[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: set-monad

2012-06-15 Thread George Giorgidze
I would like to announce the first release of the set-monad library.

On Hackage: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/set-monad

The set-monad library exports the Set abstract data type and
set-manipulating functions. These functions behave exactly as their
namesakes from the Data.Set module of the containers library. In
addition, the set-monad library extends Data.Set by providing Functor,
Applicative, Alternative, Monad, and MonadPlus instances for sets.

In other words, you can use the set-monad library as a drop-in
replacement for the Data.Set module of the containers library and, in
addition, you will also get the aforementioned instances which are not
available in the containers package.

It is not possible to directly implement instances for the
aforementioned standard Haskell type classes for the Set data type
from the containers library. This is because the key operations map
and union, are constrained with Ord as follows.

map :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> Set a -> Set b
union :: (Ord a) => Set a -> Set a -> Set a

The set-monad library provides the type class instances by wrapping
the constrained Set type into a data type that has unconstrained
constructors corresponding to monadic combinators. The data type
constructors that represent monadic combinators are evaluated with a
constrained run function. This elevates the need to use the
constraints in the instance definitions (this is what prevents a
direct definition). The wrapping and unwrapping happens internally in
the library and does not affect its interface.

For details, see the rather compact definitions of the run function
and type class instances. The left identity and associativity monad
laws play a crucial role in the definition of the run function. The
rest of the code should be self explanatory.

The technique is not new. This library was inspired by [1]. To my
knowledge, the original, systematic presentation of the idea to
represent monadic combinators as data is given in [2]. There is also a
Haskell library that provides a generic infrastructure for the
aforementioned wrapping and unwrapping [3].

The set-monad library is particularly useful for writing set-oriented
code using the do and/or monad comprehension notations. For example,
the following definitions now type check.

 s1 :: Set (Int,Int)
 s1 = do a <- fromList [1 .. 4]
 b <- fromList [1 .. 4]
 return (a,b)

 -- with -XMonadComprehensions
 s2 :: Set (Int,Int)
 s2 = [ (a,b) | (a,b) <- s1, even a, even b ]

 s3 :: Set Int
 s3 = fmap (+1) (fromList [1 .. 4])

As noted in [1], the implementation technique can be used for monadic
libraries and EDSLs with restricted types (compiled EDSLs often
restrict the types that they can handle). Haskell's standard monad
type class can be used for restricted monad instances. There is no
need to resort to GHC extensions that rebind the standard monadic
combinators with the library or EDSL specific ones.

[1] CSDL Blog: The home of applied functional programming at KU. Monad
Reification in Haskell and the Sunroof Javascript compiler.

[2] Chuan-kai Lin. 2006. Programming monads operationally with Unimo.
In Proceedings of the eleventh ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on
Functional Programming (ICFP '06). ACM.

[3] Heinrich Apfelmus. The operational package.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Odd HDBC connection bug

2012-06-15 Thread William Shackleton

I'm having issues with HDBC when connecting to a remote MySQL server -
certain queries cause the DB connection to be lost. The following program
demonstrates this:

import Database.HDBC
import Database.HDBC.ODBC
main = do
conn <- connectODBC "DSN=owlro"
putStrLn "Connected"
quickQuery' conn "SELECT time, power FROM Power LIMIT 100;" []
putStrLn "Finished query 1"
quickQuery' conn "SELECT time, power FROM Power ORDER BY time;" []
putStrLn "Finished query 2"
disconnect conn

The DSN points to a remote 32-bit Ubuntu 12.04 Server. The connection and
queries work using mysql and isql on the command line, and the table in
question contains about 1.3 million rows and only the columns id, time,

When I compile and run this on a 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04 PC using HDBC-
and HDBC-odbc- using GHC, I get the following (unwanted) output:
$ ghc Test.hs
$ ./Test
Finished query 1
Test: SqlError {seState = "[\"08S01\"]", seNativeError = -1, seErrorMsg =
"execute execute: [\"2013: [MySQL][ODBC 5.1
Driver][mysqld-5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1]Lost connection to MySQL server
during query\"]"}

This program finishes (and fails) in less than half a second.

When I run it using runhaskell however, the slow second query completes:
$ runhaskell Test.hs
Finished query 1
Finished query 2

I get the same result from ghci; this method takes about 10 seconds as

Basically, simple (short) queries complete, yet long ones crash the
connection. I also noticed similar results with HDBC-mysql.
Any ideas on what is causing this?
Will Shackleton
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Performance with do notation, mwc-random and unboxed vector

2012-06-15 Thread Bryan O'Sullivan
On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 12:56 AM, Roman Leshchinskiy 

> It doesn't change the semantics of your program but it can make it
> significantly slower (or faster, as in this case). The various state hack
> related tickets on trac might give you an idea of what is happening here.

I filed a bug: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/6166

(I'd CC myself on an existing bug, but trac's search feature gives me tons
of irrelevant hits.)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] JustHub 'Sherkin' Release

2012-06-15 Thread Chris Dornan
> What I meant to ask is: how much time, approximately, did you spend
> working with Nix? 1 hour? 10 hours? 10 days? 10 months?

You know that it is not 10 months, but I do object to your line of questioning.
I have invested a considerable good-faith effort into getting to the
bottom of what
you and Andres have been saying. I am no seasoned expert at Nix but I have
been through the process of installing and using multiple distributions,
and reading around and I have been paying attention to what you have
been saying.

But my time is really quite limited.

I of course know exactly what I have been doing in putting together the JustHub
distribution and while they have some similarities -- mostly around the idea
of allowing multiple tool chains to co-exist; the way they go about it is very
different. And those details are critical in my mind (please note). I also know
that I have been adding things that a generic package manager is most
unlikely to be covering -- because a new tool is provided that tangles
with the existing
tools in a detailed way (e.g., parsing spec files and analysing
package databases
for example).

To take just one example, I provide a mechanism that allows developers
to archive the configuration
of their Haskell  development environment and check it into a source management
system. The developer can check it out on a another system and if the
build process
invokes the recovery mechansim it will automatically rebuild the
environment on the
first run (reporting an error if the required tool chain is not
installed on the system).
Subsequent runs of the build process will merely check that nothing has been
disturbed and proceed straight to the main build process.

Maybe Nix provides such a mechanism -- I don't know. But all attempts
to discover
this and other mechanisms have failed and any hard information that I
come across suggests
that this is unlikely. (Hint: it is mostly concerned with the Haskell
*user* package DB;
I have just expanded on the 'archiving' part of the original
announcement by the way.)

It is a great shame as I like the Nix philsophy and I would like to
see the other distributions
adopt more of its functional philosophy.

But I am out of time. If you will excuse me I would rather wind up
this thread once you have replied
(if you would like to)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] event handler

2012-06-15 Thread Corentin Dupont
I made some modifications based on your suggestions (see below).
I made a two parameters class:
*class (Typeable e, Typeable d) => Handled e d *
Because after all what I want is to associate an event with its type
I don't know why I cannot implement you suggestion to restrict the
instances of Event:
*data **(Handled e d) => **Event e = Event deriving (Typeable, Eq)
*gives me a
*Not in scope: type variable `d'*

But apart from that it works very well! It's quite a nice interface!
Also just to know, is there a way of getting ride of all these "Typeable"?

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, DeriveDataTypeable,
MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

*module Events (addEvent, newPlayer, newRule) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Typeable

newtype Player = P Int deriving Typeable
newtype Rule = R Int deriving Typeable
data Event e = Event deriving (Typeable, Eq)

data NewPlayer deriving Typeable
data NewRule deriving Typeable

newPlayer :: Event NewPlayer
newPlayer = Event
newRule :: Event NewRule
newRule = Event

class (Typeable e, Typeable d) => Handled e d
instance Handled NewPlayer Player
instance Handled NewRule Rule

data EventHandler = forall e d . (Handled e d) => EH (Event e) (d -> IO ())

addEvent :: (Handled e d) => Event e -> (d -> IO ()) -> [EventHandler] ->
addEvent e h ehs = (EH e h):ehs

triggerEvent :: (Handled e d) => Event e -> d -> [EventHandler] -> IO ()
triggerEvent e d ehs = do
let r = find (\(EH myEvent _) -> cast e == Just myEvent) ehs
case r of
   Nothing -> return ()
   Just (EH _ h) -> case cast h of
Just castedH -> castedH d
Nothing -> return ()

h1 :: Player -> IO ()
h1 (P a) = putStrLn $ "Welcome Player " ++ (show a) ++ "!"
h2 :: Rule -> IO ()
h2 (R a) = putStrLn $ "New Rule " ++ (show a)
eventList1 = addEvent newPlayer h1 []
eventList2 = addEvent newRule h2 eventList1

trigger1 = triggerEvent newPlayer (P 1) eventList2 --Yelds "Welcome Player
trigger2 = triggerEvent newRule (R 2) eventList2 --Yelds "New Rule 2" *

On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Alexander Solla wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 6:38 AM, Corentin Dupont <
> corentin.dup...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It just bothers me a little that I'm not able to enumerate the events,
>> and also that the user is able to create events with wrong types (like New
>> :: Event String), even if they won't be able to register them.
> This can be solved with an explicit export list/smart constructors.
> newPlayer :: Event Player
> newRule:: Event Rule
> (hide the New constructor)
> In any case, my thinking was that your original
> data Event = *NewPlayer | NewRule*
> *
> *
> was basically trying to "join" the semantics of "new things" with Player
> and Rule.  But the original approach ran into the problem you mention below
> -- it is difficult to maintain invariants, since the types want to
> "multiply".  So formally, I factored:
> data Event = NewPlayer | NewRule ==>
> data Event = New (Player | Rule)==>
> data Event d = New -- (since the original event didn't want a Player or
> Rule value.  It witnessed the type relation)
> On the other hand, if you want to make sure that a type must be "Handled"
> before you can issue an Event, you can do:
> data (Handled d) => Evend d = New
> I'm pretty sure the compiler will complain if you try to make a (New ::
> Event String).  I like this idea better than smart constructors for events,
> if only because you get to use ScopedTypeVariables.
>> I also have several unrelated events that use the same type of data, so
>> this would be a problem.
> Can you clarify?

I mean that I have events like:
Message String
UserEvent String
That have a "data" of the same type, but they are not related.

>> Adding more events like
>> *data Event d = NewPlayer | NewRule deriving (Typeable, Eq)*
>> is not correct because I can add wrong events like:
>> addEvent (NewPlayer :: Event Rule) (H(undefined::(Rule -> IO( []
>> **
>> Also one question: I don't understand the "where" clause in your class.
>> If I remove it, it works the same...
> Yes, unnecessary where clauses are optional.
> Here is my code:
>> *newtype Player = P Int deriving Typeable
>> newtype Rule = R Int deriving Typeable
>> data Event d = New deriving (Typeable, Eq)
>> class (Typeable d) => Handled d where
>> data Handler d = H (d -> IO ())
>> data EventHandler = forall d . (Handled d) => EH (Event d) (Handler d)
>> instance Handled Player
>> instance Handled Rule
>> addEvent :: (Handled d) => Event d -> Handler d -> [EventHandler] ->
>> [EventHandler]
>>  addEvent e h ehs = (EH e h):ehs
>> triggerEvent :: (Handled d) => Event d -> d -> [EventHandler] -> IO ()
>> triggerEvent e d ehs = do
>> let r = find (\(EH myEvent _) -> cast e == Just myEvent) ehs
>> case r of
>>Nothing -> return ()
>>Just (EH _ (H h)) -> case cast h of
>> Just castedH -> castedH 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: Portackage - a hackage portal

2012-06-15 Thread Andrew Seniuk
Now all packages, including those without exposed modules, are
included. Also, I've attempted to parse the author lists into JSON
arrays. Due to the free format of many fields in the .cabal package
descriptions, including author list, there are many exceptional cases
where they are ill-parsed, but at least the JSON file is well-formed
and validates at jsonlint.com.

Once more:

JSON Schema:

Hopefully compressed JSON data:

Raw JSON data in case the compressed doesn't work:

The hackage data updated as of yesterday (June 14). Will work on daily
incremental updates from Hackage RSS feed soon.


On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 7:05 PM, Andrew Seniuk  wrote:
> I discovered http://jsonlint.com/ and got it to validate. :)
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 6:18 PM, Andrew Seniuk  wrote:
>> Hi ___,
>> Thank you for your suggestion to provide JSON, which seconds Derek's
>> earlier suggestion. I have anonymised your name since you wrote to me
>> but didn't CC the list. :)
>> As much as I wish the web interface was up to snuff, it is really too
>> slow. While I continue to try to resolve that, there is something like
>> a JSON feed available now. I'm new to these things and may be doing it
>> wrong. Any advice would be appreciated, either in accelerating the web
>> interface or in providing the JSON. I have no idea whether it parses
>> or not.
>> JSON Schema:
>> http://www.fremissant.net/portackage/packages.schema.json.txt
>> Hopefully compressed JSON data:
>> http://www.fremissant.net/portackage/packages.php
>> Raw JSON data in case the compressed doesn't work:
>> http://www.fremissant.net/portackage/packages.json
>> The hackage data updated as of today (June 14).
>> For now this is only the packages which expose modules (i.e. not
>> including binary packages). No particular reason, I just ran out of
>> time this afternoon and thought I'd post what I've got.
>> The fields present in the JSON are those available on the HTML table
>> version. There are several dozen other fields which come up more or
>> less infrequently in the Hackage packages, and they could all be
>> included. The complete list of modules is included (rather than the
>> summary versions used in the HTML table version).
>> A next step would be for the server to incrementally update the JSON
>> data based on the Hackage RSS feed.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Andrew
>> On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 7:58 AM, ___ wrote:
>>> Hi Andrew
>>> Portackage is a great site for browsing packages, but it's really
>>> really slow for filtering per column. What about offering an
>>> additional non-javascript version of the pages -- searching with plain
>>> text in a browser works quite well.
>>> On 4/30/12, Andrew Seniuk  wrote:
 Oops, the three links in summary are:

 module tree: http://fremissant.net/portackage/modules.php
 library packages: http://fremissant.net/portackage/portackage.php
 other packages: http://fremissant.net/portackage/binary.php

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

>>> --
>>> ___

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] JustHub 'Sherkin' Release

2012-06-15 Thread Peter Simons
Hi Chris,

 > I deatiled some of my trials with Nix -- I wasn't making it up!

of course, I didn't mean to imply that you were. My question was phrased
poorly, I am sorry.

What I meant to ask is: how much time, approximately, did you spend
working with Nix? 1 hour? 10 hours? 10 days? 10 months?

Take care,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] JustHub 'Sherkin' Release

2012-06-15 Thread Krzysztof Skrzętnicki
To be honest I did try to use Nix for exactly this purpose. For some reason
things started to break and since I couldnt find any documentation on how
to do stuff with it, I just abandonded the idea. Also tried out NixOS:
pretty much the same story. Everything appears to be fine at the start, but
then after few upgrades things start to fail.

I know its very vague but really this is how I remember this experience.
For one thing there was lack of "how tos" related to Haskell stuff
anywhere. Just some general documentation that really have some gaps. You
end up digging up some implementation details just because you wanted to
install a new package.

I'm not trying to spread FUD: only telling my not-so-success story with Nix.

I'm sure Nix/NixOS has some potential but clearly it's not there yet for
some reason.

Best regards,
Krzysztof Skrzętnicki

On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 9:10 PM, Peter Simons  wrote:

> Hi Chris,
>  > I cannot see how it can address any of the user-level Haskell package
>  > database management and sandboxing mechanisms that I mentioned in the
>  > announcement and subsequent emails.
> have you ever actually used Nix?
> Take care,
> Peter
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] JustHub 'Sherkin' Release

2012-06-15 Thread Chris Dornan
I deatiled some of my trials with Nix -- I wasn't making it up!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] JustHub 'Sherkin' Release

2012-06-15 Thread Peter Simons
Hi Chris,

 > I cannot see how it can address any of the user-level Haskell package
 > database management and sandboxing mechanisms that I mentioned in the
 > announcement and subsequent emails.

have you ever actually used Nix?

Take care,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Installing pandoc / json with ghc 6.12.1

2012-06-15 Thread Ben Doyle
> Am I doing something wrong here?

Well, you're using ghc-6.12 ... :-)

The most recent version of pandoc that Hackage claims to have built with
ghc 6.12 looks to be 1.6. Rolling back that far eliminates the json
dependency entirely, so I think it would solve your issue. Or you could use
the Pandoc in Debian stable, which appears to be 1.5.1.

A more recent ghc would probably also work, of course, but I imagine you're
trying the Debian stable version for a reason.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] event handler

2012-06-15 Thread Alexander Solla
On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 6:38 AM, Corentin Dupont

> It just bothers me a little that I'm not able to enumerate the events, and
> also that the user is able to create events with wrong types (like New ::
> Event String), even if they won't be able to register them.

This can be solved with an explicit export list/smart constructors.

newPlayer :: Event Player
newRule:: Event Rule
(hide the New constructor)

In any case, my thinking was that your original

data Event = *NewPlayer | NewRule*
was basically trying to "join" the semantics of "new things" with Player
and Rule.  But the original approach ran into the problem you mention below
-- it is difficult to maintain invariants, since the types want to
"multiply".  So formally, I factored:

data Event = NewPlayer | NewRule ==>
data Event = New (Player | Rule)==>
data Event d = New -- (since the original event didn't want a Player or
Rule value.  It witnessed the type relation)

On the other hand, if you want to make sure that a type must be "Handled"
before you can issue an Event, you can do:

data (Handled d) => Evend d = New

I'm pretty sure the compiler will complain if you try to make a (New ::
Event String).  I like this idea better than smart constructors for events,
if only because you get to use ScopedTypeVariables.

> I also have several unrelated events that use the same type of data, so
> this would be a problem.

Can you clarify?

> Adding more events like
> *data Event d = NewPlayer | NewRule deriving (Typeable, Eq)*
> is not correct because I can add wrong events like:
> addEvent (NewPlayer :: Event Rule) (H(undefined::(Rule -> IO( []
> **
> Also one question: I don't understand the "where" clause in your class. If
> I remove it, it works the same...

Yes, unnecessary where clauses are optional.

Here is my code:
> *newtype Player = P Int deriving Typeable
> newtype Rule = R Int deriving Typeable
> data Event d = New deriving (Typeable, Eq)
> class (Typeable d) => Handled d where
> data Handler d = H (d -> IO ())
> data EventHandler = forall d . (Handled d) => EH (Event d) (Handler d)
> instance Handled Player
> instance Handled Rule
> addEvent :: (Handled d) => Event d -> Handler d -> [EventHandler] ->
> [EventHandler]
> addEvent e h ehs = (EH e h):ehs
> triggerEvent :: (Handled d) => Event d -> d -> [EventHandler] -> IO ()
> triggerEvent e d ehs = do
> let r = find (\(EH myEvent _) -> cast e == Just myEvent) ehs
> case r of
>Nothing -> return ()
>Just (EH _ (H h)) -> case cast h of
> Just castedH -> castedH d
> Nothing -> return ()
> h1 :: Player -> IO ()
> h1 (P a) = putStrLn $ "Welcome Player " ++ (show a) ++ "!"
> h2 :: Rule -> IO ()
> h2 (R a) = putStrLn $ "New Rule " ++ (show a)
> eventList1 = addEvent (New :: Event Player) (H h1) []
> eventList2 = addEvent (New :: Event Rule) (H h2) eventList1
> trigger1 = triggerEvent (New :: Event Player) (P 1) eventList2 -- yelds
> "Welcome Player 1!"
> trigger2 = triggerEvent (New :: Event Rule) (R 2) eventList2 --yelds "New
> Rule* 2"
> Best,
> Corentin
> On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 12:40 AM, Alexander Solla wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Corentin Dupont <
>> corentin.dup...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> That look really nice!
>>> Unfortunately I need to have an heterogeneous list of all events with
>>> their handlers.
>>> With this test code it won't compile:
>>> test1 = addEvent (New :: Event Player) (H (undefined::(Player -> IO
>>> ( []
>>> test2 = addEvent (New :: Event Rule) (H (undefined::(Rule -> IO (
>>> test1
>> Right, okay.  Heterogenous lists are tricky, but I think we can get away
>> with using ExistentialQuantification, since you seem to only want to
>> dispatch over the heterogenous types.  The assumption I made is a big deal!
>>  It means you can't extract the d value.  You can only apply properly typed
>> functions (your handlers) on it.
>> *
>> {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
>> *
>> *
>> type Player = Int
>> *
>> *
>> type Rule = Int
>> *
>> *
>> data Event d = New d
>> *
>> *
>> *
>> *class Handled data where -- Together with EventHandler, corresponds to
>> your "Data" type*
>> *
>> *
>> *data EventHandler = forall d . (Handled d) => EH (Event d) (d -> IO ())
>> -- EventHandler takes the place of your (Event d, Handler d) pairs without
>> referring to d.*
>> *
>> *
>> *instance Handled Player*
>> *instance Handled Rule*
>> *addEvent :: (Handled d) => Event d -> Handler d -> [EventHandler] ->
>> [EventHandler] -- Every [EventHandler] made using addEvent will be of
>> "correct" types (i.e., preserve the typing invariants you want), but YOU
>> must ensure that only [EventHandler]s made in this way are used.  This can
>> be done statically with another type and an explicit export list.  We can
>> talk about that later, if this works in principle.*
>> *triggerEvent :: (Handled d) => Event d -> d ->

Re: [Haskell-cafe] event handler

2012-06-15 Thread Corentin Dupont
it works very well!
I tried to implement it. Here is my test code. Apparently I need some casts
to search the list.
The syntax looks good. Only addEvent will be on the interface, so that
should be fine. If I understand well, that's this function that enforces
the right types to be used. The events are referenced via the type of data
they use.
It just bothers me a little that I'm not able to enumerate the events, and
also that the user is able to create events with wrong types (like New ::
Event String), even if they won't be able to register them.

I also have several unrelated events that use the same type of data, so
this would be a problem. Adding more events like
*data Event d = NewPlayer | NewRule deriving (Typeable, Eq)*
is not correct because I can add wrong events like:
addEvent (NewPlayer :: Event Rule) (H(undefined::(Rule -> IO( []
Also one question: I don't understand the "where" clause in your class. If
I remove it, it works the same...

Here is my code:

*newtype Player = P Int deriving Typeable
newtype Rule = R Int deriving Typeable
data Event d = New deriving (Typeable, Eq)

class (Typeable d) => Handled d where
data Handler d = H (d -> IO ())

data EventHandler = forall d . (Handled d) => EH (Event d) (Handler d)

instance Handled Player
instance Handled Rule

addEvent :: (Handled d) => Event d -> Handler d -> [EventHandler] ->
addEvent e h ehs = (EH e h):ehs

triggerEvent :: (Handled d) => Event d -> d -> [EventHandler] -> IO ()
triggerEvent e d ehs = do
let r = find (\(EH myEvent _) -> cast e == Just myEvent) ehs
case r of
   Nothing -> return ()
   Just (EH _ (H h)) -> case cast h of
Just castedH -> castedH d
Nothing -> return ()

h1 :: Player -> IO ()
h1 (P a) = putStrLn $ "Welcome Player " ++ (show a) ++ "!"
h2 :: Rule -> IO ()
h2 (R a) = putStrLn $ "New Rule " ++ (show a)
eventList1 = addEvent (New :: Event Player) (H h1) []
eventList2 = addEvent (New :: Event Rule) (H h2) eventList1

trigger1 = triggerEvent (New :: Event Player) (P 1) eventList2 -- yelds
"Welcome Player 1!"
trigger2 = triggerEvent (New :: Event Rule) (R 2) eventList2 --yelds "New
Rule* 2"


On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 12:40 AM, Alexander Solla wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Corentin Dupont <
> corentin.dup...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> That look really nice!
>> Unfortunately I need to have an heterogeneous list of all events with
>> their handlers.
>> With this test code it won't compile:
>> test1 = addEvent (New :: Event Player) (H (undefined::(Player -> IO (
>> []
>> test2 = addEvent (New :: Event Rule) (H (undefined::(Rule -> IO (
>> test1
> Right, okay.  Heterogenous lists are tricky, but I think we can get away
> with using ExistentialQuantification, since you seem to only want to
> dispatch over the heterogenous types.  The assumption I made is a big deal!
>  It means you can't extract the d value.  You can only apply properly typed
> functions (your handlers) on it.
> *
> {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
> *
> *
> type Player = Int
> *
> *
> type Rule = Int
> *
> *
> data Event d = New d
> *
> *
> *
> *class Handled data where -- Together with EventHandler, corresponds to
> your "Data" type*
> *
> *
> *data EventHandler = forall d . (Handled d) => EH (Event d) (d -> IO ())
> -- EventHandler takes the place of your (Event d, Handler d) pairs without
> referring to d.*
> *
> *
> *instance Handled Player*
> *instance Handled Rule*
> *addEvent :: (Handled d) => Event d -> Handler d -> [EventHandler] ->
> [EventHandler] -- Every [EventHandler] made using addEvent will be of
> "correct" types (i.e., preserve the typing invariants you want), but YOU
> must ensure that only [EventHandler]s made in this way are used.  This can
> be done statically with another type and an explicit export list.  We can
> talk about that later, if this works in principle.*
> *triggerEvent :: (Handled d) => Event d -> d -> [EventHandler] -> IO ()*
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] class instances for kinds with finite ty constrs, does this make sense?

2012-06-15 Thread Serguey Zefirov
2012/6/8 Brent Yorgey :
> On Thu, Jun 07, 2012 at 07:32:45PM +0100, ex falso wrote:
>> we always have to put the class restriction (TupleLength l) there,
>> even though all possible type constructors of [*] have a TupleLength
>> instance defined!
> Yes, and this is a feature, for at least two reasons.
> First: to the extent that Haskell's type system corresponds to a
> logic, it corresponds to a constructive one.  Types/propositions are
> inhabited/proved by explicit terms/evidence. But this request (and
> [1]) essentially boil down to a desire for double negation
> elimination: if there *can't* *not* be a certain instance, then the
> compiler should infer that there *is* one.  This seems weird to me
> (though perhaps I've just drunk too much of the constructivism
> kool-aid).

While I more or less agree with that (still not convinced completely)...

> Second, on a more practical level, the ability to omit class
> constraints like this would make reasoning about types much more
> non-local and difficult, since a type like
>  foo :: Bar a -> Baz
> may or may not implicitly expand to something like
>  foo :: SomeClass a => Bar a -> Baz

...this argument is irrelevant in my opinion.

You will be forced by GHC type checking to specify which promoted type
is an argument.

So foo will have type "foo :: Bar (a :: Doh) -> Baz" and constraint
will be "SomeClass (a :: Doh)".

> (which could have important implications for things like inlining,
> sharing, etc. -- cf the monomorphism restriction), but figuring out
> whether it does or not requires knowing (a) the definition of Bar and
> all the instances that are in scope, and (b) whether or not
> SomeClass's methods ever get called from foo (or anything it calls,
> recursively).  I'd much rather explicitly write the SomeClass
> constraint if I want it, and be guaranteed that it won't be added if I
> don't.
> In summary, these constraints may be "superfluous" in a strictly
> logical sense, but (a) not in the kind of logic that Haskell uses, and
> (b) the pain and suffering caused by removing them would far outweigh
> the tiny bit of typing that would be saved.

I would like to suffer that removal. Bring the pain of it!

Because right now there's no incentive to drop usual types and use the
promoted ones. At least, in the concrete use case of type-level
arithmetic (with variables, of course).

> -Brent
> [1] 
> http://haskell.1045720.n5.nabble.com/Data-Kinds-and-superfluous-in-my-opinion-constraints-contexts-td5689436.html
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Installing pandoc / json with ghc 6.12.1

2012-06-15 Thread Rico Moorman

I recently tried to install the latest version of pandoc on my debian
stable box (with ghc 6.12.1) using virthualenv as sandboxing
mechanism. But instead of a normal installation, compilation of the
json package (more specifically the Text.JSON.Parsec module) hangs and
causes ghc to consume around 2GB of RAM (out of 3GB) and the system to
swap and hang.

For reference ... I just created a plain virthualenv (for sandboxing)
and after that ran

(tmp) foo@bar:/tmp$ cabal install json

I also tried if this has something to do with version 0.5 (the latest
version) only, to no avail.

Are there other users of pandoc/json or related packages who
encountered/solved this issue? Am I doing something wrong here?

Best regards,


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] JustHub 'Sherkin' Release

2012-06-15 Thread Chris Dornan
Hi Peter and Andres,

> > Where is this functionality provided by Nix?
> simply run these commands
> ...
> # Haskell Platform 2012.2.0.0'
> nix-env -p ~/ghc-7.4.1 -iA haskellPackages_ghc741.haskellPlatform
> and you'll have profiles that contain the appropriate binaries and
> defined by the corresponding platform. 

What you have here is a mechanism for setting up a user-environment for an
appropriate platform. Unfortunately I cannot see how it can address any of
user-level Haskell package database management and sandboxing mechanisms
I mentioned in the announcement and subsequent emails.  

Also it requires that the user load up a special environment before going to
work on a work tree rather than the drivers detecting from the context
the correct toolchain and invoking it automatically. It might not
sound like much but imagine how it would be if you had to set up a special
environment before you could work with a git work tree -- there is quite
a difference between the two approaches in practice.

Finally the Nix method is of course fundamentally dependent upon Nix.
I can appreciate why you may believe that everybody should just get Haskell
through Nix but I think there is merit to developing a mechanism that allows
Haskell to be better packaged regardless of its distribution channel. If
I thought there was any chance at all that Haskell could be universally
provided through Nix then it might be different, but I don't.  

None of which detracts from general excellence of Nix and the Nix Haskell
distribution. And I still think the mechanism I am proposing would work well
with the Nix distribution. Indeed it may be best placed to make full use of


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] JustHub 'Sherkin' Release

2012-06-15 Thread Peter Simons
Hi Chris,

 > Where is this functionality provided by Nix?

simply run these commands

 # Haskell Platform 2009.2.0.2
 nix-env -p ~/ghc-6.10.4 -iA haskellPackages_ghc6104.haskellPlatform

 # Haskell Platform 2010.2.0.0
 nix-env -p ~/ghc-6.12.3 -iA haskellPackages_ghc6123.haskellPlatform

 # Haskell Platform 2012.2.0.0'
 nix-env -p ~/ghc-7.4.1 -iA haskellPackages_ghc741.haskellPlatform

and you'll have profiles that contain the appropriate binaries and
libraries defined by the corresponding platform. Nix can do this without
any superuser privileges on Linux, Darwin, and BSD Unix, although I have
to say that BSD support is limited because there seem to be very few
people using Nix on BSD. (I reckon the BSD people are happy with their
BSD ports and aren't interested in a third-party package manager.)

Furthermore, Nix can many different versions of *any* package
simultaneously, not just Haskell:

  nix-env -p ~/python-2.6.7 -iA python26
  nix-env -p ~/python-2.7.3 -iA python27
  nix-env -p ~/python-3.2.3 -iA python3

Anyone who's interested in Nix can find lots of information on the web
site . There's also the IRC channel #nixos on
irc.freenode.org where some Nix developers hang out. Last but not least,
there is the developer mailing list .

I'll be happy to answer any further questions that may arise.

Take care,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list