Re: [Haskell-cafe] Readable GHC 7.6.3 docs (Bootstrapped)

2013-09-11 Thread Twan van Laarhoven
Why does every section have a title=1.2.3 foo on the outer div? In Firefox 
this shows up as a useless tooltip when moving the mouse over the text.

On 11/09/13 13:31, Obscaenvs wrote:

At [1] you can find links to the GHC documentation that I use myself,
since the official version is a bit too TimesNewRoman-y for my
...developed taste. It available in a downloadable Bzipped TAR aswell
as being browsable online.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative name for return

2013-08-14 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 13/08/13 17:38, Andreas Abel wrote:

Indeed, I wished the 0-ary case would be more alike to the unary and binary
case, cf.

   return f0
   f1 $ a1
   f2 $ a1 * a2

You could always write the above as

pure f0
pure f1 * a1
pure f2 * a1 * a2


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is the following implemented by a sparse matrix representation? type Graph n w = Array (n, n) (Maybe w)

2013-07-10 Thread Twan van Laarhoven
The standard array types, such as Array (n,n) (Maybe w) will be implemented as 
a dense array. If you want to use a sparse matrix, you will explicitly have to 
ask for it. For instance by using something like IntMap (IntMap w) or Map 
(n,n) w or Array n (IntMap w). Each of these representations is slightly 
different, and there will be different trade-offs.


On 09/07/13 23:26, KC wrote:
 Is the following implemented by a sparse matrix representation?

type Graph n w = Array (n,n) (Maybe w)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] RFC: rewrite-with-location proposal

2013-02-25 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 25/02/13 07:06, Michael Snoyman wrote:

Quite a while back, Simon Hengel and I put together a proposal[1] for a new
feature in GHC. The basic idea is pretty simple: provide a new pragma that could
be used like so:

error :: String - a
errorLoc :: IO Location - String - a
{-# REWRITE_WITH_LOCATION error errorLoc #-}

Then all usages of `error` would be converted into calls to `errorLoc` by the
compiler, passing in the location information of where the call originated from.
Our three intended use cases are:

I think there is no need to have a separate REWRITE_WITH_LOCATION rule. What if 
the compiler instead rewrites 'currentLocation' to the current location? Then 
you'd just define the rule:

{-# REWRITE errorLoc error = errorLoc currentLocation #-}

I'm also pretty sure that something like this has been proposed in the past.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] RFC: rewrite-with-location proposal

2013-02-25 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 25/02/13 13:41, Michael Snoyman wrote:

At that point, we've now made two changes to REWRITE rules:

1. They can takes a new ALWAYS parameters.
2. There's a new, special identifier currentLocation available.

What would be the advantage is of that approach versus introducing a single new

You are probably right. Ghc already has some logic in place for doing this with 

-- Return an expression for (assertError Foo.hs:27)
mkAssertErrorExpr = ..

finishHsVar name
 = do { ignore_asserts - goptM Opt_IgnoreAsserts
  ; if ignore_asserts || not (name `hasKey` assertIdKey)
then return (HsVar name, unitFV name)
else do { e - mkAssertErrorExpr
; return (e, unitFV name) } }

So the check is name `hasKey` assertIdKey. I.e. it is a literal check whether 
the name is assert. Maybe that could be extended to check whether the name is 
declared as assert-like.

Of course the real solution is to have proper stack traces.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Maintaining lambdabot

2013-02-20 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 20/02/13 08:13, Jan Stolarek wrote:

Dnia wtorek, 19 lutego 2013, Gwern Branwen napisał:

On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 5:36 PM, Jan Stolarek wrote:

- remove unlambda, brainfuck and show from the repo. They are on hackage,
no need to keep them here - these packages aren't even used in the build

Where will they go?

These packages are already on hackage:

No need to keep them in the lambdabot repo.

They are in the lambdabot *repository*, but in separate hackage packages. Are 
you suggesting that the source code of these packages is moved out to their own 
darcs repositories?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Subject: ANNOUNCE: grid-3.0.1 (tile maps for board games or maths)

2013-02-18 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 18/02/13 13:41, Amy de Buitléir wrote:

I'm happy to announce a new major release of the grid package: (wiki)

After taking a peek at the documentation: have you considered removing the size 
function from Grid? It is the only function that actually uses the type 
parameter 's'. If you really need it, I would suggest putting it in a separate 

class HasSize a s | a - s where
size :: a - s

It might also be useful to add a rectangular grid type where diagonally adjacent 
cells are also neighbors.

Another interesting idea is to have modifier types that change which cells are 
neighbors, for example you could have

class Colinear g x | g x where
-- | Are three points separated by moves in the same direction?
isColinear :: g - x - x - x - Bool

-- neighbors are separated by diagonal moves
newtype Diagonal g = Diagonal g
instance (Grid g, Colinear g x) = Grid (Diagonal g) x where
neighbors g x = [z | y - neigbhors x, z - neigbhors y
   , not (isColinear x y z)]

newtype Rook g = ...
newtype Knight g = ...
-- etc.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ticking time bomb

2013-01-31 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 31/01/13 09:16, Ketil Malde wrote:

*MY* proposal is that:

0. Hackage sends an email to the previous uploader whenever a new
version of a package is uploaded by somebody else.

At least that way, I would be notified if it happened to my packages,
and I would be able to check up on the situation, and rectify it.

This is not to say that cryptographic signing is the wrong thing to do,
but a very simple thing like this, which would probably take all of five
minutes to implement, would reduce risk by a substantial amount.

That is an excellent idea, and it should be very simple to add.

Of course it doesn't stop all attacks, but it does stop the most obvious one. 
And it might also prevent some honest mistakes or errors in communication where 
someone uploads a forked package without permission.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Sparse records/ADTs

2012-10-24 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 24/10/12 12:08, Jon Fairbairn wrote:

Is there a convenient way of handling a data structure with lots
of fields of different types that may or may not be filled in?

Not sure about convenience, but here is a type safe solution with O(log n) 
lookups and updates. The idea is to define a GADT tree type with a fixed layout:

-- define the structure
type MyT = TBranch (TLeaf A) (TBranch (TLeaf B) (TLeaf C))
-- a value level tree that uses that structure
type My  = GTree MyT

You still have to define the paths to the members

pa = GL GH
pb = GR (GL GH)
pc = GR (GR GH)

But once you have that you can perform lookups and updates:

*Main glookup pc (gupdate pa (Just A) (gupdate pc (Just C) gempty))
Just C

It shouldn't be too hard to make a template haskell function that generates 
these paths. Or perhaps the corresponding lenses.

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures, GADTs #-}

data TTree a = TEmpty | TLeaf a | TBranch (TTree a) (TTree a)

data GTree (t :: TTree *) :: * where
  GEmpty  :: GTree t
  GLeaf   :: a - GTree (TLeaf a)
  GBranch :: GTree l - GTree r - GTree (TBranch l r)

data GPath (t :: TTree *) (a :: *) :: * where
  GH :: GPath (TLeaf a) a
  GL :: GPath l a - GPath (TBranch l r) a
  GR :: GPath r a - GPath (TBranch l r) a

gempty :: GTree t
gempty = GEmpty

glookup :: GPath t a - GTree t - Maybe a
glookup GH (GLeaf x) = Just x
glookup (GL p) (GBranch x _) = glookup p x
glookup (GR p) (GBranch _ x) = glookup p x
glookup _  _ = Nothing

gupdate :: GPath t a - Maybe a - GTree t - GTree t
gupdate GH Nothing  _  = GEmpty
gupdate GH (Just v) _  = GLeaf v
gupdate (GL p) v (GBranch l r) = GBranch (gupdate p v l) r
gupdate (GL p) v _ = GBranch (gupdate p v GEmpty) GEmpty
gupdate (GR p) v (GBranch l r) = GBranch l  (gupdate p v r)
gupdate (GR p) v _ = GBranch GEmpty (gupdate p v GEmpty)

-- Example

data A = A deriving Show
data B = B deriving Show
data C = C deriving Show
type MyT = TBranch (TLeaf A) (TBranch (TLeaf B) (TLeaf C))
type My  = GTree MyT
pa :: GPath MyT A
pa = GL GH
pb :: GPath MyT B
pb = GR (GL GH)
pc :: GPath MyT C
pc = GR (GR GH)


*Main glookup pc (gupdate pa (Just A) (gupdate pc (Just C) gempty))
Just C


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Platform Versioning Policy: upper bounds are not our friends

2012-08-16 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 16/08/12 14:07, Chris Smith wrote:

As a package author, when I
release a new version, I know perfectly well what incompatible changes
I have made to it... and those might include, for example:

1. New modules, exports or instances... low risk
2. Changes to less frequently used, advanced, or internal APIs...
moderate risk
3. Completely revamped commonly used interfaces... high risk

Would adding a single convenience function be low or high risk? You say it is 
low risk, but it still risks breaking a build if a user has defined a function 
with the same name. I think the only meaningful distinction you can make are:
  1. No change to public API at all, user code is guaranteed to compile and 
work if it did so before.

 Perhaps new modules could also fall under this category, I'm not sure.
  2. changes to exports, instances, modules, types, etc. But with the guarantee 
that if it compiles, it will be correct
  3. changes to functionality, which require the user to reconsider all code. 
even if it compiles, it might be wrong

For the very common case 2, the best solution is to just go ahead and try to 
compile it.

A. Cabal files should get a new Compatibility field, indicating the
level of compatibility from the previous release: low, medium, high,
or something like that, with definitions for what each one means.

You would need to indicate how large the change is compared to a certain 
previous version. Moderate change compared to 0.10, large change compared to 0.9.

B. Version constraints should get a new syntax:

 bytestring ~ 0.10.* (allow later versions that indicate low or
moderate risk)
 bytestring ~~ 0.10.* (allow later versions with low risk; we use
the dark corners of this one)
 bytestring == 0.10.* (depend 100% on 0.10, and allow nothing else)

Of course, this adds a good bit of complexity to the constraint
solver... but not really.  It's more like a pre-processing pass to
replace fuzzy constraints with precise ones.

Perhaps it would be cleaner if you specified what parts of the API you depend 
on, instead of an arbitrary distinction between 'internal' and 'external' parts. 
From cabal's point of view the best solution would be to have a separate 
package for the internals. Then the only remaining distinction is between 
'breaking' and 'non-breaking' changes. The current policy is to rely on major 
version numbers. But this could instead be made explicit: A cabal package should 
declare what API version of itself it is mostly-compatible with.

To avoid forcing the creation of packages just for versioning, perhaps 
dependencies could be specified on parts of a package?

build-depends: bytestring.internal ~ 0.11

and the bytestring package would specify what parts have changed:

compatibility: bytestring.internal = 0.11, bytestring.external = 0.10

But these names introduce another problem: they will not be fine-grained enough 
until it is too late. You only know how the API is partitioned when, in the 
future, a part of it changes while another part does not.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Improvement suggestions

2012-08-15 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 15/08/12 17:01, José Lopes wrote:

someFn docs =
   return concat `ap` (sequence $ intersperse (return \n) (map loop docs))

First of all, return x `ap` y = x `fmap` y or x $ y. fmap (or its infix 
synonym ($)) is the answer here, you could write:

someFn docs = concat . intersperse \n $ mapM loop docs

The function Data.List.intercalate is a compation of concat and intersperse, so 
you could write:

someFn docs = intercalate \n $ mapM loop docs

or, depending on your preference,

someFn = fmap (intercalate \n) . mapM loop


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fixity declaration extension

2012-08-14 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 14/08/12 13:46, Ketil Malde wrote:

AntC writes:

I agree. I don't declare operators very often, and when I do I always struggle
to remember which way round the precedence numbers go.


(Anything else we can bikeshed about while we're at it?)

   infixl * before +

Perhaps before and after clearer than higher and lower?

I would pick tighter than and looser than, but I suppose that before and 
after are also clear enough. Or maybe inside and outside?

I don't think that we really need a new keyword for precedence declarations. The 
current infix would suffice if the default was for operators to be non-fix and 
of indeterminate precedence. Multiple fixity declarations for the same operator 
should then be allowed. Or perhaps just require that separate declarations use 
the same infix[lr]? keyword.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Applicative functors with branch/choice ?

2012-07-26 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 26/07/12 12:40, Евгений Пермяков wrote:

class Applicative f = Actuative f where
  -- | select computation conditionally . Side effects of only one two
alternative take place
  select  :: f (Either a b)  -- ^ selector
  - f (a - c) -- ^ first alternative
  - f (b - c) -- ^ second alternative
  - f c

Can't you already define this function in terms of Applicative itself? I.e.

select xs fs gs = sel $ xs * fs * gs
sel (Left  a) f _ = f a
sel (Right b) _ g = g b

I assume that your intent is that `select` behaves differently from the one I 
defined here. But you need to specify in what way.

Suppose it should work like if-then-else. Then you would perhaps have these 

select (Left $ x) f g = f $ x
select (fmap swapEither x) f g = select x g f

I think this is a useful class to have, and I would support adding something 
like it to the standard library. Perhaps the arguments should be swapped to the 
same order as either, to give

class Functor f = Selective f where
eitherF :: f (a - c) - f (b - c) - f (Either a b) - f c

The laws would then be:

eitherF f g . fmap swapEither = eitherF g f
eitherF f g . fmap Left = f
eitherF f g . fmap Right = g  -- follows from the other two laws

every Monad is an instance via

defaultEitherF ls rs xs = either ls rs = xs


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Applicative functors with branch/choice ?

2012-07-26 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 26/07/12 13:58, Евгений Пермяков wrote:

As you can see, if I use select definition with Control.Applicative.*, I'll
execute both l and r and the only choice will be, what result to drop. Both l
and r, however, will be executed, and their side effects will take place. With
select from my code only one action will be executed, depending on result of i,
and only effects of one of actions (either l or r) will take place.

I realize that, and that is why I insisted on laws to formalize this.

Your instance for IO is a special case of a function that works for any Monad:

defaultEitherF :: (Functor f, Monad f)
   = f (a - c) - f (b - c) - f (Either a b) - f c
defaultEitherF ml mr mx = either (ml $$) (mr $$) = mx
($$) :: Functor f = f (a - b) - a - f b
f $$ x = ($ x) $ f

(the version of this function in my previous post was not correct)

I'm not sure, what categorical concept will correspond to this typeclass.

Well, this type class kind of corresponds to the functionality of ArrowChoice. I 
believe that class corresponds to a (symmetric) monoidal structure on the dual 
category. Plus a whole bunch of junk you get from its super classes.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Applicative functors with branch/choice ?

2012-07-25 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 2012-07-25 22:22, Евгений Пермяков wrote:

Let assume, that some computation takes argument and produces value Either a b.
This computation may be represented in for different forms

computePure :: a - Either b c

computeMonad :: a - m (Either b c)

computeApplicative :: app a - app (Either b c)

computeArrow :: arr a (Either b c)
And now, having result, we need to execute several actions, making a choice,
what actions to perform for Left and Right tags of Either. Pure function and
monads are easy, as there is way to pattern-match on value and take actions
depending on result. There is an extension to Arrow class that do the job --
ArrowChoice. However, I cannot find any way to make choice for Applicative. It
seems that both Applicative and Alternative are not suited for it.

So, it seems for me, that Applicative API should be extended with typeclass for
making choice what actions to execute depending on result of some test (pattern
matching). Is there any reasonable definition of such typeclass or clear
explanation, why such typeclass is unneeded?

The possible extension may look somehow like this:

class Applicative a = Branching a where
  branch :: a (Either b c) - (a b - a d) - (a c - a d) - a d

A nicer typeclass is perhaps the dual to applicative. Given a functor, (*) is 
equivalent to the function pair:

class Functor f = Pairing f where
pair :: (f a, f b) - f (a,b)
-- pair (x,y) = (,) $ x * y
-- (*) x y = ($) $ pair (x,y)

You can form the dual of pair by flipping the arrows and replacing products by 
sums, which gives:

class Functor f = Branching f where
liftEither :: f (Either a b) - Either (f a, f b)

Which looks almost equivalent to your Branching class. But I can't think of any 
non-trivial functors that are an instance of this class. Perhaps a better 
typeclass is the one where you keep the product on the result side:

class Functor = Partitionable f where
partitionEithers :: f (Either a b) - (f a, f b)

You can build some useful functions on top of partionEithers, such as 
`partition` and `filter`.

filter = fst . partition
partition pred = partitionEithers . fmap side
where side x = if pred x then Left x else Right x

I don't know if it is enough for your ArrowChoice instance.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-24 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 2012-07-24 10:10, Christian Sternagel wrote:

Dear all,

with respect to formal verification of Haskell code I was wondering whether (==)
of the Eq class is intended to be commutative (for many classes such
requirements are informally stated in their description, since Eq does not have
such a statement, I'm asking here). Or are there any known cases where
commutativity of (==) is violated (due to strictness issues)?

Strictness plays no role for Eq, since to test for equality both sides will have 
to be fully evaluated. I think (==) is supposed to be equivalence relation, 
which is symmetric (i.e. commutative); as well as reflexive and transitive.

There are some cases of (==) not being reflexive, Floats being the most notable 
one, but many people consider that to be a bug. I can't think of any instances 
that violate symmetry.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-24 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 24/07/12 13:32, Frank Recker wrote:

I agree, that (==) should be symmetric. However, it is easy to write
Eq-instance, which violates this law:

It is impossible to specify laws such as symmetry in Haskell, which is why they 
are usually stated in the documentation. However, this style of documentation is 
a relatively recent trend (last 5 years or so). I suspect that is why the 
documentation for the Eq class does not specify the laws for an equivalence 

So in your formal
verification, the symmetric property of every Eq-instance has to be an

An alternative for equational reasoning is to not use Eq, but just directly use 
syntactic equality. I.e. write (=) instead of (==).

 I frankly don't know, whether the Haskell specification says
 anything about this.

I checked, and it doesn't say anything about laws for Eq instances. The closest 
it comes is with the remark that The Ord class is used for totally ordered 
datatypes, but there is no requirement that Ord and Eq be coherent, or even 
that (==) and (/=) are coherent.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-24 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 24/07/12 14:39, Jonas Almström Duregård wrote:


I suppose you need to define what commutativity means in the presence
of undefined values. For instance if error 0 is different from error
1 then you do not have commutativity. Also nontermination needs to
be considered, for instance (fix $ \x-x) == undefined typically
fails to terminate but undefined == (fix $ \x-x) typically yields
an error.


In the usual Haskell semantics, all bottoms are considered to be the same. In 
other words, there is only one. You could implement this by setting undefined to 
nontermination, and error _ = undefined. In fact, the Haskell report does 
exactly this. Any error messages you get are only visible in IO land, where 
anything can happen anyway.

So  _|_ == x  = _|_  holds for (almost) all types, except perhaps for (). Though 
in practice also  undefined == () = undefined.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-24 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 24/07/12 14:44, wrote:

There's always this, for ALL types a :(  So even where you would think that the
documentation can claim that a given Eq instance follows the law of
commutativity, it really cannot.

Once you invoke unsafePerformIO, you can break the type system, and probably 
execute random assembly code and write to any memory location. So, at this point 
all bets for the rest of the program are of. It is up to the programmer to 
verify that all the necessary invariants still hold when you do unsafe stuff.

In other words, the issue here is not with a particular Eq instance, it is with 

Essentially `unsafePerformIO (x :: IO Int)` is not really an Int, but rather a 
value that behaves like one in most but not all cases.

Also, let a = unsafePerformIO x in (a,a) is *not* the same thing as 
(unsafePerformIO x,unsafePerformIO x). For your entertainment:

λ do m - newEmptyMVar ;putMVar m 1 ; let {a =(unsafePerformIO (do v - 
takeMVar m; putMVar m 2; return v)); b = (unsafePerformIO (do v - takeMVar m; 
putMVar m 1 ; return v))} ; print (a == b); print (b == a)



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] arbitrary rank polymorphism and ghc language pragmas

2012-07-05 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 05/07/12 17:18, rickmurphy wrote:

Hi All:

I've been working through some details in these papers [1], [2] and
noticed a language pragma configuration that I hope you can confirm.

When using explicit foralls in a data constructor, it appears that GHC
7.4.2 requires Rank2Types in the Language pragma for what the papers
consider rank 1 types.

Here's an example:

data T = TC (forall a b. a - b - a)

Am I correct, or is there another extension? The ExplicitForAll does not
appear to support rank 1 types in data constructors.

There is the PolymorphicComponents extension precisely for this use case.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fundeps and overlapping instances

2012-05-24 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 24/05/12 14:14, AntC wrote:

Simon Peyton-Jonessimonpjat  writes:

[from 7 Jul 2010. I've woken up this thread at Oleg's instigation ]

I'm not going to talk about Fundeps. This is about introducing overlapping
instances into type families. But I mean dis-overlapped overlaps, with dis-
equality guards on the instances:
This is essentially the same proposal as the July 2011 discussion, but a
little updated with actual experience of type families in their more mature

Example type family equations:
 type instance F Int = Bool
 type instance F a | a /~ Int = [a]  -- explicit dis-equality guard

Have you considered the alternative notation where multiple guards are allowed, 
as in normal function definitions? Something like:

type instance F a
| a ~ Int   = Bool
| Otherwise = [a]

The last 'otherwise' clause is mandatory, matching should never fall through. 
Perhaps it could be an error if that were to happen, which would allow you to 
write closed type functions. Note that Otherwise could be declared in the library as

type Otherwise = () :: Constraint

I think this variant is almost equivalent to your proposal (so maybe it's just 
bikeshedding). It is also very similar to the IFEQ proposal, and you can desugar 
one in terms of the other.

I also don't know how hard something like this would be to implement. The 
matching of type instances would be done in the same way as now, only their 
expanding is changed. The compiler will at this point have to look which guards 
are satisfied. In this example the first guard is a~Int, and this can not be 
checked until more is known about a. So, even though we have a known matching 
instance, it can not yet be expanded. Perhaps the notation instance F a | a /~ 
Int is better, because then a type family application can be expanded iff there 
is a matching instance.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problem with forall type in type declaration

2012-05-11 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 04/05/12 09:08, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:

   Assuming this:
run :: Monad IO a -  IO a
data Test = Test { f }

   Here I'd like to set f to run, like Test run. Then what is the type of f?
   The confusing (me) part is that, the argument pass to f is not fixed
on return type, like f1 :: Monad IO (), f2 :: Monad IO Int. So
data Test a = Test { f :: Monad IO a -  IO a} does not work.

You need to explicitly add forall a. to the type of f. For example:

{-# LANGUAGE PolymorphicComponents #-}
run :: MonadIO m = m a - IO a
newtype Test = Test { f :: forall m a. MonadIO m a = m a - IO a }


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Reconstructing a tree from a list of its paths (to leaves)

2012-04-10 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 10/04/12 09:55, Arnaud Bailly wrote:

I am manipulating labeled multiway trees, some kind of lightweight
XML notation. One thing I would like to be able to do is manipulating
a tree as a list of (Path, Value). Generating such a list is easy but
I am a little bit surprised to find it harder to reconstruct a tree,
given such a list assuming some sensible properties (list is ordered,
for example).

I got the intuition this has already been tackled in one way or
another in a functional setting in Haskell (I code in Java but using
mostly functional constructs), but don't know where to look.

The haskell solution would be to consider first how to turn a single 
(Path,Value) into a tree. Then you just combine these trees for all the 
paths by taking their union. I attached some code.

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)

data Tree a b = Leaf b | Branch (Map a (Tree a b))
type Path a = [a]

fromTree :: Tree a b - [(Path a,b)]
fromTree (Leaf x) = [([],x)]
fromTree (Branch xs) = [ (a:p,x) | (a,t) - Map.toList xs, (p,x) - fromTree t ]

toTree :: Ord a = [(Path a,b)] - Tree a b
toTree = foldr unionTree emptyTree . map (uncurry toTree1)

toTree1 :: Ord a = Path a - b - Tree a b
toTree1 [] b = Leaf b
toTree1 (x:xs) b = Branch (Map.singleton x (toTree1 xs b))

emptyTree :: Tree a b
emptyTree = Branch Map.empty

unionTree :: Ord a = Tree a b - Tree a b - Tree a b
unionTree (Branch xs) y | Map.null xs = y
unionTree x (Branch ys) | Map.null ys = x
unionTree (Branch xs) (Branch ys) = Branch (Map.unionWith unionTree xs ys)
unionTree _ _ = error Can't have a leaf on the same level as something else

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: pipes-core 0.1.0

2012-04-10 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 09/04/12 23:49, Paolo Capriotti wrote:

I'm pleased to announce the release of version 0.1.0 of pipes-core, a
library for efficient, safe and compositional IO, similar in scope to
iteratee and conduits.

I have some issues with the function names used

firstP :: Monad m = Pipe a b m r
  - Pipe (Either a c) (Either b c) m r
secondP :: Monad m = Pipe a b m r
  - Pipe (Either c a) (Either c b) m r

Why are firstP and secondP not called leftP and rightP? Those are the 
corresponding functions in Arrow. Similarly (***) should be called (+++).

I also don't like `intersperse`, which does something completely 
different from its Data.List counterpart.

intersperse :: Monad m = (a - Bool) - Pipe a (Maybe a) m r
Data.List.intersperse :: a - [a] - [a]

The documentation is also a bit misleading Yield Nothing when an input 
satisfying the predicate is received. To me this suggests that could 
behave like some kind of filter,

intersperse p = pipe $ \x - if p x then Nothing else Just x

A true intersperse analogue would be

intersperse x = do
y0 - await
yield y0
forever $ do
   y - await
   yield x
   yield y

The function you have defined is something like 
`yieldNothingBeforeMatching`. Do you have a use case for this function?

Perhaps an interesting combinator would be

-- | Run the first pipe until it yields a value, then run the 
second pipe until it yields, the the first pipe again, etc.

alternate :: Pipe a b m r - Pipe a b m r - Pipe a b m r

intersperse x = alternate idP (forever (yield x))

Although I have no idea if it is actually useful in practice.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mixing Unboxed Mutable Vectors and Parsers

2012-04-10 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 2012-04-07 23:35, Myles C. Maxfield wrote:

CC: Maintainers of STMonadTrans, Vector, and JuicyPixels

I am writing a Haskell Attoparsec parser which will modify 2-d arrays
of small values (Word8, Int8, etc.).

My first idea was to simply parse all the deltas, and later apply them
to the input list. However, I can't do that because the value of the
deltas depend on the value they're modifying.

My first pass at this program used a function of the form:

p :: [[Word8]] -  Parser [[Word8]]

This approach works, however, the program uses far too much memory.

Does the parser really need the input to determine what to do? Or is the parse 
tree the same regardless? In the latter case, you could perhaps rewrite it to

p :: Parser ([[Word8]] - [[Word8]])

or when working with mutable vectors

p :: MVector s Word8 - Parser (ST s ())

So instead of explicit deltas, the deltas can just be the function that applies 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] is the evaluation order deterministic when using applicative with IO

2012-03-16 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 16/03/12 10:45, Rouan van Dalen wrote:

Hi everyone.

I was wondering if I can make assumptions about the evaluation order of
the following code:

isTrue :: Int - IO Bool
isTrue val = pure (||) * boolTest1 val * boolTest2 val

{- boolTest1 is an inexpensive, quick check -}
boolTest1 :: Int - IO Bool
boolTest1 val = undefined

{- boolTest2 is a very expensive check -}
boolTest2 :: Int - IO Bool
boolTest2 val = undefined

When using Applicative in the isTruefunction, I would like to make use of
the short-circuit behaviour of || and rely on the fact that the boolTest1
will be executed first. The reason I am asking is because the boolTest
are in the IO monad, instead of just returning pure Bool values.

The evaluation order is always from left to right with the instance 
Applicative IO. However, both sides will still be evaluated. isTrue is 
equivalent to:

isTrue val = do
t1 - boolTest1 val
t2 - boolTest2 val
return (t1 || t2)

If you want to avoid the side effects of boolTest2 when boolTest1 
returns true, you will need to implement a monadic or, something like

orM ma mb = do
a - ma
if a then return True else mb


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: pipes-core 0.0.1

2012-03-12 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 11/03/12 23:41, Chris Smith wrote:

On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Twan van  wrote:

I think you should instead move unwaits in and out of the composition on the
left side:

unawait x  (p1+  p2) === (unawait x  p1)+  p2

This makes idP a left-identity for (+), but not a right-identity, since
you can't move unawaits in and out of p2.

Not sure how we got to the point of debating which of the category
laws pipes should break... messy business there.  I'm going to be in
favor of not breaking the laws at all.  The problem here is that
composition of chunked pipes requires agreement on the chunk type,
which gives the type-level guarantees you need that all chunked pipes
in a horizontal composition (by which I mean composition in the
category... I think you were calling that vertical?  no matter...)
share the same chunk type.  Paolo's pipes-extra does this by inventing
a newtype for chunked pipes, in which the input type appears in the
result as well.  There are probably some details to quibble with, but
I think the idea there is correct.  I don't like this idea of
implicitly just throwing away perfectly good data because the types
are wrong.  It shows up in the category-theoretic properties of the
package as a result, but it also shows up in the fact that you're
*throwing* *away* perfectly good data just because the type system
doesn't give you a place to put it!  What's become obvious from this
is that a (ChunkedPipe a b m r) can NOT be modelled correctly as a
(Pipe a b m r).

Agreed. There are many things to be said for making sure that Pipe is a 
real category. I suppose the morally correct thing to do is, as you 
said, have a separate ChunkedPipe type. That would make the type system 
guarantee that there are no calls to 'unawait' in the second part of a 
categorical composition.

The API could even look something like this:

data Chunk
data NoChunk
data Pipe chunkiness a b m r

await :: Pipe anyChunk a b m a
yield :: b - Pipe anyChunk a b m ()
unawait :: a - Pipe Chunk a b m ()

runChunkedPipe :: Pipe Chunk a b m r - Pipe NoChunk a b m r

-- composition in the category
(+) :: Pipe NoChunk a b m r - Pipe NoChunk b c m r
  - Pipe NoChunk a c m r

The following generalization of category composition is still fine:

compose :: Pipe anyChunk a b m r - Pipe NoChunk b c m r
- Pipe anyChunk a c m r

But this would not be:

almostEntirelyNotUnlikeCompose :: Pipe anyChunk a b m r
 - Pipe discardChunksHere b c m r - Pipe anyChunk a c m r

By the way, a ChunkedPipe can be implemented not only as
type ChunkedPipe a b m r = StateT [a] (Pipe a b m) r
but also as
type ChunkedPipe a b m r = CodensityT (Pipe a b m) r
by using the 'feed' function to implement unawait.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: pipes-core 0.0.1

2012-03-11 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 2012-03-11 14:09, Paolo Capriotti wrote:

The Category law would be broken, though:

unawait x  id == yield x !== unawait x

How did you get this equation? It's not even well-typed:

unawait :: a -  Pipe a b m ()
yield :: b -  Pipe a b m ()

I would expect that

(id  unawait x)  await  !==  unawait x  await  ===  return x

because in the general case of

(p  unawait x)

if is impossible to transform the unawaited value out of the composition. To do 
that you would need the inverse of p. You can get around this by having a 
special constructor for the identity. But then

id !== arr id

IMO, neither of these failed laws would be a big problem in practice, since no 
one will actually use identity pipes in combination with unawait. Or perhaps we 
should be satisfied when Pipe is a Semigroupoid?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: pipes-core 0.0.1

2012-03-11 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 2012-03-11 14:46, Paolo Capriotti wrote:

On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 1:25 PM, Twan van  wrote:

I would expect that

(id  unawait x)  await  !==  unawait x  await  ===  return x

There are several type errors in this equation, so I'm not exactly
sure what you mean. If you intended to write something like:

(id  (unawait x  return y))  await
(unawait x  return y)  await

then I disagree, because both sides should evaluate to 'return y'. I'm
not sure why you would expect x to be returned, since there is no
'await' after 'unawait' in the middle pipe.

Oops, I got confused by () and (). The intended semantics of unawait is

unawait x  await === return x

So what I was trying to write is

(id + unawait x)  await
=== {by identity law}
unawait x  await
=== {by behavior of unawait}
return x

But that this is impossible to implement, and instead what you get is

(id + unawait x)  await  ===  return ()  await  ===  await

because in the general case of

(p  unawait x)

if is impossible to transform the unawaited value out of the composition.

Why? The natual definition would be:

p + (unawait x  p') == (yield x  p) + p'

Right, but then take p==id, which gives

 (id + (unawait x  return ()))  p'
 ((yield x  id) + return ())  p'
 return ()  p'

So the unawait is not seen by p', whereas the identity law would give

 (id + (unawait x  return ()))  p'
 (unawait x  return ())  p'
 unawait x  p'

I would like to get this latter semantics, and if the left side is id, it is 
fine. However, in

 (p :: Pipe a b r) + (unawait x  q :: Pipe b c r) :: Pipe a c r

x has type b. You can not write this in a form like

 unawait x'  q :: Pipe a c r

because here x' would have type a. But if p == id, this is exactly what you 
would like to get.

I'm extremely wary of this sort of reasoning, because failure of
invariants in simple situations are a symptom of something being
conceptually wrong in the abstraction.

Or perhaps we should be satisfied when Pipe is a Semigroupoid?

I don't think so, since we can always add formal identities. Usually,
though, failure of the identity law implies failure of associativity,
by just putting the failing identity in the middle of a composition.

A simple way to implement unawait that fails the identity law is by discarding 
left-over unawaits inside a vertical composition. I.e.

unawait x + p  ===  return () + p
q + unawait y  ===  q + return ()

As long as you do this consistently for *all* vertical compositions, I don't see 
how associativity is broken.

In the first case, with unawait on the left, you don't need to discard the 
await. But I think it is probably more consistent if you do.

Anway, 'purePipe id' is now a failing identity, in the sense that composing with 
it discards trailing awaits from the other thing composed with.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: pipes-core 0.0.1

2012-03-11 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 2012-03-11 17:30, Mario Blažević wrote:

It's difficult to say without having the implementation of both unawait and all
the combinators in one package. I'll assume the following equations hold:

unawait x  await = return x
unawait x  yield y = yield y  unawait x
(p1  unawait x)  p2 = (p1  p2) * unawait x -- this one tripped me up
first (unawait (x, y)) = unawait x

I think you should instead move unwaits in and out of the composition on the 
left side:

unawait x  (p1 + p2) === (unawait x  p1) + p2

This makes idP a left-identity for (+), but not a right-identity, since you 
can't move unawaits in and out of p2.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: pipes-core 0.0.1

2012-03-10 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 2012-03-10 11:16, Paolo Capriotti wrote:

Another issue is how to deal with unconsumed input. For that, there is
a ChunkPipe type (in pipes-extra) with a specialized monad instance
that threads unconsumed input along. You can see an example of
ChunkPipe in action in this prototype http server by Jeremy Shaw: Note that this is
based on a old version of pipes-core, however.

A nice way to deal with unconsumed input (from a user's perspective) would be a 

-- | Pass some unconsumed input back upstream.
--   The next @await@ will return this input without blocking.
unawait :: Monad m = a - Pipe a b m ()


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: pipes-core 0.0.1

2012-03-10 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 2012-03-11 00:09, Mario Blažević wrote:

On 12-03-10 05:19 PM, Twan van Laarhoven wrote:

-- | Pass some unconsumed input back upstream.
-- The next @await@ will return this input without blocking.
unawait :: Monad m = a - Pipe a b m ()

The function may be called unawait, but there's nothing stopping you from
inserting something into the stream that wasn't in the input to start with. I
find that this approach breaks too many invariants.

Which invariants does it break exactly? I.e. what properties do you expect to 
hold that fail when you can push arbitrary values back up-stream?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Finding longest common prefixes in a list

2012-01-21 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 2012-01-20 23:44, Gwern Branwen wrote:

On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 1:57 PM, Twan van  wrote:

Here is some example code (untested):

Well, you're right that it doesn't work. I tried to fix the crucial
function, 'atLeastThisManyDescendants', but it's missing something
because varying parts doesn't much affect the results when I try it
out on example input - it either returns everything or nothing, it
atLeastThisManyDescendants :: Int - Trie a - [CommonPrefix a]
atLeastThisManyDescendants minD trie@(Trie l d t')
   | d  minD = []
   | null forChildren = [Prefix [] trie]
   | otherwise = forChildren
   forChildren = [ Prefix (x:pfx) nms
 | (x,t) - Map.toList t'
 , Prefix pfx nms - atLeastThisManyDescendants l t ]

It should be atLeastThisManyDescendants minD t, minD is a threshold for the 
minimum numer of descendants, and it stays the same in the recursive call.

That's what you get for not testing your code :)

With the correct function I get a result like:

*Main mapM_ (print . prefix) $ atLeastThisManyDescendants 4 test1

Notice that there are lots of miku-X prefixes found. This is probably not what 
you want. What exactly do you want the algorithm to do? For example,  is 
obviously a prefix of every string, but it is not very long. On the other hand, 
each string is a prefix of itself, but that prefix is shared by only one string 

By the way, the sort and compare adjacent pairs approach corresponds to 
atLeastThisManyDescendants 2.

import qualified Data.Map as Map

-- A trie datatype
data Trie a = Trie { numLeafs, numDescendant :: !Int
   , children :: Map.Map a (Trie a) }

instance (Show a) = Show (Trie a) where
showsPrec _ t = showString fromList  . shows (toList t)

-- The empty trie
empty :: Trie a
empty = Trie 0 0 Map.empty

-- A trie that contains a single string
singleton :: Ord a = [a] - Trie a
singleton [] = Trie 1 1 Map.empty
singleton (x:xs) = Trie 0 1 (Map.singleton x (singleton xs))

-- Merge two tries
merge :: Ord a = Trie a - Trie a - Trie a
merge (Trie l d c) (Trie l' d' c')
= Trie (l+l') (d+d') (Map.unionWith merge c c')

fromList :: Ord a = [[a]] - Trie a
fromList = foldr merge empty . map singleton

toList :: Trie a - [[a]]
toList (Trie l _ c)
= replicate l []
++ [ x:xs | (x,t) - Map.toList c, xs - toList t ]

data CommonPrefix a = Prefix { prefix :: [a], names :: Trie a }

instance (Show a) = Show (CommonPrefix a) where
showsPrec _ (Prefix p ns) = shows p . showString  ++  . shows (toList ns)

-- Find prefixes that have at least minD descendants.
-- when there is a prefix xs with =minD descendants, then shorter prefixes 
will not be returned
atLeastThisManyDescendants :: Int - Trie a - [CommonPrefix a]
atLeastThisManyDescendants minD trie@(Trie l d c)
| d  minD = [] -- too few descendants
| null forChildren = [Prefix [] trie] -- all longer prefixes have too few 
descendants, but this prefix doesn't
| otherwise = forChildren -- there are longer prefixes with enough 
descendants, return them
forChildren = [ Prefix (x:pfx) names
  | (x,t) - Map.toList c
  , Prefix pfx names - atLeastThisManyDescendants minD t ]

test1 = fromList

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Right tree structure for complicated problem

2012-01-21 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 2012-01-22 00:39, Pierre Penninckx wrote:

So here is what I want to achieve:
I'd like a program that calculates the time needed for water to flow out of a
circuit made out of tube.
The rules are :
- There are multiple sources of water and only one exit.
- The water can only take one path from a source to the exit.
- Of course, a source of water contains a certain amount of water at the 

Is this a maximum flow problem? If so, I would suggest using a standard 
algorithm to solve it. See wikipedia [1] for an explanation. The fgl library has 
a haskell implementation of such an algorithm [2].



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] instance (Enum a) = IArray UArray a

2012-01-20 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 20/01/12 16:31, Mikhail Arefiev wrote:
 Is there a reason why there is no instance of (Enum a) =  IArray
 UArray a (other than that it will require OverlappingInstances and/or
 IncoherentInstances if e. g. UArray of Bools is used in the same


 Does having such thing make any sense?

The problem is that there are Enum instances for things for which 
to/fromEnum doesn't make sense, such as Double, Float and Integer.

   Prelude fromEnum (12345678901234567890 :: Integer)

You wouldn't want your Integers to be stored as Ints in an array.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Finding longest common prefixes in a list

2012-01-20 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 20/01/12 18:45, Gwern Branwen wrote:

Recently I wanted to sort through a large folder of varied files and
figure out what is a 'natural' folder to split out, where natural
means something like4 files with the same prefix.

My idea for an algorithm would be: build a trie for the input strings, 
and then look for the deepest subtries with more than one child.

For example, a trie containing the strings

looks like:
 root  (3 items)
  c   (3 items)
   h   (3 items)
o   (3 items)
 r   (2 items)
  u   (2 items)
   s   (2 items)
-   (2 items)
 k   (1 item)
  i   (1 item)
 m   (1 item)
  r   (1 item)
 u   (1 item)
  c   (1 item)
Where actually the lines with more than one character are also subtrees 
of subtrees of subtrees.

Here is some example code (untested):

import qualified Data.Map as Map

-- A trie datatype
data Trie a = Trie { numLeafs, numDescendant :: !Int
   , children :: Map.Map a (Trie a) }

-- The empty trie
empty :: Trie a
empty = Trie 0 0 Map.empty

-- A trie that contains a single string
singleton :: Ord a = [a] - Trie a
singleton [] = Trie 1 1 Map.empty
singleton (x:xs) = Trie 0 1 (Map.singleton x (singleton xs)

-- Merge two tries
merge :: Ord a = Trie a - Trie a - Trie a
merge (Trie l d c) (Trie l' d' c')
= Trie (l+l') (d+d') (Map.unionWith merge c c')

fromList :: Ord a = [[a]] - Trie a
fromList = foldr merge empty . map singleton

toList :: Ord a = Trie a - [[a]]
toList (Trie l _ c)
= replicate l []
++ [ x:xs | (x,t) - Map.toList c, xs - toList t ]

data CommonPrefix a = Prefix { prefix :: [a], names :: Trie a }

atLeastThisManyDescendants :: Int - Trie a - [CommonPrefix a]
atLeastThisManyDescendants minD trie@(Trie l d t)
| d  minD = []
| null forChildren = [Prefix [] trie]
| otherwise = forChildren
forChildren = [ Prefix (x:pfx) names
  | (x,t) - Map.toList c
  , Prefix pfx names - atLeastThisManyDescendants n t ]


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current Haskell report URL

2011-11-25 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 23/11/11 23:02, Tom Murphy wrote:

  Is there a reason that the Haskell 2010 report is in a subdirectory of (which
currently points to the Haskell98 standard)?   -- Haskell98   -- Haskell2010

If it's for historical reasons - because books etc. use this URL for the
98 standard, then I'd highly recommend making a new directory called
currentreport or something (if there isn't one already).

IMO, a book author should expect that an URL like could change to point to a new 
version, since it doesn't mention a version number or date anywhere.

The most sensible directory structure would be:

Where the onlinereport/index.html says something like:

  Latest version:
   * haskell2010
  Previous versions:
   * haskell98


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Documenting strictness properties for Data.Map.Strict

2011-11-18 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 18/11/11 06:44, Johan Tibell wrote:

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 9:21 PM, Johan  wrote:

I'm not entirely happy with this formulation. I'm looking for
something that's clear (i.e. precise and concise, without leaving out
important information), assuming that the reader already knows how
lazy evaluation works at a high level.


This reads a bit better to me:

I actually much prefer the original formulation. In particular, you 
should keep examples together with the rules they illustrate.

* key and value function arguments passed to functions are
  evaluated to WHNF before the function body is evaluated, and

function arguments passed to functions sounds a bit redundant. Either 
say arguments passed to functions or function arguments. Also 
before the function body is evaluated says something about evaluation 
order, does that really matter for strictness?

 * All key and value arguments passed to functions are
   evaluated to WHNF before the function body is evaluated

  * keys and values returned by high-order function arguments are
evaluated to WHNF before they are inserted into the map.

Keys and values not returned by higher order functions, but passed in 
directly are also evaluated to WHNF (per the first rule), so that 
qualification is unnecessary. Just say:

  * keys and values are evaluated to WHNF before they are
inserted into the map.

I also think 'stored' is better here than 'inserted', because the latter 
might give the impression that it only applies to the insert function, 
and not to things like map.

  insertWith (+) k undefined m  ==  undefined


As Roman suggested, use = here instead of ==.

To really illustrate the first rule, insertWith (+) is not enough, you 
would really need a function that doesn't use the value, so

insertWith (\new old - old) k undefined m = undefined

But that is just nitpicking.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Superset of Haddock and Markdown

2011-11-18 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 18/11/11 09:18, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:

On 18 November 2011 19:06, Roman  wrote:

Maybe have a switch that enables markdown and disables markup-related
features of haddock (everything except linking to identifiers/modules, I
believe), so that we don't affect existing docs. Then make it possible
to pass this flag through cabal.

As in have an opt-in Cabal field?

For a cabal field, we could just have haddock be the default markup 
language. Something like:

   DocMarkupLanguage: Haddock | Markdown | Plain | Html | ...
   -- default is Haddock

But before worrying about that, such a possibility should exist in haddock.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to speedup generically parsing sum types?

2011-11-03 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 03/11/11 11:16, Bas van Dijk wrote:

instance (Constructor c, GFromJSON a, ConsFromJSON a) = GFromSum (C1 c a) where
 gParseSum (key, value)
 | key == pack (conName (undefined :: t c a p)) =
 gParseJSON value
 | otherwise = notFound $ unpack key
 {-# INLINE gParseSum #-}

notFound :: String -  Parser a
notFound key = fail $ The key \ ++ key ++ \ was not found
{-# INLINE notFound #-}

Perhaps relying on Attoparsec backtracking for picking out the right 
alternative from the sum is the problem. You could try it with Maybe:

class GFromSum f where
gParseSum :: Pair - Maybe (Parser (f a))

instance (Constructor c, GFromJSON a, ConsFromJSON a)
= GFromSum (C1 c a) where
gParseSum (key, value)
| key == pack (conName (undefined :: t c a p))
= Just (gParseJSON value)
| otherwise = Nothing

instance (GFromSum a, GFromSum b) = GFromSum (a :+: b) where
gParseSum keyVal = (fmap L1 $ gParseSum keyVal)
   | (fmap R1 $ gParseSum keyVal)
{-# INLINE gParseSum #-}

instance (GFromSum a, GFromSum b) = GFromJSON (a :+: b) where
gParseJSON (Object (M.toList - [keyVal]))
| Just p - gParseSum keyVal - p
gParseJSON v = typeMismatch sum (:+:) v


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Attoparsec: Limiting Parsers to N Bytes, or Combing Parsers?

2011-09-26 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 24/09/11 05:21, Evan Laforge wrote:

hex2 = (+)$  ((*16)$  higit)*  higit
higit = subtract (fromEnum '0')$  satisfy isHexDigit
color = Color$  hex2*  hex2*  hex2

How is subtract (fromEnum '0') supposed to convert a hex digit to an 
Int or Word8? I think you need digitToInt (or an equivalent function) 
for that.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ghc 7.0.3 view patterns and exhaustiveness

2011-09-21 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 2011-09-21 22:06, Brent Yorgey wrote:

On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 10:31:58PM -0400, Richard Cobbe wrote:

 numVarRefs :: Term -  Integer
 numVarRefs (view -  Var _) = 1
 numVarRefs (view -  App rator rand) = numVarRefs rator + numVarRefs rand
 numVarRefs (view -  Lam _ body) = numVarRefs body
 -- numVarRefs (view -  _) = error bogus

This is a known limitation.  Your particular example is perhaps not so
hard to figure out, but what if we had

   view :: Bool -  Bool
   view x = search for a counterexample to the Goldbach conjecture; if
one is found, return x, otherwise return False

   foo (view -  False) = ...

But in Richard's example, all possible values of the result of view are handled. 
For your foo example, the equivalent would be.

foo (view - False) = ...
foo (view - True)  = ...

Ghc should be able to detect this case, and not issue a warning. All that needs 
to be done is check if the function can be rewritten to

numVarRefs t = case view t of ...

Where ... is exhaustive.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fwd: Re: Period of a sequence

2011-06-27 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 2011-06-27 13:51, Steffen Schuldenzucker wrote:

Could you specify what exactly the function is supposed to do? I am
pretty sure that a function like

seqPeriod :: (Eq a) = [a] - Maybe Integer -- Nothing iff non-periodic

cannot be written.

What about sequences that can be specified in terms of 'iterate':

 import Control.Arrow (first)

 -- Return the non-repeating part of a sequence followed by the repeating part.
 --  iterate f x0 == in  a ++ cycle b
 --   where (a,b) = findCycle f x0
 -- see
 findCycle :: Eq a = (a - a) - a - ([a],[a])
 findCycle f x0 = go1 (f x0) (f (f x0))
 go1 x y | x == y= go2 x0 x
 | otherwise = go1 (f x) (f (f y))
 go2 x y | x == y= ([], x : go3 x (f x))
 | otherwise = first (x:) (go2 (f x) (f y))
 go3 x y | x == y= []
 | otherwise = y : go3 x (f y)

 -- diverges if not periodic
 seqPeriod :: Eq a = (a - a) - a - Integer
 seqPeriod f x0 = length . snd $ findCycle f x0


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Links into list

2011-05-02 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 02/05/11 13:10, John Sneer wrote:

Simply: I would like to have direct access into several places
in a very long list.

Maybe you could use a zipper. Or just maintain the list split into 
chunks. So l' = [stuffBefore,hi,stuffAfter].
Or if you want to be able to use each element of hi as a kind of 
pointer, then l'=[stuffBefore] ++ map (:[]) hi ++ [stuffAfter]

Now modification becomes just a matter of replacing the appropriate chunk.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Testing Implementation vs Model - Records or Type Classes?

2011-04-08 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 08/04/11 11:54, Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:


I'm writing a small Haskell library for functional reactive programming.
The core of the library consists of two data types and several
primitives. However, I have programmed this core *twice*: once as a
*model* that displays the intended semantics, and once as the actual
*implementation* to be used in production code.

Haskell Café, what are your suggestions and ideas?

For reference, here the full signature of the core combinators:

data Event a
data Behavior a

instance Functor Behavior
instance Applicative Behavior
instance Functor Event
instance Monoid (Event a)

filter :: (a - Bool) - Event a - Event a
apply :: Behavior (a - b) - Event a - Event b
accumB :: a - Event (a - a) - Behavior a

You don't need MPTCs to generalize the filter function:

-- this class is useful beyond this FRP library,
--  you might already be able to find it on hackage somewhere
class Functor f = Filterable f where
filter :: (a - Bool) - f a - f a
-- filter p . fmap f == fmap f . filter (p . f)
-- filter (const True) == id
-- filter p . filter q == filter (\x - p x  q x)

The apply and accumB functions are harder. Is the Behavior 
implementation for the model really different from the one of the 
implementation, which seems to be {initial::a, changes::Event a}? If 
not, you could just generalize that type by making the event type a 

data GenBehavior e a = GB a (E a)

If this is not the case, then instead of MPTCs you could also try type 

class ... = FRP event where
data Behavior event
apply :: Behavior event (a - b) - event a - event b
accumB :: a - event (a - a) - Behavior event a

I don't know whether this is any better than the MPTC approach, though.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The mother of all functors/monads/categories

2010-06-27 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Max Bolingbroke wrote:

I don't actually know what the right name for this data type is, I
just invented it and it seems to work:

-- () :: forall a b. t a b - (forall c. t b c - t a c)
newtype Wotsit t a b = Wotsit { runWotsit :: forall c. t b c - t a c }

There is of course no reason to prefer () to (), so you can instead 
quantify over the first argument as opposed to second one:

newtype Wotsit' t a b = Wotsit' { runWotsit' :: forall c. t c a - t c b }

liftWotsit' :: Category t = t a b - Wotsit' t a b
liftWotsit' t = Wotsit' (() t)

lowerWotsit' :: Category t = Wotsit' t a b - t a b
lowerWotsit' t = runWotsit' t id

instance Category (Wotsit' t) where
id = Wotsit' id
t1 . t2 = Wotsit' (runWotsit' t1 . runWotsit' t2)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is there good place to post Haskell alorithms/data structures that follow Steven Skiena's book on algorithm design and also Haskell code snippets that follow some of Knuth's books?

2010-06-21 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Casey Hawthorne wrote:

Is there good place to post Haskell alorithms/data structures that
follow Steven Skiena's book on algorithm design and also Haskell code
snippets that follow some of Knuth's books?

These code snippets don't seem to fit with Hackage.

You could make some pages for them on the Haskell wiki.

If it is structured as a tutorial (which your suggestion of hatorial 
suggests), then you should add it to

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The 8 Most Important GSoC Projects

2010-04-02 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:

I've been thinking of doing something similar for a year or so now, but
there's one big problem that I can think of: how to deal with functions
that don't have an explicit type signature in the source.  My
understanding is that to derive these signatures at checking time
would require using something like the GHC API, which immediately
reduces the niceness and portability of such a tool/library.

As a simple approximation, you could consider functions without type signatures 
to have changed if their implementation or any function they depend on has changed.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] re-design

2010-04-01 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Christopher Done wrote:

That's true, it's a nice idea but in practice it's hard to know where
to focus. I've gone with a left nav. I've built up the HTML which is
cross-browser (ie6/7/8/opera/firefox/safari/chrome compat), still need
to add some bits but I can tomorrow import it into a wikimedia skin.
It's kind of easy to re-shuffle now that I've built it.

Feedback would be appreciated.

One has to think, what do I really want to see on the home page?

Two important things I am missing are:

 * A link to the documentation. Perhaps as a button in the top row.

 * A link to tutorial(s) / Real World Haskell.

Besides the download button, these are the important things that new users look 
for when they land on the home page.

This design looks too much like the Haskell Community homepage, not the Haskell 
Programming Language home page.

Some more things:

 * I think that the links on the left are confusing and unnecessary, since 
there is already a menu at the top.

 * Why would there be a 'links' page? All links fall either under 'community' 
or 'news' or 'download'.

 * Perhaps have a tab named 'events', and put all the event stuff there?

 * (minor) the buttons on the top row have a dent at the top (in Firefox 3.6 on 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Asynchronous exception wormholes kill modularity

2010-03-25 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Bas van Dijk wrote:

However now comes the problem I would like to talk about. What if I
want to use modifyMVar_ as part of a bigger atomic transaction. As in:

block $ do ...
   modifyMVar_ m f

From a quick glanse at this code it looks like asynchronous exceptions

can't be thrown to this transaction because we block them. However the
unblock in modifyMVar_ opens an asynchronous exception wormhole
right into our blocked computation. This destroys modularity.

Would it work if 'block' adds a layer of blocking and 'unblock' removes one 
layer of blocking? So

block a = do
modifyIORef blockLevel (+1)
result - a
modifyIORef blockLevel (-1)
return result

unblock a = do
modifyIORef blockLevel (-1)
result - a
modifyIORef blockLevel (+1)
return result

canThrowExceptions = (= 0) `liftM` readIORef blockLevel

Although it is probably a better idea to not use block/unblock at all in user 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Map unionWith generalization

2010-01-27 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Hans Aberg wrote:
For example, in Map String Integer (sparse representation of monomials) 
compute the minimum value of all associative pairs with the same key 
(the gcd); if only one key is present, the absent should be treated as 
having value 0. So

  unionWith min xs ys
will not work, because unionWith will always apply the identity to the 
remaining value when one key is missing, whereas it should be sent to 0.

If missing keys represent 0, then wouldn't this work?

intersectionWith min xs ys

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Capped lists and |append|

2010-01-08 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

John Millikin wrote:

Earlier today I uploaded the capped-list package; I didn't think there
would be any interest, since it's a relatively trivial data structure,
but already there's been three emails and an IRC convo about it.

Since uploading, there's been a big problem pointed out to me
regarding this structure, namely the possible definitions of |append|.

Any ideas? This seems like a useful structure, since several people
have described it, but some of the semantics seem troublesome.

Some ideas:

append :: Monoid c = CappedList c a - CappedList c a - CappedList c a
append (Cap a) (Cap b) = Cap (a `mappend` b)

This also leads to an instance Monoid (CappedList c):

instance Monoid c = Monoid (CappedList c) where
mempty  = Cap mempty
mappend = append

You could also make the combining function flexible:

appendWith :: (c - d - e) - CappedList c a - CappedList d a
   - CappedList e a

The problem with this definition is that it doesn't really respect the structure 
of the second list: the entire list has to be traversed just to update the cap. 
More random ideas:

-- this is bind in the CappedList _ a monad
bindCap :: CappedList c a - (c - CappedList d a) - CappedList d a

bindCapF :: Functor f = CappedList c a
 - (c - f (CappedList d a))
 - f (CappedList d a)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Data.Ring -- Pre-announce

2009-12-31 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

John Van Enk wrote:

Hi Heinrich,

I think I like Ring more than Necklace or Tom's suggestion of Circular. 
I chose Ring simply because that's what I was searching for when I 
wanted the data structure. The package will be named data-ring, so that 
should hopefully be enough to clue in the user that it's not dealing 
with the mathematical concept.

The mathematical concept would likely also go in Data, unfortunately. See for 
example Data.Monoid. If someone does at a Ring class sometime, it is very likely 
to go into Data.Ring, which would lead to conflicts. In fact it already exists, 
see the monoids package [1]

I would prefer the name RingList or CircularList. As long as you put the word 
ring in the package description users will still find it when searching on 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Transient monad

2009-12-08 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Alberto G. Corona wrote:

Hi haskell cafe:

concerning Stable Names 

The IO in makeStableName  suggest more side effects than makeStableName 
really do. But still the call isn't pure.

For calls such are makeStableName that gives a different result the 
FIRST time they are called but return the same result every time in the 
same session,  I suggest to use a Transient monad:

makeStableName doesn't really give 'the same result every time', though. For 

* let sn x = hashStableName $ makeStableName x
* let x = replicate 3 'x' in (,) $ sn x * evaluate x * sn x

After x is evaluated in this example, its stable name changes.

Perhaps instead of Transient we could use a name that makes it more clear what 
is going on, perhaps ObservingEvaluation. That could also include exception 
handling, by the way.

makeStableName :: a - Transient (StableName a)

Why not wrap it up in a class?

class Monad m = MonadObservingEvaluation m where
-- what should go here? perhaps:
liftOE :: ObservingEvaluation a - m a

Then we can have

makeStableName :: MonadObservingEvaluation m = a - m (StableName a)

Which works both in IO and the new monad.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Applicative Functor or Idiom?

2009-11-20 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

David Sankel wrote:

After reading several recent papers I came to the understanding that
there isn't consensus on the name of Applicative Functors. Several
prefer to call them idioms:

'Idiom' was the name McBride originally chose, but he and Paterson
now favour the less evocative term `applicative functor'. We have a
slight preference for the former, not least because it lends itself
nicely to adjectival uses, as in `idiomatic traversal'[1]

I also noticed use of the term Idiom in [2], [3], and [4].

I much prefer the name Applicative Functor, because 'idiom' and especially 
'idiomatic' can mean lots of other things (just look up the word in a 
dictionary!). While an applicative functor is always a functor with 'pure' and 
'ap' operations.

 I'm writing a set of classes that includes AF's and I'm trying to
 decide whether to call the class Idiom. Anyone have more information
 on this question?

Why are you writing your own? How do your classes differ from the standard 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Status of TypeDirectedNameResolution proposal?

2009-11-19 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Nicolas Pouillard wrote:

The TDNR proposal really tries to do two separate things:

  1. Record syntax for function application.
 The proposal is to tread x.f or a variation thereof the same as (f x)

It is more like (ModuleToGuess.f x) than (f x).

My point is that desugaring x.f to (f x) and treating some instances of (f 
x) as (ModuleToGuess.f x) are two separate things. In the current proposal 
these two are combined, but I see no reason to do so.

To be a bit more concrete, I would propose:

  * General Type Directed Name Resolution (GTDNR):
  For every function application f x in the program where f is a name,
  f is resolved based on the type of the argument x.

Note that I am not saying that this is necessarily a good idea, it is just a 
possible alternative to the current TDNR proposal.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Status of TypeDirectedNameResolution proposal?

2009-11-18 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Levi Greenspan wrote:

What's the status of the TDNR proposal [1]? Personally I think it is a
very good idea and I'd like to see it in Haskell'/GHC rather sooner
than later. Working around the limitations of the current record
system is one of my biggest pain points in Haskell and TDNR would be a
major improvement. Thus I wonder if someone is actively working on
this proposal?

The TDNR proposal really tries to do two separate things:

 1. Record syntax for function application.
The proposal is to tread x.f or a variation thereof the same as (f x)

 2. Type directed name lookup.
The proposal is to look up overloaded names based on the type of the first 
function argument.

Why can't these be considered separately? Is there a good reason for not using 
TDNR in normal function applications? The only argument I can think of (compared 
to the record syntax) is that it would be a bigger change.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fair diagonals

2009-11-04 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Sjoerd Visscher wrote:

I believe this does what you want:


The attached code should be more efficient, since it doesn't use integer 

Note that this is just a 'level' monad: the list is stratified into levels, when 
combining two levels, the level of the result is the sum of the levels of the 

map (map sum) . runDiags . traverse each $ [[1..], [1..], [1..]]

I looked on hackage but I was surprised that I couldn't find this simple monad. 
The package level-monad does look very similar, only it uses a different list 
type for the representation.

By the way, it seems Omega intentionally doesn't use this design. To quote the 
documentation ... a breadth-first search of a data structure can fall short if 
it has an infinitely branching node. Omega addresses this problem ...

-- A simple 'level' monad type

module MonadDiags where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad

apD :: [[a - b]] - [[a]] - [[b]]
apD [] _  = []
apD _  [] = []
apD (xx:xs) ys = unionD (map apXX ys) ([] : apD xs ys)
   where apXX yy = xx * yy

unionD :: [[a]] - [[a]] - [[a]]
unionD [] ys = ys
unionD xs [] = xs
unionD (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x++y) : unionD xs ys

-- Now to wrap things up in an applicative functor

newtype Diags a = Diags { runDiags :: [[a]] }

instance Functor Diags where
   fmap f = Diags . map (map f) . runDiags

instance Applicative Diags where
   pure a = Diags [[a]]
   a * b = Diags (runDiags a `apD` runDiags b)

instance Alternative Diags where
   empty = Diags [[]]
   a | b = Diags (runDiags a `unionD` runDiags b)

each :: [a] - Diags a
each = Diags . map return

-- And if we want a monad, we should also have a join function

joinD :: [[Diags a]] - [[a]]
joinD [] = []
joinD (xx:xs) = unionsD (map runDiags xx) `unionD` ([] : joinD xs)

unionsD :: [[[a]]] - [[a]]
unionsD = foldr unionD []

instance Monad Diags where
return = pure
a = b = Diags (joinD (runDiags $ fmap b a))
fail _ = empty

instance MonadPlus Diags where
mzero = empty
mplus = (|)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proposal: TypeDirectedNameResolution

2009-08-13 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

John Meacham wrote:

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 04:41:37PM -0400, John Dorsey wrote:

I'm assuming that name resolution is currently independent of type
inference, and will happen before type inference.  With the proposal this is
no longer true, and in general some partial type inference will have to
happen before conflicting unqualified names are resolved.

My worry is that the proposal will require a compliant compiler to
interweave name resolution and type inference iteratively.

Indeed. This is my concern too. I can't see any way to do implement it
in jhc at least without some major hassle. Name Resolution occurs
several stages before typechecking, even before desugaring, having to
intertwine it with type checking would be a complicated affair to say
the least. 

You can still resolve the names first, while keeping the ambiguity:

data Expr = ...
  | OverloadedVar [UniqueId] -- after name resolution

Then the type checker checks all possible overloads, and in the end only one 
variable reference is left.

TDNR would still complicate the typechecker, since it suddenly needs to do 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Float instance of 'read'

2008-09-16 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Mauricio wrote:

Do you think 'read' (actually,
'readsPrec'?) could be made to also
read the international convention
(ie., read 1,5 would also work
besides read 1.5)? I'm happy to
finaly use a language where I can
use words of my language to name
variables, so I wonder if we could
also make that step.

That would be quite problematic in combination with lists, is

  read [1,2,3,4] == [1,2,3,4]


  read [1,2,3,4] == [1.2, 3.4]

Or something else?

Localized reading should be somewhere else, perhaps related to Locales.

As an aside, this is one of the (many) places where Haskell has made the right 
choice. In other languages such as Java input functions suddenly break when the 
user has a different locale setting. While for user input this might be desired, 
in my experience much of the i/o a program does is with well defined file 
formats where changing '.' to ',' just shouldn't happen.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad vs ArrowChoice

2008-05-14 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Ronald Guida wrote:

I have read that Monad is stronger than Idiom because Monad lets me
use the results of a computation to choose between the side effects of
alternative future computations, while Idiom does not have this
feature.  Arrow does not have this feature either.

ArrowChoice has the feature that the sum type, Either, can be used to
choose between alternative computations, including their side effects.
 I know that Monad is supposed to be stronger than ArrowChoice, but I
have to ask, what exactly can Monad do that ArrowChoice can't do?

Monads are equivalent to ArrowApply, they allow you to use a computed *action*. 
For example:

getMissileLauncher :: IO (String - IO ())

notWithArrows = do
 launchMissiles - getMissleLauncher
 launchMissiles Russia

ArrowChoice is not enough to implement this function. But it is possible with 
ArrowApply, of which Kleisli IO is an instance.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] M1 + M2 = M3 where both computations in M1 and M2 can be used?

2008-05-12 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

sam lee wrote:


I want to compose two monads to build another monad where
computations of the two monads can be used inside.

I have:

- MonadTypeInfer : interface (class) for TypeInfer monad
- TypeInfer : a monad that has Map String Type (association of names and types)
- TypeInferT : transformer of above monad
- MonadEval : interface (class) for Eval monad
- Eval : a monad that has Map String Expr (association of names and
code/function body)
- EvalT : transformer of Eval
- tInfer :: Expr - TypeInfer Type -- given expr, returns type of it
in TypeInfer monad
- eval :: Expr - Eval Expr -- given expr, returns normalized expr in Eval monad

Is there a way to build a monad where you could use sub-monads'
(monads used to build current monad) computations?

A solution to this problem is to use type classes, and in particular MonadTrans. 
You can then give an instance of MonadTypeInfer for EvalT m where m is an 
instance of MonadTypeInfer, and similarly an instance MonadEval for TypeInferT 
m. How this is implemented depends on the Monads in question, but if you use the 
monad transformer library with newtype deriving you can just add deriving 

  class Monad m = MonadTypeInfer m where
  -- functions --
  tiStuff :: X - m Whatever

  class Monad m = MonadEval m where
  -- functions --

  instance Monad m = MonadTypeInfer (TypeInferT m) where
  -- implementation --
  tiStuff = ...

  instance Monad m = MonadEval (EvalT m) where
  -- implementation --

  instance MonadEval m = MonadTypeInfer (EvalT m) where
  -- lift the functions from TypeInfer through the EvalT type,
  -- MonadTrans from the mtl might help here
  tiStuff x = lift (tiStuff x)

  tInfer :: MonadTypeInfer m = Expr - m Type
  eval   :: MonadEval  m = Expr - m Expr

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A commutative diagram conjecture about applicative functors

2007-12-31 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Isaac Dupree wrote:
Unfortunately, I get puzzling type errors if I annotate either one of 
them with their type (e.g.

(Applicative f) = f (a - b) - f a - f (Int, b)
) in an expression.  The very answer doesn't seem to typecheck.

  :t \f x - fmap ((,) (0::Int)) (f * x) :: (Applicative f) = f (a1 
- a) - f a1 - f (Int, a)

Here the type annotation applies to the *body* of the lambda abstraction, 
adding parentheses around the whole thing solve your problem.

  :t (\f x - fmap ((,) (0::Int)) (f * x)) :: (Applicative f) = f (a1 
- a) - f a1 - f (Int, a)

Aside from the fact that ghci has some trouble formating the output.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A commutative diagram conjecture about applicative functors

2007-12-30 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Robin Green wrote:

I am proving various statements relating to applicative functors, using
the Coq proof assistant (I am considering only Coq terms, which always
terminate so you don't have to worry about _|_). However, I'm not sure
how to go about proving a certain conjecture, which, translated back
into Haskell and made more specific to make it easier to think about,
looks like this (assuming Control.Applicative and Control.Arrow are

For all applicative functors:

\f x - fmap second f * fmap ((,) (0::Int)) x

is equivalent to

\f x - fmap ((,) (0::Int)) (f * x)

Using the laws from the Control.Applicative haddock page, and some puzzling:

First of all, to avoid getting lost in parenthesis hell, define:
  let g = (,) (0::Int)
  let c = (.)

 fmap second f * fmap g x
 law: fmap*2
=  (pure second * f) * (pure g * x)
 law: composition
=  (pure c * (pure second * f)) * pure g * x
 law: interchange
=  pure ($g) (pure c * (pure second * f)) * x
 law: composition
=  pure c $ pure ($g) * pure c * (pure second * f) * x
 law: homomorphism*2
=  pure (c ($g) c) * (pure second * f) * x
=  pure (. g) * (pure second * f) * x
 law: composition
=  pure c * pure (. g) * pure second * f * x
 law: homomorphism*2
=  pure (c (. g) second) * f * x
 rewrite (unpl)
=  pure (\ d u - (0,d u)) * f * x
 rewrite some more
=  pure (c g) * f * x
 law: homomorphism
=  pure c * pure g * f * x
 law: composition
=  pure g * (f * x)
 law: fmap
=  fmap g (f * x)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is a type synonym declaration really a synonym ?

2007-12-22 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

alpheccar wrote:

Can someone confirm me that:

type TA = A :+: B
type TB = C :+: D
type T = TA :+: TB

This is

  type T = (A :+: B) :+: (C :+: D)

is not equivalent to

type T = A :+: B :+: C :+: D


  type T = A :+: (B :+: (C :+: D))

So these types are indeed not the same.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Smart Constructor Puzzle

2007-12-20 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Ronald Guida wrote:

I'm playing around with smart constructors, and I have encountered a
weird puzzle.

My goal is to do vector arithmetic.  I'm using smart constructors so
that I can store a vector as a list and use the type system to
staticly enforce the length of a vector.

So my first step is to define Peano numbers at the type level.

  data PZero   = PZero   deriving (Show)
  data PSucc a = PSucc a deriving (Show)
  type P1 = PSucc PZero
  type P2 = PSucc P1
  type P3 = PSucc P2
  -- etc

Next, I define a vector type and tag it with a Peano number.

  data Vec s t = Vec [t] deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

Now I can define a few smart constructors.

  vec0 :: Vec PZero t
  vec0 = Vec []
  vec1 :: t - Vec P1 t
  vec1 x = Vec [x]
  vec2 :: t - t - Vec P2 t
  vec2 x y = Vec [x, y]
  vec3 :: t - t - t - Vec P3 t
  vec3 x y z = Vec [x, y, z]

Now here's the puzzle.  I want to create a function vecLength that
accepts a vector and returns its length.  The catch is that I want to
calculate the length based on the /type/ of the vector, without
looking at the number of elements in the list.

So I started by defining a class that allows me to convert a Peano
number to an integer.  I couldn't figure out how to define a function
that converts the type directly to an integer, so I am using a
two-step process.  Given a Peano type /t/, I would use the expression
pToInt (pGetValue :: t).

  class Peano t where
  pGetValue :: t
  pToInt :: t - Int
  instance Peano PZero where
  pGetValue = PZero
  pToInt _ = 0
  instance (Peano t) = Peano (PSucc t) where
  pGetValue = PSucc pGetValue
  pToInt (PSucc a) = 1 + pToInt a

Finally, I tried to define vecLength, but I am getting an error.

  vecLength :: (Peano s) = Vec s t - Int
  vecLength _ = pToInt (pGetValue :: s)

 Could not deduce (Peano s1) from the context ()
   arising from a use of `pGetValue'
 Possible fix:
   add (Peano s1) to the context of the polymorphic type `forall s. s'
 In the first argument of `pToInt', namely `(pGetValue :: s)'
 In the expression: pToInt (pGetValue :: s)
 In the definition of `vecLength':
 vecLength _ = pToInt (pGetValue :: s)

Any suggestions?

The type 's' is not available outside the type signature. There is an 
extension, ScopedTypeVariables that does just this, allowing you to write:

   {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

   vecLength :: forall s. (Peano s) = Vec s t - Int
   vecLength _ = pToInt (pGetValue :: s)

An alternative is to use a 'fake' function to force a value to be of type s

   vecLength :: (Peano s) = Vec s t - Int
   vecLength v = pToInt (phantomType v)

   phantomType :: Vec s t - s
   phantomType = undefined

Also, undefined and type signatures are the key to writing short classes in 
these situations:

  class ToInt a where
toInt :: a - Int
  instance ToInt PZero where
toInt _ = 0
  instance ToInt a = ToInt (PSucc a) where
toInt _ = toInt (undefined :: a) + 1

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] list utilities -- shouldn't these be in the hierarchical libs somewhere?

2007-12-18 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Jules Bean wrote:

Thomas Hartman wrote:

I found

  had many useful one off type list functions such as subsequences 
and permutations which are nowhere to be found in hoogle, Data.List, 
or the haskell hierarchical libs


It's not very many. Other that those, I spotted: sums, products, 
elemIndexBy, elemBy.

I have no idea why they were removed between that version of the report 
and haskell98.

For the ones you mention:

 - sums, products:

  The names don't make it clear what they do, I could for instance 
imagine sums being 'map sum'. And should it be a 'scanl' or 'scanr'?

 - elemIndexBy, elemBy:

  elemBy f x = any (f x)
  elemIndexBy f xs x = findIndex (f x) xs

On the other hand, I would love to see subsequences and permutations 
added to Data.List. In fact, I made a library proposal to make this 
happen, hopefully they will be added to the standard library soon.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] class default method proposal

2007-12-12 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

Concerning (b) here's a suggestion.  As now, require that every instance 
requires an instance declaration.  So, in the main example of, for a new data 
type T you'd write
instance Monad T where
  return = ...
  (=)  = ...

instance Functor T
instance Applicative T

Another alternative is to allow multiple classes in an instance declaration:

 instance (Monad T, Functor T, Applicative T) where
   return = ...
   (=)  = ...

The advantage is that this makes it more clear where the instances come 
from, especially if a class has multiple sub classes with different 
defaults. It also eliminates tricky issues with importing. Of course 
this needs some (albeit very little) new syntax.

I wrote a proposal a while ago,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Showing Data.Ratio - different on GHC vs Hugs/Yhc

2007-11-16 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Neil Mitchell wrote:


Under Hugs and Yhc, showing a Ratio 1%2 gives 1 % 2. Under GHC
showing 1%2 gives 1%2. Does the standard say anything about this? Is
someone wrong?

Yes, ghc is wrong here, the Haskell 98 report [1] specifies:

instance  (Integral a)  = Show (Ratio a)  where
showsPrec p (x:%y)  =  showParen (p  ratPrec)
   (showsPrec (ratPrec+1) x .
showString  %  .
showsPrec (ratPrec+1) y)

While it doesn't really matter, it is a deviation from the standard.

I would personally prefer it if rationals were shown as 1%2, because 
the space is not needed, and other show instances such as lists don't 
insert spaces either.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Transformation sequence

2007-10-20 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Andrew Coppin wrote:
I'm writing some code where I take an expression tree and transform it 
into another equivilent one.

Now it's moderately easy to write the code that does the transformation. 
But what I *really* want is to print out the transformation *sequence*. 
This appears to be much more awkward.

What I have is a function like this:

 transform :: Expression - [Expression]

The trouble is, if you want to apply the transformation recursively, 
things get very messy. Oh, it *works* and everything. It's just really 
messy and verbose. In Haskell, this is usually a sign that you want to 
start applying some ingenious trickery... but I'm having an ingeniety 
failure here.

Suppose, for example, that in one case you want to recursively transform 
two subexpressions. I end up writing something like

 transform (...sub1...sub2...) =
 sub1s = transform sub1
 sub2s = transform sub2
   in map (\sub1' - put sub1' back into main expression) sub1s ++ map 
(\sub2' - put sub2' back into main expression) sub2s

After you've typed that a few times, it becomes *very* boring! But I 
can't think of a clean way to abstract it. :-(

It's *almost* like you want to use the list monad:

 transform (...sub1...sub2...) = do
   sub1' - transform sub1
   sub2' - transform sub2
   return (put sub1' and sub2' back into the main expression)

How about:

   transform ... =
 (transform sub1 = put back into main expression)
  ++ (transform sub2 = put back into main expression)

Or something to that effect? Or maybe

   transform ... = do
  sub' - transform sub1 ++ transform sub2
  put back into main expression)

It would help if you gave some more information on what 'put back into 
main expression' actually looks like.

A trick I often find useful when working with transformations is to have 
a function

   step :: Expression - Maybe Expression

that applies a single transformation step, and returns Nothing if no 
further transformations are possible. You then use the maybe monad, and 
run steps with:

   runSteps :: (a - Maybe a) - a - a

Alternatively, the intermediate results could be remebered, then the 
function would return a list instead.

For combining alternatives you can define

   orElse :: (a - Maybe a) - (a - Maybe a) - (a - Maybe a)

Again, I am not sure if any of this applies to your problem, but it 
might help.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: PROPOSAL: New efficient Unicode string library.

2007-10-02 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Lots of people wrote:
 I want a UTF-8 bikeshed!
 No, I want a UTF-16 bikeshed!

What the heck does it matter what encoding the library uses internally? 
I expect the interface to be something like (from my own CompactString 

 fromByteString :: Encoding - ByteString - UnicodeString
 toByteString   :: Encoding - UnicodeString - ByteString
The only matter is efficiency for a particular encoding.

I would suggest that we get a working library first. Either UTF-8 or 
UTF-16 will do, as long as it works.

Even better would be to implement both (and perhaps more encodings), and 
then benchmark them to get a sensible default. Then the choice can be 
made available to the user as well, in case someone has specifix needs. 
But again: get it working first!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] PROPOSAL: New efficient Unicode string library.

2007-09-24 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Johan Tibell wrote:

Dear haskell-cafe,

I would like to propose a new, ByteString like, Unicode string library
which can be used where both efficiency (currently offered by
ByteString) and i18n support (currently offered by vanilla Strings)
are needed. I wrote a skeleton draft today but I'm a bit tired so I
didn't get all the details. Nevertheless I think it fleshed out enough
for some initial feedback. If I can get the important parts nailed
down before Hackathon I could hack on it there.

Apologies for not getting everything we discussed on #haskell down in
the first draft. It'll get in there eventually.

Bring out your Unicode kung-fu!

Have you looked at my CompactString library[1]? It essentially does 
exactly this, with one extension: the type is parameterized over the 
encoding. From the discussion on #haskell it would seem that some people 
consider this unforgivable, while others consider it essential.

In my opinion flexibility should be more important, you can always 
restrict things later. For the common case where encoding doesn't matter 
there is Data.CompactString.UTF8, which provides an un-parameterized 
type. I called this type 'CompactString' as well, which might be a bit 
unfortunate. I don't like the name UnicodeString, since it suggests that 
the normal string somehow doesn't support unicode. This module could be 
made more prominent. Maybe Data.CompactString could be the specialized 
type, while Data.CompactString.Parameterized supports different encodings.

A word of warning: The library is still in the alpha stage of 
development. I don't fully trust it myself yet :)



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Accumulator value for and and or

2007-09-21 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

PR Stanley wrote:

or = foldl (||) False
and = foldl () True
I can understand the rationale for the accumulator value - True  [] 
where [] = True and True || [] where [] = False
Other than the practical convenience is there a reason for having the 
empty list in and and or equating to True and False?

Thanks, Paul

Another way to think about this is to look at

 any p = or . map p
 all p = and . map p

Now, all even [] should hold, since everything in that list is even. 
But not any even [] because there is no even number in the empty list.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Extending the idea of a general Num to other types?

2007-09-05 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Hello Simon,

Wednesday, September 5, 2007, 11:19:28 AM, you wrote:

   when you come across a case where GHC produces an
   unhelpful message, send it in, along with the program
   that produced it,

i have put such tickets about year ago :)  basically, it was about
just changing wording: instead of inferred write:

Expected type: ...
Actual type: ...

This doesn't help enough. What is an 'expected' type? How is it not 
'actual'? I want it to be immediatly clear which type is which.

Say I write
 x ++ 'y'
Right now the error is
Couldn't match expected type `[Char]' against inferred type `Char'
In the second argument of `(++)', namely 'y'

What always confuses me is which of these two types is the parameter I 
gave, and which is the one expected by the function? Changing 'infered' 
to 'actual' is an improvement, but it is not enough.

I would suggest:

(++) expects second argument to be of type '[Char]'
but was given 'y' of type 'Char'

Anothing thing that would be useful is *why* (++) expects a certian 
type, say I enter

 x ++ [1::Int]
Instead of the above, the following would be more useful:

the function (++) has type: [a] - [a] - [a]
the first argument suggests: a = Char
the second argument suggests: a = Int

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GHC optimisations

2007-08-22 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Stefan O'Rear wrote:

On Wed, Aug 22, 2007 at 06:36:15PM +0100, Neil Mitchell wrote:


If Num obeys ring axioms, fromInteger is a perfectly fine
ring-homomorphism. (It's also the first or second homomorphism taught.)

Does Int obey these axioms? I'm thinking that assuming properties
about things such as numbers is very likely to go wrong very quickly.
Monads you might be able to get away with, Numbers you probably can't.

Int does obey the axioms, it's the classical ring ℤ[4294967296].
Double, however, does not:

But Double is already quite badly behaved:
 let x = 1e20
 Prelude 1 + (x - x)
 Prelude (1 + x) - x

Using the fromInteger (and fromRational) axioms should only *increase* 
precission, I don't see how that is such a bad thing.

Also, as far as I can see GHC already does this optimizations if the 
type is specialized to Double. Except for the fact that the PrelRules 
rules don't seem to fire, because the constants get floated out.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GHC optimisations

2007-08-21 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Isaac Dupree wrote:

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

No, constant folding is part of the compiler, I'm afraid, in the 
module PrelRules.


_Constant_ folding is, but in GHC.Base there are rules like (unboxed) 
multiplying by zero or one, or adding or subtracting zero, from an 
unknown other (non-constant) value.  I think shifts might be doable via 
RULES... if you were willing to make one rule for each denominator 2, 4, 
8 and so on, which rather depends on max. Int... (and that's not 
Integers either, I guess)

Just to see what this would look like.

First of all, optimizing mod and div can not be done with PrelRules, 
because they are not primitives, quot and rem are. And most of the nice 
optimizations with shifts no longer work there. But using rules should 
work, assuming the inliner is not too fast.

Multiplication and division can become shifts:

 {-# RULES

 -- x * 2^n  --  x `shiftL` n
 x# *# 2#  forall x#.  x# *# 2# = x# `iShiftL#` 1#
 2# *# x#  forall x#.  2# *# x# = x# `iShiftL#` 1#
   -- etc.

 -- x `div` 2^n  --  x `shiftR` n
 x# `divInt#` 2#  forall x#.  divInt# x# 2# = x# `iShiftRA#` 1#
 x# `divInt#` 4#  forall x#.  divInt# x# 4# = x# `iShiftRA#` 2#
   -- etc.

Mod can become and:

 -- x `mod` 2^n  --  x .. (2^n - 1)
 x# `modInt#` 2#  forall x#.  modInt# x# 2# = andInt# x# 1#
 x# `modInt#` 4#  forall x#.  modInt# x# 4# = andInt# x# 3#
   -- etc.


Here I use a new function (see instance Bits Int),

 andInt# :: Int# - Int# - Int#
 andInt# x# y# = word2Int# (int2Word# x# `and#` int2Word# y#)

but you could write that inline as well.

A problem with these rules is that you need a whole lot of them. 32 per 
operation (on a 32 bit platform), * 4 operations, * 2 separate versions 
for words and ints = 256.

Other rules that could be interesting are:
 forall a b. fromInteger a + fromInteger b = fromInteger (a + b)
 forall a b. fromInteger a * fromInteger b = fromInteger (a * b)
 -- etc.
To allow optimizations on generic Num code, although I am not sure what 
the Haskell spec has to say about this.

Now, if you want to get really creative you can use other semi-evil 
optimization tricks for quot and rem.

The following is based on code generated by Visual C++:
 -- remPowInt x y == x `rem` (2^y)
 remPowInt x y
 | r = 0 =  r
 | otherwise  =  ((r - 1) .|. (complement yWithSign)) + 1
   where  r = x .. yWithSign
  yWithSign = (1 `shiftL` (bitSize - 1)) .|.
  ((1 `shiftL` y) - 1)
Or in assembly (for y == 2, so x `rem` 4)
  and ecx,8007h
  jns main+60h (401060h)
  dec ecx
  or  ecx,0FFF8h
  inc ecx

The C++ compiler also performs other optimizations when multiplying with 
other constants, for example *3 becomes something like

  lea eax, [eax+eax*2]
Divisions become horrendous constructs with magic numbers,
   -- eax := ecx / 5
  mov eax,6667h
  sar edx,1
  mov eax,edx
  shr eax,1Fh
  add eax,edx
But such things are probably best left to the code generator / a 
peephole optimizer, if they are done at all. I think the LEA trick 
should be feasible.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GHC optimisations

2007-08-21 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On Aug 21, 2007, at 22:13 , Twan van Laarhoven wrote:

Other rules that could be interesting are:
 forall a b. fromInteger a + fromInteger b = fromInteger (a + b)

I don't think this will work, a and b have to be the same type.

They are of the same type, both are Integers,

 forall a b :: Integer.
 ((fromInteger (a::Integer)) + (fromInteger b)) :: Num n = n
 (fromInteger (a + b :: Integer)) :: Num n = n

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Chessboard-building in Haskell

2007-08-18 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Andrew Wagner wrote:

I've started a blog series on writing a chess engine in Haskell. I
just posted the second blog entry today:

I suspect there's more work to be done on that function, though. It
seems like there should be a nice way to remove that flip in apply.
Any thoughts?

The trick is that you should always prefer zipWith over zip if you have 
the chanse, tuples make life harder.

Let's use some equational reasoning:

   foldl apply emptyGameState (zip funcs fields)
 =   {- fill in 'apply' -}
   foldl (flip (ap fst snd)) emptyGS (zip funcs fields)
 =   {- write it as a lambda function to make it clearer -}
   foldl (\y (f,x) - f x y) emptyGS (zip funcs fields)
 =   {- split fold into a fold and a map -}
   foldl (\y fx - fx y) emptyGS $ map (\(f,x) - f x)
  $ (zip funcs fields)
 =   {- map . zip -- zipWith -}
   foldl (\y fx - fx y) emptyGS $ zipWith (\f x - f x) funcs fields
 =   {- use prelude functions -}
   foldl (flip ($)) emptyGS $ zipWith ($) funcs fields
 ~=  {- now, do you really want a foldl or will foldr do? -}
   foldr ($) emptyGS $ zipWith ($) funcs fields

You can now also write the function in pointfree style:

 loadFEN = foldr ($) emptyGameState
 . zipWith ($) funcs
 . words
where funcs = [parseBoard, parseCastleStatus]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How do I simulate dependent types using phantom types?

2007-08-18 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

DavidA wrote:


I am trying to implement quadratic fields Q(sqrt d). These are numbers of the 
form a + b sqrt d, where a and b are rationals, and d is an integer.


class IntegerType a where
value :: Integer

The problem is, this doesn't work. GHC complains:
The class method `value'
mentions none of the type variables of the class IntegerType a
When checking the class method: value :: Integer
In the class declaration for `IntegerType'

Is what I'm trying to do reasonable? If no, what should I be doing instead? If 
yes, why doesn't GHC like it?

You are on the right track. The problem with the class method is that it 
doesn't use type 'a' anywhere, consider

 f :: Integer
 f = value
What class instance should be used here?

The solution is to use a dummy parameter:
 class IntegerType a where
 value :: a - Integer
And call it like:
 f = value (undefined :: Two)

So for instance:
 instance IntegerType d = Show (QF d) where
 show (QF a b) = show a ++  +  ++ show b ++  sqrt 
   ++ show (value (undefined::d))

The problem is that this doesn't work, because d is not in scope, you 
need the scoped type variables extension:

 valueOfQF :: forall a. IntegerType a = QF a - Integer
 valueOfQF qf = value (undefined :: a)

or maybe better, change the class:

 class IntegerType a where
 value :: QF a - Integer

Now you can simply use

 instance IntegerType d = Show (QF d) where
 show qf@(QF a b) = show a ++  +  ++ show b ++  sqrt 
 ++ show (value qf)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: Re: monad subexpressions

2007-08-03 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Antoine Latter wrote:

On 8/3/07, Chris Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes, unless of course you did:

   instance (Monad m, Num n) = Num (m n)

or some such nonsense. :)

I decided to take this as a dare - at first I thought it would be easy
to declare (Monad m, Num n) = m n to be an instance of Num (just lift
or return the operators as necessary), but I ran into trouble once I
realized I needed two things I wasn't going to get:

An instance of Eq (m n), and an instance of Show (m n) for all monads
m.  Eq would need a function of the form:

(==) :: Monad m = m a - m a - Bool

and Show would need a function of type m a - String

What about Eq1 and Show1 classes? In the same vein as Typeable1:

 class Eq1 f where
  eq1  :: Eq a = f a - f a - Bool
  neq1 :: Eq a = f a - f a - Bool

 class Show1 f where
  show1  :: Show a = f a - String
  showsPrec1 :: Show a = Int - f a - ShowS

Now you can declare the Num instance:

 instance (Monad m, Eq1 m, Show1 m, Num n) = Num (m n) where
  (+) = liftM2 (+)
  (-) = liftM2 (-)
  (*) = liftM2 (*)
  abs = liftM abs
  signum = liftM signum
  negate = ligtM negate
  fromInteger = return . fromInteger

And just to show that such instances can exist:

 instance Eq1 [] where
   eq1  = (==)
   neq1 = (/=)

 instance Show1 [] where
   show1 = show
   showsPrec1 = showsPrec

Note: All of this is untested code.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Read-only functions in State Monad

2007-06-30 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Ken Takusagawa wrote:

I'd like to have a state monad with the feature that I can somehow
annotate using the type system that some functions are only going to
read the state and not modify it.  Such read-only functions are only
permitted to call other read-only functions, whereas state-modifying
functions can call both read-only and other state-modifying functions.

How can I do this?  It does not seem to be straightforwardly doable
with Control.Monad.State.

How about something like

 readonly :: Reader a - State a
 readonly = gets . runReader

Implicit conversion is probably not possible with Control.Monad.State, 
you will have to make your own monad, maybe

 newtype State2 w s a = State2 (State s a)
 data Write

The phantom type w can be used to encode whether writing is needed 
(State2 Write) or not (forall w. State2 w)

 get :: State2 w s s
 put :: s - State2 Write s s

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Disadvantages of de Bruijn indicies?

2007-05-11 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Neil Mitchell wrote:


de Bruijn indicies look quite nice, and seem to eliminate a lot of
complexity when dealing with free variables:

So I was wondering, are they suitable for use in a compiler? If so,
what are their disadvantages/advantages? Is there any particular
reason that GHC (as an example) doesn't use them in its Core?

I'm trying to decide if I should use them in my compilers data type -
and would like some recommendations before I start.


The bigest advantage of De Bruijn indices are that:
 - alpha conversion is not needed and comparison is always modulo renaming.
 - inlining is very easy
I think the largest disadvantage (asside from readability) is that you 
lose the ability to use a Map as a symbol table for local information 
(since the names change with each level).

Another mayor disadvantage is that it is not immediatly clear how to use 
De Bruijn numbers with recursive let bindings and case branches, since a 
single node binds multiple variables. In my toy theorem prover code I 
use pairs of numbers to solve this, the first is the normal De Bruijn 
index, the second gives an index into the list of declarations.

I believe the Epigram compiler uses De Bruijn numbers for its core 
language. Have a look at I am not a number: I am a free variable by 
Conor McBride and James McKinna,

Their approach is based on a Scope datatype:
  data Scope a = Name :. a
Which is used to 'remember' the names of bound variables. This will 
allow you to largely restore the readability. Another advantage is that 
code dealing with scoping can be localized.

One final thing I noticed is that a lot of the advantages of De Bruijn 
numbers disappear if expressions you operate on can have free variables. 
Say you want to beta reduce (a b), but b contains free variables (in the 
form of De Bruin indices), now you can no longer just substitute b in a; 
you have to increment all the indices of the free variables for each 
scope you enter in a, so these variables are not accedentially captured 
by that scope.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Recent content is available under a simple permissive license

2007-05-11 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Robin Green wrote:

The Haskell wiki[1] says Recent content is available under a simple
permissive license. But this is unilluminating - recent? how recent,
exactly? - and will become increasingly understated as time goes by.

Wouldn't it be slightly more helpful to say Content added after  ...
/MM/DD ...  is available under a simple permissive license?

Clicking that link 
( leads to a page 
that says:
 Contributions since 2006-01-14 05:15 UTC are available under the 
above license.

But you are right that 'recent' is not really the right term, are there 
other suggestions? Of course the best solution would be to fix the 
license on all things added before 2006-01-14...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Morphing ASTs and scrapping boilerplate code

2007-04-19 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Joel Reymont wrote:

I have a lot of boilerplate code like this and wonder how I can  scrape it.

instance Morpher Type C.Type where
morph TyInt = return C.TyInt
morph TyFloat = return C.TyFloat
morph TyStr = return C.TyStr
morph TyBool = return C.TyBool
morph TyColor = return C.TyColor
morph TyStyle = return C.TyStyle
morph (TyList ty) = liftM C.TyList (morph ty)
morph (TyArray ty) = liftM C.TyArray (morph ty)
morph (TySeries ty) = liftM C.TySeries (morph ty)
morph (TyInput ty) = liftM C.TyProp (morph ty)
morph (TyRef ty) = liftM C.TyRef (morph ty)
morph TyUnit = return C.TyUnit
morph TyPrintDest = return C.TyPrintDest

One option is to change your data types. I would suggest something like 

 data Type   = TyPrim   TyPrim | TyCon   TyCon Type
 data C.Type = C.TyPrim TyPrim | C.TyCon TyCon C.Type

where TyPrim and TyCon (primitves and constructors) can be shared:
 data TyPrim = TyInt | TyString | TyFloat | TyBool | etc.
 data TyCon  = TyList | TyArray | TySeries | TyInput | TyRef

Now the class instance can be:
 instance Morpher Type C.Type where
 morph (TyPrim  p) = return (C.TyPrim p)
 morph (TyCon c t) = C.TyCon c $ morph t
  -- or liftM for people not so in love with Applicative :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Automatic derivation (TemplateHaskell?)

2007-04-05 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Joel Reymont wrote:
 This is in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax which is imported at the top of
 Data/Derive/TH.hs so I don't understand the cause of the error

 instance Functor Q where
   fmap f (Q x) = Q (fmap f x)


 Any suggestions?

Since Q is a Monad, you can make the instance

 instance Functor Q where
 fmap = liftM

 But Q is exported by Languave.Haskell.TH.Syntax !!!

Only the type constructor is exported, not the data constructor.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Duplicate instance declaration

2007-03-22 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Bas van Dijk wrote:

I would also like to get the formatting constraints working. However
the solution in the code below gives a  Duplicate instance
declarations error. If I -fallow-overlapping-instances than the type
checker goes into an infinite loop.

I would like to know why this is happening and if there's a way to fix it.

You have multiple instances with the same instance head (the part after 
the =). Haskell doesn't look at the context when deciding what instance 
to use, so they overlap.

An alternative idea would be to use data types instead of classes for 
the registers and memory locations

 data Reg size tag = Reg
 data EAX_ -- dummy type, not exported
 -- only export this
 type EAX = Reg Bit32 EAX_
 eax :: EAX
 eax = Reg

and similairly for memory

 data Mem size tag = Mem Word32
 data Mem32_ -- dummy type, not exported
 type Mem32 = Mem Bit32 Mem32_

Now you can have the instances

 instance MovFormat (Reg size a) (Reg size b)
 instance MovFormat (Reg size a) (Mem size b)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Consequences of newtype deriving implementation w.r.t. base classes

2007-03-13 Thread Twan van Laarhoven
I just noticed some unexpected consequences of the way newtype deriving 
is implemented in GHC. Because the dictionary of the underlying type is 
reused, so are base classes. This message is a literate Haskell program 
illustrating the problem.

 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

This problem comes up when an instance method calls a method of a base 
class. Consider the following useless example:

 class Show a = Show2 a where
   show2 :: a - String
show2 = show

 instance Show2 Int

Now consider a type deriving Show2, but having a different 
implementation of Show (also derived).

 newtype Meter = Meter Int
deriving (Eq, Show, Show2)

Now, for show2 the derived Show instance (which also shows the 
constructor name) is *not* used, instead the Show Int instance is used:

]  show2 (Meter 1)
] 1
]  show  (Meter 1)
] Meter 1

This is quite unexpected, unless you consider what is going on behind 
the scenes. Even more confusingly, GHC requires that there is a Show 
instance for Meters, even if it will not be used!

]No instance for (Show Meter)
]  arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration at ...
]Probable fix: add an instance declaration for (Show Meter)
]In the instance declaration for `Show2 Meter'

This problem can come up whenever a class instance uses a function from 
a base class. Right now this not likely happen, but it will become more 
common if the standard classes are split up:

 class Additive a where
   add :: a - a - a
 class Additive a = Subtractive a where
   neg :: a - a
   sub :: a - a - a
   sub x y = add x (neg y) -- calls base class function add

 class Functor m = Monad' m where
   return' :: a - m a
   join' :: m (m a) - m a
   join' x = bind' x id
   bind' :: m a - (a - m b) - m b
   bind' ma k = join' (fmap k ma) -- calls base class function fmap

As a solution I would suggest that newtype deriving a class instance is 
only allowed if all base classes instances are also derived using 
newtype deriving. This presents problems for Show and Read, because they 
cannot be derived in that way. It will, however, catch problems with 
most other classes.

Twan van Laarhoven
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Implementation of scaled integers

2007-02-13 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Stefan Heinzmann wrote:

Hi all,

is there a library for Haskell that implements scaled integers, i.e.
integers with a fixed scale factor so that the scale factor does not
need to be stored, but is part of the type?

Data.Fixed [1] does exactly that, only it is based on Integer. Using 
fixed point with finite sized integers is more tricky, because you have 
to be careful not to get overflows in intermediate results.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] foreach

2006-09-18 Thread Twan van Laarhoven
Couldn't '\' delimit a subexpression, as parentheses do? Would there be 
any ambiguity in accepting code like State \s - (s, s) instead of 
requiring State $ \s - (s, s), or taking

Looking at the Haskell 98 language definition it seems that a whole 
class of these expressions are disallowed inside function applications:

 exp10   - \ apat1 ... apatn - exp
 | let decls in exp
 | if exp then exp else exp
 | case exp of { alts }
 | do { stmts }
 | fexp

This means that none of the following are legal Haskell declarations, 
even though they are unambiguous:

 a = State \s - (s, s)
 b = map let f x = x + 1 in f
 c = return if a then b else c
 d = catch do x - getLine
  return x

It can be argued that this is mostly obfuscation, and that it can 
sometimes be confusing, especially with let and do, but it saves on the 
amount of parentheses or $s. What was the original reasoning for 
disallowing these more complex expressions as the rightmost argument in 
an fexp? Or was this simply not considered?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] MonadList?

2006-09-13 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Michael Shulman wrote:

The frequent occurence of ListT $ return in my code when I use the ListT
monad transformer has made me wonder why there isn't a standard typeclass
`MonadList', like those for the other monad transformers, encapsulating
the essence of being a list-like monad -- in this case, the ability to
select from a list of things.  I quickly wrote one for myself:

class MonadList m where
   option :: [a] - m a

Another use for this class is for selecting a random option:

 instance MonadList SomeMonadWithRandomness where
option os = pos - randomRM (0, length os - 1)
return (os !! pos)

It can also be used for the Nondet monad described in, and as a replacement for the 
Parsec combinator 'choice' (which IMHO is a better name). Although msum 
might suffice in these cases.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimization problem

2006-09-13 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Magnus Jonsson wrote:

Dear Haskell Cafe,

When programming the other day I ran into this problem. What I want to 
do is a function that would work like this:

splitStreams::Ord a=[(a,b)]-[(a,[b])]

splitStreams [(3,x),(1,y),(3,z),(2,w)]


A O(n log(n)) algorithm is easy if you use Data.Map:

 import qualified Data.Map as Map

 splitStreamsMap :: Ord a = [(a,b)] - Map.Map a [b]
 splitStreamsMap = foldl add Map.empty
  where add (a,b) m = Map.insertWith (++) a [b]

 splitStreams = Map.fromList . splitStreamsMap

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple matrix

2006-06-21 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Jared Updike wrote:

 Wouldn't you want the expression

 [[1,0],[0,2]] + 10
 to yield

You could handle this as a special case in (+) and (*), but this is kind 
of a hack. Something like:

 (+) [[x]]  y   = map (map (x+)) y
 (+)   x  [[y]] = map (map (+y)) x
 (+)   xy   = zipWith (zipWith (+)) x y

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] QuickChecking IO

2006-05-25 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Mike Gunter wrote:
 I'd like to use QuickCheck on IO code.  For instance, I'd like to
 check a property of type String - IO Bool.

 Using unsafePerformIO seems straightforward (though I haven't written
 the code, so I may be wrong about that) and it might be possible to
 make a solution involving unsafeInterleaveIO work.  Short of rewriting
 QuickCheck, is there any way to check IO code safely?

To use QuickCheck on IO you would need an instance of Arbitrary that can 
generate arbitrary states of the world :) If you ignore that you could, 
for example, make tests that depends on some files existing outside the 
program. To me that sounds like a bad idea, or at least outside the 
realm of QuickCheck.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] CDouble type coercion

2006-05-14 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

SevenThunders wrote:
 No instance for (PrintfType (t t1))
   arising from use of `printf' at test.hs:14:11-16
 Probable fix: add an instance declaration for (PrintfType (t t1))
 In the result of a 'do' expression: printf %14.7g u
 In the definition of `test': test = do printf %14.7g u
 Failed, modules loaded: none.

The problem here appears to be the monomorphism restriction. This means 
that all declarations without arguments get a monomorphic type, a type 
without variables. The type of 'test' would be 'PrintfType r = r', but 
the compiler does not allow this type. The solution is to either:
 - make the type explicit by adding a type declaration, test :: IO () 
or Test :: PrintfType r = r
 - make test local in a context where it is only used as an IO action, 
for example:

main :: IO ()
main = do {... ; test ; ...}
  where test = printf %14.7g 3.14
 - add a parameter to test

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Partial Derivatives

2006-05-08 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Gerhard Navratil wrote:
 I need a library that provides partial derivatives for functions. The
 solution I came up with is based on a datatype using reversed polish
 notation to store the function:

 lots of code

 The solution works but is not very elegant. The complete module is
 appended to the mail.

 Does anyone have a more elegant solution or is there a package that
 provides derivatives in a similar way?

A simple way to make it more ellegant is to use smart constructors, so 
you don't have to check to prevent zeroes everywhere:

 sub :: Fkt a - Fkt a - Fkt a
 sub a b
   | b == 0= a
   | a == 0= Neg b
   | otherwise = Sub a b
 -- etc.

Now you can use this smart constructor instead of the real constructor 
without worry, like:

 derivative name (Sub a b) = sub (derivative name a) (derivative name b)
 -- etc.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list