Re: [Haskell-cafe] typeclass to select a list element

2013-10-12 Thread Paolino
Hello everyone,

I'm still trying to resolve my problem. I try to restate it in a simpler
Is it possible to write extract and update functions for L ?

import Data.Nat

data family X (n::Nat) :: *

data L (n::Nat) where
Q :: L (Succ n) - X n - L n
E :: L n

extract :: L Zero - X n
extract = undefined

update :: L Zero - (X n - X n) - L Zero
update = undefined

Thanks for hints and help


2013/10/7 Paolino

 Hello, I'm trying to use a type class to select an element from a list.
 I would like to have a String CC as a value for l10'.

 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, GADTs,FlexibleInstances,  DataKinds
 ,TypeFamilies, KindSignatures, FlexibleContexts, OverlappingInstances,
 StandaloneDeriving, UndecidableInstances #-}

 import Data.Nat
 import Data.Monoid

 data family X (n::Nat) :: *

 data L (n::Nat) where
 Q :: (Monoid (X n), Show (X n)) = L (Succ n) - X n - L n
 E :: Monoid (X n) = L n

 deriving instance Show (L n)
 data instance X n = String String

 instance Monoid (X n) where
 String x `mappend` String y = String $ x `mappend` y
 mempty = String 
 deriving instance Show (X n)

 class Compose n n' where
 compose :: L n  - L n  - X n'

 instance Compose n n where
 compose (Q _ x) (Q _ y) = x `mappend` y
 compose _ _ = mempty

 instance Compose n n' where
 compose (Q x _) (Q y _) = compose x y
 compose _ _ = mempty

 l0 :: L Zero
 l0 = Q (Q E $ String C) $ String A

 l0' :: L Zero
 l0' = Q (Q E $ String C) $ String B

 l10' :: X (Succ Zero)
 l10' = compose l0 l0'

 l00' :: X Zero
 l00' = compose l0 l0'

 *Main l00'
 String AB
 *Main l10'


 Thanks for help.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] typeclass to select a list element

2013-10-07 Thread Paolino
Hello, I'm trying to use a type class to select an element from a list.
I would like to have a String CC as a value for l10'.

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, GADTs,FlexibleInstances,  DataKinds
,TypeFamilies, KindSignatures, FlexibleContexts, OverlappingInstances,
StandaloneDeriving, UndecidableInstances #-}

import Data.Nat
import Data.Monoid

data family X (n::Nat) :: *

data L (n::Nat) where
Q :: (Monoid (X n), Show (X n)) = L (Succ n) - X n - L n
E :: Monoid (X n) = L n

deriving instance Show (L n)
data instance X n = String String

instance Monoid (X n) where
String x `mappend` String y = String $ x `mappend` y
mempty = String 
deriving instance Show (X n)

class Compose n n' where
compose :: L n  - L n  - X n'

instance Compose n n where
compose (Q _ x) (Q _ y) = x `mappend` y
compose _ _ = mempty

instance Compose n n' where
compose (Q x _) (Q y _) = compose x y
compose _ _ = mempty

l0 :: L Zero
l0 = Q (Q E $ String C) $ String A

l0' :: L Zero
l0' = Q (Q E $ String C) $ String B

l10' :: X (Succ Zero)
l10' = compose l0 l0'

l00' :: X Zero
l00' = compose l0 l0'

*Main l00'
String AB
*Main l10'


Thanks for help.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Over general types are too easy to make.

2012-08-31 Thread Paolino
Hello Timothy

GADTs let you catch more errors at compile time. With them you can give
different types to constructors of the same datatype.


 Sure, but that's relying on the promise that you're passing it a valid
 BadFrog...  Consider then:

 deBadFrog $ BadFrogType (BadBar { badFoo = 1})

 -- Původní zpráva --
 Od: John Wiegley
 Datum: 31. 8. 2012
 Předmět: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Over general types are too easy to make. writes:

  data BadFoo =
  badFoo::Int} |

  This is fine, until we want to write a function that acts on Frogs but
  on Bars. The best we can do is throw a runtime error when passed a Bar
  not a Foo:

 You can use wrapper types to solve this:

 data BadBarType = BadBarType BadFoo
 data BadFrogType = BadFrogType BadFoo

 Now you can have:

 deBadFrog :: BadFrogType - String

 And call it as:

 deBadFrog $ BadFrogType (BadFrog { badFrog = Hey, badChicken = 1})

 Needless to say, you will have to create helper functions for creating Bars
 and Frogs, and not allow your BadBar or BadFrog value constructors to be
 visible outside your module.


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Dealing poker hands, redux

2012-08-25 Thread Paolino
hello matthew,

I commented your gist on github adding the missing pieces with minor fixes.

Anyway, I suggest giving up RVar's which are overkill for your task. You
could implement your shuffle as an exercise, or use random-shuffle package
as I do in the code below.

Also I'd avoid State monad for such a simple task of remembering the
remaining deck after each deal.  You should switch to using a monad after
you are comfortable with pure code.

import Control.Arrow
import System.Random.Shuffle
import Control.Monad.Random.Class

-- |Cards.
data Suit = Hearts | Diamonds | Clubs | Spades deriving (Enum, Bounded,

data Rank = Ace | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine |
Ten | Jack | Queen | King deriving (Enum, Bounded, Show)

data Card = Flat Rank Suit | Jolly deriving Show

type Deck = [Card]
type Hand = [Card]

deck :: Deck
deck = [ Flat s r | s - [minBound .. maxBound] , r - [minBound ..
maxBound]]++ [Jolly,Jolly]

-- deal n cards m times from the given deck and return the rest along the
dealHands :: Int - Int - Deck - ([Hand],Deck)
dealHands n m  = (map (take n) *** head) . splitAt m . iterate (drop n)

-- same as dealHands, but shuffle the deck before
randomDealHands :: (Functor m, MonadRandom m) = Int - Int - Deck - m
randomDealHands n m xs = dealHands n m `fmap` shuffleM xs

test :: IO ([Hand],Deck)
test = randomDealHands 5 4 $ deck ++ deck

You can run randomDealHands in IO (ghci prompt) as IO is both a Functor and
a MonadRandom instance

2012/8/25 Matthew

 So I've finally got some code which shuffles a deck of cards and deals
 out an arbitrary number of hands.

 type DealerState = State [Card] [[Card]]

 deck :: [Card]
 deck = [ (s, r) | s - suits, r - ranks ]

 shuffleDeck :: Int - RVar [Card]
 shuffleDeck n = shuffle $ concat $ replicate n deck

 deal :: Int - ([[Card]] - DealerState)
 deal n = \xs - state $ \s - (xs ++ [take n s], drop n s)

 -- |Deal a number of hands a number of cards each.
 dealHands :: Int - Int - ([[Card]] - DealerState)
 dealHands hs cs = foldr1 (=) $ replicate hs (deal cs)

 First of all, I have no idea if this is any good. The way I end up
 calling dealHands and getting a real result is `runState (dealHands
 3 7 []) deck`. And I see that I've got nested lambdas all in `deal`.
 But hey it took me forever to figure it out and it works.

 I'm using `shuffle` from Data.Random.Extras, which results in an RVar,
 and thus the beginning of my perplexity. I'm happy to end up with RVar
 inside a State monad, but I'm not sure where to start. To be honest,
 I'm only barely understanding what I'm doing with the State monad as
 it is. :)

 Happy for any help whatsoever!

 - Matthew

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Combining State and List Monads

2012-08-24 Thread Paolino

the state should be inside, to count, so type is ListT (State Int) (Int,Int)

the runner is then runState (runListT countCalls) 0

but [] is not of type ListT m so you need to wrap it in ListT . return

import Control.Monad.List
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Instances

countCalls :: ListT (State Int) (Int,Int)
countCalls = do
  a - ListT . return $ [1..2]
  b - ListT . return $ [1..2]
  modify (+1)
  return (a,b)



2012/8/25 Henry Laxen

 Dear Cafe,

 It seems to me there should be some simple way of doing this, but thus
 far it eludes me.  I am trying to combine the State and List monads to
 do the following:

 countCalls = do
   a - [1..2]
   b - [1..2]
   modify (+1)
   return (a,b)

 where with some combination of ListT, StateT, List, State, or who
 knows what would result in:


 assuming we initialize the state to 0

 Is there any way to make this happen?
 Thanks in advance.

 Henry Laxen

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Adding to / subtracting from a LocalTime?

2012-08-18 Thread Paolino

This is a part of a solution, with explicit TimeZone

Prelude Data.Time :t \z s t - utcToLocalTime z $ addUTCTime (fromIntegral
s) (localTimeToUTC z t)
\z s t - utcToLocalTime z $ addUTCTime (fromIntegral s) (localTimeToUTC z
  :: Integral a = TimeZone - a - LocalTime - LocalTime

where the Integral arguments is in seconds, by docs


2012/8/18 Adde Nilsson

 How do you add to or subtract from a LocalTime?
 I'm trying to subtract a second from a LocalTime value but the only API's
 I can find act only on the TimeOfDay part.

 subSec :: LocalTime - LocalTime
 subSec (LocalTime d t) = LocalTime d $ timeToTimeOfDay ((timeOfDayToTime
 t) - (secondsToDiffTime 1))

 I'm obviously on the wrong track as this looks way too complex for what
 it's trying to achieve.
 Calling with '2012-08-18 00:00:00' gives '2012-08-18 -01:59:59' which
 isn't very helpful. How do I get to '2012-08-17 23:59:59'?


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Key-Parametrized Lookup Table

2012-08-01 Thread Paolino
Hello, I made some trial and error with ghci to make it happy. I'm not
really sure this has the type safety you asked.

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleContexts #-}

import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Typeable

class Typeable a = Key a where
type Value a :: *

data Assoc = forall a . (Typeable (Value a),Key a) = Assoc a (Value a)

insert :: (Typeable (Value a), Key a) = a - Value a - [Assoc] - [Assoc]
insert k v = (Assoc k v :)

lookup :: (Typeable (Value a), Eq a, Key a) = a - [Assoc] - Value a
lookup k [] = error noassoc
lookup k ((Assoc k' v):xs) = case cast k' of
Nothing - lookup k xs
Just k'' - if k'' == k then case cast v of
Nothing - error nocast
Just v' - v'
else lookup k xs

I've tried without the typeclass with no luck.
For some reasons

type family Key a :: *
type family Value a :: *

and adding Typeable (Key a) to the contexts and Key 'a' in place of 'a'
leads to a lot of type errors.
Maybe it's possible with more help.

Hope I got it right.


2012/7/31 Alexander Foremny

 Hello list,

 I am currently thinking that a problem of mine would best be solved if
 there was a Map-like data structure in which the value returned is
 parametrized over the lookup type.

 I wonder is this makes sense and if such a data structure exists or if
 it could be created while still being well typed. I essentially want
 to statically define a scope of Key values and dynamically define a
 list of keys.

  -- Scope of possible keys.
  type Label = String
  data Key a where
  KeyStr :: Label - Key String
  KeyInt :: Label - Key Int
  KeyChoice :: Label - [a] - Key a

  -- Some key values, to be extended at runtime.
  strKey Some String
  strKey' Another String
  intKey Some integer
  choiceKey Chose one [ a, b, c ] :: KeyChoice String

 Now I need a data structure to possibly associate a value to the key.

  data MapG = ...
  type Value a = a
  insert :: Key a - Value a - MapG Key Value - MapG Key Value
  lookup :: Key a - MapG Key Value - Maybe (Value a)

 I tried implementing this with multiple Map k a's. I tried adding a
 phantom type on some storage type of to implement KeyChoice as of type
 Key Int, but I ran into troubles with this approach. I wonder if
 Dynamic or Type Families could achieve this, but I am quite at a loss
 and would like to hear your opinion.

 I did try to search for this a bit, but I don't quite know how to
 phrase my problem. I'd like to apologize in advance if this question
 has been asked already.

 Alexander Foremny

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Key-Parametrized Lookup Table

2012-08-01 Thread Paolino
This is without class :-)

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleContexts #-}
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Typeable

type family Value a :: *

data Assoc = forall a . (Typeable (Value a), Typeable a) = Assoc a (Value

insert :: (Typeable (Value a), Typeable a) = a - Value a - [Assoc] -
insert k v = (Assoc k v :)

lookup :: (Typeable (Value a), Typeable a, Eq a) = a - [Assoc] - Value a
lookup k [] = error noassoc
lookup k ((Assoc k' v):xs) = case cast k' of
Nothing - lookup k xs
Just k'' - if k'' == k then case cast v of
Nothing - error nocast
Just v' - v'
else lookup k xs

*Main type instance Value Integer  = Char
*Main type instance Value Int = String
*Main let u = insert (1::Integer) 'c' $ insert (1::Int) ciao []
*Main lookup (1 :: Integer)  u
*Main lookup (1 :: Int)  u


2012/8/1 Paolino

 Hello, I made some trial and error with ghci to make it happy. I'm not
 really sure this has the type safety you asked.

 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleContexts #-}

 import Prelude hiding (lookup)
 import Data.Typeable

 class Typeable a = Key a where
 type Value a :: *

 data Assoc = forall a . (Typeable (Value a),Key a) = Assoc a (Value a)

 insert :: (Typeable (Value a), Key a) = a - Value a - [Assoc] - [Assoc]
 insert k v = (Assoc k v :)

 lookup :: (Typeable (Value a), Eq a, Key a) = a - [Assoc] - Value a
 lookup k [] = error noassoc
 lookup k ((Assoc k' v):xs) = case cast k' of
 Nothing - lookup k xs
 Just k'' - if k'' == k then case cast v of
 Nothing - error nocast
 Just v' - v'
 else lookup k xs

 I've tried without the typeclass with no luck.
 For some reasons

 type family Key a :: *
 type family Value a :: *

 and adding Typeable (Key a) to the contexts and Key 'a' in place of 'a'
 leads to a lot of type errors.
 Maybe it's possible with more help.

 Hope I got it right.


 2012/7/31 Alexander Foremny

 Hello list,

 I am currently thinking that a problem of mine would best be solved if
 there was a Map-like data structure in which the value returned is
 parametrized over the lookup type.

 I wonder is this makes sense and if such a data structure exists or if
 it could be created while still being well typed. I essentially want
 to statically define a scope of Key values and dynamically define a
 list of keys.

  -- Scope of possible keys.
  type Label = String
  data Key a where
  KeyStr :: Label - Key String
  KeyInt :: Label - Key Int
  KeyChoice :: Label - [a] - Key a

  -- Some key values, to be extended at runtime.
  strKey Some String
  strKey' Another String
  intKey Some integer
  choiceKey Chose one [ a, b, c ] :: KeyChoice String

 Now I need a data structure to possibly associate a value to the key.

  data MapG = ...
  type Value a = a
  insert :: Key a - Value a - MapG Key Value - MapG Key Value
  lookup :: Key a - MapG Key Value - Maybe (Value a)

 I tried implementing this with multiple Map k a's. I tried adding a
 phantom type on some storage type of to implement KeyChoice as of type
 Key Int, but I ran into troubles with this approach. I wonder if
 Dynamic or Type Families could achieve this, but I am quite at a loss
 and would like to hear your opinion.

 I did try to search for this a bit, but I don't quite know how to
 phrase my problem. I'd like to apologize in advance if this question
 has been asked already.

 Alexander Foremny

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] combining predicates, noob question

2012-07-09 Thread Paolino
You can still use the monadic combinators, with the price of wrapping and
unwrapping in case of newtype.

newtype P a = P {unP :: a - Bool}
liftM2'P :: (Bool - Bool - Bool) - P a - P a - P a
liftM2'P  op = (P .) . on (liftM2 op) unP


2012/7/8 Sebastián Krynski

 Ok , thanks for the answers, I understand now what  liftM2 does.
  In this case would it be silly to  use  combinerPred (and maybe a newType
  Predicate a = a - Bool) for the sake of readability or shoud I stick with
 a - Bool  and  liftM2?

 thanks, Sebastián

 2012/7/6 Brent Yorgey

 On Fri, Jul 06, 2012 at 03:17:54PM -0300, Felipe Almeida Lessa wrote:
  On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 2:11 PM, Sebastián Krynski
   As I was using predicates (a - bool) , it appeared the need for
   them with a boolean operator (bool - bool - bool)  in order to get
 a new
   combining the previous two. So I wrote my function combinerPred (see
   below). While I think this is JUST ok, i'm feeling a monad in the air.
So.. where is the monad?
   combinerPred ::  (a - Bool)  - (a - Bool) - (Bool - Bool -
 Bool) -
   (a - Bool)
   combinerPred pred1 pred2 op = \x - op (pred1 x) (pred2 x)
  That's the `(-) a` monad:
import Control.Applicative
combinerPred ::  (a - Bool)  - (a - Bool) - (Bool - Bool -
  Bool) - (a - Bool)
combinerPred pred1 pred2 op = op $ pred1 * pred2

 By the way, I find it more natural to make 'op' the first argument,
 because it is more useful to partially apply combinerPred to an
 operation that it is to some predicates.  Also, in that case
 combinerPred is simply liftA2:

   import Control.Applicative

   combinerPred :: (Bool - Bool - Bool) - (a - Bool) - (a - Bool) -
 (a - Bool)
   combinerPred = liftA2


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] existential types and cast

2012-07-05 Thread Paolino
Hi Corentin,
This is how I would model your request (without concrete constructors for
Player and Rule)
I'm sure there are better descriptions also  as I'm not an expert.


{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures #-}

data Player
data Rule

data Data = Player | Rule
data EventKind  = Action | Reaction

data Event :: EventKind - * where
  NewPlayer  :: Player - Event Action
  NewRule:: Rule - Event Action
  NewHandler :: (Event Action - IO ()) - Event Reaction

handle ::  Event Action - Event Reaction - IO ()
handle x (NewHandler f) = f x

reaction :: Event a - [Event Reaction] - IO [Event Reaction]

reaction f@(NewHandler _) es = return $ f:es
reaction p@(NewPlayer _) es = mapM_ (handle p) es  return es
reaction r@(NewRule _) es = mapM_ (handle r) es  return es

2012/7/4 Corentin Dupont

 for example, in my game (Nomic) if a new player arrives, I trigger a
 NewPlayer event. All handlers registered for that event should be
 triggered, and passed a structure Player containing all the infos of the
 incoming player.
 If there is a new rule submitted, that the same: the event NewRule is
 triggered and the handlers are passed a structure Rule. Thus I want the
 handlers registered on NewPlayer to have the type Player - xxx, and on
 NewRule to have the type Rule - xxx. I want to be able to associate an
 arbitrary data type (here Player and Rule) to an event.
 The handlers are inherently of different types, but I want to store them
 in a unique list hence the existential...

 On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 4:33 PM, Paolino wrote:

 Hi Corentin,
 If you could explain *why* there should be a type associated to each
 event value, it would help, maybe.
 If it's a design choice , maybe it's wrong design. One reason to use
 dynamic typing would be to plug  in new type of events. But if you already
 have the events semantics , this is not useful.
 If the language of events is complex , possibly recursive, you can use
 GADTs to enforce their validity by construction and you don't need to
 typefy the event values, but some of their characteristics.
 Remember type machinery is good to give correctness at the compilation
 time which Typeable defeats moving checks at runtime. So lifting values to
 types and eliminating this information with existentials and casting seems


 2012/7/4 Corentin Dupont

  Hi Paolino,
 the user can add as many handlers he wants for each event.
 When a event is triggered along with a data, all handlers associated to
 that event should be triggered and passed the data.
 The trick is, there is one type of data associated with each event.
 That's why I cannot use a Event datatype: how to associate a data type to
 each event value? This would be some sort of dependant typing if I'm not
 That's why my events exists both on type level and value level:
 *data NewPlayer = NewPlayer
 wich allows me to associate it a typf data with type indexing.*..


 On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 12:58 PM, Paolino paolo.verone...@gmail.comwrote:

 How many handlers for each type of event in the list of handlers ?
 If you have only one handler for each type , it should go in the
 typeclass, and you don't need typeable.
 If you have more than one maybe you can avoid using type indexing at
 all, because it doesn't resolve the handler selection issue.
 By the way , it's not clear to me why you don't have a simple Event
 datatype describing all the possible events in advance.



 2012/7/3 Corentin Dupont

 Hi all,
 I read somewhere (here:
 that it's bad to try to unbox an existential type using a cast. OK, but
 without I really can't figure out how to do what I want:

 *data NewPlayer = NewPlayer deriving (Typeable, Eq)
 data NewRule = NewRule deriving (Typeable, Eq)

 class (Eq e, Typeable e) = Event e where
 data EventData e

 instance Event NewPlayer where
 data EventData NewPlayer = P Int

 instance Event NewRule where
 data EventData NewRule = R Int

 instance Typeable1 EventData where
 typeOf1 _ = mkTyConApp (mkTyCon EventData) []

 data EventHandler = forall e . (Event e) = EH e (EventData e - IO ())

 addEvent :: (Event e) = e - (EventData e - IO ()) - [EventHandler]
 - [EventHandler]
 addEvent e h ehs = (EH e h):ehs

 triggerEvent :: (Event e) = e - (EventData e) - [EventHandler] -
 IO ()
 triggerEvent e d ehs = do
 let r = find (\(EH myEvent _) - cast e == Just myEvent) ehs
 case r of
Nothing - return ()
Just (EH _ h) - case cast h of
 Just castedH - castedH d
 Nothing - return ()*

 How to remove the casts from triggerEvent? All that I want is to apply
 the handler found on the data passed in parameter.
 I tried to add a function apply in the class, without success:
 *apply :: (EventData e

Re: [Haskell-cafe] existential types and cast

2012-07-05 Thread Paolino
Sorry, drop the data Data  line, I was experimenting with a deeper


2012/7/4 Paolino

 Hi Corentin,
 This is how I would model your request (without concrete constructors for
 Player and Rule)
 I'm sure there are better descriptions also  as I'm not an expert.


 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures #-}

 data Player
 data Rule

 data Data = Player | Rule
 data EventKind  = Action | Reaction

 data Event :: EventKind - * where
   NewPlayer  :: Player - Event Action
   NewRule:: Rule - Event Action
   NewHandler :: (Event Action - IO ()) - Event Reaction

 handle ::  Event Action - Event Reaction - IO ()
 handle x (NewHandler f) = f x

 reaction :: Event a - [Event Reaction] - IO [Event Reaction]

 reaction f@(NewHandler _) es = return $ f:es
 reaction p@(NewPlayer _) es = mapM_ (handle p) es  return es
 reaction r@(NewRule _) es = mapM_ (handle r) es  return es

 2012/7/4 Corentin Dupont

 for example, in my game (Nomic) if a new player arrives, I trigger a
 NewPlayer event. All handlers registered for that event should be
 triggered, and passed a structure Player containing all the infos of the
 incoming player.
 If there is a new rule submitted, that the same: the event NewRule is
 triggered and the handlers are passed a structure Rule. Thus I want the
 handlers registered on NewPlayer to have the type Player - xxx, and on
 NewRule to have the type Rule - xxx. I want to be able to associate an
 arbitrary data type (here Player and Rule) to an event.
 The handlers are inherently of different types, but I want to store them
 in a unique list hence the existential...

 On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 4:33 PM, Paolino paolo.verone...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Corentin,
 If you could explain *why* there should be a type associated to each
 event value, it would help, maybe.
 If it's a design choice , maybe it's wrong design. One reason to use
 dynamic typing would be to plug  in new type of events. But if you already
 have the events semantics , this is not useful.
 If the language of events is complex , possibly recursive, you can use
 GADTs to enforce their validity by construction and you don't need to
 typefy the event values, but some of their characteristics.
 Remember type machinery is good to give correctness at the compilation
 time which Typeable defeats moving checks at runtime. So lifting values to
 types and eliminating this information with existentials and casting seems


 2012/7/4 Corentin Dupont

  Hi Paolino,
 the user can add as many handlers he wants for each event.
 When a event is triggered along with a data, all handlers associated to
 that event should be triggered and passed the data.
 The trick is, there is one type of data associated with each event.
 That's why I cannot use a Event datatype: how to associate a data type to
 each event value? This would be some sort of dependant typing if I'm not
 That's why my events exists both on type level and value level:
 *data NewPlayer = NewPlayer
 wich allows me to associate it a typf data with type indexing.*..


 On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 12:58 PM, Paolino paolo.verone...@gmail.comwrote:

 How many handlers for each type of event in the list of handlers ?
 If you have only one handler for each type , it should go in the
 typeclass, and you don't need typeable.
 If you have more than one maybe you can avoid using type indexing at
 all, because it doesn't resolve the handler selection issue.
 By the way , it's not clear to me why you don't have a simple Event
 datatype describing all the possible events in advance.



 2012/7/3 Corentin Dupont

 Hi all,
 I read somewhere (here:
 that it's bad to try to unbox an existential type using a cast. OK, but
 without I really can't figure out how to do what I want:

 *data NewPlayer = NewPlayer deriving (Typeable, Eq)
 data NewRule = NewRule deriving (Typeable, Eq)

 class (Eq e, Typeable e) = Event e where
 data EventData e

 instance Event NewPlayer where
 data EventData NewPlayer = P Int

 instance Event NewRule where
 data EventData NewRule = R Int

 instance Typeable1 EventData where
 typeOf1 _ = mkTyConApp (mkTyCon EventData) []

 data EventHandler = forall e . (Event e) = EH e (EventData e - IO

 addEvent :: (Event e) = e - (EventData e - IO ()) -
 [EventHandler] - [EventHandler]
 addEvent e h ehs = (EH e h):ehs

 triggerEvent :: (Event e) = e - (EventData e) - [EventHandler] -
 IO ()
 triggerEvent e d ehs = do
 let r = find (\(EH myEvent _) - cast e == Just myEvent) ehs
 case r of
Nothing - return ()
Just (EH _ h) - case cast h of
 Just castedH - castedH d
 Nothing - return ()*

 How to remove the casts from triggerEvent? All that I

Re: [Haskell-cafe] existential types and cast

2012-07-05 Thread Paolino
Hi Corentin,
If you could explain *why* there should be a type associated to each event
value, it would help, maybe.
If it's a design choice , maybe it's wrong design. One reason to use
dynamic typing would be to plug  in new type of events. But if you already
have the events semantics , this is not useful.
If the language of events is complex , possibly recursive, you can use
GADTs to enforce their validity by construction and you don't need to
typefy the event values, but some of their characteristics.
Remember type machinery is good to give correctness at the compilation time
which Typeable defeats moving checks at runtime. So lifting values to types
and eliminating this information with existentials and casting seems wrong.


2012/7/4 Corentin Dupont

 Hi Paolino,
 the user can add as many handlers he wants for each event.
 When a event is triggered along with a data, all handlers associated to
 that event should be triggered and passed the data.
 The trick is, there is one type of data associated with each event. That's
 why I cannot use a Event datatype: how to associate a data type to each
 event value? This would be some sort of dependant typing if I'm not
 That's why my events exists both on type level and value level:
 *data NewPlayer = NewPlayer
 *wich allows me to associate it a typf data with type indexing.*..

 On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 12:58 PM, Paolino paolo.verone...@gmail.comwrote:

 How many handlers for each type of event in the list of handlers ?
 If you have only one handler for each type , it should go in the
 typeclass, and you don't need typeable.
 If you have more than one maybe you can avoid using type indexing at all,
 because it doesn't resolve the handler selection issue.
 By the way , it's not clear to me why you don't have a simple Event
 datatype describing all the possible events in advance.



 2012/7/3 Corentin Dupont

 Hi all,
 I read somewhere (here:
 that it's bad to try to unbox an existential type using a cast. OK, but
 without I really can't figure out how to do what I want:

 *data NewPlayer = NewPlayer deriving (Typeable, Eq)
 data NewRule = NewRule deriving (Typeable, Eq)

 class (Eq e, Typeable e) = Event e where
 data EventData e

 instance Event NewPlayer where
 data EventData NewPlayer = P Int

 instance Event NewRule where
 data EventData NewRule = R Int

 instance Typeable1 EventData where
 typeOf1 _ = mkTyConApp (mkTyCon EventData) []

 data EventHandler = forall e . (Event e) = EH e (EventData e - IO ())

 addEvent :: (Event e) = e - (EventData e - IO ()) - [EventHandler]
 - [EventHandler]
 addEvent e h ehs = (EH e h):ehs

 triggerEvent :: (Event e) = e - (EventData e) - [EventHandler] - IO
 triggerEvent e d ehs = do
 let r = find (\(EH myEvent _) - cast e == Just myEvent) ehs
 case r of
Nothing - return ()
Just (EH _ h) - case cast h of
 Just castedH - castedH d
 Nothing - return ()*

 How to remove the casts from triggerEvent? All that I want is to apply
 the handler found on the data passed in parameter.
 I tried to add a function apply in the class, without success:
 *apply :: (EventData e - IO ()) - (EventData e) - IO ()
 apply = ($)*


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] existential types and cast

2012-07-04 Thread Paolino
How many handlers for each type of event in the list of handlers ?
If you have only one handler for each type , it should go in the typeclass,
and you don't need typeable.
If you have more than one maybe you can avoid using type indexing at all,
because it doesn't resolve the handler selection issue.
By the way , it's not clear to me why you don't have a simple Event
datatype describing all the possible events in advance.



2012/7/3 Corentin Dupont

 Hi all,
 I read somewhere (here:
 that it's bad to try to unbox an existential type using a cast. OK, but
 without I really can't figure out how to do what I want:

 *data NewPlayer = NewPlayer deriving (Typeable, Eq)
 data NewRule = NewRule deriving (Typeable, Eq)

 class (Eq e, Typeable e) = Event e where
 data EventData e

 instance Event NewPlayer where
 data EventData NewPlayer = P Int

 instance Event NewRule where
 data EventData NewRule = R Int

 instance Typeable1 EventData where
 typeOf1 _ = mkTyConApp (mkTyCon EventData) []

 data EventHandler = forall e . (Event e) = EH e (EventData e - IO ())

 addEvent :: (Event e) = e - (EventData e - IO ()) - [EventHandler] -
 addEvent e h ehs = (EH e h):ehs

 triggerEvent :: (Event e) = e - (EventData e) - [EventHandler] - IO ()
 triggerEvent e d ehs = do
 let r = find (\(EH myEvent _) - cast e == Just myEvent) ehs
 case r of
Nothing - return ()
Just (EH _ h) - case cast h of
 Just castedH - castedH d
 Nothing - return ()*

 How to remove the casts from triggerEvent? All that I want is to apply the
 handler found on the data passed in parameter.
 I tried to add a function apply in the class, without success:
 *apply :: (EventData e - IO ()) - (EventData e) - IO ()
 apply = ($)*


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Arithmetic expressions with GADTs: parsing

2012-06-05 Thread Paolino
Very useful to get a gadt back to monotype without an existential, which
would mean to use classes for future uses of it with its load of object
oriented thinking.

Thanks for sharing.


2012/6/4 Ryan Ingram

 Another option is to reify the type so that you can get it back somehow.
 Here's a few diffs to your file (I've attached the full code):

 A new type:
 data Typed f where
TDouble :: f Double - Typed f
TBool :: f Bool - Typed f

 runT :: (f Double - a) - (f Bool - a) - Typed f - a
 runT k _ (TDouble x) = k x
 runT _ k (TBool x)   = k x

 New version of pExpr that can parse both expression types, by tagging with
 the type

 -- pExpr = pArit | pBool | pEqual
 pExpr = (TDouble $ pArit) | (TBool $ pBool) | (TDouble $

 and now main:
 main = do line - getLine
   case parse pExpr  line of
 Left msg - putStrLn (show msg)
 Right e - putStrLn (runT (show . eval) (show . eval) e)

 What I'm doing here is reifying the possible types of top level
 expressions and then providing a handler in main which works on all
 possible types.  There are other ways to do this (embed any expression in
 an existential, for example), but this makes it really clear what is going
 on, and shows the way forward for parsing a larger typed language.

   -- ryan

 On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 6:08 AM, wrote:

 On Wed, May 02, 2012 at 03:02:46PM +0300, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:
  * [2012-05-02 08:03:45-0300]
  The alternatives given to | must be of the same type. In your case,
  one is Expr Double and one is Expr Bool.
  Inclusion of pBool in pFactor is probably a mistake — unless you're
  going to multiply booleans.

 You are right in the sense that I cannot mix Expr Bool and Expr Double
 in a (O op l r) expression.

 But the parser should be able to parse any form of expressions. So I
 rewrite my program to take this into account.

 The new versions still does not compile:

 Couldn't match expected type `Double' with actual type `Bool'
 Expected type: ParsecT
 String () Data.Functor.Identity.Identity (Expr Double)
  Actual type: ParsecT
 String () Data.Functor.Identity.Identity (Expr Bool)
In the first argument of `(|)', namely `pBool'
In the second argument of `(|)', namely `pBool | pEqual'


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can Haskell outperform C++?

2012-05-19 Thread Paolino

I would like to add questions to yours. I'm not sure that C++ programs
are same performance as C actually, so I can have a bad logic.

How much is hard to port a haskell program to C ?
If it will become harder and harder, (i.e. for parallelizations) than
it's fair to choose haskell for performance, but if it's not, I think
it's hard to think that such a high level language could ever compile
down to something running faster than its port to C.

Many of the abstractions used for nice haskell code are based on
boxing values, so we have to take away all the boxing to make it run
faster, and so we are porting to C.

Will hardware really go for hundreds of cores ?
If yes than all languages supporting simple parallelization will be
used to code, but this will not make C  slower, just more difficult to
use in contests.

Also a leading haskell point is , how does it take to make a correct
code, which can be performance in the wild.

So it makes some sense to choose haskell for performance to me, but
not to try to compete in sequential algorithmic performance, with the
exception for who do it to learn what is behind the abstractions that
makes their code slow and not compile down to perfect C.


P.S. The performance problems are actually learning haskell
programming abstractions and the intuition development on when to use

2012/5/6 Janek S.

 a couple of times I've encountered a statement that Haskell programs can have 
 comparable to programs in C/C++. I've even read that thanks to functional 
 nature of Haskell,
 compiler can reason and make guarantess about the code and use that knowledge 
 to automatically
 parallelize the program without any explicit parallelizing commands in the 
 code. I haven't seen
 any sort of evidence that would support such claims. Can anyone provide a 
 code in Haskell that
 performs better in terms of execution speed than a well-written C/C++ 
 program? Both Haskell and C
 programs should implement the same algorithm (merge sort in Haskell 
 outperforming bubble sort in
 C doesn't count), though I guess that using Haskell-specific idioms and 
 optimizations is of
 course allowed.


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Subcategories on Hackage

2011-06-05 Thread Paolino
I think there are two reasons to browse the hackage database.

First reason reflects the common need to find a library that suites one's
needs. In this case it's very easy to find it with google adding hackage
haskell to the submitted word list.

Second reason is to have a nice landscape of packages when one enters the
For the second reason, which is real browsing, categories are a pain,
whoever and however they are done. The more they are correct , the more they
are difficult to understand. The more they are easy like tags the more it's
difficult to put them in a hierarchy.
One well known solution is to put tags in a high dimensional space where the
tag names and distance between tags is defined by statistics on the tags
cloud of each tag holder (packages). In this case browsing is jumping from
one tag to another *near* one in the tag space and see the packages *around*
, while inserting new packages changes the position of the tags in their
An easiest , but somewhat wrong, solution is give each tag a dimension and
have the packages in the space to browse.

Ontologies are more on formalising the meaning (seen as interrelations) of
concepts, which tags are not, and I don't think even software categories
are. But this is really debatable.

my 2 cents


2011/6/5 Evan Laforge

 On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 7:46 PM, Felipe Almeida Lessa wrote:
  tl;dr: I don't think ontologies are suitable for Hackage.

 I think I agree.  For instance, I just uploaded fix-imports and had to
 decide which categories it is in.  It manages imports, which is
 IDE-like and people looking for IDE-like features might be interested,
 so IDE.  It's concerned with haskell itself, so Haskell.  And it's
 meant to be used with an editor, though it isn't an editor itself, so
 Editor.  It's actually none of those things, but there's no specific
 category for it, and if there were I think it would be too small to be
 useful.  So I picked things I think people who might be interested in
 it would be searching for.

 I don't think a hierarchy would have helped in this case, but tags
 would be appropriate.  Actually, I wound up using the categories like
 tags.  I think we just need better search, e.g. +tag +tag or

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] template haskell for typeclass synonyms

2010-11-02 Thread Paolino
It's first time I use TH. It would be nice to point out the motivations for
using it.
If everything TH does is doable without it, the point of using it is write
less code, eliminating some necessary and automatically computable code.
But I guess there is some more .


2010/11/2 Antoine Latter

 2010/11/1 Paolino
  I think I've got something nice in the end.
  class  (ParteDi (Servizio a) s
  ,Read a
  ,Eq a
  , Show a
  , Integer `ParteDi` s
  ) = SClass s a
  $(classSynonym ''SClass)
  ghci :i SClass command is printing some strange type variables but it

 Template Haskell might be overkill for this. In the past, I've done:

  class (Eq b, Show b, MyClass b, MyOtherClass b) = MySynonym b
  instance (Eq b, Show b, MyClass b, MyOtherClass b) = MySynonym b

 I think this requires a couple of GHC extensions, but TemplateHaskell
 is an extension as well. Maybe there are pitfalls with this approach.


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[Haskell-cafe] template haskell for typeclass synonyms

2010-11-01 Thread Paolino

I'd like to have a template haskell function that take some constraints and
a class name and write an empty class from those and relative empty instance
to simulate typeclass synonyms.

As I've never written TH and couldn't find a easily adaptable code around, I
ask here for the code, or some hints on how to arrive there.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] template haskell for typeclass synonyms

2010-11-01 Thread Paolino
Thanks. I annotated the function
It seems to produce the right code.

How should I use the Parents synonym in my functions?

This is a noob question I suppose.


2010/11/1 Gábor Lehel

 On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 6:09 PM, Christopher Done wrote:
  On 1 November 2010 17:53, Paolino wrote:
  I'd like to have a template haskell function that take some constraints
  a class name and write an empty class from those and relative empty
  to simulate typeclass synonyms.
  As I've never written TH and couldn't find a easily adaptable code
 around, I
  ask here for the code, or some hints on how to arrive there.
  I took Justin Bailey's haskelldb-th library as a TH example to work
  from and rewrote one TH function to try my hand at it, it's quite easy
  to follow with a simple example:
  Maybe this is enough example to get you going. The rest you can find
  syntax parts from the TH Haddock documentation.

 A useful FYI: the API docs are (almost) completely devoid of comments,
 but if you click to see the source, it does have some additional
 information in comments there, just not Haddock-formatted.

  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Work is punishment for failing to procrastinate effectively.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] template haskell for typeclass synonyms

2010-11-01 Thread Paolino
I think I've got something nice in the end.


class  (ParteDi (Servizio a) s
,Read a
,Eq a
, Show a
, Integer `ParteDi` s
) = SClass s a

$(classSynonym ''SClass)

ghci :i SClass command is printing some strange type variables but it


2010/11/1 Gábor Lehel

 On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 6:09 PM, Christopher Done wrote:
  On 1 November 2010 17:53, Paolino wrote:
  I'd like to have a template haskell function that take some constraints
  a class name and write an empty class from those and relative empty
  to simulate typeclass synonyms.
  As I've never written TH and couldn't find a easily adaptable code
 around, I
  ask here for the code, or some hints on how to arrive there.
  I took Justin Bailey's haskelldb-th library as a TH example to work
  from and rewrote one TH function to try my hand at it, it's quite easy
  to follow with a simple example:
  Maybe this is enough example to get you going. The rest you can find
  syntax parts from the TH Haddock documentation.

 A useful FYI: the API docs are (almost) completely devoid of comments,
 but if you click to see the source, it does have some additional
 information in comments there, just not Haddock-formatted.

  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Work is punishment for failing to procrastinate effectively.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Long running Haskell program

2009-11-12 Thread Paolino
Also, a *service* should have a persistence periodical action which should
evaluate (most part of) the state thunks in their values to be serialized.
This work for the structure similarity of NFData and Show/Binary classes.
When there is a not directly serializable part of the state , things can get
complicate, but resolving the persistence issue for those parts should
resolve also the space leak, I think.


2009/11/11 Paolino

 Hello  leimy, the only simple solution I have found to avoid  a leaking
 state of a server is doing a periodical rnf of it, this implying the NFData
 constraint on its datatype.
 The reader should leak only if you nest forever the local function.


 2009/11/11 David Leimbach

 As some of you may know, I've been writing commercial Haskell code for a
 little bit here (about a year and a half) and I've just recently had to
 write some code that was going to run have to run for a really long time
 before being restarted, possibly months or years if all other parts of the
 system cooperate as it's part of a server infrastructure management system.

 I recently ran into some serious space leak difficulties that would
 ultimately cause this program to crash some time after startup (my simulator
 is also written in Haskell, and runs a LOT faster than the real application
 ever could, this has enabled me to fast forward a bit the data growth issues
 and crash in minutes instead of days!)

 Anyway, rather than try to paste it all here with images and such I
 thought I'd stick it up on my blog so others could maybe benefit from the
 anecdote.  It's difficult to disclose enough useful information as it is
 commercial code not under an open source license, but there's neat diagrams
 and stuff there so hopefully the colors are at least amusing :-)


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problem with JHC

2009-11-11 Thread Paolino
FWIW, I just compiled JHC 0.7.2 with ghc 6.12 , doing a couple of
corrections to make it compile, which I don't think they are related to this
*bug*. Testing the given code, it aborts for every inputs I give it  L 1,
 T AND [L 1,L 2] included.
I couldn't make it compile using function reads instead.


2009/11/11 Ross Mellgren

 According to the paste you gave for the JHC test run:

 Here is what happens when I try to run it:

 phi...@desktop:~/jhctut$ ./jtree
 Give me a tree:
 T AND (L 1, L 2)

 jtree_code.c:2670: case fell off

 You gave it parens not square brackets.


 On Nov 11, 2009, at 11:45 AM, Philippos Apolinarius wrote:

  you declared 'T Op [Tree]' so you should give 'T AND [L 1, L 2]'
  as the tree, right?
 Hi, Felipe.
 You are right. This means that I gave the correct input to the program. As
 you can see, I typed 'T AND [L 1, L 2]'. Therefore, JHC was expected to
 parse and print it. However, it failed to parse it. The program works
 perfectly well in GHC. Here is the GHC output:

  phi...@desktop:~/jhctut$ ghc tree.hs --make
 [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( tree.hs, tree.o )
 Linking tree ...
  phi...@desktop:~/jhctut$ ./tree
 Give me a tree:
 T AND [L 1, L 2]
 T AND [L 1,L 2]

 --- On *Wed, 11/11/09, Felipe Lessa* wrote:

 From: Felipe Lessa
 Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problem with JHC
 Received: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 6:23 AM

 On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 04:32:05AM -0800, Philippos Apolinarius wrote:
  data Op = AND | OR | NOT deriving (Show, Read)
  data Tree= L Int | T Op [Tree] deriving (Show, Read)

 Hmm, you see,

  phi...@desktop:~/jhctut$ ./jtree
  Give me a tree:
  T AND (L 1, L 2)
  jtree_code.c:2670: case fell off

 you declared 'T Op [Tree]' so you should give 'T AND [L 1, L 2]'
 as the tree, right?

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Long running Haskell program

2009-11-11 Thread Paolino
Hello  leimy, the only simple solution I have found to avoid  a leaking
state of a server is doing a periodical rnf of it, this implying the NFData
constraint on its datatype.
The reader should leak only if you nest forever the local function.


2009/11/11 David Leimbach

 As some of you may know, I've been writing commercial Haskell code for a
 little bit here (about a year and a half) and I've just recently had to
 write some code that was going to run have to run for a really long time
 before being restarted, possibly months or years if all other parts of the
 system cooperate as it's part of a server infrastructure management system.

 I recently ran into some serious space leak difficulties that would
 ultimately cause this program to crash some time after startup (my simulator
 is also written in Haskell, and runs a LOT faster than the real application
 ever could, this has enabled me to fast forward a bit the data growth issues
 and crash in minutes instead of days!)

 Anyway, rather than try to paste it all here with images and such I thought
 I'd stick it up on my blog so others could maybe benefit from the anecdote.
  It's difficult to disclose enough useful information as it is commercial
 code not under an open source license, but there's neat diagrams and stuff
 there so hopefully the colors are at least amusing :-)


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[Haskell-cafe] STM semantics

2009-10-24 Thread Paolino
I have a doubt that this code works like I want because actual STM
implementation exposes its effects

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM

main = do
    c - atomically $ newTChan :: IO (TChan ())
    r - atomically $ newTVar False
    forkIO $ do
        atomically $ do
            r0 - readTVar r
            case r0 of
                True - return ()
                False - readTChan c
        myThreadId = killThread
    threadDelay 100
    atomically (writeTVar r True)

The thread stops on readTChan, but exits when I change the TVar, which
happens before the readTChan.

Should I trust this is the correct STM behaviour , and will not change
in different implementations ?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] STM semantics

2009-10-24 Thread Paolino
Thanks, atomicity is what I was missing in the STM semantics. Now it
is clear. The retry primitive is not saying
 block here and this can imply no more pass here, which is
somewhat difficult to express with locks

2009/10/24 Matthew Brecknell
 Hi Paolino,

 You wrote:
 I have a doubt that this code works like I want because actual STM
 implementation exposes its effects

 import Control.Concurrent
 import Control.Concurrent.STM

 main = do
     c - atomically $ newTChan :: IO (TChan ())
     r - atomically $ newTVar False
     forkIO $ do
         atomically $ do
             r0 - readTVar r
             case r0 of
                 True - return ()
                 False - readTChan c
         myThreadId = killThread
     threadDelay 100
     atomically (writeTVar r True)

 The thread stops on readTChan, but exits when I change the TVar, which
 happens before the readTChan.

 Should I trust this is the correct STM behaviour , and will not change
 in different implementations ?

 This is correct behaviour.

 Remember, STM transactions execute atomically, so it doesn't make sense
 to think of a transaction as being blocked at a particular point in the
 code. A blocked transaction is just waiting for a state in which it can
 execute all at once. Calling retry is saying that this transaction is
 not yet ready to execute.

 As noted by Alberto, readTChan calls retry to indicate that it (and
 whatever transaction called it) cannot execute when the channel is

 Putting it all together, you can see that your transaction will execute
 when (and only when) r contains True, or when c is not empty.

 Hope that helps,

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[Haskell-cafe] testing par with simple program

2009-08-21 Thread Paolino
Hi, reading a previous thread I got interested.
I simplified the example pointed by dons in

import Control.Parallel

main = a `par` b  `pseq` print (a + b )
a = ack 3 11
b = ack 3 11

ack 0 n = n+1
ack m 0 = ack (m-1) 1
ack m n = ack (m-1) (ack m (n-1))

compiled with
ghc --make prova  -O2 -threaded

paol...@paolino-casa:~$ time ./prova +RTS -N1

paol...@paolino-casa:~$ time ./prova +RTS -N2


without optimizations it gets worse

paol...@paolino-casa:~$ time ./prova +RTS -N1

paol...@paolino-casa:~$ time ./prova +RTS -N2


staring at the resource usage graph I can see it does use 2 cores when told
to do it, but with -N1 the used cpu goes 100% and with -N2 they both run
just over 50%

thanks for comments

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] testing par with simple program

2009-08-21 Thread Paolino
A better test program

import Control.Parallel

main = a `par` b  `pseq` print (a + b )
a = ack 3 11
b = fib 39

ack 0 n = n+1
ack m 0 = ack (m-1) 1
ack m n = ack (m-1) (ack m (n-1))

fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

running it , these are the results

paol...@paolino-casa:~$ ghc --make prova   -threaded
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( prova.hs, prova.o )
Linking prova ...
paol...@paolino-casa:~$ time ./prova +RTS -N1

paol...@paolino-casa:~$ time ./prova +RTS -N2

paol...@paolino-casa:~$ touch prova.hs
paol...@paolino-casa:~$ ghc --make prova -O2  -threaded
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( prova.hs, prova.o )
Linking prova ...
paol...@paolino-casa:~$ time ./prova +RTS -N1

paol...@paolino-casa:~$ time ./prova +RTS -N2


From the resource graph and the timings it is clear that the program is not
able to use all the 2 cores powers, considering computing 'a' alone is about
7 seconds and 'b' alone 9.
What is retaining the cpu's to run full power ?


2009/8/21 Don Stewart

  Hi, reading a previous thread I got interested.
  I simplified the example pointed by dons in
  import Control.Parallel
  main = a `par` b  `pseq` print (a + b )
  a = ack 3 11
  b = ack 3 11
  ack 0 n = n+1
  ack m 0 = ack (m-1) 1
  ack m n = ack (m-1) (ack m (n-1))
  compiled with
  ghc --make prova  -O2 -threaded
  paol...@paolino-casa:~$ time ./prova +RTS -N1
  paol...@paolino-casa:~$ time ./prova +RTS -N2
  without optimizations it gets worse
  paol...@paolino-casa:~$ time ./prova +RTS -N1
  paol...@paolino-casa:~$ time ./prova +RTS -N2
  staring at the resource usage graph I can see it does use 2 cores when
 told to
  do it, but with -N1 the used cpu goes 100% and with -N2 they both run
 just over
  thanks for comments

 Firstly, a and b are identical, so GHC commons them up. The compiler
 transforms it into:

a `par` a `seq` print (a + a)

 So you essentially fork a spark to evaluate 'a', and then have the main
 thread also evaluate 'a' again. One of them wins, then you add the
 result to itself. The runtime may choose not to convert your first spark
 into a thread.

 Running with a 2009 GHC head snapshot, we can see with +RTS -sstderr

  SPARKS: 1 (0 converted, 0 pruned)

 That indeed, it doesn't convert your `par` into a real thread.

 While, for example, the helloworld on the wiki:

 Converts 2 sparks to 2 theads:

SPARKS: 2 (2 converted, 0 pruned)
./B +RTS -threaded -N2 -sstderr  2.13s user 0.04s system 137% cpu 1.570

 -- Don

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] iteratee enumHandle

2009-07-09 Thread Paolino
I'm testing iteratee.
This is the possible bug I've found

import Data.Iteratee.IO
import Data.Iteratee.Base
import Data.Iteratee.Char
import System.IO
import Control.Exception

main = do
h - openFile mamma23 ReadWriteMode
hPutStrLn h ciao
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek 0
l - (enumHandle h stream2list :: IO (Iteratee IO String)) = run
print  $  assert (l == ciao) ()

assertion failed

This aside, I'd like to know if there is a way to use parsec library
to make an Iteratee, so if it's possible to make parsec spit out a
continuation on EOF, or maybe as in delcont language to capture it.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] parallelism or concurrency ? if they are different

2009-02-20 Thread Paolino
thanks Henk-Jan, someone just helped me saying that my function is
pure as long as I make a cache of it, indexed on arguments. This
operationally proves that concurrent IO code  can be purified with
unsafePerformIO, when it's semantic is not changed by that kind of
cache. Really doing the cache then it's an implementation choice. It
would be nice to have a suffix for this kind of functions, something
remembering the unrepeatability of them when not cached.

Sorry for my lacks of structure, I did my best.


2009/2/17, Henk-Jan van Tuyl
 On Fri, 13 Feb 2009 11:09:35 +0100, Paolino

 When I came to haskell, I arrived with a small and only evolutionary
 background in programming. First monad I met was MonadState StdGen m.
 Everything was in someway acceptable, I had no problem in
 explicitating the need for the generator.
 The lesson was referential transparency. To me referential tranparency
 is still obscure as a feature.
 Not using the monad , my functions pass around a generator, then they
 are repeatable, same generator , same computation.
 Years pass by, now evolutionary algorithms need to scale multicores.
 But multicore can be used with threads or par, the difference is that
 par is pure, because it respects referential transparency. But threads
 They are always unrespectful ? Or it's an implementation issue of
 preemptive choice?
 Can I have a baton to pass around like I had for random generator, so
 that the computation ends without IO (unsafe performed) , without
 breaking tranparency,
 something like (runIOThreads :: ThreadsIO a - ThreadsBaton - a) ?
 From Real World Haskell my algorithm have to be parallelized as they
 don't do some kind of IO, they don't deal with the world, but where is
 it stated that it is possible  to write them with par (I couldn't) ?
 More , I'm not caring  that my computation is unrepeatable, for me
 it's fine that  the runtime system  gives me the cached results for
 same arguments computation. The fact that it doesn't ,and recompute
 the function giving out something fuzzily different from before, is
 enough to coerce me to spit out IO  values ?
 Finally, why and where the optimizer will substitute a value with its
 definition, so that it possibly get computed twice ?



 I am not an expert in this matter, but as nobody answered sofar (perhaps
 people were frightened off by a lack of structure in your text), I will
 try to give some pointers:

   - You can start a function with parameters in a thread like this
   threadId - forkIO (foo 42)
 where foo has type Int - IO ()

   - Communication between threads can be done with MVars, see:

   - You can find concurrency demos at:

   - Links to articles about parallelism:

   - To prevent recomputing, read:

 Henk-Jan van Tuyl


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] parallelism or concurrency ? if they are different

2009-02-13 Thread Paolino
When I came to haskell, I arrived with a small and only evolutionary
background in programming. First monad I met was MonadState StdGen m.
Everything was in someway acceptable, I had no problem in
explicitating the need for the generator.
The lesson was referential transparency. To me referential tranparency
is still obscure as a feature.
Not using the monad , my functions pass around a generator, then they
are repeatable, same generator , same computation.
Years pass by, now evolutionary algorithms need to scale multicores.
But multicore can be used with threads or par, the difference is that
par is pure, because it respects referential transparency. But threads
They are always unrespectful ? Or it's an implementation issue of
preemptive choice?
Can I have a baton to pass around like I had for random generator, so
that the computation ends without IO (unsafe performed) , without
breaking tranparency,
something like (runIOThreads :: ThreadsIO a - ThreadsBaton - a) ?
From Real World Haskell my algorithm have to be parallelized as they
don't do some kind of IO, they don't deal with the world, but where is
it stated that it is possible  to write them with par (I couldn't) ?
More , I'm not caring  that my computation is unrepeatable, for me
it's fine that  the runtime system  gives me the cached results for
same arguments computation. The fact that it doesn't ,and recompute
the function giving out something fuzzily different from before, is
enough to coerce me to spit out IO  values ?
Finally, why and where the optimizer will substitute a value with its
definition, so that it possibly get computed twice ?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] WriterT [w] IO is not lazy in reading [w]

2008-12-31 Thread Paolino
As someone suggested me, I can read the logs from Writer and WriterT
as computation goes by,
if the monoid for the Writer  is lazy readable.
This has been true until I tried to put the IO inside WriterT

 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
 import Control.Monad.Writer

 k :: (MonadWriter [Int] m) = m [Int]
 k = let f x = tell [x]  f (x + 1) in f 0

 works :: [Int]
 works = snd $ runWriter k

 hangs :: IO [Int]
 hangs = snd `liftM` runWriterT k

 main = take 20 `liftM` hangs = print

The main hangs both interpreted and compiled on ghc 6.10.1.

The issue is not exposing with IO alone as

main = print test  main

is a working program.

Thanks for explanations.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] WriterT [w] IO is not lazy in reading [w]

2008-12-31 Thread Paolino
I must ask why runWriterT k :: State s (a,[Int]) is working.
Looks like I could runIO the same way I evalState there.
In that case I wouldn't wait for the State s action to finish.


2008/12/31 Derek Elkins

 On Wed, 2008-12-31 at 21:48 +0100, Paolino wrote:
  As someone suggested me, I can read the logs from Writer and WriterT as
 computation goes by,
  if the monoid for the Writer  is lazy readable.
  This has been true until I tried to put the IO inside WriterT
   {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
   import Control.Monad.Writer
   k :: (MonadWriter [Int] m) = m [Int]
   k = let f x = tell [x]  f (x + 1) in f 0
   works :: [Int]
   works = snd $ runWriter k
   hangs :: IO [Int]
   hangs = snd `liftM` runWriterT k

 runWriterT :: MonadWriter w m a = WriterT w m a - m (a, w)

 which is to say runWriterT k :: IO (a, [Int])

 It's not going to return anything until the IO action terminates, which is
 to say never.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] WriterT [w] IO is not lazy in reading [w]

2008-12-31 Thread Paolino
How do I read IO is not lazy ?
 Is IO (=) forcing the evaluation of its arguments, causing the unwanted
neverending loop?
And, this happens even in (MonadTrans t = t IO)  (=) ?



2008/12/31 Ryan Ingram

 IO is not lazy; you never make it to print.

 Consider this program:

  k = f 0 where
 f n = do
 lift (print n)
 tell [n]
 f (n+1)

  weird :: IO [Int]
  weird = do
  (_, ns) - runWriterT k
  return (take 20 ns)

 What should weird print?  According to k, it prints every Int from
 0 up.  Aside from the extra printing, it has the same behavior as your

 For the result of a WriterT to be lazy readable, you need both the
 monoid to be lazy readable, and the transformed monad to be lazy,
 which IO isn't.

  -- ryan

 2008/12/31 Paolino
  As someone suggested me, I can read the logs from Writer and WriterT as
  computation goes by,
  if the monoid for the Writer  is lazy readable.
  This has been true until I tried to put the IO inside WriterT
  {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
  import Control.Monad.Writer
  k :: (MonadWriter [Int] m) = m [Int]
  k = let f x = tell [x]  f (x + 1) in f 0
  works :: [Int]
  works = snd $ runWriter k
  hangs :: IO [Int]
  hangs = snd `liftM` runWriterT k
  main = take 20 `liftM` hangs = print
  The main hangs both interpreted and compiled on ghc 6.10.1.
  The issue is not exposing with IO alone as
  main = print test  main
  is a working program.
  Thanks for explanations.
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parsing words with parsec

2007-03-30 Thread Paolino

On 3/30/07, Stefan O'Rear [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 05:43:34AM +0200, paolino wrote:
 I had a bad time trying to parse the words of a text.
 I suspect I miss some parsec knowledge.

I'd start by not sextuple-posting, it just sextuples the ugliness ;-)

Mhh, still I don't see any them in my inbox mails , probably something
buggy in gmail configuration, sorry :/.

import Char( isAlpha )
import List( groupBy )

equating f x y = f x == f y  -- in Data.Eq, iff you have GHC 6.7

isLetter x = isAlpha x || x == '_' || x == '@'

myWords = filter (isLetter . head) . groupBy (equating isLetter)

Testing your code, it misses the words with numbers inside exclusion
and uses the number as separators.

!runhaskell prova.hs
[[EMAIL PROTECTED],sara,mimmo,ab,a,b,ab,cd]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] A simple parsing task for parsec.

2007-03-29 Thread paolino
I had a bad time trying to parse the words of a text.
I suspect I miss some parsec knowledge.

In the end it seems working, though I haven't tested much and this example 
contains the main features I was looking.

*Main parseTest (parseLine eof) [EMAIL PROTECTED] sara,mimmo! 9ab a9b ab9 
[[EMAIL PROTECTED],sara,mimmo,cd]

manyTillT body terminator joiner = liftM2 joiner (manyTill body (lookAhead  
terminator)) terminator

wordChar = letter | oneOf _@ ? a valid word character

nonSeparator = wordChar | digit

wordEnd = do 
 x - wordChar
 notFollowedBy nonSeparator
 return x

word = manyTillT wordChar (try wordEnd) (\b t - b ++ [t]) ? a word

wordStart = do 
   (try nonSeparator  unexpected non separator) | anyChar
   lookAhead wordChar

nextWord =  manyTill anyChar (try wordStart)  (try word | nextWord)

parseLine end = do 
   f - option [] $ return `fmap` try word
   r - many $ try nextWord
   manyTill anyChar end
   return (f ++ r)   


Any comment to simplify this code is welcome.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Parsing words with parsec

2007-03-29 Thread paolino
I had a bad time trying to parse the words of a text.
I suspect I miss some parsec knowledge.

In the end it seems working, though I haven't tested much and this example 
contains the main features I was looking.

*Main parseTest (parseLine eof) [EMAIL PROTECTED] sara,mimmo! 9ab a9b ab9 
[[EMAIL PROTECTED],sara,mimmo,cd]

manyTillT body terminator joiner = liftM2 joiner (manyTill body (lookAhead  
terminator)) terminator

wordChar = letter | oneOf _@ ? a valid word character

nonSeparator = wordChar | digit

wordEnd = do 
 x - wordChar
 notFollowedBy nonSeparator
 return x

word = manyTillT wordChar (try wordEnd) (\b t - b ++ [t]) ? a word

wordStart = do 
   (try nonSeparator  unexpected non separator) | anyChar
   lookAhead wordChar

nextWord =  manyTill anyChar (try wordStart)  (try word | nextWord)

parseLine end = do 
   f - option [] $ return `fmap` try word
   r - many $ try nextWord
   manyTill anyChar end
   return (f ++ r)   


Any comment to simplify this code is welcome.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Parsing words with parsec

2007-03-29 Thread paolino
I had a bad time trying to parse the words of a text.
I suspect I miss some parsec knowledge.

In the end it seems working, though I haven't tested much and this example 
contains the main features I was looking.

*Main parseTest (parseLine eof) [EMAIL PROTECTED] sara,mimmo! 9ab a9b ab9 
[[EMAIL PROTECTED],sara,mimmo,cd]

manyTillT body terminator joiner = liftM2 joiner (manyTill body (lookAhead  
terminator)) terminator

wordChar = letter | oneOf _@ ? a valid word character

nonSeparator = wordChar | digit

wordEnd = do 
 x - wordChar
 notFollowedBy nonSeparator
 return x

word = manyTillT wordChar (try wordEnd) (\b t - b ++ [t]) ? a word

wordStart = do 
   (try nonSeparator  unexpected non separator) | anyChar
   lookAhead wordChar

nextWord =  manyTill anyChar (try wordStart)  (try word | nextWord)

parseLine end = do 
   f - option [] $ return `fmap` try word
   r - many $ try nextWord
   manyTill anyChar end
   return (f ++ r)   


Any comment to simplify this code is welcome.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list