Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy vs correct IO [Was: A round of golf]

2009-04-06 Thread Jason Dusek
  Is the choice of whether or not to open/close with each chunk
  read something that we can reasonably hide from the I/O API's
  user? There is at least one way in which is semantically
  distinct -- that old trick of opening a tempfile and then
  unlinking it to hide it.

  It may be the sort of thing that you do on demand, too -- we
  have a file handle pool and as we run out of handles we switch
  to opening/closing. For a single really long read,
  opening/closing every 4k is just churn; if your doing
  thousands of long reads at once, though, it can't be helped.

Jason Dusek
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy vs correct IO [Was: A round of golf]

2009-04-05 Thread Jason Dusek
 Operationally, the code does not open more than one file at a
 time. More importantly, the code *never* reads more than 4096
 characters at a time. A block of the file is read, split into
 words, counted, and only then another chunk is read. After one
 file is done, it is closed, and another file is processed. One
 can see that only one file is being opened at a time by
 enabling traces. The processing is fully incremental.

  It opens and closes each file in turn; but it would it be
  unwise to open and close each file as we'd read a chunk from
  it? This would allow arbitrary interleaving.

Jason Dusek
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy vs correct IO [Was: A round of golf]

2009-04-05 Thread Jason Dusek
  I hate to say it; but you know you can tweak the OS to allow
  excessive file handle usage.

  I once wrote a Haskell script to empty a very, vary large S3
  bucket. On Linux, I had to put it in a shell while loop to
  keep it going, due to file handle exhaustion. On my Mac it ran
  without incident.

 :; ulimit

  Turns out the `ulimit` on my Mac is pretty high.

Jason Dusek

 |...tweak the OS...|
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy vs correct IO [Was: A round of golf]

2009-04-05 Thread Jason Dusek
  Oh, curses. I didn't run it with the right option.

 :; ulimit -a
core file size  (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size   (kbytes, -d) 6144
file size   (blocks, -f) unlimited
max locked memory   (kbytes, -l) unlimited
max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files  (-n) 256
pipe size(512 bytes, -p) 1
stack size  (kbytes, -s) 8192
cpu time   (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes  (-u) 266
virtual memory  (kbytes, -v) unlimited

  So now I'm not sure why it worked on my Mac.

Jason Dusek
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy vs correct IO [Was: A round of golf]

2009-04-05 Thread Rick R
It depends on the underlying file control used by ghc. if it's the FILE
stream pointer, some implementations suffer from a 255 file limit. If it's a
standard file descriptor (open instead of fopen), then it's limited by

On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 10:35 AM, Jason Dusek wrote:

  Oh, curses. I didn't run it with the right option.

  :; ulimit -a
 core file size  (blocks, -c) 0
 data seg size   (kbytes, -d) 6144
 file size   (blocks, -f) unlimited
 max locked memory   (kbytes, -l) unlimited
 max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited
 open files  (-n) 256
 pipe size(512 bytes, -p) 1
 stack size  (kbytes, -s) 8192
 cpu time   (seconds, -t) unlimited
 max user processes  (-u) 266
 virtual memory  (kbytes, -v) unlimited

  So now I'm not sure why it worked on my Mac.

 Jason Dusek
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we
created them.
   - A. Einstein
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy vs correct IO [Was: A round of golf]

2009-04-05 Thread oleg

   It opens and closes each file in turn; but it would it be
   unwise to open and close each file as we'd read a chunk from
   it? This would allow arbitrary interleaving.

If I understand you correctly, you are proposing processing several
files in parallel, so to interleave IO. If the `files' in question are
communication pipes, or if KAIO (kernel asynchronous IO) is
available, it is indeed a good strategy. The last example in the file

(called test_driver_mux) demonstrates how to interleave IO with
Iteratees. Iteratees of course do not care how the source data have
been obtained, with or without interleaving.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy vs correct IO [Was: A round of golf]

2008-09-19 Thread Don Stewart
 Given the stance against top-level mutable variables, I have not
 expected to see this Lazy IO code. After all, what could be more against
 the spirit of Haskell than a `pure' function with observable side
 effects. With Lazy IO, one indeed has to choose between correctness
 and performance. The appearance of such code is especially strange
 after the evidence of deadlocks with Lazy IO, presented on this list
 less than a month ago. Let alone unpredictable resource usage and
 reliance on finalizers to close files (forgetting that GHC does not
 guarantee that finalizers will be run at all).
 Is there an alternative?

Hi Oleg!

I'm glad you joined the thread at this point.

Some background: our best solutions for this problem using lazy IO, are
based on chunk-wise lazy data structures, typically lazy bytestrings.
Often we'll write programs like:

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import System.Environment

main = do
[f] - getArgs
s   - B.readFile f
print (B.count '\n' s)

Which are nicely efficient

$ ghc -O2 A.hs --make
$ du -hs data
100M data

$ time ./A data 
./A data  0.17s user 0.04s system 100% cpu 0.210 total

And we know from elsewhere the performance is highlycompetitive:

Now, enumerators are very promising, and there's a lot of interest at
the moment, (e.g. just this week, Johan Tibell gave an inspiring talk at
Galois about this approach to IO,
and we spent the day sketching out an enumerator bytestring design, 

But there are some open questions. Perhaps you have some answers?

* Can we write a Data.ByteString.Enumerator that has matching or
  better performance than its dual, the existing chunk-wise lazy
  stream type?

* Is there a translation from 

data ByteString = Empty | Chunk {-# UNPACK #-} !S.ByteString ByteString

  and functions on this type,

foldlChunks :: (a - S.ByteString - a) - a - ByteString - a
foldlChunks f z = go z
go !a Empty= a
go !a (Chunk c cs) = go (f a c) cs

  to an enumerator implementation?

* Can we compose enumerators as we can stream functions?

* Can we do fusion on enumerators? Does that make composition easier?
(Indeed, is there an encoding of enumerators analogous to stream
fusion control?)

Any thoughts?

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy vs correct IO

2008-09-19 Thread Ketil Malde

 It is interesting to compare the above main function with the
 corresponding lazy IO:

Minor point I know, but aren't you really comparing it with the
corresponding *strict* IO?

 main'' = do
names - getArgs
files - mapM readFile names

print $ length $ words (concat files)

This works nicely if you replace the middle line with a lazy version, e.g.:

   files - mapM (unsafeInterleaveIO . B.readFile) names

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy vs correct IO [Was: A round of golf]

2008-09-19 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

oleg-30 wrote:
 I have not expected to see this Lazy IO code. After all, what could be
 more against
 the spirit of Haskell than a `pure' function with observable side effects.

What could even be more against the spirit of Haskell than 
the original theme of this thread, i.e. code that makes us cry?

Lennart's piece fudges purity, agreed, but it reads nicely as
idiomatic Haskell, swift on the eyes if not on the machine.

Consider if readFile's semantics were modified, i.e. not lazy,
at least not always.

In the ideal world, a smart enough compiler would just do 
the right thing, i.e. the IO String returned would be strict, or better 
yet, it would automatically chunkify the read to obtain constant 
space usage.

Lazy IO is indeed a nasty can of worms, not unrelated to the issue
of monadic IO as a gigantic sin bin. We could avoid it entirely, or we 
could sort out and algebraize the different interactions into a happier 
marriage of the pair.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy vs correct IO [Was: A round of golf]

2008-09-19 Thread Lennart Augustsson
I agree that lazy IO is a can with some worms in it.  But it's not that strange.
The readFile operation is in the IO monad, so it has an effect on the world.
This effect is not finished when readFile returns, and from the world
point of view
it's not entirely deterministic.

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 7:51 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lennart Augustsson wrote

 main = do
name:_ - getArgs
file - readFile name
print $ length $ lines file

 Given the stance against top-level mutable variables, I have not
 expected to see this Lazy IO code. After all, what could be more against
 the spirit of Haskell than a `pure' function with observable side
 effects. With Lazy IO, one indeed has to choose between correctness
 and performance. The appearance of such code is especially strange
 after the evidence of deadlocks with Lazy IO, presented on this list
 less than a month ago. Let alone unpredictable resource usage and
 reliance on finalizers to close files (forgetting that GHC does not
 guarantee that finalizers will be run at all).

 Is there an alternative?

 -- Counting the lines in a file
 import IterateeM

 count_nl = liftI $ IE_cont (step 0)
  step acc (Chunk str)  = liftI $ IE_cont (step $! acc + count str)
  step acc stream   = liftI $ IE_done acc stream
  count [] = 0
  count ('\n':str) = succ $! count str
  count (_:str) = count str

 main = do
   name:_ - getArgs
   IE_done counter _ - unIM $ enum_file name . enum_eof == count_nl
   print counter

 The function count_nl could have been in the library, but I'm a
 minimalist. It is written in a declarative rather than imperative
 style, and one easily sees what it does. The above code as well as the
 IterateeM library is Haskell98. It does not use any unsafe Haskell
 functions whatsoever.

 time wc -l /usr/share/dict/words
  235882 /usr/share/dict/words

 sys 0m0.000s

 time ~/Docs/papers/DEFUN08/Wc /usr/share/dict/words

 sys 0m0.008s

 To compare with lazy IO, the code using readFile gives

 time ~/Docs/papers/DEFUN08/Wc /usr/share/dict/words

 sys 0m0.023s

 So, choosing correctness does not mean losing in performance; in fact,
 one may even gain.

 Can enumerators compose? Well, we already seen the example above
(enum_file name . enum_eof)
 where the operation (.)
e1 . e2 = (==) e2 . e1
 is a flipped composition if monadic bind were considered a flipped

 Here is a more interesting example: count words in all the files whose
 names are given on the command line. There may be many files given,
 thousands of them.

 -- Count the stream. Again, could have been in the library
 stream_count :: Monad m = IterateeGM el m Int
 stream_count = liftI $ IE_cont (step 0)
  step acc (Chunk [])  = liftI $ IE_cont (step acc)
  step acc (Chunk [_]) = liftI $ IE_cont (step $! succ acc)
  step acc (Chunk ls)  = liftI $ IE_cont (step $! acc + length ls)
  step acc stream  = liftI $ IE_done acc stream

 main = do
   names - getArgs
   let enumerators = foldr (\name - (enum_file name .)) enum_eof names
   IE_done (IE_done counter _) _ - unIM $ enumerators ==
 enum_words stream_count
   print counter

 We notice that the composition of enumerators corresponds to the
 `concatenation' of their sources. Declaratively, the meaning of the
 above code is:
-- all the given files are concatenated
-- the resulting stream of characters is converted to a stream
 of words
-- the stream of words is counted.

 Operationally, the code does not open more than one file at a
 time. More importantly, the code *never* reads more than 4096
 characters at a time. A block of the file is read, split into words,
 counted, and only then another chunk is read. After one file is done,
 it is closed, and another file is processed. One can see that only one
 file is being opened at a time by enabling traces. The processing is
 fully incremental.

 /usr/local/share/doc/ghc6 find . -name \*.html -print | time xargs 
   16.99 real15.83 user 0.71 sys

 BTW, the program has counted words in 1169 files.

 It is interesting to compare the above main function with the
 corresponding lazy IO:

 main'' = do
   names - getArgs
   files - mapM readFile names
   print $ length $ words (concat files)

 The number of lines is comparable. The execution is not. If we try to
 run the lazy IO code, we get:

 /usr/local/share/doc/ghc6 find . -name \*.html -print | time xargs 
 Wc: ./libraries/Win32/Graphics-Win32-GDI-Path.html:
   openFile: resource exhausted (Too many open files)

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy vs correct IO [Was: A round of golf]

2008-09-19 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Fri, 2008-09-19 at 16:30 +0100, Lennart Augustsson wrote:
 I agree that lazy IO is a can with some worms in it.  But it's not that 
 The readFile operation is in the IO monad, so it has an effect on the world.
 This effect is not finished when readFile returns, and from the world
 point of view
 it's not entirely deterministic.

On operating systems that fail to maintain file system consistency.

Blaming an effect of an *operating system* misfeature on a *language*
feature is somewhat perverse.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy vs correct IO [Was: A round of golf]

2008-09-19 Thread David Menendez
On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 2:51 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lennart Augustsson wrote

 main = do
name:_ - getArgs
file - readFile name
print $ length $ lines file

 Given the stance against top-level mutable variables, I have not
 expected to see this Lazy IO code. After all, what could be more against
 the spirit of Haskell than a `pure' function with observable side
 effects. With Lazy IO, one indeed has to choose between correctness
 and performance. The appearance of such code is especially strange
 after the evidence of deadlocks with Lazy IO, presented on this list
 less than a month ago. Let alone unpredictable resource usage and
 reliance on finalizers to close files (forgetting that GHC does not
 guarantee that finalizers will be run at all).

 Is there an alternative?

 -- Counting the lines in a file
 import IterateeM

 count_nl = liftI $ IE_cont (step 0)
  step acc (Chunk str)  = liftI $ IE_cont (step $! acc + count str)
  step acc stream   = liftI $ IE_done acc stream
  count [] = 0
  count ('\n':str) = succ $! count str
  count (_:str) = count str

 main = do
   name:_ - getArgs
   IE_done counter _ - unIM $ enum_file name . enum_eof == count_nl
   print counter

 The function count_nl could have been in the library, but I'm a
 minimalist. It is written in a declarative rather than imperative
 style, and one easily sees what it does. The above code as well as the
 IterateeM library is Haskell98. It does not use any unsafe Haskell
 functions whatsoever.

Is the IterateeM library available on-line anywhere? I'm familiar
enough with your earlier work on enumerators that I can guess what
most of what that code is doing, but I'd like a better idea of what
== does.

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