

Come to think of it, how the heck does lazy I/O manage this trick? How 
come accessing the elements of the list in the wrong order doesn't cause 
the wrong data to end up in each cell, if each cell is just using 
unsafePerformIO to read the next byte from a normal file handle?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GRIN and Urban Boquist's thesis

2011-02-24 Thread David Waern
2011/2/24 Lemmih :
> They will also be in the lhc repository once I restore it on code.haskell.org.


while you're here, what's the status of LHC? It's an interesting
project but we haven't heard much from you lately.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell-Cafe Digest, Vol 90, Issue 48

2011-02-24 Thread Louis Wasserman
> Another common usage for Map is as a functional integer-indexed
> random access array.
> Once I implemented the standard algorithm for random shuffle
> of a list using Data.Map Int. It was much nicer than the STArray
> version, in my opinion. But when I tried switching to Data.IntMap,
> hoping to make it faster, I was devastatingly disappointed. Now
> I understand why.

A couple thoughts:

If you're going to provide an isSingleton method, provide

getSingleton :: IntMap m -> Maybe (Int, a)

which is trivial based on the current implementation.

For my TrieMap package, I've been working on my WordMap implementation
 (Using Words as keys makes my life easier, and it doesn't take too much
work to write a wrapper that provides an order-preserving bijection from Int
to Word.)  It provides O(1) size, but its design reflects my willingness to
trade memory and code size for speed. ;)

Louis Wasserman
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HANSEI in Haskell?

2011-02-24 Thread Chung-chieh Shan
Leon Smith  wrote in article 
> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 10:52 AM, Chung-chieh Shan
>  wrote:
> > Mostly we preferred (as do the domain experts we target) to write
> > probabilistic models in direct style rather than monadic style.
> > Haskell's laziness doesn't help -- in fact, to avoid running out of
> > memory, we'd have to defeat that memoization by sprinkling "() ->"
> > throughout the types.
> I don't think that "() ->" is even guaranteed to work...

That's quite true.  Then again, it's not guaranteed that "() ->" is
needed for good memory usage.  We just need a sufficiently smart

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HANSEI in Haskell?

2011-02-24 Thread Chung-chieh Shan
Arnaud Clère  wrote in article 
 in gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe:
> On 24/02/2011 09:30, o...@okmij.org wrote:
> > The sort of laziness needed for non-deterministic programming calls
> > for first-class store.  It can be emulated, albeit *imperfectly*,
>  > for example, as was described in the ICFP09 paper.
> What do you mean by "imperfectly"?

I think Oleg meant that, because the garbage collector only understands
the native store and not our emulation of first-class stores, cells of
a first-class store that are no longer referenced will nevertheless not
be garbage-collected until the store itself is garbage-collected.  What
we need is a way to tell the garbage collector that the store reference
and the cell reference are both needed to access the data so the data
can be garbage-collected as soon as *either* the store reference *or
the cell reference* is.  (Analogy from the capabilities literature:
the key and the lock are both needed to open the door so the door can
be garbage-collected as soon as either the key or the lock is.)  Any
thoughts on how to achieve that?

> Do you think implementing 'probM' with 'share' would lead to the same 
> performance problems you experienced in probM.hs?

No, implementing probM with share would be like what OCaml HANSEI
currently does, except in monadic notation rather than direct style.

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Terminal library : which ?

2011-02-24 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
What terminal library you will recomedn?
Requirements: crossplatform (win/lin), with direct (i.e. with
line/column number pair) cursor positioning and possybly direct symbol
output. MUST provide function to get terminal dimensions. (could not
find one).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HANSEI in Haskell?

2011-02-24 Thread Arnaud Clère

On 24/02/2011 09:30, o...@okmij.org wrote:

The sort of laziness needed for non-deterministic programming calls
for first-class store.  It can be emulated, albeit *imperfectly*,

> for example, as was described in the ICFP09 paper.

What do you mean by "imperfectly"?
Do you think implementing 'probM' with 'share' would lead to the same 
performance problems you experienced in probM.hs?

Ideally first-class memory is provided as built-in, since it

> requires interaction with garbage collection.  Greg Morrisett has
> written extensively on this topic and done a few implementations;
> see for example,


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] darcs hacking sprint #6 (March, April, or May 2011)

2011-02-24 Thread Eric Kow
Hello Haskellers!

We are starting to organising the next Darcs Hacking Sprint,
most likely in Paris in this spring.

If you fancy a weekend of hacking Haskell on a really neat real 
world project, come join us!  If you'd like to attend, please
add yourself to http://wiki.darcs.net/Sprints/2011-04 .
We will fix the date by March 1st, and there's only about 10+ spaces
left, so sign up now!

If you want to know what is exactly a Darcs Sprint, have a look at:


The event is open to everybody, even if you're new to Darcs or to
Haskell.  We have an ample supply of enthusiasm and ProbablyEasy bugs to 
help you get started.  See http://wiki.darcs.net/Recruitment for some
ideas and also have a look at http://wiki.darcs.net/Development to see 
how to start coding on Darcs.

Looking forward to see you!

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell platform installation failure on OS X 10.6.6 (intel)

2011-02-24 Thread Eugene Kirpichov
Thanks Gregory,

Indeed xcode was not installed - however I wonder, why is it a dependency?
It seems quite a heavyweight thing to require for installing Haskell,
and this requirement may very well be a good reason to *not* install

Could you please point me to the ticket you opened? I was not able to google it.

2011/2/24 Gregory Collins :
> Hello,
> Usually this is because XCode is not installed. I believe the README
> states that this is a dependency for the install process. I opened a
> ticket with GHC HQ a while ago re: making this scenario friendlier for
> users.
> G.
> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 3:41 PM, Eugene Kirpichov  
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Below is an experience report from Artem (cc'd) on a failed
>> installation of Haskell platform on a Mac.
>> OS: OS X 10.6.6
>> CPU: Intel Core i5
>> Platform downloaded from:
>> http://lambda.haskell.org/hp-tmp/2010.2.0.0/haskell-platform-2010.2.0.0.i386.dmg
>> Sequence of actions: Downloaded the file, mounted the image, ran
>> "Install new GHC", pressed OK until the following screen appeared
>> http://i.imgur.com/GGdbg.png - there the Install button was disabled;
>> pressing "change install location" did not help since only 1 option
>> was available there, and it was already selected.
>> After that, Artem tried to uninstall GHC, but unsuccessfully, since OS
>> told that it was not installed.
>> Then he tried to install the platform, and eventually got the
>> following error around "moving files into place":
>> http://i.imgur.com/YHb22.png
>> I've also heard somewhat similar problem reports on installing
>> haskell-platform on OS X from other people (I myself don't have it) -
>> like being unable to install it without first installing XCode, etc.
>> Can anyone help resolve this issue? I'm sure this is not expected
>> behavior. What further information would help find the cause?
>> --
>> Eugene Kirpichov
>> Senior Software Engineer,
>> Mirantis Inc. http://www.mirantis.com/
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
>> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
>> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe
> --
> Gregory Collins 

Eugene Kirpichov
Senior Software Engineer,
Mirantis Inc. http://www.mirantis.com/

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell platform installation failure on OS X 10.6.6 (intel)

2011-02-24 Thread Gregory Collins

Usually this is because XCode is not installed. I believe the README
states that this is a dependency for the install process. I opened a
ticket with GHC HQ a while ago re: making this scenario friendlier for


On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 3:41 PM, Eugene Kirpichov  wrote:
> Hello,
> Below is an experience report from Artem (cc'd) on a failed
> installation of Haskell platform on a Mac.
> OS: OS X 10.6.6
> CPU: Intel Core i5
> Platform downloaded from:
> http://lambda.haskell.org/hp-tmp/2010.2.0.0/haskell-platform-2010.2.0.0.i386.dmg
> Sequence of actions: Downloaded the file, mounted the image, ran
> "Install new GHC", pressed OK until the following screen appeared
> http://i.imgur.com/GGdbg.png - there the Install button was disabled;
> pressing "change install location" did not help since only 1 option
> was available there, and it was already selected.
> After that, Artem tried to uninstall GHC, but unsuccessfully, since OS
> told that it was not installed.
> Then he tried to install the platform, and eventually got the
> following error around "moving files into place":
> http://i.imgur.com/YHb22.png
> I've also heard somewhat similar problem reports on installing
> haskell-platform on OS X from other people (I myself don't have it) -
> like being unable to install it without first installing XCode, etc.
> Can anyone help resolve this issue? I'm sure this is not expected
> behavior. What further information would help find the cause?
> --
> Eugene Kirpichov
> Senior Software Engineer,
> Mirantis Inc. http://www.mirantis.com/
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Gregory Collins 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GRIN and Urban Boquist's thesis

2011-02-24 Thread John Lato
On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 1:16 PM, Lemmih  wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 1:40 PM, John Lato  wrote:
> > Hello,
> > Does anyone have a current link to Urban Boquist's thesis?  It's no
> longer
> > available at the Chalmers site.  On the LHC blog someone gave a link to a
> > mirror[1], however that link is down for me as well.
> > Thanks,
> > John L.
> > [1]
> http://lhc-compiler.blogspot.com/2010/06/mirroring-boquists-grin-papers.html#comments
> You can find them here: http://mirror.seize.it/papers/
> They will also be in the lhc repository once I restore it on
> code.haskell.org.

Thanks, Lemmih.  That's exactly what I was looking for.

John L.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell platform installation failure on OS X 10.6.6 (intel)

2011-02-24 Thread Eugene Kirpichov

Below is an experience report from Artem (cc'd) on a failed
installation of Haskell platform on a Mac.

OS: OS X 10.6.6
CPU: Intel Core i5
Platform downloaded from:

Sequence of actions: Downloaded the file, mounted the image, ran
"Install new GHC", pressed OK until the following screen appeared
http://i.imgur.com/GGdbg.png - there the Install button was disabled;
pressing "change install location" did not help since only 1 option
was available there, and it was already selected.
After that, Artem tried to uninstall GHC, but unsuccessfully, since OS
told that it was not installed.
Then he tried to install the platform, and eventually got the
following error around "moving files into place":

I've also heard somewhat similar problem reports on installing
haskell-platform on OS X from other people (I myself don't have it) -
like being unable to install it without first installing XCode, etc.

Can anyone help resolve this issue? I'm sure this is not expected
behavior. What further information would help find the cause?

Eugene Kirpichov
Senior Software Engineer,
Mirantis Inc. http://www.mirantis.com/

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] SMP parallelism gains inferior than expected

2011-02-24 Thread José Pedro Magalhães
(Forwarding to haskell-cafe)


I have a program that computes a matrix of Floats of m rows by n columns.
Computing each Float is relatively expensive. Each line is completely
independent of the others, so I thought I'd try some simple SMP parallelism
on this code:

myFun :: FilePath -> IO ()
myFun fp =
  do fs <- readDataDir fp
 let process f = readFile' f >>= parse
 printLine = putStrLn . foldr (\a b -> show a ++ "\t" ++ b) ""
 runDiff l = [ [ diff x y | y <- l ]
 | (x,i) <- zip l (map getId fs), myFilter i ]
 ps <- mapM process fs
 sequence_ [ printLine x | x <- runDiff ps *`using` parList rdeepseq* ]

So, I'm using parList to evaluate the rows in parallel, and fully evaluating
each row. Here are the timings on a Dual Quad Core AMD 2378 @2.4 GHz,
ghc-6.12.3, parallel-

-N  time (ms)
2   1m33
3   1m35
4   1m22
5   1m11
6   1m06
7   1m45

The increase at 7 is justified by the fact that there were two other
processes running. I don't know how to justify the small increase at N3,
though, but that doesn't matter too much. The problem is that I am not
getting the gains I expected (halving at N2, a third at N3, etc.). Is this
the best one can achieve with this implicit parallelism, or am I doing
something wrong? In particular, is the way I'm printing the results at the
end destroying potential parallel gains?

Any insights on this are appreciated.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GRIN and Urban Boquist's thesis

2011-02-24 Thread Lemmih
On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 1:40 PM, John Lato  wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone have a current link to Urban Boquist's thesis?  It's no longer
> available at the Chalmers site.  On the LHC blog someone gave a link to a
> mirror[1], however that link is down for me as well.
> Thanks,
> John L.
> [1] http://lhc-compiler.blogspot.com/2010/06/mirroring-boquists-grin-papers.html#comments

You can find them here: http://mirror.seize.it/papers/

They will also be in the lhc repository once I restore it on code.haskell.org.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] GRIN and Urban Boquist's thesis

2011-02-24 Thread John Lato

Does anyone have a current link to Urban Boquist's thesis?  It's no longer
available at the Chalmers site.  On the LHC blog someone gave a link to a
mirror[1], however that link is down for me as well.

John L.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: unordered-containers - a new, faster hashing-based containers library

2011-02-24 Thread Ross Paterson
On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 08:45:47AM +, Max Bolingbroke wrote:
>  3. Some map combining algorithms work more efficiently when one of
> their two arguments are smaller. For example, Data.Map.union is most
> efficient for (bigmap `union` smallmap). If you don't care about which
> of the two input maps wins when they contain the same keys, you can
> improve constant factors by testing the size of the map input to size
> (in O(1)) and flipping the arguments if you got (smallmap `union`
> bigmap) instead of the desirable way round.

This is a most unfortunate feature of Data.Map, forcing users to bend the
logic of their application to suit the library.  Ideally you'd want binary
operations that are symmetric and associative performance-wise, freeing
users to follow the structure of their problem domain.  The documentation
(and the original paper) doesn't quantify the gain for such unions,
but hopefully it achieves the optimum: O(m log(n/m)), where m and n are
the sizes of the smaller and larger trees respectively.  Then building
a tree costs O(n log(n)), regardless of the way you do it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: unordered-containers - a new, faster hashing-based containers library

2011-02-24 Thread Yitzchak Gale
Gwern Branwen wrote:
>>> You could look at them yourself; I attached the files.

Max Bolingbroke wrote:
>> Frankly I am surprised how much "size" gets used.
>> It seems that making it fast is more important than
>> I thought.

Johan Tibell wrote:
> IntMap (which shares data structure with HashMap) only hash O(n) size.
> I wonder if people avoid using IntMap because of this.

Another common usage for Map is as a functional integer-indexed
random access array.

Once I implemented the standard algorithm for random shuffle
of a list using Data.Map Int. It was much nicer than the STArray
version, in my opinion. But when I tried switching to Data.IntMap,
hoping to make it faster, I was devastatingly disappointed. Now
I understand why.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Either instance of Monad?

2011-02-24 Thread Yves Parès
I have the same problem with instances of Functor.
For instance when I import Control.Applicative, to get the instance
"Functor ((->) a)" I also have to import Control.Monad.Instances.

2011/2/23 Daniel Fischer :
> On Wednesday 23 February 2011 14:14:46, Yves Parès wrote:
>> The latest, I think :
>> GHC 7.0.1,
>> mtl-,
>> base-
> Hmm, that's exactly what I have. Weirder and weirder.
> For the moment, I'm out of ideas.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HANSEI in Haskell?

2011-02-24 Thread oleg

The topic of HANSEI in Haskell does come up from time to time. In
fact, there was a Haskell edition of the first version of Hansei:


It was written to see how the code would look in Haskell, and how
memoization (inherent in lazy evaluation of GHC) may help. The code
contains some of the tests from the HANSEI distribution. The
experience showed that lazy evaluation hurts -- a lot. The problem is
not in lack of seq -- adding seq would make things even worse. There
is a bit of explanation at the end of probM.hs. The gist of the
problem is that approximate inference (sampling, to be precise) trades
space for time. The search tree is way too large to fit into
memory. Therefore, it is better to recompute the values (the branches
of the tree) than to keep storing them. That is precisely the opposite
to the trade-off of lazy evaluation. The end result is attempting to
allocate gigabytes (really!), even for toy problems. We can get around
the problem by using thunks explicitly. But then we lose the remaining
benefits of Haskell syntax (the ones that are left after we have to
switch to the monadic notation). OCaml becomes quite compelling then.

It must be stressed that laziness in general is _crucial_ for solving
even moderately complex problems. However, the needed laziness is NOT
of the kind provided by GHC. We need memoization specific to a
possible world, rather than the one that affects all possible
worlds. GHC gives only the latter. The sort of laziness needed for
non-deterministic programming calls for first-class store.  It can be
emulated, albeit imperfectly, for example, as was described in the
ICFP09 paper. Hansei uses a quite similar idea.  Ideally first-class
memory is provided as built-in, since it requires interaction with
garbage collection.  Greg Morrisett has written extensively on this
topic and done a few implementations; see for example,

Sadly, the topic has been forgotten.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: unordered-containers - a new, faster hashing-based containers library

2011-02-24 Thread Joachim Breitner

Am Mittwoch, den 23.02.2011, 20:06 -0500 schrieb wren ng thornton:
> On 2/23/11 4:42 PM, Sterling Clover wrote:
> > A quick grep of some of my own source reveals that I've used M.size and 
> > S.size only to test for sizes equal to 1. So, for my purposes at least, an 
> > O(1) isSingleton operation would be just as useful as an O(1) size.
> I agree, a fast isSingleton function would cover a very common use 
> case--- especially for set-like containers.

would ghc’s rule system be strong enough to replace "size m == 1" by
"isSingleton m"? It would be nice if programmers get the advantage even
when they did not notice that a isSingleton function is provided.


Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
  mail: m...@joachim-breitner.de | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Key: 4743206C
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  Debian Developer: nome...@debian.org

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list