Re: [Haskell-cafe] simple servers

2012-09-19 Thread 山本和彦
>> All system calls issued from the network package use non-blocking.
>> You don't have to worry about blocking at all.
> Almost.  Especially when interfacing with C code you should include the
> "-threaded" option to GHC to link against the multi-threaded run-time
> system.  Otherwise your Haskell code will block your C code and
> vice-versa.  Also some concurrency features don't work properly in the
> single-threaded run-time.

Non-threaded RTS would block FFI to C code. But it does not block file
descriptors and sockets because the scheduler uses select(). To my
experience, *simple* network programming with non-threaded RTS also
works well except the case where we reach the limit of file
descriptors for the process.

Anyway, I recommend to specify the "-threaded" option to GHC for
network programming if you don't have special reasons.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] simple servers

2012-09-19 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
Kazu Yamamoto (山本和彦)  wrote:

> > One last question. When writing C code, using epoll apis explicitly
> > can impose some blocking. Is the same to be said for GHC.Event?
> I don't understand your question.
> All system calls issued from the network package use non-blocking.
> You don't have to worry about blocking at all.

Almost.  Especially when interfacing with C code you should include the
"-threaded" option to GHC to link against the multi-threaded run-time
system.  Otherwise your Haskell code will block your C code and
vice-versa.  Also some concurrency features don't work properly in the
single-threaded run-time.


Not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and
(not to be or to be and ... that is the list monad.

Description: PGP signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] An easy way to represent and modify graphs?

2012-09-19 Thread Strake


In Haskell one could use STRef rather than the cumbersome Foreign.Ptr,
though STRef too can be kludgy.

I know not whether safe, pure, immutable pointers would be possible in
Haskell, but in my experience STRef can work well enough.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 244

2012-09-19 Thread Daniel Santa Cruz
Welcome to issue 244 of the HWN, an issue covering crowd-sourced bits
of information about Haskell from around the web. This issue covers the
week of September 9 to September 15, 2012.


As you might have heard, GHC 7.6.1 is out for all platforms. I would
say "get it while it is still hot", but I guess I missed my opportunity
to do that last week.

Sonke Hahn wrote in to announce that on Monday "Story Episodes of
Nikki and the Robots" was was released.

Malcolm Wallace has uploaded videos from ICFP 2012, for those of us
that didn't have the opportunity to be there. Big thanks for sharing
these with the community!

 Quotes of the Week

   * copumpkin: when in doubt, blame ski

   * shachaf: You can call the greengrocer and place an order. That'll
 convert their unordered pears into ordered pears!

   * shachaf: Those who would give up essential type independence for a
 little temporary type safety deserve neither independence nor

   * ddarius: edwardk: So your plan for Haskell adoption is to write
 Haskell in languages that aren't Haskell, say "Man, these languages
 suck, this would be super easy in Haskell", and then use the
 Haskell you started with reproducing functionality at an
 "unbelievable" rate.

   * cmccann: personally I'm just waiting for an extension that demotes
 types to the value level, so that we can finally have natural

 Top Reddit Stories

   * Yet another Haskell IDE in the works
 Domain:, Score: 71, Comments: 94
 On Reddit: [4]
 Original: [5]

   * The case of the mysterious explosion in space
 Domain:, Score: 65, Comments: 9
 On Reddit: [6]
 Original: [7]

   * Haskell vs. F# vs. Scala: A High-level Language Features and
Parallelism Support Comparison
 Domain:, Score: 47, Comments: 30
 On Reddit: [8]
 Original: [9]

   * The functor design pattern
 Domain:, Score: 42, Comments: 45
 On Reddit: [10]
 Original: [11]

   * How To Exclude Women From Your Technical Community: A Tutorial
 Domain:, Score: 42, Comments: 309
 On Reddit: [12]
 Original: [13]

   * A simple library that allows logic programming in Haskell
 Domain:, Score: 38, Comments: 10
 On Reddit: [14]
 Original: [15]

   * Larry Wall: "You should probably know about it [Haskell] if only to be
able to say 'is this like Haskell?', and, if so, then you know you'll have
to hire some really smart people to program in it."
 Domain:, Score: 34, Comments: 130
 On Reddit: [16]
 Original: [17]

   * Malcolm Wallace is broadcasting videos from ICFP
 Domain:, Score: 33, Comments: 9
 On Reddit: [18]
 Original: [19]

   * Darcs hub alpha: a darcsden fork to “turn the dogfooding knobs up to
 Domain:, Score: 30, Comments: 10
 On Reddit: [20]
 Original: [21]

   * The Architecture of the Mighttpd High-Speed Web Server
 Domain:, Score: 28, Comments: 4
 On Reddit: [22]
 Original: [23]

   * Tying the knot on a Rubik's cube
 Domain: self.haskell, Score: 25, Comments: 7
 On Reddit: [24]
 Original: [25]

   * Kazu Yamamoto: Improving the performance of Warp
 Domain:, Score: 24, Comments: 1
 On Reddit: [26]
 Original: [27]

   * Taking advantage of "Theorems for Free"?
 Domain: self.haskell, Score: 20, Comments: 9
 On Reddit: [28]
 Original: [29]

 Top StackOverflow Questions

   * Is there a nice way to make function signatures more informative in
 votes: 37, answers: 6
 Read on SO: [30]

   * Purely functional data structures for text editors
 votes: 26, answers: 7
 Read on SO: [31]

   * Lazy Pattern matching in Data.List
 votes: 15, answers: 1
 Read on SO: [32]

   * Can I provide the type-checker with proofs about inductive naturals in
GHC 7.6?
 votes: 14, answers: 1
 Read on SO: [33]

   * Why does Haskell's “flip id” has this type?
 votes: 12, answers: 1
 Read on SO: [34]

   * How long pauses can occur in a Haskell program due to garbage
 votes: 11, answers: 1
 Read on SO: [35]

   * Good introduction to f

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Church vs Boehm-Berarducci encoding of Lists

2012-09-19 Thread Dan Doel
On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 8:36 PM, wren ng thornton  wrote:
>> P.S. It is actually possible to write zip function using Boehm-Berarducci
>> encoding:
> Of course it is; I just never got around to doing it :)

If you do, you might want to consider not using the above method, as I
seem to recall it doing an undesirable amount of extra work (repeated
O(n) tail). One can do better with some controversial types (this is
not my idea originally; ski (don't know his real name) on freenode's
#haskell showed it to me a long time ago):


{-# LANGUAGE PolymorphicComponents #-}

module ABC where

newtype L a = L { unL :: forall r. (a -> r -> r) -> r -> r }

nil :: L a
nil = L $ \_ z -> z

cons :: a -> L a -> L a
cons x (L xs) = L $ \f -> f x . xs f

newtype A a c = Roll { unroll :: (a -> A a c -> L c) -> L c }

type B a c = a -> A a c -> L c

zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> L a -> L b -> L c
zipWith f (L as) (L bs) = unroll (as consA nilA) (bs consB nilB)
 -- nilA :: A a c
 nilA = Roll $ const nil

 -- consA :: a -> A a c -> A a c
 consA x xs = Roll $ \k -> k x xs

 -- nilB :: B a c
 nilB _ _ = nil

 -- consB :: b -> B a c -> B a c
 consB y ys x xs = f x y `cons` unroll xs ys


This traverses each list only once.

-- Dan

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] simple servers

2012-09-19 Thread 山本和彦

> Is it true that writing a simple server using forkIO now integrates
> native event loops implicitly? 


IO manager handles event driven stuff. Thanks to this, we can enjoy
(light) thread programming using forkIO.

> One last question. When writing C code, using epoll apis explicitly
> can impose some blocking. Is the same to be said for GHC.Event?

I don't understand your question.

All system calls issued from the network package use non-blocking.
You don't have to worry about blocking at all.


This article would help:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Church vs Boehm-Berarducci encoding of Lists

2012-09-19 Thread wren ng thornton

On 9/18/12 4:27 AM, wrote:

There has been a recent discussion of ``Church encoding'' of lists and
the comparison with Scott encoding.

I'd like to point out that what is often called Church encoding is
actually Boehm-Berarducci encoding. That is, often seen

newtype ChurchList a =
 CL { cataCL :: forall r. (a -> r -> r) -> r -> r }

(in )

is _not_ Church encoding. First of all, Church encoding is not typed
and it is not tight.

I know that Church encodings were explored in the untyped setting (and 
hence cannot be tight); but I was unaware of a citation for the typed 
version of the same encoding. I've since corrected the names of the 
above module.

N.B., for folks following along at home, the above module and the Scott 
version aren't actually in list-extras yet. I just dumped them there for 
lack of somewhere else to stash the code from last time this comparison 
came up.

P.S. It is actually possible to write zip function using Boehm-Berarducci

Of course it is; I just never got around to doing it :)

Live well,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] foldl vs. foldr

2012-09-19 Thread wren ng thornton

On 9/18/12 8:32 AM, Jan Stolarek wrote:

Hi list,

I have yet another question about folds. Reading here and there I encountered 
statements that
foldr is more important than foldl, e.g. in this post on the list:
I want to know are such statements correct and, if so, why? I am aware that 
foldl' can in some
circumstances operate in constant space, while foldr can operate on infinite 
lists if the folding
function is lazy in the second parameter. Is there more to this subject? 
Properties that I
mentioned are more of technical nature, not theoretical ones. Are there any 
theoretical advantages of foldr? I read Bird's and Wadler's "Introduction to 
programming" and it seems to me that foldl and foldr have the same properties 
and in many cases
are interchangeable.

The interchangeability typically arises from the (weak) isomorphism between:

data CList a = CNil | Cons a (CList a)

data SList a = SNil | Snoc (SList a) a

In particular, interchangeability will fail whenever the isomorphism 
fails--- namely, for infinite lists.

However, there is another issue at stake. The right fold is the natural 
catamorphism for CList, and we like catamorphisms because they capture 
the definability class of primitive recursive functions[1]. However, 
catamorphisms inherently capture a bottom-up style of recursion (even 
though they are evaluated top-down in a lazy language). There are times 
when we'd rather capture a top-down style of recursion--- which is 
exactly what left folds do[2]. Unfortunately, left folds have not been 
studied as extensively as right folds. So it's not entirely clear what 
their theoretical basis is, or how exactly their power relates to right 

[1] That is, every primitive recursive *function* can be defined with a 
catamorphism. However, do note that this may not be the most efficient 
*algorithm* for that function. Paramorphisms thus capture the class 
better, since they can capture more efficient algorithms than 
catamorphisms can. If you're familiar with the distinction between 
"iterators" (cata) and "recursors" (para), this is exactly the same thing.

[2] Just as paramorphisms capture algorithms that catamorphisms can't, 
left folds capture algorithms that right folds can't; e.g., some 
constant stack/space algorithms. Though, unlike cata vs para, left folds 
do not appear to be strictly more powerful. Right folds can capture 
algorithms that left folds (apparently) can't; e.g., folds over infinite 
structures. I say "apparently" because once you add scanl/r to the 
discussion instead of just foldl/r, things get a lot murkier.

Live well,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [ANNOUNCE] Fmark markup language

2012-09-19 Thread Mario Blažević

On 12-09-18 07:37 PM, Richard O'Keefe wrote:

On 19/09/2012, at 1:43 AM, Stefan Monnier wrote:

The problem with that is that some people DO end some headings with
a full stop; for them your special syntax is not natural.

Markdown/ReST is already using the "no syntax" idea (e.g. compared to
pre-wiki markup such a LaTeX or Texinfo), so he's simply trying to push
this idea further.

Markdown is very heavy on syntax,
what it is *light* on is specification of what the
syntax actually is.  As a result,
I'm aware of three different dialects,
and someone told me about having to reverse
engineer the syntax from a Perl implementation.
As a further result, I cannot write a program to
reliably *generate* Markdown.

	Very true. Sadly, this is the case with almost all other Wiki-like 
markup schemes out there. They are all implementation-specified. The 
only exception I'm aware of is Creole, for which an EBNF grammar exists, 
even if it's pretty nasty-looking. A look at that specification makes 
one appreciate how badly specified "natural" syntax is.

	In my opinion, there is no single natural syntax that can be imposed on 
ASCII strings and serve majority of uses. There are many different 
syntaxes that feel  natural for different uses and different users, and 
the best we can hope to achieve would be a way to provide a formal and 
readable specification for each of those syntaxes. I've been playing 
with one approach in this direction with the concrete-relaxng-parser 
package, but it's still early days.

I suspect it'll be difficult.

Oh, more power to him for trying.
I just don't think it can be pushed very far.

Oh, there is a really *filthy* hack that could be pulled
for italics, bold face, and so on.  Contrary to its original
principles, Unicode includes several copies of ASCII
Mathematical bold,
Mathematical italic,
Mathematical bold italic,
Mathematical script,
Mathematical bold script,
Mathematical fraktur,
Mathematical double struck (blackboard-bold),
Mathematical bold fraktur,
Mathematical sans-serif,
Mathematical sans-serif bold,
Mathematical sans-serif italic,
Mathematical sans-serif bold italic,
Mathematical monospace,
and some similar sets of Greek.

Thank you for sharing this hack. It's very amusing.

Mario Blazevic
Stilo International

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUCE: one-liner-0, SYB-like generics with constraint kinds

2012-09-19 Thread Sjoerd Visscher
Hi all,

I am pleased to announce the first release of One-Liner, a package for writing 
short and concise generic instances of type classes. It works a bit like 
Scrap-Your-Boilerplate, but it uses the new constraint kinds instead of the 
Typeable class.

On hackage:
On github:

For example, this is how to write generic equality (using the All monoid):

  eqADT :: (ADT t, Constraints t Eq) => t -> t -> Bool
  eqADT s t = ctorIndex s == ctorIndex t &&
getAll (mbuilds (For :: For Eq) (\fld -> All $ s ! fld == t ! fld) `at` s)

The code works like this: "Constraints t Eq" means it requires that all 
subcomponents of type t have an Eq instance, and then values s and t are equal 
if they are built by the same constructor and each subcomponent is equal.

The package is called One-Liner because the generic functions often end up as 
short as eqADT, especially if there's already an appropriate Monoid or 
Applicative functor available.

Here are two more examples, generic put and get for the Binary package (after 
adding the missing Monoid instance for Put)

  putADT :: (ADT t, Constraints t Binary) => t -> Put
  putADT t = putWord8 (toEnum (ctorIndex t)) >> gfoldMap (For :: For Binary) put

  getADT :: (ADT t, Constraints t Binary) => Get t
  getADT = do
ix <- fromEnum <$> getWord8
buildsA (For :: For Binary) (const get) !! ix

Finally, to give a complete sense of what's involved, here's an example data 
type and its ADT implementation:

  data T a = A Int a | B a (T a)
  instance ADT (T a) where

ctorIndex A{} = 0
ctorIndex B{} = 1

type Constraints (T a) c = (c Int, c a, c (T a))

buildsRecA For sub rec = 
  [ (ctor "A", A <$> sub (FieldInfo (\(A i _) -> i)) <*> sub (FieldInfo 
(\(A _ a) -> a)))
  , (ctor "B", B <$> sub (FieldInfo (\(B a _) -> a)) <*> rec (FieldInfo 
(\(B _ t) -> t)))

If you want to learn more, you can find an introductory blog post here:

Some complete examples are here:

Some more generic functions, including generic Show and Read:

Sjoerd Visscher

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to implement nested loops with tail recursion?

2012-09-19 Thread Johan Tibell
On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 8:00 PM,   wrote:
> So how do I force IO actions whose results are discarded (including IO ()) to 
> be strict?

In your particular case it looks like you want
Data.IORef.modifyIORef'. If your version of GHC doesn't include it you
can write it like so:

-- |Strict version of 'modifyIORef'
modifyIORef' :: IORef a -> (a -> a) -> IO ()
modifyIORef' ref f = do
x <- readIORef ref
let x' = f x
x' `seq` writeIORef ref x'

-- Johan

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to implement nested loops with tail recursion?

2012-09-19 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

On 19/09/12 19:00, wrote:
> So how do I force IO actions whose results are discarded (including IO ()) to 
> be strict?

() <- foo :: IO () -- should work as it pattern matches, can wrap it in
a prettier combinator
!_ <- foo :: IO a -- could work with -XBangPatterns

I've not tested either (been away from Haskell for a while..), but see also:
(regarding modifyIORef and leaky issues)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to implement nested loops with tail recursion?

2012-09-19 Thread sdiyazg
So how do I force IO actions whose results are discarded (including IO ()) to 
be strict?

main = do
s<-newIORef (1::Int)
f :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
f 0 !acc = return acc  -- note strict accumulator
f n !acc = do
v  <- modifyIORef s (+2) >>readIORef s -- reading 
immediately after writing
f (n-1) (v+acc)
f 100 100 >>= print
readIORef s>>=print

runs OK, while

main = do
s<-newIORef (1::Int)
f :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
f 0 !acc = return acc  -- note strict accumulator
f n !acc = do
v  <- modifyIORef s (+2) >>return 1 
f (n-1) (v+acc)
f 100 100 >>= print
readIORef s>>=print


main = do
s<-newIORef (1::Int)
f :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
f 0 !acc = return acc  -- note strict accumulator
f n !acc = do
v  <- modifyIORef s (+2) >>readIORef s>>return 1 
f (n-1) (v+acc)
f 100 100 >>= print
readIORef s>>=print


main = do
s<-newIORef (1::Int)
f :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
f 0 !acc = return acc  -- note strict accumulator
f n !acc = do
v  <-  (>>return 1) $! (modifyIORef s (+2) >>readIORef s) 
f (n-1) (v+acc)
f 100 100 >>= print
readIORef s>>=print

all overflows after correctly printing the first number

- 原始邮件 -
发件人: "Johan Tibell" 
发送时间: 星期四, 2012年 9 月 20日 上午 1:28:47
主题: Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to implement nested loops with tail recursion?

On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 7:24 PM,   wrote:
> main = do
> let
> f 0 acc = return acc
> f n acc = do
> v  <- return 1
> f (n-1) (v+acc)
> f 100 100 >>= print

Try this

main = do
f :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
f 0 !acc = return acc  -- note strict accumulator
f n acc = do
v  <- return 1
f (n-1) (v+acc)
f 100 100 >>= print

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to implement nested loops with tail recursion?

2012-09-19 Thread Johan Tibell
On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 7:24 PM,   wrote:
> main = do
> let
> f 0 acc = return acc
> f n acc = do
> v  <- return 1
> f (n-1) (v+acc)
> f 100 100 >>= print

Try this

main = do
f :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
f 0 !acc = return acc  -- note strict accumulator
f n acc = do
v  <- return 1
f (n-1) (v+acc)
f 100 100 >>= print

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to implement nested loops with tail recursion?

2012-09-19 Thread sdiyazg
A follow-up question.
I still haven't got the monadic version working, and the real use case involves 
IO actions.

I looked at and adapted 
the 'tail-recursive' snippet on the page into

main = do
f 0 acc = return acc
f n acc = do
v  <- return 1
f (n-1) (v+acc)
f 100 100 >>= print

which still blows the memory. 

And so does this program

main = do
s<-newIORef (0::Int)
mapM_ (\i->modifyIORef s (+1)) [0..1000]
readIORef s>>=print


- 原始邮件 -
发送时间: 星期四, 2012年 9 月 20日 上午 12:08:19
主题: Re: How to implement nested loops with tail recursion?

Now I have discovered the right version...

main = print (f 1 0::Int) where
f i s = (if i<=2 then (f (i+1) (s + g 1 0)) else s) where
g j s = (if j<=2 then (g (j+1) (s + i*j)) else s)

- 原始邮件 -
发送时间: 星期三, 2012年 9 月 19日 下午 11:35:11
主题: How to implement nested loops with tail recursion?

I need to implement fast two-level loops, and I am learning using seq to make 
calls tail-recursive.

I write programs to compute
  main = print $ sum [i*j|i::Int<-[1..2],j::Int<-[1..2]]
This program (compiled with -O2) runs twenty times slower than the unoptimized 
(otherwise the loop gets optimized out) C version.
But it seems to run in constant memory, so I assume that it has been turned 
into loops.

int main(){
int s=0;
for(int i=1;i<=2;++i){
for(int j=1;j<=2;++j){
return 0;

Then I write

main = print $ f 1 where
f i = let x = g 1 in x `seq` (x + if i<2 then f (i+1) else 0) :: 
Int where
g j = let x = i*j in x `seq` (x + if j<2 then g (j+1) else 
0) :: Int

This version runs out of memory. When I scale the numbers down to 1, the 
program does run correctly, and takes lots of memory.
Even if I change the seqs into deepseqs, or use BangPatterns (f !i =... ; g !j 
= ...), the situation doesn't change.

A monadic version

import Control.Monad.ST.Strict
import Control.Monad
import Data.STRef.Strict

main = print $ runST $ do
s <- newSTRef (0::Int)
let g !i !j = 
if (j<=1) then modifySTRef s (+1)>>(g i (j+1)) else return 
let f !i = 
if (i<=1) then g i 1>>(f $ i+1) else return ()
f 1 
readSTRef s

also runs out of memory.

So how can I write a program that executes nested loops efficiently?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to implement nested loops with tail recursion?

2012-09-19 Thread sdiyazg
Now I have discovered the right version...

main = print (f 1 0::Int) where
f i s = (if i<=2 then (f (i+1) (s + g 1 0)) else s) where
g j s = (if j<=2 then (g (j+1) (s + i*j)) else s)

- 原始邮件 -
发送时间: 星期三, 2012年 9 月 19日 下午 11:35:11
主题: How to implement nested loops with tail recursion?

I need to implement fast two-level loops, and I am learning using seq to make 
calls tail-recursive.

I write programs to compute
  main = print $ sum [i*j|i::Int<-[1..2],j::Int<-[1..2]]
This program (compiled with -O2) runs twenty times slower than the unoptimized 
(otherwise the loop gets optimized out) C version.
But it seems to run in constant memory, so I assume that it has been turned 
into loops.

int main(){
int s=0;
for(int i=1;i<=2;++i){
for(int j=1;j<=2;++j){
return 0;

Then I write

main = print $ f 1 where
f i = let x = g 1 in x `seq` (x + if i<2 then f (i+1) else 0) :: 
Int where
g j = let x = i*j in x `seq` (x + if j<2 then g (j+1) else 
0) :: Int

This version runs out of memory. When I scale the numbers down to 1, the 
program does run correctly, and takes lots of memory.
Even if I change the seqs into deepseqs, or use BangPatterns (f !i =... ; g !j 
= ...), the situation doesn't change.

A monadic version

import Control.Monad.ST.Strict
import Control.Monad
import Data.STRef.Strict

main = print $ runST $ do
s <- newSTRef (0::Int)
let g !i !j = 
if (j<=1) then modifySTRef s (+1)>>(g i (j+1)) else return 
let f !i = 
if (i<=1) then g i 1>>(f $ i+1) else return ()
f 1 
readSTRef s

also runs out of memory.

So how can I write a program that executes nested loops efficiently?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] simple servers

2012-09-19 Thread brad clawsie
Hi cafe

looking at

The last two solutions compared are forkIO vs. explicit event support
(based on what was System.Event).

Further reading appears to indicate that event support has been
integrated into the runtime.

Is it true that writing a simple server using forkIO now integrates
native event loops implicitly? Or do I still need to create code that
explicitly uses (what is now) GHC.Event?

One last question. When writing C code, using epoll apis explicitly
can impose some blocking. Is the same to be said for GHC.Event?

I know all of the changes I am discussing seemed to happen in ghc more
than a year ago, sorry, I just can't find anything to explicitly guide
me here.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] How to implement nested loops with tail recursion?

2012-09-19 Thread sdiyazg
I need to implement fast two-level loops, and I am learning using seq to make 
calls tail-recursive.

I write programs to compute
  main = print $ sum [i*j|i::Int<-[1..2],j::Int<-[1..2]]
This program (compiled with -O2) runs twenty times slower than the unoptimized 
(otherwise the loop gets optimized out) C version.
But it seems to run in constant memory, so I assume that it has been turned 
into loops.

int main(){
int s=0;
for(int i=1;i<=2;++i){
for(int j=1;j<=2;++j){
return 0;

Then I write

main = print $ f 1 where
f i = let x = g 1 in x `seq` (x + if i<2 then f (i+1) else 0) :: 
Int where
g j = let x = i*j in x `seq` (x + if j<2 then g (j+1) else 
0) :: Int

This version runs out of memory. When I scale the numbers down to 1, the 
program does run correctly, and takes lots of memory.
Even if I change the seqs into deepseqs, or use BangPatterns (f !i =... ; g !j 
= ...), the situation doesn't change.

A monadic version

import Control.Monad.ST.Strict
import Control.Monad
import Data.STRef.Strict

main = print $ runST $ do
s <- newSTRef (0::Int)
let g !i !j = 
if (j<=1) then modifySTRef s (+1)>>(g i (j+1)) else return 
let f !i = 
if (i<=1) then g i 1>>(f $ i+1) else return ()
f 1 
readSTRef s

also runs out of memory.

So how can I write a program that executes nested loops efficiently?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Partial statical linking

2012-09-19 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 7:06 AM, Jason Dusek  wrote:

> What I attempted was building a binary with only some C libraries
> statically linked, with this command line:
>   # Build on Ubunut 12.04
>   ghc -outputdir ./tmp -v --make -O2 sssp.hs -o sssp.ubuntu \
> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libffi.a \
> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgmp.a \
> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.a
> However, this really made no difference. Running `ldd' on the
> resulting binary reveals that libz and friends are still
> dynamically linked:

On Linux you probably need -optl--whole-archive for this to do anything;
alternately, you would need to get the final ld command line out of ghc and
insert the above libraries into it *after* the package .a files.

Putting them before the packages (including the GHC runtime) that need
them, as will happen by default, will cause them to be ignored because they
contain no required symbols *at that point* in the link.  --whole-archive
tells to blindly link the whole static archive in instead of ignoring it.

brandon s allbery
wandering unix systems administrator (available) (412) 475-9364 vm/sms
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Partial statical linking

2012-09-19 Thread Jason Dusek
2012/9/19 Christian Maeder :
> I usually just copy those .a files (that should be linked statically) into
> `ghc --print-libdir`.

Wow, it worked! But this isn't the sort of change I'd to a user's
system that I'd like to encode in a Makefile...

Jason Dusek
pgp // solidsnack // C1EBC57DC55144F35460C8DF1FD4C6C1FED18A2B

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Partial statical linking

2012-09-19 Thread Christian Maeder


I usually just copy those .a files (that should be linked statically) 
into `ghc --print-libdir`.

HTH Christian

Am 19.09.2012 13:06, schrieb Jason Dusek:

2011/12/1 Irene Knapp :

The typical trick to force GHC to statically link a C library
is to give the full path to the .a of it as one of the object
files in the GHC invocation that does the final linking.  This
means you don't need any -l or -L flags pertaining to that
library.  Some libraries are very particular about the order
you list them in when doing this, but I don't really
understand the issues there.  You usually will also have to
chase dependencies by hand and list them in the same fashion.

I recently tried using this method to create static binary; but
I was not able to get it to work. I thought I would revive this
old thread and see if anyone else has given it a shot.

What I attempted was building a binary with only some C libraries
statically linked, with this command line:

   # Build on Ubunut 12.04
   ghc -outputdir ./tmp -v --make -O2 sssp.hs -o sssp.ubuntu \
 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libffi.a \
 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgmp.a \

However, this really made no difference. Running `ldd' on the
resulting binary reveals that libz and friends are still
dynamically linked:

   ldd sssp.ubuntu =>  (0x7fff94253000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f0ddfdbb000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
(0x7f0ddfb9e000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
(0x7f0ddf92f000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
(0x7f0ddf727000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f0ddf42d000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f0ddf224000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f0ddf02) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f0ddec63000)
   /lib64/ (0x7f0ddffdb000)

There is always -optl-static which, nowadays, results in a
truly static executable; but it leads to a lot of warnings, too.

Jason Dusek
pgp // solidsnack // C1EBC57DC55144F35460C8DF1FD4C6C1FED18A2B

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Partial statical linking

2012-09-19 Thread Jason Dusek
2011/12/1 Irene Knapp :
> The typical trick to force GHC to statically link a C library
> is to give the full path to the .a of it as one of the object
> files in the GHC invocation that does the final linking.  This
> means you don't need any -l or -L flags pertaining to that
> library.  Some libraries are very particular about the order
> you list them in when doing this, but I don't really
> understand the issues there.  You usually will also have to
> chase dependencies by hand and list them in the same fashion.

I recently tried using this method to create static binary; but
I was not able to get it to work. I thought I would revive this
old thread and see if anyone else has given it a shot.

What I attempted was building a binary with only some C libraries
statically linked, with this command line:

  # Build on Ubunut 12.04
  ghc -outputdir ./tmp -v --make -O2 sssp.hs -o sssp.ubuntu \
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libffi.a \
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgmp.a \

However, this really made no difference. Running `ldd' on the
resulting binary reveals that libz and friends are still
dynamically linked:

  ldd sssp.ubuntu =>  (0x7fff94253000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f0ddfdbb000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
(0x7f0ddfb9e000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
(0x7f0ddf92f000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
(0x7f0ddf727000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f0ddf42d000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f0ddf224000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f0ddf02) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f0ddec63000)
  /lib64/ (0x7f0ddffdb000)

There is always -optl-static which, nowadays, results in a
truly static executable; but it leads to a lot of warnings, too.

Jason Dusek
pgp // solidsnack // C1EBC57DC55144F35460C8DF1FD4C6C1FED18A2B

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: som-1.0

2012-09-19 Thread Amy de Buitléir
Do you have some data that you'd like to understand better? I'm happy to
announce a new package called som that may help: (wiki)

A Kohonen Self-organising Map (SOM) maps input patterns onto a regular grid
(usually two-dimensional) where each node in the grid is a model of the input
data, and does so using a method which ensures that any topological
relationships within the input data are also represented in the grid. This
implementation supports the use of non-numeric patterns.

In layman's terms, a SOM can be useful when you want to discover the underlying
structure of some data. I have a brief tutorial in the wiki, which I hope to
expand over the next few weeks.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: grid-2.0

2012-09-19 Thread Amy de Buitléir
I'm happy to announce a new major release of the grid package: (wiki)

The GridMap module provides ordered maps from tiles on a grid to values. This
module is a wrapper around Grid and Map, in order to combine the functionality
of grids and maps into a single type. This may be of interest to anyone
developing a game based on a grid.

Grid provides tools for working with regular arrangements of tiles, such as
might be used in a board game or self-organising map (SOM). Grid currently
supports triangular, square, and hexagonal tiles, with various 2D and toroidal
layouts. If you need a tile shape or layout that isn't currently provided,
please let me know. See Math.Geometry.Grid for an example of how to use the
package. Suggestions for improvement are welcome. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] Well-Typed and Skills Matter offer Haskell courses in London in October

2012-09-19 Thread Andres Löh

> Oops, I hit send too prematurely, sorry for the seeming bluntness (but it is
> still a blunt message, can't apologize for that I suppose):

No need to apologize. There's a need for informal meetings as much (or
even more) as there is for courses and conferences.

> Perhaps a monthly informal gathering similarly (self-)organised to Dorkbot
> but focussed on Haskell (and other functional languages) is what I'm really
> after, but that still requires some organisation time and a venue, neither
> of which necessarily come cheap :(

There are several informal meetings on Haskell happening throughout
the world. I'm personally not living in the London area, but I
regularly attend the Munich Haskell meeting
( Regarding London, I know there's the
Haskell Hoodlums meetup (, and I think
there is or was a Haskell User Group as well, but it's currently
listed as "not active" on Perhaps there's a
chance to bring it back to life?


Andres Löh, Haskell Consultant
Well-Typed LLP,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] Well-Typed and Skills Matter offer Haskell courses in London in October

2012-09-19 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Hi list,

Oops, I hit send too prematurely, sorry for the seeming bluntness (but 
it is still a blunt message, can't apologize for that I suppose):

On 19/09/12 09:14, Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:

On 19/09/12 08:52, Andres Löh wrote:

Registration for all these events is open. I hope to see many
of you there.

(Referring to the October 10th event:

Is there an informal hangout without the £225 price-tag


Perhaps a monthly informal gathering similarly (self-)organised to 
Dorkbot but focussed on Haskell (and other functional languages) is what 
I'm really after, but that still requires some organisation time and a 
venue, neither of which necessarily come cheap :(

So, I understand the need to charge, but it seems quite a high fee to me 
(especially as there don't seem to be concessions for unwaged / students 
/ etc).


Thanks, sorry if this caused offence.

Three cheers if it revives a democratic informal londonhug thing.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] Well-Typed and Skills Matter offer Haskell courses in London in October

2012-09-19 Thread Andres Löh
> Is there an informal hangout without the £225 price-tag

Certainly a great idea. I guess there's most likely some informal
meeting after the Haskell eXchange. Perhaps Neil Mitchell knows if
there are any concrete plans yet? He's been putting together the
program for the conference.


Andres Löh, Haskell Consultant
Well-Typed LLP,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] Well-Typed and Skills Matter offer Haskell courses in London in October

2012-09-19 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

On 19/09/12 08:52, Andres Löh wrote:

Registration for all these events is open. I hope to see many
of you there.

Is there an informal hangout without the £225 price-tag


Haskell-Cafe mailing list