[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: swish

2011-04-06 Thread Doug Burke

I am pleased to announce an update of the swish package to version [1]. It is mainly meant to be a maintenance upgrade over the
existing version on Hackage [2] by Vasili I. Galchin, but does 
add additional functionality in that it now supports the NTriples
format and the N3 parser and formatter has been updated to better 
match the current specification.

For those not aware of what Swish actually is, it is an experiment
by Graham Klyne in writing a "Semantic Web" framework in Haskell [3].

I note that the wonderful machinery behind Hackage has already
processed the documentation so you can read more about it at [1]
as well as the very-sparsely-documented Wiki at [4].

[1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/swish-
[2] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/swish-0.2.1
[3] http://www.ninebynine.org/Software/swish-0.2.1.html
[4] https://bitbucket.org/doug_burke/swish/wiki/Home

Thanks for reading this far,


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 176

2011-04-06 Thread Daniel Santa Cruz
   Welcome to issue 176 of the HWN, a newsletter covering developments in
   the [1]Haskell community. This release covers the week of March 27 to
   April 02, 2011.

   You can find the HTML version at: http://bit.ly/fEdQka


   Wren Ng Thornton [2]announced the release of version 0.3.4 of

   Ian Lynagh and the GHC team [3]announced version 7.0.3 of GHC,
   containing a handful of bugfixes.

   Jose A. Ortega Ruiz [4]annouced the release of version 0.13 of xmobar.
   Might want to check it out specially if you are using xmonad!

   Jason Dagit [5]annouced release 0.2.0 of the nehe-tuts package,
   tutorials for using OpenGL.

   David Sorokin [6]annouced the release of his new library aivika: a
   multi-paradigm simulation library.

   Tom Hawkins [7]annouced version 0.3.1 of ImProve: an imperative DSL for
   hard realtime embedded applications.

   Eric Y. Kow [8]introduced the first issue of Parallel Haskell Digest,
   "a newsletter aiming to show off all the work that's going on using
   parallelism and concurrency in the Haskell community." Here is to
   hoping we get more of these!

   George Giorgidze [9]announced version 0.5.5 of DSH (Database Supported

   Jasper Van der Jeugt [10]annouced the 7th Ghent Functional Programming
   Group meeting on Tuesday, April 26, in celebration of the group's first
   year of existance. The meetup will be at the Technicum building of
   Ghent University at 19:30.

Quotes of the Week

 * lispy: [in response to "C++ is a huge language, the type system is
   complex"] real and imaginary components :) the imaginary bits are
   the type safety

 * gwern: amazing `catch` (how sweet the type), that saved an
   exception like me! I once was thrown, but now am caught; was
   impure, but now pure be

 * hpc: appEndo sounds like a harry potter spell

 * monochrom: yeah, get out of Turing tarpit, provable termination,
   only to get into Godel tarpit

 * xplat: to me, the great thing about pointfree programming is you
   don't have to let variable names get in the way of your logic. and
   the great thing about pointful programming is you don't have to let
   '(flip .) . (.) . (flip flip . join)' get in the way of your logic.
   it's nice to have multiple tools in your toolbox

 * lispy: I've never looked at the gtk2hs source. I'm not sure I can
   muster the intestinal fortitude

 * kmc: time to play "transfinite ordinal or asian emoticon"

 * killing-joke: rip oop. "Object-oriented programming is eliminated
   entirely from the introductory curriculum, because it is both
   anti-modular and anti-parallel by its very nature, and hence
   unsuitable for a modern CS curriculum."

Top Reddit Stories

 * Promo code to get Learn You a Haskell 40% off + e- book for free +
   From (learnyouahaskell.com), scored 68 with 25 comments.
   Read on [11]reddit.
   Read the [12]original post.

 * Real Time Edge Detection in Parallel Haskell
   From (disciple-devel.blogspot.com), scored 39 with 9 comments.
   Read on [13]reddit.
   Read the [14]original post.

 * Modern OpenGL with Haskell
   From (arcadianvisions.com), scored 39 with 10 comments.
   Read on [15]reddit.
   Read the [16]original post.

 * GHC migration to Git complete
   From (haskell.org), scored 37 with 15 comments.
   Read on [17]reddit.
   Read the [18]original post.

 * Haskell is 21 years old today!
   From (twitter.com), scored 37 with 8 comments.
   Read on [19]reddit.
   Read the [20]original post.

 * Re-implementing XMonad's core in Coq : Wouter Swiestra :: PDF
   From (cs.ru.nl), scored 34 with 13 comments.
   Read on [21]reddit.
   Read the [22]original post.

 * GHC 7.0.3 released
   From (haskell.org), scored 33 with 9 comments.
   Read on [23]reddit.
   Read the [24]original post.

 * "Reactive-banana and the essence of FRP". I implemented a small FRP
   library that can be mixed freely with imperative code.
   From (apfelmus.nfshost.com), scored 30 with 7 comments.
   Read on [25]reddit.
   Read the [26]original post.

 * New release of OpenGL NeHe tutorials in Haskell
   From (self.haskell), scored 27 with 22 comments.
   Read on [27]reddit.

 * Do you read academic papers on a Kindle?
   From (dmwit.com), scored 26 with 27 comments.
   Read on [28]reddit.
   Read the [29]original post.

Top StackOverflow Questions

 * [30]Implementing lazy functional languages votes: 19, answers: 3

 * [31]Is it possible to roll your own syntax sugar (like do-notation,
   or arrow-notation) in Haskell? votes: 12, answers: 2

 * [32]Are there any LL Parser Generators for Functional Languages
   such as Haskell or Scala? votes: 11, answers: 4

 * [33]Programming language for functional parallelism: F# 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking data types

2011-04-06 Thread Yves Parès
Thank you all,

In fact, Brandon, I knew about Datatypes a la carte, I just found it overly

Thanks for you solution, Job. However (and even if it doesn't work without
it) I fail to see why you need the functional dependency on Has...
Doesn't it implies here that for one 'a' there can only be one 'b' such as
'Has b a'?

2011/4/6 Job Vranish 

> I think you want something like this:
> {-# Language MultiParamTypeClasses
>, FlexibleInstances
>, FunctionalDependencies
>, UndecidableInstances
>, FlexibleContexts
>, OverlappingInstances
> data Character a = Character { life :: Int,
>charaInner :: a }
>   deriving (Show)
> data Gun a = Gun { firepower :: Int,
>gunInner :: a }
>  deriving (Show)
> data Armor a = Armor { resistance :: Int,
>armorInner :: a }
>deriving (Show)
> class HasInner f where
>   getInner :: f a -> a
> instance HasInner Character where
>   getInner = charaInner
> instance HasInner Gun where
>   getInner = gunInner
> instance HasInner Armor where
>   getInner = armorInner
> class Has b a | a -> b where
> content :: a -> b
> instance (Has b a, HasInner f) => Has b (f a) where
> content a = content $ getInner a
> instance (HasInner f) => Has a (f a) where
> content a = getInner a
> chara = Character 100 $ Armor 40 $ Gun 12 ()
> itsGun :: (Has (Gun b) a) => a -> Gun b
> itsGun = content
> You were missing a mechanism to extract the inner value from your
> datatypes.
> - Job
> On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 2:57 PM, Yves Parès  wrote:
>> Hello Café,
>> I'm trying to get some modular data types.
>> The idea that came to me is that I could stack them, for instance :
>> data Character a = Character { life :: Int,
>>charaInner :: a }
>> data Gun a = Gun { firepower :: Int,
>>gunInner :: a }
>> data Armor a = Armor { resistance :: Int,
>>armorInner :: a }
>> Then a character with a gun and an armor can be build this way:
>> chara = Character 100 $ Armor 40 $ Gun 12
>> The idea now is to be able to get some part of the character:
>> itsGun :: Character ?? -> Gun ??
>> itsGun = content
>> Then content would be a class method:
>> class Has b a where
>> content :: a -> b
>> And it would be recursively defined so that:
>> instance (Has c b, Has b a) => Has c a where
>> content = (content :: b -> c) . (content :: a -> b)
>> Then itsGun would be more like:
>> itsGun :: (Has Gun a) => a -> Gun ??
>> itsGun = content
>> But after some juggling with extensions (ScopedTypeVariables,
>> UndecidableInstances, IncoherentInstances...) I can't get it working.
>> Has someone a simpler way to achieve modular types?
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
>> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
>> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] mtlx has a nice design but is slow

2011-04-06 Thread Don Stewart
Typically you'll want to inline any definitions of >>= and return in
your classes and instances. Also, any non-recursive top level wrapper

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 3:00 PM, Mark Snyder  wrote:
> I'm the author for mtlx, and admittedly I didn't do anything about
> efficiency when I implemented it.  Is there any initial place I ought to
> look for tips on inlining? I'll start with the pragmas page
> (http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/7.0.3/html/users_guide/pragmas.html) I
> suppose.  I'm happy for any suggestions--optimizing hasn't been one of my
> focuses, so it's time for me to learn I suppose!
> I did switch to newtype definitions in the most recent version (0.1.5),
> which probably helped a lot compared to data definitions, but there are no
> inline pragmas in use, so perhaps there are some good opportunities for
> optimization.
> ~Mark Snyder
>>Is the package missing some obvious inlining in the instances?
>>> I just refactored my type and transform system prototype (introduced in
>>> [1]
>>> but changed since then) from using mtlx [2] (type-indexed monad
>>> transformers
>>> described in [3]) to mtl using RWST. mtlx allowed me to cleanly separate
>>> the
>>> various monadic components in a convenient way. Unfortunately, I found it
>>> to
>>> be too slow. The refactoring was an experiment to see how slow. I was
>>> rather
>>> surprised:
>>> Running time of a compiled main with a list of tests:
>>> ? mtlx (7 transformers): 2 min 52 sec
>>> ? mtl (RWST): 0 min 13 sec
>>> It's frustrating to see such a huge performance gap for a better design.
>>> Regards,
>>> Sean
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] mtlx has a nice design but is slow

2011-04-06 Thread Mark Snyder
I'm the author for mtlx, and admittedly I didn't do anything about efficiency 
when I implemented it.  Is there any initial place I ought to look for tips on 
inlining? I'll start with the pragmas page 
(http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/7.0.3/html/users_guide/pragmas.html) I 
suppose.  I'm happy for any suggestions--optimizing hasn't been one of my 
focuses, so it's time for me to learn I suppose!

I did switch to newtype definitions in the most recent version (0.1.5), which 
probably helped a lot compared to data definitions, but there are no inline 
pragmas in use, so perhaps there are some good opportunities for optimization.

~Mark Snyder

>Is the package missing some obvious inlining in the instances?
>> I just refactored my type and transform system prototype (introduced in [1]
>> but changed since then) from using mtlx [2] (type-indexed monad transformers
>> described in [3]) to mtl using RWST. mtlx allowed me to cleanly separate the
>> various monadic components in a convenient way. Unfortunately, I found it to
>> be too slow. The refactoring was an experiment to see how slow. I was rather
>> surprised:
>> Running time of a compiled main with a list of tests:
>> ? mtlx (7 transformers): 2 min 52 sec
>> ? mtl (RWST): 0 min 13 sec
>> It's frustrating to see such a huge performance gap for a better design.
>> Regards,
>> Sean

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to contact OpenGL package maintainer (where is Sven?)

2011-04-06 Thread Jason Dagit
On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 2:35 PM, Don Stewart  wrote:

> Note, there are some issues, as this is a package in the Haskell
> Platform, to do with upgrading and dependent packages. We should talk
> first about issues there.

An older version is in the HP, but Johan pointed out to me in a private
email that the latest version is not in the HP.  Here are the results of my
research into that:

I'm not finding much in the way of reasons why the *Raw packages were not
added or why OpenGL/GLUT were not updated.

There are these:

That's a request for the latest version of GLUT and OpenGL.  I found those
via the archives but the threads are empty and no comments on the tickets.

Magnus created those tickets as a result of this thread, I believe:

Is that the thread in your memory?  Perhaps it was this one?

That one turned into a discussion of the module system.

I added a proposal to add OpenGLRaw, but no one commented on it:

Based on that, it seems that Magnus wants the packages updated, and I'd like
to see the *Raw packages added to the platform.  I don't see
any dissenting public opinions on the libraries list or on the trac, other
than tickets #57 and #58 that make a case for removing OpenGL and GLUT
entirely from the platform.  Tickets #57 and #58 seem to be old though.

If you have more information or I overlooked something, please let me know


> On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 2:32 PM, Jason Dagit  wrote:
> > No response yet from Sven after about a month and no one seems to have
> heard
> > from him in over a year.
> >
> > I'm going to take over for now under the assumption that Sven is missing.
> > == My plans for moving forward ==
> >   * Assemble an opengl taskforce, a few people have already mentioned an
> > interest in being on the team
> >   * clean up the current cabal files (I already wrote patches for that)
> >   * put the repos on github to make team collaboration easier
> >   * add the RULES that Andy Gill suggested for realToFrac
> >   * look at adding instances for MArray so that GLfloat et al can be
> stored
> > in IOUArrays
> >   * add support for opengl 4.x
> >   * look at adding deprecation pragmas for deprecated opengl calls
> >   * new hackage releases
> >   * anything else that comes up
> > Thanks,
> > Jason
> >
> > On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Jason Dagit  wrote:
> >>
> >> I sent the message below to Haskell-Cafe about a week ago. I got one
> >> response saying that Sven has disappeared in the past but reappeared
> when
> >> updates were necessary.  I still haven't heard from Sven.  Now I'm
> widening
> >> my search.  My original email to Sven was on March 11th.
> >> It looks like the OpenGL packages on hackage[1,2,3,4] have not been
> >> updated in some time.  No updates later than Oct 2009.  I tried to email
> >> Sven directly using the email address listed on hackage but after over
> two
> >> weeks I still haven't heard from him.  I sent some patches to
> >> the opengl list about a week ago but I noticed that Sven hasn't posted
> on
> >> that list since Oct 2009 when he released the current version of
> OpenGLRaw.
> >>  None of the public darcs repos have patches newer than Oct 2009.  Also,
> the
> >> homepage url listed in the packages is a 404:
> >> http://www.haskell.org/HOpenGL/
> >> My concern is that Sven has disappeared for some reason.  I hope he's
> >> well.  He has always done top notch work in the past maintaining these
> >> libraries.  Perhaps he's simply busy or lost interest?
> >> Does anyone know if he was looking for a new maintainer?  Perhaps you've
> >> heard from him more recently than Oct 2009?
> >> If a new maintainer is needed, I would consider nominating myself :)
> >> Thanks,
> >> Jason
> >> [1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/OpenGLRaw
> >> [2] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/OpenGL
> >> [3] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/GLURaw
> >> [4] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/GLUT
> >
> > ___
> > Libraries mailing list
> > librar...@haskell.org
> > http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/libraries
> >
> >
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to contact OpenGL package maintainer (where is Sven?)

2011-04-06 Thread Don Stewart
Note, there are some issues, as this is a package in the Haskell
Platform, to do with upgrading and dependent packages. We should talk
first about issues there.

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 2:32 PM, Jason Dagit  wrote:
> No response yet from Sven after about a month and no one seems to have heard
> from him in over a year.
> I'm going to take over for now under the assumption that Sven is missing.
> == My plans for moving forward ==
>   * Assemble an opengl taskforce, a few people have already mentioned an
> interest in being on the team
>   * clean up the current cabal files (I already wrote patches for that)
>   * put the repos on github to make team collaboration easier
>   * add the RULES that Andy Gill suggested for realToFrac
>   * look at adding instances for MArray so that GLfloat et al can be stored
> in IOUArrays
>   * add support for opengl 4.x
>   * look at adding deprecation pragmas for deprecated opengl calls
>   * new hackage releases
>   * anything else that comes up
> Thanks,
> Jason
> On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Jason Dagit  wrote:
>> I sent the message below to Haskell-Cafe about a week ago. I got one
>> response saying that Sven has disappeared in the past but reappeared when
>> updates were necessary.  I still haven't heard from Sven.  Now I'm widening
>> my search.  My original email to Sven was on March 11th.
>> It looks like the OpenGL packages on hackage[1,2,3,4] have not been
>> updated in some time.  No updates later than Oct 2009.  I tried to email
>> Sven directly using the email address listed on hackage but after over two
>> weeks I still haven't heard from him.  I sent some patches to
>> the opengl list about a week ago but I noticed that Sven hasn't posted on
>> that list since Oct 2009 when he released the current version of OpenGLRaw.
>>  None of the public darcs repos have patches newer than Oct 2009.  Also, the
>> homepage url listed in the packages is a 404:
>> http://www.haskell.org/HOpenGL/
>> My concern is that Sven has disappeared for some reason.  I hope he's
>> well.  He has always done top notch work in the past maintaining these
>> libraries.  Perhaps he's simply busy or lost interest?
>> Does anyone know if he was looking for a new maintainer?  Perhaps you've
>> heard from him more recently than Oct 2009?
>> If a new maintainer is needed, I would consider nominating myself :)
>> Thanks,
>> Jason
>> [1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/OpenGLRaw
>> [2] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/OpenGL
>> [3] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/GLURaw
>> [4] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/GLUT
> ___
> Libraries mailing list
> librar...@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/libraries

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to contact OpenGL package maintainer (where is Sven?)

2011-04-06 Thread Jason Dagit
No response yet from Sven after about a month and no one seems to have heard
from him in over a year.

I'm going to take over for now under the assumption that Sven is missing.

== My plans for moving forward ==
  * Assemble an opengl taskforce, a few people have already mentioned an
interest in being on the team
  * clean up the current cabal files (I already wrote patches for that)
  * put the repos on github to make team collaboration easier
  * add the RULES that Andy Gill suggested for realToFrac
  * look at adding instances for MArray so that GLfloat et al can be stored
in IOUArrays
  * add support for opengl 4.x
  * look at adding deprecation pragmas for deprecated opengl calls
  * new hackage releases
  * anything else that comes up


On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Jason Dagit  wrote:

> I sent the message below to Haskell-Cafe about a week ago. I got one
> response saying that Sven has disappeared in the past but reappeared when
> updates were necessary.  I still haven't heard from Sven.  Now I'm widening
> my search.  My original email to Sven was on March 11th.
> It looks like the OpenGL packages on hackage[1,2,3,4] have not been
> updated in some time.  No updates later than Oct 2009.  I tried to email
> Sven directly using the email address listed on hackage but after over two
> weeks I still haven't heard from him.  I sent some patches to the opengl list
> about a week ago but I noticed that Sven hasn't posted on that list since
> Oct 2009 when he released the current version of OpenGLRaw.  None of the
> public darcs repos have patches newer than Oct 2009.  Also, the homepage url
> listed in the packages is a 404:
> http://www.haskell.org/HOpenGL/
> My concern is that Sven has disappeared for some reason.  I hope he's well.
>  He has always done top notch work in the past maintaining these libraries.
>  Perhaps he's simply busy or lost interest?
> Does anyone know if he was looking for a new maintainer?  Perhaps you've
> heard from him more recently than Oct 2009?
> If a new maintainer is needed, I would consider nominating myself :)
> Thanks,
> Jason
> [1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/OpenGLRaw
> [2] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/OpenGL
> [3] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/GLURaw
> [4] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/GLUT
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: DocTest-0.2.0

2011-04-06 Thread Simon Hengel
Hello Michael,

> I would like to integrate DocTest into my normal test suite procedures. Do you
> have a recommended approach for this? I think I have projects using all of
> test-framework[1], HTF[2] and hspect[3], so I'm not picky here.

Currently you are pretty much on your own here.  A shell script that
runs both, doctest and unit test, is what I currently use.

In principle it should be possible to provide an API function that maps
a list of flags and source files to tests, like:

getDocTests :: [Flag] -> [FilePath] -> IO [Test]

But with this you still have to figure out the flags and source files.

A different approach would be to provide Cabal with a `doctest' target
(similar to the `haddock' target), that runs the DocTests.  Cabal
already knows the necessary information to do so.

Sadly, I have no time to work on any of these for at least a month.
Nevertheless, I'd be interested what you think about it.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking data types

2011-04-06 Thread Job Vranish
I think you want something like this:

{-# Language MultiParamTypeClasses
   , FlexibleInstances
   , FunctionalDependencies
   , UndecidableInstances
   , FlexibleContexts
   , OverlappingInstances

data Character a = Character { life :: Int,
   charaInner :: a }
  deriving (Show)

data Gun a = Gun { firepower :: Int,
   gunInner :: a }
 deriving (Show)

data Armor a = Armor { resistance :: Int,
   armorInner :: a }
   deriving (Show)

class HasInner f where
  getInner :: f a -> a

instance HasInner Character where
  getInner = charaInner

instance HasInner Gun where
  getInner = gunInner

instance HasInner Armor where
  getInner = armorInner

class Has b a | a -> b where
content :: a -> b

instance (Has b a, HasInner f) => Has b (f a) where
content a = content $ getInner a

instance (HasInner f) => Has a (f a) where
content a = getInner a

chara = Character 100 $ Armor 40 $ Gun 12 ()

itsGun :: (Has (Gun b) a) => a -> Gun b
itsGun = content

You were missing a mechanism to extract the inner value from your datatypes.

- Job

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 2:57 PM, Yves Parès  wrote:

> Hello Café,
> I'm trying to get some modular data types.
> The idea that came to me is that I could stack them, for instance :
> data Character a = Character { life :: Int,
>charaInner :: a }
> data Gun a = Gun { firepower :: Int,
>gunInner :: a }
> data Armor a = Armor { resistance :: Int,
>armorInner :: a }
> Then a character with a gun and an armor can be build this way:
> chara = Character 100 $ Armor 40 $ Gun 12
> The idea now is to be able to get some part of the character:
> itsGun :: Character ?? -> Gun ??
> itsGun = content
> Then content would be a class method:
> class Has b a where
> content :: a -> b
> And it would be recursively defined so that:
> instance (Has c b, Has b a) => Has c a where
> content = (content :: b -> c) . (content :: a -> b)
> Then itsGun would be more like:
> itsGun :: (Has Gun a) => a -> Gun ??
> itsGun = content
> But after some juggling with extensions (ScopedTypeVariables,
> UndecidableInstances, IncoherentInstances...) I can't get it working.
> Has someone a simpler way to achieve modular types?
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking data types

2011-04-06 Thread Serguey Zefirov
I think I should suggest HList from Oleg Kiseliov.


That way you will have something along those lines:

-- fields descriptors:
data Character
data Gun
data Armor
data Life

-- values for fields:
data Vulcan = Vulcan { vulcanAmmoCount :: Int}
data Player = Player { playerName :: String }

player = (Character, Player) :*: (Gun,Vulcan) :*: (Armor,50) :*: HNil

HList has all the machinery to create records, get a field from record
(something like "getField rec Character"), test for field in record
(Maybe value), etc.

2011/4/6 Yves Parès :
> Hello Café,
> I'm trying to get some modular data types.
> The idea that came to me is that I could stack them, for instance :
> data Character a = Character { life :: Int,
>        charaInner :: a }
> data Gun a = Gun { firepower :: Int,
>    gunInner :: a }
> data Armor a = Armor { resistance :: Int,
>    armorInner :: a }
> Then a character with a gun and an armor can be build this way:
> chara = Character 100 $ Armor 40 $ Gun 12
> The idea now is to be able to get some part of the character:
> itsGun :: Character ?? -> Gun ??
> itsGun = content
> Then content would be a class method:
> class Has b a where
>     content :: a -> b
> And it would be recursively defined so that:
> instance (Has c b, Has b a) => Has c a where
>     content = (content :: b -> c) . (content :: a -> b)
> Then itsGun would be more like:
> itsGun :: (Has Gun a) => a -> Gun ??
> itsGun = content
> But after some juggling with extensions (ScopedTypeVariables,
> UndecidableInstances, IncoherentInstances...) I can't get it working.
> Has someone a simpler way to achieve modular types?
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 'Progress bar' enumeratee

2011-04-06 Thread Ertugrul Soeylemez
"David Hotham"  wrote:

> The desired behaviour (certainly my desired behaviour, but I think
> also the most useful behaviour generally) is that the enumeratee
> passes n bytes to its iteratee, prints a dot, and repeats.
> Given that, printing the dots all in one bunch after passing bytes to
> the iteratee isn't any improvement over printing the dots all in one
> bunch before passing them to the iteratee.
> I think that mostly I want it the way that I want it because that's
> the bit that I struggled most over and I'm now reluctant to give it
> up!  However this might actually make a useful difference to behaviour
> in the case of an iteratee that did very expensive processing, or that
> itself performed IO.  In such cases, my behaviour could be expected to
> give a more accurate indication of how far through processing we'd
> actually got.

If you're talking about my code, you must have misunderstood something.
It does not print the dots all in one bunch, but prints them as input is
requested from the enumerator.  The last version I posted prints the
dots after the iteratee has consumed the input.  That difference is
noticable, when your iteratee does complex computations before it goes
back to the Continue state.


nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking data types

2011-04-06 Thread Richard Senington

On 06/04/11 20:32, Brandon Moore wrote:

From: Yves Parès
Sent: Wed, April 6, 2011 1:57:51 PM

Hello Café,

I'm trying to get some modular data types.
The idea that came to me is that I could stack them, for instance :

data Character a = Character { life :: Int,
   charaInner :: a }

data Gun a = Gun { firepower :: Int,
   gunInner :: a }

data Armor a = Armor { resistance :: Int,
   armorInner :: a }

Then a character with a gun and an armor can be build this way:

chara = Character 100 $ Armor 40 $ Gun 12

The idea now is to be able to get some part of the character:

I don't have a better design to suggest, but I think this may end up more
complicated than you want. In particular, it will probably be complicated to
make a collection of characters that have e.g. an Armor but maybe any
other stuff.

If you do want to use this sort of design, check out Wouter Swiestra's
paper "Data Type a la Cart".


Haskell-Cafe mailing list
I was struggling with this idea a few weeks ago. I think I tried the 
same types of extensions that you have, also with no luck.

I then started looking at extensible records on the Haskell wiki

This was the one I liked, but as far as I could tell it has not been 
implemented (please tell me if I was wrong about that)



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 'Progress bar' enumeratee

2011-04-06 Thread Gregory Collins
My enumerator style may not be the best (I'm long-winded), but
personally when the stream types are the same on input and output I
often skip the Enumeratee stuff and just write an Enumerator wrapper.
To address your complaint here:

> PS Implementations which involve "EB.take count" seem to me unsatisfactory;
> one surely oughtn't need to have a large buffer to solve this problem

I'd write a helping combinator:

> module Main where
> import   Control.Monad  (when)
> import   Control.Monad.Trans
> import   Data.ByteString.Char8  (ByteString)
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
> import   Data.Enumerator
> import qualified Data.Enumerator.List   as EL
> import   System.IO
> takeUpTo :: Monad m =>
> Int
>  -> Iteratee ByteString m (Stream ByteString, Int)
> takeUpTo n' = continue k
>   where
> n = toEnum n'
> k EOF = yield (EOF,0) EOF
> k (Chunks xs) = if taken == 0
>   then takeUpTo n'
>   else yield (stream, taken) rest
>   where
> s  = L.fromChunks xs
> (a,b)  = L.splitAt n s
> taken  = fromEnum $ L.length a
> stream = Chunks $ L.toChunks a
> rest   = Chunks $ L.toChunks b

The code to run a side effect every N bytes is then pretty short (and
should be efficient):

> sideEffectEveryNBytes :: Monad m =>
>  Int  -- ^ run the side effect every N bytes
>   -> m () -- ^ side effect
>   -> Step ByteString m a
>   -> Iteratee ByteString m a
> sideEffectEveryNBytes n act = flip checkContinue1 n $ \loop i k -> do
> (str, taken) <- takeUpTo i
> when (taken == i) $ lift act
> (lift $ runIteratee $ k str) >>= loop (nextI $ i - taken)
>   where
> nextI 0 = n
> nextI i = i

Here's your particular example:

> example :: IO [ByteString]
> example = run_ $ enumList 1 [ "the quick brown "
> , "fox "
> , "jumped "
> , "over "
> , "the lazy dog" ] $$ it
>   where
> it = do
> xs <- sideEffectEveryNBytes 10 (putStr "." >> hFlush stdout) $$
>   EL.consume
> lift $ putStrLn ""
> return xs

Running it:

> *Main> example
> ["the quick ","brown ","fox ","jumped ","ove","r ","the lazy"," dog"]

Gregory Collins 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking data types

2011-04-06 Thread Brandon Moore
>From: Yves Parès 
>Sent: Wed, April 6, 2011 1:57:51 PM
>Hello Café,
>I'm trying to get some modular data types.
>The idea that came to me is that I could stack them, for instance :
>data Character a = Character { life :: Int,
>   charaInner :: a }
>data Gun a = Gun { firepower :: Int,
>   gunInner :: a }
>data Armor a = Armor { resistance :: Int,
>   armorInner :: a }
>Then a character with a gun and an armor can be build this way:
>chara = Character 100 $ Armor 40 $ Gun 12
>The idea now is to be able to get some part of the character:

I don't have a better design to suggest, but I think this may end up more
complicated than you want. In particular, it will probably be complicated to
make a collection of characters that have e.g. an Armor but maybe any
other stuff.

If you do want to use this sort of design, check out Wouter Swiestra's
paper "Data Type a la Cart".


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 'Progress bar' enumeratee

2011-04-06 Thread David Hotham
The desired behaviour (certainly my desired behaviour, but I think also the 
most useful behaviour generally) is that the enumeratee passes n bytes to 
its iteratee, prints a dot, and repeats.

Given that, printing the dots all in one bunch after passing bytes to the 
iteratee isn't any improvement over printing the dots all in one bunch 
before passing them to the iteratee.

I think that mostly I want it the way that I want it because that's the bit 
that I struggled most over and I'm now reluctant to give it up!  However 
this might actually make a useful difference to behaviour in the case of an 
iteratee that did very expensive processing, or that itself performed IO. 
In such cases, my behaviour could be expected to give a more accurate 
indication of how far through processing we'd actually got.


PS Yes, I already tried out the code ;-).  You'll see that both of my 
versions did indeed hFlush stdout.

"Ertugrul Soeylemez"  wrote in message 

"David Hotham"  wrote:

I did have a version along those lines at some point, but I felt it
was cheating rather to print the dots not at the correct point in the

Perhaps I've over-complicated for the sake of the learning experience,
but I do like to have a version that passes on the correct number of
bytes, then prints the ".", and then continues.

Well, then just do the printing after calling the continuation:

   dotsAt :: forall b m. MonadPeelIO m => Int ->
 Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m b
   dotsAt n =
   loop 0

   loop :: Int -> Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m b
   loop i' step@(Continue k) =
   continue go

   go :: Stream ByteString ->
 Iteratee ByteString m (Step ByteString m b)
   go EOF = return step
   go ch@(Chunks strs) = do
   let (numDots, i) = divMod (i' + sum (L.map BC.length strs)) 
   printDots = tryIO $ BC.putStr (BC.replicate numDots 
'.') >>

   hFlush stdout
   k ch >>== (\step -> printDots >> loop i step)
   loop i' step = return step

By the way, after trying out the code, I found that you should use
hFlush after printing.  Otherwise you may see the dots delayed.


nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking data types

2011-04-06 Thread KC
What about record types?

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 11:58 AM, Yves Parès  wrote:
> I meant:
> chara = Character 100 $ Armor 40 $ Gun 12 ()
> 2011/4/6 Yves Parès 
>> Hello Café,
>> I'm trying to get some modular data types.
>> The idea that came to me is that I could stack them, for instance :
>> data Character a = Character { life :: Int,
>>        charaInner :: a }
>> data Gun a = Gun { firepower :: Int,
>>    gunInner :: a }
>> data Armor a = Armor { resistance :: Int,
>>    armorInner :: a }
>> Then a character with a gun and an armor can be build this way:
>> chara = Character 100 $ Armor 40 $ Gun 12
>> The idea now is to be able to get some part of the character:
>> itsGun :: Character ?? -> Gun ??
>> itsGun = content
>> Then content would be a class method:
>> class Has b a where
>>     content :: a -> b
>> And it would be recursively defined so that:
>> instance (Has c b, Has b a) => Has c a where
>>     content = (content :: b -> c) . (content :: a -> b)
>> Then itsGun would be more like:
>> itsGun :: (Has Gun a) => a -> Gun ??
>> itsGun = content
>> But after some juggling with extensions (ScopedTypeVariables,
>> UndecidableInstances, IncoherentInstances...) I can't get it working.
>> Has someone a simpler way to achieve modular types?
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking data types

2011-04-06 Thread Yves Parès
I meant:

chara = Character 100 $ Armor 40 $ Gun 12 *()*

2011/4/6 Yves Parès 

> Hello Café,
> I'm trying to get some modular data types.
> The idea that came to me is that I could stack them, for instance :
> data Character a = Character { life :: Int,
>charaInner :: a }
> data Gun a = Gun { firepower :: Int,
>gunInner :: a }
> data Armor a = Armor { resistance :: Int,
>armorInner :: a }
> Then a character with a gun and an armor can be build this way:
> chara = Character 100 $ Armor 40 $ Gun 12
> The idea now is to be able to get some part of the character:
> itsGun :: Character ?? -> Gun ??
> itsGun = content
> Then content would be a class method:
> class Has b a where
> content :: a -> b
> And it would be recursively defined so that:
> instance (Has c b, Has b a) => Has c a where
> content = (content :: b -> c) . (content :: a -> b)
> Then itsGun would be more like:
> itsGun :: (Has Gun a) => a -> Gun ??
> itsGun = content
> But after some juggling with extensions (ScopedTypeVariables,
> UndecidableInstances, IncoherentInstances...) I can't get it working.
> Has someone a simpler way to achieve modular types?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Stacking data types

2011-04-06 Thread Yves Parès
Hello Café,

I'm trying to get some modular data types.
The idea that came to me is that I could stack them, for instance :

data Character a = Character { life :: Int,
   charaInner :: a }

data Gun a = Gun { firepower :: Int,
   gunInner :: a }

data Armor a = Armor { resistance :: Int,
   armorInner :: a }

Then a character with a gun and an armor can be build this way:

chara = Character 100 $ Armor 40 $ Gun 12

The idea now is to be able to get some part of the character:

itsGun :: Character ?? -> Gun ??
itsGun = content

Then content would be a class method:

class Has b a where
content :: a -> b

And it would be recursively defined so that:

instance (Has c b, Has b a) => Has c a where
content = (content :: b -> c) . (content :: a -> b)

Then itsGun would be more like:

itsGun :: (Has Gun a) => a -> Gun ??
itsGun = content

But after some juggling with extensions (ScopedTypeVariables,
UndecidableInstances, IncoherentInstances...) I can't get it working.

Has someone a simpler way to achieve modular types?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: DocTest-0.2.0

2011-04-06 Thread Michael Snoyman
Hi Simon,

Looking into DocTest has been something on my TODO list for a few months
now. After this email, I finally started looking into it. I was very
impressed to see that, with the optghc option, I'm even able to test
QuasiQuotes. Very impressive!

I would like to integrate DocTest into my normal test suite procedures. Do
you have a recommended approach for this? I think I have projects using all
of test-framework[1], HTF[2] and hspect[3], so I'm not picky here.


[1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/test-framework
[2] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/HTF
[3] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hspec

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 7:46 PM, Simon Hengel wrote:

> I just uploaded a new version of DocTest[1] to Hackage.
> WHAT IS DocTest?
> DocTest is a port of Python's doctest[2] to Haskell.  It can be used to
> verify, that examples in Haddock comments[3] do still work.  This also
> provides you with a simple mechanism to write unit test, without the
> burden of maintaining a dedicated test suite.
> A basic example of usage is at [4].
> ===
> Support for blank lines in the result of an expression (analogous to the
> -feature of Python's doctest).  Here is an example of usage:
>-- |
>-- Some example:
>-- >>> putStrLn "foo\n\nbar"
>-- foo
>-- bar
> Currently this is implemented in DocTest, but we will move it to Haddock
> with the next release.
> Cheers,
> Simon
> [1] http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/DocTest
> [2] http://docs.python.org/library/doctest.html
> [3] http://www.haskell.org/haddock/doc/html/ch03s08.html#id566093
> [4] http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/DocTest
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] mtlx has a nice design but is slow

2011-04-06 Thread Don Stewart
Is the package missing some obvious inlining in the instances?

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Sean Leather  wrote:
> I just refactored my type and transform system prototype (introduced in [1]
> but changed since then) from using mtlx [2] (type-indexed monad transformers
> described in [3]) to mtl using RWST. mtlx allowed me to cleanly separate the
> various monadic components in a convenient way. Unfortunately, I found it to
> be too slow. The refactoring was an experiment to see how slow. I was rather
> surprised:
> Running time of a compiled main with a list of tests:
>   mtlx (7 transformers): 2 min 52 sec
>   mtl (RWST): 0 min 13 sec
> It's frustrating to see such a huge performance gap for a better design.
> Regards,
> Sean
> [1]
> http://splonderzoek.blogspot.com/2011/03/draft-type-changing-program-improvement.html
> [2] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/mtlx
> [3] http://www.ittc.ku.edu/~marks/cgi-bin/pubs/monadfactory.pdf
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] mtlx has a nice design but is slow

2011-04-06 Thread Sean Leather
I just refactored my type and transform system prototype (introduced in [1]
but changed since then) from using mtlx [2] (type-indexed monad transformers
described in [3]) to mtl using RWST. mtlx allowed me to cleanly separate the
various monadic components in a convenient way. Unfortunately, I found it to
be too slow. The refactoring was an experiment to see how slow. I was rather

Running time of a compiled main with a list of tests:
  mtlx (7 transformers): 2 min 52 sec
  mtl (RWST): 0 min 13 sec

It's frustrating to see such a huge performance gap for a better design.


[2] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/mtlx
[3] http://www.ittc.ku.edu/~marks/cgi-bin/pubs/monadfactory.pdf
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: DocTest-0.2.0

2011-04-06 Thread Simon Hengel
I just uploaded a new version of DocTest[1] to Hackage.

WHAT IS DocTest?

DocTest is a port of Python's doctest[2] to Haskell.  It can be used to
verify, that examples in Haddock comments[3] do still work.  This also
provides you with a simple mechanism to write unit test, without the
burden of maintaining a dedicated test suite.

A basic example of usage is at [4].


Support for blank lines in the result of an expression (analogous to the
-feature of Python's doctest).  Here is an example of usage:

-- |
-- Some example:
-- >>> putStrLn "foo\n\nbar"
-- foo
-- bar

Currently this is implemented in DocTest, but we will move it to Haddock
with the next release.


[1] http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/DocTest
[2] http://docs.python.org/library/doctest.html
[3] http://www.haskell.org/haddock/doc/html/ch03s08.html#id566093
[4] http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/DocTest
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 'Progress bar' enumeratee

2011-04-06 Thread Ertugrul Soeylemez
As a side note, even though GHC seems to handle this properly, I would
force the value of 'i' before passing data to the continuation.
Otherwise a less smart compiler may eat memory.  I believe, it can only
eat memory proportional to 'n', but nevertheless real constant space is

seq i $ k ch >>== (\step -> printDots >> loop i step)


nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 'Progress bar' enumeratee

2011-04-06 Thread Ertugrul Soeylemez
"David Hotham"  wrote:

> I did have a version along those lines at some point, but I felt it
> was cheating rather to print the dots not at the correct point in the
> stream.
> Perhaps I've over-complicated for the sake of the learning experience,
> but I do like to have a version that passes on the correct number of
> bytes, then prints the ".", and then continues.

Well, then just do the printing after calling the continuation:

dotsAt :: forall b m. MonadPeelIO m => Int ->
  Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m b
dotsAt n =
loop 0

loop :: Int -> Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m b
loop i' step@(Continue k) =
continue go

go :: Stream ByteString ->
  Iteratee ByteString m (Step ByteString m b)
go EOF = return step
go ch@(Chunks strs) = do
let (numDots, i) = divMod (i' + sum (L.map BC.length strs)) n
printDots = tryIO $ BC.putStr (BC.replicate numDots '.') >>
hFlush stdout
k ch >>== (\step -> printDots >> loop i step)
loop i' step = return step

By the way, after trying out the code, I found that you should use
hFlush after printing.  Otherwise you may see the dots delayed.


nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 'Progress bar' enumeratee

2011-04-06 Thread David Hotham

Thanks for the reply.

I did have a version along those lines at some point, but I felt it was 
cheating rather to print the dots not at the correct point in the stream.

Perhaps I've over-complicated for the sake of the learning experience, but I 
do like to have a version that passes on the correct number of bytes, then 
prints the ".", and then continues.


"Ertugrul Soeylemez"  wrote in message 

"David Hotham"  wrote:

I've spent some time over the last couple of days trying to write an
enumeratee that prints a "." every n bytes (with obvious intended use
as a progress tracker).  Seems like it oughtn't be hard, but it has
been a steep learning curve...

I have come up with something that seems to do the job but I don't
know that I'm completely happy with it (or even that I completely
understand it, to be honest).

If anyone more expert would be kind enough either to reassure me that
I'm doing it right or - more likely - to offer improvements /
suggestions on what obvious simplifications I have overlooked, I'd be

I think that using lazy bytestrings does not have any advantage here,
since the enumerator creates the strict bytestrings at some point, then
your enumeratee converts them into lazy ones just for counting.  Just
use the straightforward approach:  Take the chunks and count the bytes
like here:

   {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

   dotsAt :: forall b m. MonadPeelIO m =>
 Int -> Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m b
   dotsAt n =
   loop 0

   loop :: Int -> Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m b
   loop i' step@(Continue k) =
   continue go

   go :: Stream ByteString ->
 Iteratee ByteString m (Step ByteString m b)
   go EOF = return step
   go ch@(Chunks strs) = do
   let (numDots, i) = divMod (i' + sum (L.map BC.length strs)) 

   tryIO $ BC.putStr (BC.replicate numDots '.')
   k ch >>== loop i
   loop i' step = return step

I think, this is about the most straightforward and also the fastest


nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 'Progress bar' enumeratee

2011-04-06 Thread Ertugrul Soeylemez
"David Hotham"  wrote:

> I've spent some time over the last couple of days trying to write an
> enumeratee that prints a "." every n bytes (with obvious intended use
> as a progress tracker).  Seems like it oughtn't be hard, but it has
> been a steep learning curve...
> I have come up with something that seems to do the job but I don't
> know that I'm completely happy with it (or even that I completely
> understand it, to be honest).
> If anyone more expert would be kind enough either to reassure me that
> I'm doing it right or - more likely - to offer improvements /
> suggestions on what obvious simplifications I have overlooked, I'd be
> grateful.

I think that using lazy bytestrings does not have any advantage here,
since the enumerator creates the strict bytestrings at some point, then
your enumeratee converts them into lazy ones just for counting.  Just
use the straightforward approach:  Take the chunks and count the bytes
like here:

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

dotsAt :: forall b m. MonadPeelIO m =>
  Int -> Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m b
dotsAt n =
loop 0

loop :: Int -> Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m b
loop i' step@(Continue k) =
continue go

go :: Stream ByteString ->
  Iteratee ByteString m (Step ByteString m b)
go EOF = return step
go ch@(Chunks strs) = do
let (numDots, i) = divMod (i' + sum (L.map BC.length strs)) n
tryIO $ BC.putStr (BC.replicate numDots '.')
k ch >>== loop i
loop i' step = return step

I think, this is about the most straightforward and also the fastest


nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 'Progress bar' enumeratee

2011-04-06 Thread David Hotham

An error slipped into the version below.  The line:

E.checkDone (E.continue . dotIn (count - len))

should read

E.checkDone (E.continue . dotIn (need - len))

"David Hotham"  wrote in message 


I've spent some time over the last couple of days trying to write an 
enumeratee that prints a "." every n bytes (with obvious intended use as a 
progress tracker).  Seems like it oughtn't be hard, but it has been a 
steep learning curve...

I have come up with something that seems to do the job but I don't know 
that I'm completely happy with it (or even that I completely understand 
it, to be honest).

If anyone more expert would be kind enough either to reassure me that I'm 
doing it right or - more likely - to offer improvements / suggestions on 
what obvious simplifications I have overlooked, I'd be grateful.



import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
import qualified Data.Enumerator as E
import qualified Data.Enumerator.Binary as EB
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO, MonadIO)
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)

dotEvery :: MonadIO m => Integer -> E.Enumeratee B.ByteString B.ByteString 
m b

dotEvery count = E.checkDone $ E.continue . dotIn count where
  dotIn need k E.EOF = E.yield (E.Continue k) E.EOF
  dotIn need k (E.Chunks []) = E.continue (dotIn need k)
  dotIn need k (E.Chunks xs) = iter where
lazy = BL.fromChunks xs
len = toInteger $ BL.length lazy
iter = if len < need
  then k (E.Chunks xs) E.>>==
E.checkDone (E.continue . dotIn (count - len))
   else let (x1, x2) = BL.splitAt (fromInteger need) lazy
s1 = E.Chunks $ BL.toChunks x1
s2 = E.Chunks $ BL.toChunks x2
enumee = E.checkDoneEx s2 (\k' -> dotIn count k' s2)
in E.Iteratee $ do newStep <- E.runIteratee $ k s1
   liftIO $ putStr "." >> hFlush stdout
   E.runIteratee $ enumee newStep

PS Implementations which involve "EB.take count" seem to me 
unsatisfactory; one surely oughtn't need to have a large buffer to solve 
this problem
PPS I did find an implementation via mapAccumM which I consider pleasing 
enough from an aesthetic point of view - but which runs 30x slower

dotAt :: MonadIO m => Integer -> Integer -> Word8 -> m (Integer, Word8)
dotAt n s w | s >= n= do liftIO $ putStr "." >> hFlush stdout
return (1, w)
   | otherwise = return (s+1, w)

dotEvery' :: MonadIO m => Integer -> E.Enumeratee B.ByteString 
B.ByteString m b
dotEvery' n = EB.mapAccumM (dotAt n) 1 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] 'Progress bar' enumeratee

2011-04-06 Thread David Hotham


I've spent some time over the last couple of days trying to write an 
enumeratee that prints a "." every n bytes (with obvious intended use as a 
progress tracker).  Seems like it oughtn't be hard, but it has been a steep 
learning curve...

I have come up with something that seems to do the job but I don't know that 
I'm completely happy with it (or even that I completely understand it, to be 

If anyone more expert would be kind enough either to reassure me that I'm 
doing it right or - more likely - to offer improvements / suggestions on 
what obvious simplifications I have overlooked, I'd be grateful.



import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
import qualified Data.Enumerator as E
import qualified Data.Enumerator.Binary as EB
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO, MonadIO)
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)

dotEvery :: MonadIO m => Integer -> E.Enumeratee B.ByteString B.ByteString m 

dotEvery count = E.checkDone $ E.continue . dotIn count where
  dotIn need k E.EOF = E.yield (E.Continue k) E.EOF
  dotIn need k (E.Chunks []) = E.continue (dotIn need k)
  dotIn need k (E.Chunks xs) = iter where
lazy = BL.fromChunks xs
len = toInteger $ BL.length lazy
iter = if len < need
  then k (E.Chunks xs) E.>>==
E.checkDone (E.continue . dotIn (count - len))
   else let (x1, x2) = BL.splitAt (fromInteger need) lazy
s1 = E.Chunks $ BL.toChunks x1
s2 = E.Chunks $ BL.toChunks x2
enumee = E.checkDoneEx s2 (\k' -> dotIn count k' s2)
in E.Iteratee $ do newStep <- E.runIteratee $ k s1
   liftIO $ putStr "." >> hFlush stdout
   E.runIteratee $ enumee newStep

PS Implementations which involve "EB.take count" seem to me unsatisfactory; 
one surely oughtn't need to have a large buffer to solve this problem
PPS I did find an implementation via mapAccumM which I consider pleasing 
enough from an aesthetic point of view - but which runs 30x slower

dotAt :: MonadIO m => Integer -> Integer -> Word8 -> m (Integer, Word8)
dotAt n s w | s >= n= do liftIO $ putStr "." >> hFlush stdout
return (1, w)
   | otherwise = return (s+1, w)

dotEvery' :: MonadIO m => Integer -> E.Enumeratee B.ByteString B.ByteString 
m b
dotEvery' n = EB.mapAccumM (dotAt n) 1 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: Hakyll 3.1

2011-04-06 Thread Jasper Van der Jeugt
Hello all,

I've just uploaded Hakyll [1] to Hackage. It contains some
backwards-incompatible changes (but they are really for the greater

The most important change is the matching done in the rules DSL. What
used to be written as:

route "posts/*" someRoute
compile "posts/*" someCompiler

Is now written as:

match "posts/*" $ do
route someRoute
compile someCompiler

This new style is way more expressive, as you can define custom
predicates such as:

match (predicate (\i -> matches "foo/*" i && not (matches
"foo/bar" i))) $ do ...

For more information, see the Pattern documentation [2].

Another slight change is that the `Hakyll.Web.Tags` [3] module now
uses an association list instead of a `Data.Map` -- in case you want
to change the order in which tags are displayed.

If you have any questions or trouble migrating, feel free to drop a
mail to me or here [4] or visit us in #hakyll on Freenode.

[1]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hakyll
[2]: http://jaspervdj.be/hakyll/reference/Hakyll-Core-Identifier-Pattern.html
[3]: http://jaspervdj.be/hakyll/reference/Hakyll-Web-Tags.html
[4]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/hakyll


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