Re: [Haskell-cafe] Package documentation complaints -- and a suggestion

2011-10-30 Thread Malcolm Wallace

 The problem isn't social pressure to be stable, it's the ambiguity of what 
 stable means. If Hackage 2 institutes a policy whereby things claiming to 
 be stable are treated better, then stable is likely to become the new 

I'd say, rather than rely on social agreement on what terms mean, let's just 
collect lots of automated metrics, and present them as extra information on the 
hackage pages.  At work, we have all modules scored by hlint metrics, and 
doclint metrics.  (Doclint complains about modules without a module header 
comment, and type signatures without haddock comments.)  We count infractions 
and have a top ten hall-of-shame, as well as placing the scores in the module 
documentation itself.  We also have a fingerprint for every release 
(basically the API type signatures), and the size of fingerprint-diffs between 
releases is a rough measure of API-churn.

Some of these measures are designed to place social pressure on authors to 
improve their code/documentation, but they have a dual role in allowing users 
to get a feel for the quality of the code they are using, without imposing any 
external hierarchy on which metrics are more important in any given situation.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: Monad.Reader Issue 19

2011-10-30 Thread Iustin Pop
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 03:17:47PM -0400, Brent Yorgey wrote:
 I am pleased to announce that Issue 19 of The Monad.Reader, a special
 issue on parallelism and concurrency, is now available:

Thanks a lot for the TMR, it's a pleasure to read, as always.

If like me there are people who (would like to) read this on an ebook
reader, these are the changes that finally give me good results on a
Sony Reader:

\hypersetup{pdftitle={The Monad Reader 19}}

Additionally, all the \includegraphics commands need changing from
absolute measurements (e.g. width=6cm) to something relative; in my
case, I just used \textwidth. And finally, the verbatim sections need a
bit smaller font, as they can't be reflowed nicely; or alternatively,
inserting manual line wraps (keeping the code consistent).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] MonadPlus versus Alternative

2011-10-30 Thread Sean Leather
On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 04:02, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:

 So is there any difference between the interpretation of MonadPlus and
 Alternative, or is the only difference between them that the former applies
 to Monad whereas the latter applies to Applicative?

Somewhat OT, but this led me to playing with ConstraintKinds:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] lazy A-star search

2011-10-30 Thread Anton Kholomiov
I'm misunderstanding astar. I've thought that 'whole route'-heuristic
will prevent algorithm from going in circles. The more you circle around
the more the whole route distance is. Thank you for showing this.
Here is an updated version. searchBy function contains a state.
State value accumulates visited nodes:

-- | Heuristic search. Nodes are visited from smaller to greater.
searchBy :: Ord b = (a - b) - (a - a - Ordering) - Tree a - [a]
searchBy f heur t = evalState (searchBy' f heur t) S.empty

searchBy' :: Ord b
= (a - b) - (a - a - Ordering) - Tree a - State (S.Set b) [a]
searchBy' f heur (Node v ts) = get = phi
where phi visited
| S.member (f v) visited = return []
| otherwise  =
put (S.insert (f v) visited) 
(v :) . foldr (mergeBy heur) [] $
mapM (searchBy' f heur) ts

I need to add function Ord b = (a - b). It
converts tree nodes into visited nodes. I'm using it
for saving distance-values alongside with nodes
in astar algorithm.

In attachment you can find algorithm with your example.

2011/10/27 Ryan Ingram

 Also, this wasn't clear in my message, but the edges in the graph only go
 one way; towards the top/right; otherwise the best path is ABCDEHIJ :)

 On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 10:48 AM, Ryan Ingram ryani.s...@gmail.comwrote:

 You're missing one of the key insights from A-star (and simple djikstra,
 for that matter): once you visit a node, you don't have to visit it again.

 Consider a 5x2 2d graph with these edge costs:

 B 1 C 1 D 1 E 9 J
 1   1   1   1   1
 A 2 F 2 G 2 H 2 I

 with the start node being A, the target node being J, and the heuristic
 being manhattan distance.  Your search will always try to take the top
 route, on every node along the bottom path, even though you visit every
 node along the top route in your first try at reaching the goal.  You need
 a way to mark that a node is visited and remove it from future
 consideration, or else you're wasting work.

 A-star will visit the nodes in the order ABCDE FGHIJ; your algorithm
 visits the nodes in the order ABCDE FCDE GDE HE IJ.

   -- ryan

 On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 5:28 AM, Anton Kholomiov wrote:

 Recently I was looking for an A-star search algorithm. I've found a
 but I couldn't understand the code. Then I saw some blogposts but they
  were difficult to understand too. I thought about some easier solution
 relies on laziness. And I've come to this:

 Heuristic search is like depth-first search but solutions in sub-trees
 are concatenated with mergeBy function, that concatenates two
 list by specific order:

 module Search where

 import Control.Applicative
 import Data.Function(on)
 import Control.Arrow(second)
 import Data.Tree

 -- | Heuristic search. Nodes are visited from smaller to greater.
 searchBy :: (a - a - Ordering) - Tree a - [a]
 searchBy  heur (Node v ts) =
 v : foldr (mergeBy heur) [] (searchBy heur $ ts)

 -- | Merge two lists. Elements concatenated in specified order.
 mergeBy :: (a - a - Ordering) - [a] - [a] - [a]
 mergeBy _ a []  = a
 mergeBy _ []b   = b
 mergeBy p (a:as)(b:bs)
 | a `p` b == LT= a : mergeBy p as (b:bs)
 | otherwise = b : mergeBy p bs (a:as)

 Now we can define specific heuristic search in terms of searchBy:

 -- | Heuristic is distance to goal.
 bestFirst :: Ord h = (a - h) - (a - [a]) - a - [a]
 bestFirst dist alts =
 searchBy (compare `on` dist) . unfoldTree (\a - (a, alts a))

 -- | A-star search.
 -- Heuristic is estimated length of whole path.
 astar :: (Ord h, Num h) = (a - h) - (a - [(a, h)]) - a - [a]
 astar dist alts s0 = fmap fst $
 searchBy (compare `on` astarDist) $ unfoldTree gen (s0, 0)
 where astarDist (a, d) = dist a + d
   gen (a, d)  = d `seq` ((a, d), second (+d) $ alts a)

 I'm wondering is it effective enough?


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Description: Binary data
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: Haskell OpenGL package updates

2011-10-30 Thread Edward Kmett
The biggest problem with the RULES based approach is that if you are in a
context where the RULES don't or can't fire, then your semantics silently
change. This leads to subtle bugs which only show up in ghci, etc.

On Friday, October 28, 2011, Jason Dagit wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Edward Kmett wrote:
 Thank you for taking ownership of HOpenGL!


 I would like to make a formal request for there to be some way to get
 to either
 or that
 re-export the newtype wrappers it places around CDouble and CFloat.
 As things stand the only way to work with them is to pointlessly
 through rational or pray that GHC is smart enough to automatically
 once it sees through the newtype, which it isn't, potentially costing me
 orders of magnitude of performance in tight loops in exchange for
 implementation freedom the current OpenGL bindings do not use on any

 Yes, it's a real problem.  I think there are a couple directions we
 could move in (and some may not even be mutually exclusive).

 Andy Gill created this workaround:
 {-# RULES realToFrac/a-GLfloat realToFrac = \x - GLfloat (realToFrac
 {-# RULES realToFrac/GLfloat-a realToFrac = \(GLfloat x) - realToFrac

 That one helps a lot for most people.

 Someone made a libraries proposal that also helps the conversion
 situation but I don't have the details handy at the moment.

 If you read here, I'd like to get some MArray support in and I think
 it's possible, although I haven't the idea I proposed yet:

 Another thing we could do is find a different balance between newtypes
 and the C types.

 I'm totally onboard with exposing all of OpenGLRaw.  I think we just
 need to sufficiently document the internal bits so that only people
 who absolutely need them will use them.  That's how I see ByteString
 and it seems to be working there.

 Thanks for your suggestion (and your pull request on github, yay for
 collaborative tools!).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] control-c only caught once -- bug?

2011-10-30 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Brian Johnson,
 On further thought, there is something sensible here: the RTS might crash
 while trying to exit.  I propose, for POSIX environments, the following
 change to SIGINT handling:

 * SIGINT is transformed into UserInterrupt during normal program execution
 * Once the RTS is committed to exiting, it resets the signal handler for
 SIGINT so that any additional control-c causes an immediate exit

The picture I get from the commentary (below) is that we're talking
about shutting down, one way or another - either gracefully, or
if that isn't making satisfactory progress, abruptly on the second ^C.
Because the user entered a keyboard interrupt, and the program hasn't
installed a signal handler for it.  If you have your own shutdown
procedure that you want to have happen at that time, then it would
make sense to me to catch this exception for that purpose.

If you want to handle keyboard interrupts, throughout the lifetime
of the program process, then you should handle the signals.

If the SIGINT handler described below is too confusing, then I would
solve that problem by simply removing it.  Programs written in other
languages simply abort on unhandled signals, and I'm a little skeptical
that there's any reliable way to improve on that.  We're just teaching
people to press ctrlC twice if it's a Haskell program.



 When the interrupt signal is received, the default behaviour of the
 runtime is to attempt to shut down the Haskell program gracefully. It does
 this by calling interruptStgRts() in 
 If a second interrupt signal is received, then we terminate the process
 immediately; this is just in case the normal shutdown procedure failed or
 hung for some reason, the user is always able to stop the process with two
 control-C keystrokes

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] MonadPlus versus Alternative

2011-10-30 Thread wren ng thornton

On 10/29/11 11:02 PM, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:

Hey everyone,

What is the difference between MonadPlus and Alternative?  In my mind, it would make sense for the 
difference to be that the former provides and semantics (i.e., x `mplus` y means do both x 
and y) whereas the latter provides or semantics (i.e., x|  y means do x or y but not 
both).  However, when I look at the instances defined for List I see that it is exactly the same as 

As other's've mentioned, they both have or semantics and it's just an 
artifact of the Monad/Applicative split. However, an additional note.

For lists or sets, the mplus/(|) functions could be interpreted as 
both and and or semantics, depending on what you think lists are. If 
you think of them as a collection of multiple answers, then 
concatenating/unioning is colloquially regarded as saying I have xs and 
ys. However, if you think of them as giving a non-deterministic answer, 
then the concatenation/union should be regarded as saying you can chose 
the xs or the ys, which is closer to the logical interpretation of union 
as disjunction.

I guess my point is that the notion of and isn't especially 
well-defined. At the very least there are three different notions of 
and. We have the andThen notion which corresponds to monadic bind, 
probabilistic conjunction, and Sigma types. We have the andAlso notion 
which corresponds to unions conceived of as nondeterminisms, also covers 
the linear conjunction which only lets you take one of the projections, 
and is the one involved with the idea of anding two functions with 
(+++). And we have the bothAnd notion which corresponds to Cartesian 
products, logical conjunction, the linear conjunction which lets you 
take both projections, and the notion of anding two functions with (***).

Live well,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] lazy A-star search

2011-10-30 Thread wren ng thornton

On 10/30/11 11:44 AM, Anton Kholomiov wrote:

I'm misunderstanding astar. I've thought that 'whole route'-heuristic
will prevent algorithm from going in circles. The more you circle around
the more the whole route distance is. Thank you for showing this.

There are multiple things involved in A*.

Part of it is having the admissible heuristic in order to do 
forward-chaining in a way which accounts for things you haven't 
seen/handled yet.[1] Using an admissible heuristic isn't sufficient to 
prevent looping. Just consider a path which has a loop with zero cost or 
negative cost (if we're adding costs).

A different part of it is the fact that we can implement A* as a dynamic 
programming algorithm in order to reduce the complexity of 
forward-chaining. This is the insight from Dijkstra's algorithm (and 
Prim's, and Kruskal's, and Warshall's,...), which also uses dynamic 
programming to reduce complexity.

[1] Or dually, you could use an admissible heuristic to do 
backwards-chaining in a way that accounts for things you haven't 
seen/handled yet. But everyone seems to mean the forward-chaining 
variant when they talk about A* (perhaps because the backward-chaining 
variant would be better called B*, given the standard variable-naming 

Live well,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Efficient mutable arrays in STM

2011-10-30 Thread Ben Franksen
Benjamin Franksen wrote:
 David Barbour wrote:
 Create an extra TVar Int for every `chunk` in the array (e.g every 256
 elements, tuned to your update patterns). Read-write it (increment it, be
 sure to force evaluation) just before every time you write an element or
 slice it or slice the array element.
 Incrementing and forcing evaluation should not be necessary, a  TVar ()
 should be enough. 

I was wrong, though not completely.

 I would be very much surprised if the internal STM
 machinery compares the actual _values_ of what is inside a TVar, I guess
 it just notes that a read or a write happened. 

According to the original STM paper the implementation does an equality 
test, albeit only for pointer equality. So, one should make sure that 
whatever is written to the TVar is a new object. An incremented integer 
would probably be ok, (no need to evaluate it, since the closure is newly 
allocated, thus a new object), a little more on the safe side is a new TVar 
i.e. use TVar (TVar ()).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Efficient mutable arrays in STM

2011-10-30 Thread David Barbour
On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 6:20 PM, Ben Franksen ben.frank...@online.dewrote:

 According to the original STM paper the implementation does an equality
 test, albeit only for pointer equality.

It strikes me as bad form to depend on characteristics of `the

An incremented integer would probably be ok, (no need to evaluate it,

since the closure is newly allocated, thus a new object)

Evaluation would be necessary to avoid a subtle space-leak with laziness
semantics. The size of the closure is potentially linear with the number of

A little more on the safe side is a new TVar

That works too.


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