[Haskell-cafe] Rotating calipers

2011-08-06 Thread mukesh tiwari
Hello all , I am trying to understand rotating calipers [
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotating_calipers ] but i am not sure if
understood this algorithm correctly . I tried to use the almost same
algorithm given on wiki but with four calipers to solve the problem
[ http://cgm.cs.mcgill.ca/~orm/rotcal.html ]. My approach is find
xminP, xmaxP, yminP ymaxP and their corresponding calipers will be ( 0
* i - j ) , ( o * i + j ) , ( i + 0 * j ) and ( -i + 0 * j ). I
implemented the algorithm in Haskell but its not working . I am not
sure if i have followed the wiki algorithm correctly and could some
one please tell me what is wrong with implementation. It would be
great if some one can explain this algorithm in   pseudo  code which
explains the rotating caliper and their implementation details . In
case of indentation , see here [ http://hpaste.org/49907 ] .
Thank you
Mukesh Tiwari

import Data.List
import Data.Array
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Function
import Text.Printf
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS

data Point a = P a a deriving ( Show , Ord , Eq )
data Vector a = V a a deriving ( Show , Ord , Eq )
data Turn = S | L | R deriving ( Show , Eq , Ord , Enum  )

--start of convex hull

compPoint :: ( Num  a , Ord a ) = Point a - Point a - Ordering
compPoint ( P x1 y1 ) ( P x2 y2 )
  | compare x1 x2 == EQ = compare y1 y2
  | otherwise = compare x1 x2

findMinx :: ( Num a , Ord a ) = [ Point a ] - [ Point a ]
findMinx xs = sortBy ( \x  y  - compPoint  x y  ) xs

compAngle ::(Num a , Ord a ) = Point a - Point a - Point a -
compAngle ( P x1 y1 ) ( P x2 y2 ) ( P x0 y0 ) = compare ( (  y1 - y0 )
* ( x2 - x0 )  ) ( ( y2 - y0) * ( x1 - x0 ) )

sortByangle :: ( Num a , Ord a ) = [ Point a ] - [ Point a ]
sortByangle (z:xs) = z : sortBy ( \x y - compAngle x y z ) xs

findTurn :: ( Num a , Ord a , Eq a ) = Point a - Point a - Point a -
findTurn ( P x0 y0 ) ( P x1 y1 ) ( P x2 y2 )
 | ( y1 - y0 ) * ( x2- x0 )  ( y2 - y0 ) * ( x1 - x0 ) = L
 | ( y1 - y0 ) * ( x2- x0 ) == ( y2 - y0 ) * ( x1 - x0 ) = S
 | otherwise = R

findHull :: ( Num a , Ord a  )  = [ Point a ] -   [ Point a ] -
[ Point a ]
findHull [x]  ( z : ys )  = findHull [ z , x ]  ys  --incase of second
point  on line from x to z
findHull xs  [] = xs
findHull ( y : x : xs )  ( z : ys )
  | findTurn x y z == R = findHull (  x : xs )   ( z:ys )
  | findTurn x y z == S = findHull (  x : xs )   ( z:ys )
  | otherwise = findHull ( z : y : x : xs  )   ys

convexHull ::( Num a , Ord a )  = [ Point a ] - [ Point a ]
convexHull xs = reverse . findHull [ y , x ]  $ ys where
( x : y : ys ) = sortByangle . findMinx $ xs

--end of convex hull

--start of rotating caliper part http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotating_calipers
--dot product for getting angle

angVectors :: ( Num a , Ord a , Floating a ) = Vector a - Vector a -
angVectors ( V ax ay ) ( V bx by ) = theta where
dot = ax * bx + ay * by
a = sqrt $ ax ^ 2 + ay ^ 2
b = sqrt $ bx ^ 2 + by ^ 2
theta = acos $ dot / a / b

--rotate the vector x y by angle t

rotVector :: ( Num a , Ord a , Floating a ) = Vector a - a - Vector
rotVector ( V x y ) t = V ( x * cos t - y * sin t ) ( x * sin t + y *
cos t )

--dist between two parallel vectors

distVec :: ( Num a , Ord a , Floating a ) = Vector a - Vector a -
distVec ( V x1 y1 ) ( V x2 y2 ) = sqrt $ ( x1 - x2 ) ^ 2 + ( y1 - y2 )
^ 2
--rotating caliipers

rotCal :: ( Num a , Ord a , Floating a ) = Array Int ( Point a )  -
a - [ Int ] - [ Vector a ] - a - Int - a
rotCal arr ang  [ pa , pb , qa , qb] [ cpa , cpb , cqa , cqb ] area  n
   | 2 * ang  pi = area
   | otherwise = rotCal arr ang' [ pa' , pb' , qa' , qb' ] [ cpa' ,
cpb' , cqa' , cqb' ] area' n where
P x1 y1 = arr ! pa
P x2 y2 = arr ! ( mod ( pa + 1 ) n )
P x3 y3 = arr ! pb
P x4 y4 = arr ! ( mod ( pb + 1 ) n )

P x5 y5 = arr ! qa
P x6 y6 = arr ! ( mod ( qa + 1 ) n )
P x7 y7 = arr ! qb
P x8 y8 = arr ! ( mod ( qb + 1 ) n )

t1 = angVectors cpa ( V ( x2 - x1 ) ( y2 - y1 ) )
t2 = angVectors cpb ( V ( x4 - x3 ) ( y4 - y3 ) )
t3 = angVectors cqa ( V ( x6 - x5 ) ( y6 - y5 ) )
t4 = angVectors cqb ( V ( x8 - x7 ) ( y8 - y7 ) )
t = minimum [ t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 ]

cpa' = rotVector cpa  t
cpb' = rotVector cpb  t
cqa' = rotVector cqa  t
cqb' = rotVector cqb  t

ang' = ang + t
( pa' , pb' , qa' , qb' ) = fN [ t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 ] t where
fN [ t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 ] t
   | t == t1 = ( mod ( pa + 1 ) n , pb , qa , qb )
   | t == t2 = ( pa , mod ( pb + 1 ) n , qa , qb )
   | t == t3 = ( pa , pb , mod ( qa + 1 ) n , qb )
   | otherwise = ( pa , pb , qa , mod ( qb + 1 ) n )

width = distVec cpa' cpb'
length = distVec cqa' cqb'
area' = min area $ length * width

solve :: ( Num a , Ord a , Floating a ) = [ Point a ] - a
solve [] = 0
solve [ 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Rotating calipers

2011-08-06 Thread Tillmann Vogt

Am 06.08.2011 13:12, schrieb mukesh tiwari:

Hello all ,


  I am trying to understand rotating calipers [
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotating_calipers ] but i am not sure if
understood this algorithm correctly . I tried to use the almost same
algorithm given on wiki but with four calipers to solve the problem
[ http://cgm.cs.mcgill.ca/~orm/rotcal.html ].
There are several algorithms mentioned on that page. Do you need the 
diameter, width, or something else?

  My approach is find
xminP, xmaxP, yminP ymaxP and their corresponding calipers will be ( 0
* i - j ) , ( o * i + j ) , ( i + 0 * j ) and ( -i + 0 * j ). I
implemented the algorithm in Haskell but its not working . I am not
sure if i have followed the wiki algorithm correctly and could some
one please tell me what is wrong with implementation. It would be
great if some one can explain this algorithm in   pseudo  code which
explains the rotating caliper and their implementation details . In
case of indentation , see here [ http://hpaste.org/49907 ] .
Thank you
Mukesh Tiwari

I tried your code on one of my libraries. The convex hull function seems 
to works correctly (I could send you a screenshot). I hope this narrows 
the search down. Do you have some example data and what wrong result you 

In one of my libraries 
there is a function:

streamAnimation :: [(Float,Float,Float)] - [SceneNode] - [Animation]

that can visualize a stream of points by an animation. I use this 
sometimes for debugging.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Rotating calipers

2011-08-06 Thread mukesh tiwari
There are several algorithms mentioned on that page. Do you need the
 diameter, width, or something else?

Oh , I did not realize that .Actually first i implemented diameter
algorithm [ http://hpaste.org/49925 ] and tested it on couple of test
cases . Its working fine then i tried  to implement  The minimum area
enclosing rectangle for a convex polygon  using four calipers but i
don't know whats wrong code.
 Do you have some example data and what wrong result you  get?
For any test input [ which i tried ] it outputs 4 . If its implemented
correctly then it will accepted here with slight modification [
http://www.spoj.pl/problems/WLOO0707 ] since it asks for square area.
Couple of test cases which i tried .

ghcifinal [ P 1 1 , P 2 2 , P 0 100 , P 0 1 ]
Loading package array- ... linking ... done.
Loading package bytestring- ... linking ... done.

ghcifinal [ P 0 0 ,P 5 1 , P 9 2 , P 12 3 , P 14 4 , P 15 5 , P 16
7 , P 17 10 , P 18 14 , P 19 19 ]

ghcifinal [ P 2 ( -3 ) , P (-1 ) 2 , P 0 5 , P (-5) (-1) , P (-4)
( 2 ) , P 4 0 , P 1 3 , P 4 3 , P (-3) (-4) , P 0 (-2)]

Thank you
Mukesh Tiwari

On Aug 6, 10:32 pm, Tillmann Vogt tillmann.v...@rwth-aachen.de
 Am 06.08.2011 13:12, schrieb mukesh tiwari: Hello all ,
    I am trying to understand rotating calipers [
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotating_calipers] but i am not sure if
  understood this algorithm correctly . I tried to use the almost same
  algorithm given on wiki but with four calipers to solve the problem

 There are several algorithms mentioned on that page. Do you need the
 diameter, width, or something else?

    My approach is find
  xminP, xmaxP, yminP ymaxP and their corresponding calipers will be ( 0
  * i - j ) , ( o * i + j ) , ( i + 0 * j ) and ( -i + 0 * j ). I
  implemented the algorithm in Haskell but its not working . I am not
  sure if i have followed the wiki algorithm correctly and could some
  one please tell me what is wrong with implementation. It would be
  great if some one can explain this algorithm in   pseudo  code which
  explains the rotating caliper and their implementation details . In
  case of indentation , see here [http://hpaste.org/49907] .
  Thank you
  Mukesh Tiwari

 I tried your code on one of my libraries. The convex hull function seems
 to works correctly (I could send you a screenshot). I hope this narrows
 the search down. Do you have some example data and what wrong result you

 In one of my libraries
 there is a function:

 streamAnimation :: [(Float,Float,Float)] - [SceneNode] - [Animation]

 that can visualize a stream of points by an animation. I use this
 sometimes for debugging.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Prelude read 1234 :: String - *** Exception: Prelude.read: no parse

2011-08-06 Thread michael rice
Prelude read 1234 :: Int1234Prelude read 1234 :: String*** Exception: 
Prelude.read: no parse
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Prelude read 1234 :: String - *** Exception: Prelude.read: no parse

2011-08-06 Thread Scott Lawrence
read expects strings to be quoted:

Prelude read \1234\ :: String

On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 19:57, michael rice nowg...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Prelude read 1234 :: Int
 Prelude read 1234 :: String
 *** Exception: Prelude.read: no parse



 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Scott Lawrence
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] trouble using the aeson package

2011-08-06 Thread anonymous
I recently installed the aeson package using cabal-install without any
❲~❳ uname -rspi; cabal -V; ghc -V; ghc-pkg list | grep
Linux 2.6.38-10-generic x86_64 x86_64
cabal-install version 0.10.2
using version of the Cabal library
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.0.3

However when I try to use it I receive this error message:
λ let f = Data.Aeson.String
Loading package double-conversion- ... can't load .so/.DLL for:
stdc++ (libstdc++.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or

This is the version I have installed:
❲~❳ aptitude search stdc++ | grep ^i
i   libstdc++6  - The GNU Standard C++ Library
i A libstdc++6-4.4-dev  - The GNU Standard C++ Library v3
i   libstdc++6-4.5-dev  - The GNU Standard C++ Library v3

❲~❳ aptitude show libstdc++6-4.4-dev | head -n 4
Package: libstdc++6-4.4-dev
State: installed
Automatically installed: yes
Version: 4.4.5-15ubuntu1
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] trouble using the aeson package

2011-08-06 Thread Bryan O'Sullivan
On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 8:55 PM, anonymous qubi...@gmail.com wrote:

 However when I try to use it I receive this error message:

Funny, I just spent some time documenting this earlier today. There are two
bugs in GHCi that cause the problem you're seeing. They're documented here,
with a workaround: https://github.com/mailrank/blaze-textual#readme
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Analyzing slow performance of a Haskell program

2011-08-06 Thread Chris Yuen
Hello Cafe,

I was trying to solve ITA Software's Word Nubmers puzzle (
http://www.itasoftware.com/careers/puzzle_archive.html) using a brute force

Here's a my version of a quick recap of the problem:

 A wordNumber is defined as

 wordNumber 1 = one
 wordNumber 2 = onetwo
 wordNumber 3 = onethree
 wordNumber 15 =

 Problem: Find the 51-billion-th letter of (wordNumber Infinity); assume
that letter is found at 'wordNumber x', also find 'sum [1..x]'

From an imperative perspective, a naive algorithm would be to have 2
counters, keep counting the length of each wordNumber and break to return
the result.

The imperative brute-force approach is implemented in C# here:
http://ideone.com/JjCb3. It takes about 1.5 minutes to find the answer on my

Then I implemented a brute-force Haskell version: http://ideone.com/ngfFq.
It cannot finish the calculation in 5 minutes on my machine. (Irony: it's
has more lines than the C# version)

Here is the `-p` profile of the Haskell program: http://hpaste.org/49934

The Question: Are there obvious mistakes I am making?

(Note: I am fully aware that brute-forcing it is not the correct solution to
this problem. I am mainly interested in making the Haskell version perform
comparatively to the C# version. Right now it is at least 5x slower so
obviously I am missing something obvious)

(Note 2: It does not seem to be space leaking. The program runs with
constant memory (about 2MB) on my computer)

(Note 3: I am compiling with `ghc -O2 WordNumber.hs)

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