Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-06 Thread Ryan Newton

Thanks, that is in interesting use case for handwritten Generics.

I'm not fully dissuaded though, simply because:

(1) it can't be too common!  Especially when you intersect the people who
have done or will do this with the people who care about SafeHaskell.
 (Again, if they don't, they won't mind this tiny Unsafe toggle.)

(2) even people who fall in this intersection still have the recourse of
doing what they need to do and asserting "TrustWorthy".  SafeHaskell is
good at supporting this kind of individual exception.

Whereas in my case I have no recourse!  Because my problem not about
asserting that a particular module is TrustWorthy, but rather about keeping
other users (running in -XSafe) from breaking my library.

On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 6:54 PM, Tillmann Rendel <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Ryan Newton wrote:
>> It is very hard for me to
>> see why people should be able to make their own Generic instances (that
>> might lie about the structure of the type), in Safe-Haskell.
> I guess that lying Generics instances might arise because of software
> evolution. Let's say we start with an abstract data type of binary trees.
>   module Tree (Tree, node, empty, null, split) where
> data Tree a = Node (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty
>   deriving Generics
> node = Node
> empty = Empty
> null Empty = True
> null _ = False
> split (Node a b) = (a, b)
> size Empty = 0
> size (Node x y) = size x + size y
> Note that this data type is not really abstract, because we export the
> Generics instance, so clients of this module can learn about the
> implementation of Tree. This is not a big deal, because the chosen
> implementation happens to correspond to the abstract structure of binary
> trees anyway. So I would expect that generic code will work fine. For
> example, you could use generic read and show functions to serialize trees,
> and get a reasonable data format.
> Now, we want to evolve our module by caching the size of trees. We do
> something like this:
>   module Tree (Tree, node, empty, null, split) where
> data Tree a = Tree !Int (RealTree a)
> data RealTree a = Node (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty
> tree (Node a b) = Tree (size a + size b) t
> tree Empty = Tree 0 Empty
> node x y = tree (Node x y)
> empty = tree Empty
> null (Tree _ Empty) = True
> null _ = False
> split (Tree _ (Node a b)) = (a, b)
> size (Tree n _) = n
> Except for the Generics instance, we provide the exact same interface and
> behavior to our clients, we just traded some space for performance. But
> what Generics instance should we provide? If we just add "deriving
> Generics" to the two datatypes, we leak the change of representation to our
> clients. For example, a client that serialized a tree with a generic show
> function based on the old Tree cannot hope to deserialize it back with a
> generic read function based on the new Tree. The size information would be
> missing, and the structure would be different.
> If we write a Generics instance by hand, however, I guess we can make it
> present the exact same structure as the derived Generics instance for the
> old Tree. With this lying instance, the generic read function will happily
> deserialize the old data. The size will be computed on the fly, because our
> hand-written Generics instance will introduce calls to our smart
> constructors.
>   Tillmann
> __**_
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-06 Thread adam vogt
On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 6:54 PM, Tillmann Rendel
> Hi,
> Ryan Newton wrote:
>> It is very hard for me to
>> see why people should be able to make their own Generic instances (that
>> might lie about the structure of the type), in Safe-Haskell.
> I guess that lying Generics instances might arise because of software
> evolution. Let's say we start with an abstract data type of binary trees.


A real example exists in containers for the older Data class.
Data.Sequence.Seq pretends it is a list instead of a tree:

>>> gshow (S.fromList [1,2,3] S.|> 4)
"(<| (1) (<| (2) (<| (3) (<| (4) (empty)"

If there was a Generic instance for Seq, it would probably pretend to
be a list for the same reasons the Data instance is that way.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-06 Thread Carter Schonwald
(replicating what i said on the ghc-devs thread)

one thing i'm confused by, and this wasn't properly addressed in the prior

for a type like

data Annotated t ann =  MkAnn t ann

would you consider the following unsafe?

instance Eq t => Eq ( Annotated t ann)
   (==) (MkAnn t1 _) (MkAnn t2 _ ) =  t1 == t2

instance Ord t => Ord (Annotated t ann)
  compare (MkAnn t1 _) (MkAnn t2 _) = compare t1 t2

by the rubric you've proposed these might be *BAD*, right? But theres many
cases where you're doing computation on data, and you wish to track origin,
time, etc, but these annotations are *irrelevant* for the actual values
computed... It sounds like the proposal you want would rule out such

your proposal would rule out these pretty natural Ord/Eq instances!

am i not understanding your proposal?

It seems like  you want LVish to be deterministic in the sense of "up to
equality/ordering equivalence", the computation will always yield the same
answer .

Haskell has no way of enforcing totality, and deriving a "SafeEq" via
generics is wrong, see the Annotated type example i made up, above.

If you define determinism up to the equivalence/ordering relations
provided, and assuming anyone using LVish can read the docs before using
it, is there really any real problem? are there any *real* example
computations that someone might naively do despite the warning where the
actual answer would be broken because of this?

If we had a richer type system (like say, Idris plus some totality info),
how would we enforce the safety conditions needed to make LVish truely
deterministically type safe?


On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 6:54 PM, Tillmann Rendel <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Ryan Newton wrote:
>> It is very hard for me to
>> see why people should be able to make their own Generic instances (that
>> might lie about the structure of the type), in Safe-Haskell.
> I guess that lying Generics instances might arise because of software
> evolution. Let's say we start with an abstract data type of binary trees.
>   module Tree (Tree, node, empty, null, split) where
> data Tree a = Node (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty
>   deriving Generics
> node = Node
> empty = Empty
> null Empty = True
> null _ = False
> split (Node a b) = (a, b)
> size Empty = 0
> size (Node x y) = size x + size y
> Note that this data type is not really abstract, because we export the
> Generics instance, so clients of this module can learn about the
> implementation of Tree. This is not a big deal, because the chosen
> implementation happens to correspond to the abstract structure of binary
> trees anyway. So I would expect that generic code will work fine. For
> example, you could use generic read and show functions to serialize trees,
> and get a reasonable data format.
> Now, we want to evolve our module by caching the size of trees. We do
> something like this:
>   module Tree (Tree, node, empty, null, split) where
> data Tree a = Tree !Int (RealTree a)
> data RealTree a = Node (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty
> tree (Node a b) = Tree (size a + size b) t
> tree Empty = Tree 0 Empty
> node x y = tree (Node x y)
> empty = tree Empty
> null (Tree _ Empty) = True
> null _ = False
> split (Tree _ (Node a b)) = (a, b)
> size (Tree n _) = n
> Except for the Generics instance, we provide the exact same interface and
> behavior to our clients, we just traded some space for performance. But
> what Generics instance should we provide? If we just add "deriving
> Generics" to the two datatypes, we leak the change of representation to our
> clients. For example, a client that serialized a tree with a generic show
> function based on the old Tree cannot hope to deserialize it back with a
> generic read function based on the new Tree. The size information would be
> missing, and the structure would be different.
> If we write a Generics instance by hand, however, I guess we can make it
> present the exact same structure as the derived Generics instance for the
> old Tree. With this lying instance, the generic read function will happily
> deserialize the old data. The size will be computed on the fly, because our
> hand-written Generics instance will introduce calls to our smart
> constructors.
>   Tillmann
> __**_
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-06 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Ryan Newton wrote:

It is very hard for me to
see why people should be able to make their own Generic instances (that
might lie about the structure of the type), in Safe-Haskell.

I guess that lying Generics instances might arise because of software 
evolution. Let's say we start with an abstract data type of binary trees.

  module Tree (Tree, node, empty, null, split) where
data Tree a = Node (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty
  deriving Generics

node = Node

empty = Empty

null Empty = True
null _ = False

split (Node a b) = (a, b)

size Empty = 0
size (Node x y) = size x + size y

Note that this data type is not really abstract, because we export the 
Generics instance, so clients of this module can learn about the 
implementation of Tree. This is not a big deal, because the chosen 
implementation happens to correspond to the abstract structure of binary 
trees anyway. So I would expect that generic code will work fine. For 
example, you could use generic read and show functions to serialize 
trees, and get a reasonable data format.

Now, we want to evolve our module by caching the size of trees. We do 
something like this:

  module Tree (Tree, node, empty, null, split) where
data Tree a = Tree !Int (RealTree a)

data RealTree a = Node (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty

tree (Node a b) = Tree (size a + size b) t
tree Empty = Tree 0 Empty

node x y = tree (Node x y)

empty = tree Empty

null (Tree _ Empty) = True
null _ = False

split (Tree _ (Node a b)) = (a, b)

size (Tree n _) = n

Except for the Generics instance, we provide the exact same interface 
and behavior to our clients, we just traded some space for performance. 
But what Generics instance should we provide? If we just add "deriving 
Generics" to the two datatypes, we leak the change of representation to 
our clients. For example, a client that serialized a tree with a generic 
show function based on the old Tree cannot hope to deserialize it back 
with a generic read function based on the new Tree. The size information 
would be missing, and the structure would be different.

If we write a Generics instance by hand, however, I guess we can make it 
present the exact same structure as the derived Generics instance for 
the old Tree. With this lying instance, the generic read function will 
happily deserialize the old data. The size will be computed on the fly, 
because our hand-written Generics instance will introduce calls to our 
smart constructors.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-06 Thread Ryan Newton
Thanks for the responses all.

I'm afraid the point about GHC.Generics got lost here.  I'll respond and
then rename this as a specific library proposal.

I don't want to fix the world's Eq instances, but I am ok with requiring
that people "derive Generic" for any data they want to put in an LVar
container.  (From which I can give them a SafeEq instance.)

It's not just LVish that is in this boat any library that tries to
provide deterministic parallelism outside of the IO monad has some very
fine lines to walk.  Take a look at Accelerate.  It is deterministic (as
long as you run only with the CUDA backend and only on one specific GPU...
otherwise fold topologies may look different and non-associative folds may
leak).  Besides, "runAcc" does a huge amount of implicit IO (writing to
disk, calling nvcc, etc)!  At the very least this could fail if the disk if
full.  But then again, regular "pure" computations fail when memory runs
out... so I'm ok grouping these in the same bucket for now.  "Determinism
modulo available resources."

A possible problem with marking "instance Eq" as an unsafe feature is that
> many modules would be only Trustworthy instead of Safe.

My proposal is actually more narrow than that.  My proposal is to mark
GHC.Generics as Unsafe.

That way I can define my own SafeEq, and know that someone can't break it
by making a Generic instance that lies.  It is very hard for me to see why
people should be able to make their own Generic instances (that might lie
about the structure of the type), in Safe-Haskell.

> That would go against my "every purely functional module is automatically
> safe because the compiler checks that it cannot launch the missiles"
> understanding of Safe Haskell.

Heh, that may already be violated by the fact that you can't use other
extensions like OverlappingInstances, or provide your own Typeable

> Actually, Eq instances are not unsafe per se, but only if I also use some
> other module that assumes certain properties about all Eq instances in
> scope. So in order to check safety, two independent modules (the provider
> and the consumer of the Eq instance) would have to cooperate.

I've found, that this is a very common problem that we have when trying to
make our libraries Safe-Haskell compliant -- often we want to permit and
deny combinations of modules.  I don't have a solution I'm afraid.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-04 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Tom Ellis wrote:

On Wed, Oct 02, 2013 at 11:24:39AM +0200, Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

I'm not sure whether the  Eq  instance you mention is actually
incorrect. I had always understood that  Eq  denotes an equivalence
relation, not necessarily equality on the constructor level.

There's a difference between implementors being able to distingush equals,
and application programmers.  Internal implementations are allowed to break
all sorts of invariants, but, by definition, APIs shouldn't.

Are there examples where application programmers would like there so be some
f, a and b such that a == b but f a /= f b (efficiency concerns aside)?  I
can't think of any obvious ones.

I think the trouble here is that the instance

data Foo = Bar | Baz
instance Eq Foo where _ == _ = True

is perfectly fine if the possibility to distinguish between  Foo  and 
Bar  is not exported, i.e. if this is precisely an implementation detail.

The LVish library sits between chairs. If you consider all Eq instances 
Safe in the sense of SafeHaskell, then LVish must be marked Unsafe -- it 
can return different results in a non-deterministic fashion. However, if 
only Eq instance that adhere to the "exported functions preserve 
equivalence" law are allowed, then LVish can be marked Safe or 
Trustworthy, but that assurance is precisely one we lack.

I think the generic form of the problem is this:

   module LVish where
   -- | 'foo' expects the invariant that the
   -- first argument must be 'True'.
   foo :: Bool -> String
   foo False = unsafeLaunchMissiles
   foo True  = "safe"

   module B where
   goo = foo False

What status should SafeHaskell assign to the modules LVish and B, 

It looks like the right assignment is:

   LVish - Unsafe
   B - Trustworthy

If LVish cannot guarantee referential transparency without assumptions 
on external input, then it stands on a similar footing as  unsafePerformIO .

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-02 Thread Carter Schonwald
So i think we can conclude the following

1) things are not perfect currently. But it requires some huge type class
changes to have a better story

2) certain types of data types will need to be newtyped to have instances
that play nice with Ryans concurrency work. Thats ok. Theres often good
reasons for those "illegal" instances. There is no sound and COMPLETE way
to enforce having "good" instances, and thats a good thing, though having
more libs work correctly is always a good thing

3) as always, people complain about floats, when the real issue is the
current numerical type classes, which are wrong in a number of ways. I hope
to experiment with my own ideas in that direction soon. Not worth a boring
no ideas worth taking seriously cafe thread

On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Mike Meyer  wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 5:18 AM, Tom Ellis <
>> wrote:
> > Are there examples where application programmers would like there so be
> some
> > f, a and b such that a == b but f a /= f b (efficiency concerns aside)?
>  I
> > can't think of any obvious ones.
> Yes, and we already handle it properly:
>  Prelude> let f = (1.0 /)
> Prelude> let (z, negz) = (0.0, -0.0)
> Prelude> z == negz
> True
> Prelude> f z /= f negz
> True
> This is *not* an "IEEE Floats are weird" thing. Application
> programmers want 0.0 to equal -0.0, but -Infinity to not be equal to
> Infinity.
> Of course, given how many "IEEE Floats are weird" things there are,
> you can reasonably consider ignoring this example.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-02 Thread Mike Meyer
On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 5:18 AM, Tom Ellis <> wrote:
> Are there examples where application programmers would like there so be
> f, a and b such that a == b but f a /= f b (efficiency concerns aside)?  I
> can't think of any obvious ones.

Yes, and we already handle it properly:

Prelude> let f = (1.0 /)
Prelude> let (z, negz) = (0.0, -0.0)
Prelude> z == negz
Prelude> f z /= f negz

This is *not* an "IEEE Floats are weird" thing. Application
programmers want 0.0 to equal -0.0, but -Infinity to not be equal to

Of course, given how many "IEEE Floats are weird" things there are,
you can reasonably consider ignoring this example.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-02 Thread Stijn van Drongelen
On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 6:57 PM, Stijn van Drongelen wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 5:36 PM, Roman Cheplyaka  wrote:
>> * Stijn van Drongelen  [2013-10-02 15:46:42+0200]
>> > I do think something has to be done to have an Eq and Ord with more
>> strict
>> > laws.
>> >
>> > * Operators in Eq and Ord diverge iff any of their parameters are
>> bottom.
>> This outlaws the Eq instances of lists, trees, and other (co)recursive
>> types.
>> Furthermore, in this formulation, even Eq for tuples is illegal, because
>>   (undefined, something) == somethingElse
>> is going to diverge.
>> Roman
> I knew this was going to bite me in the ass. Let me try again:
> * Operators in Eq and Ord may only diverge when any of their parameters
> are bottom.

What am I thinking. Scratch that.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-02 Thread Stijn van Drongelen
On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Tom Ellis <> wrote:

> What's the benefit of this requirement, as opposed to, for example
>False <= _ = True

I was trying to cover for void types, where the only sensible definitions

instance Eq Void where
_ == _ = error "void (==)"

instance Ord Void where
_ <= _ = error "void (<=)"

This is because reflexivity must be guaranteed, so undefined == undefined
may not yield False, but I doubt error "foo" == (let x = x in x) should
yield True either. But perhaps this exception deserves its own rule.

On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 5:36 PM, Roman Cheplyaka  wrote:

> * Stijn van Drongelen  [2013-10-02 15:46:42+0200]
> > I do think something has to be done to have an Eq and Ord with more
> strict
> > laws.
> >
> > * Operators in Eq and Ord diverge iff any of their parameters are bottom.
> This outlaws the Eq instances of lists, trees, and other (co)recursive
> types.
> Furthermore, in this formulation, even Eq for tuples is illegal, because
>   (undefined, something) == somethingElse
> is going to diverge.
> Roman

I knew this was going to bite me in the ass. Let me try again:

* Operators in Eq and Ord may only diverge when any of their parameters are
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-02 Thread Roman Cheplyaka
* Stijn van Drongelen  [2013-10-02 15:46:42+0200]
> I do think something has to be done to have an Eq and Ord with more strict
> laws.
> * Operators in Eq and Ord diverge iff any of their parameters are bottom.

This outlaws the Eq instances of lists, trees, and other (co)recursive

Furthermore, in this formulation, even Eq for tuples is illegal, because

  (undefined, something) == somethingElse

is going to diverge.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-02 Thread Tom Ellis
On Wed, Oct 02, 2013 at 03:46:42PM +0200, Stijn van Drongelen wrote:
> * Operators in Eq and Ord diverge iff any of their parameters are bottom.

What's the benefit of this requirement, as opposed to, for example

   False <= _ = True

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-02 Thread Stijn van Drongelen
On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 3:49 PM, Niklas Haas  wrote:

> On Wed, 2 Oct 2013 15:46:42 +0200, Stijn van Drongelen 
> wrote:
> > I do think something has to be done to have an Eq and Ord with more
> strict
> > laws.
> >
> > * Operators in Eq and Ord diverge iff any of their parameters are bottom.
> > * The default definitions of (/=), (<), (>) and `compare` are law.
> > * (==) is reflexive and transitive
> > * (<=) is antisymmetric ((x <= y && y <= x) `implies` (x == y))
> > * (<=) is 'total' (x <= y || y <= x)
> > * (<=) is transitive
> >
> > Currently, reflexivity of (==) is broken in the Prelude (let x = 0/0 in x
> > == x). I know this is for IEEE 754 compliance, but c'mon, this is
> Haskell,
> > we can have better ways of dealing with NaNs.
> Like making Double not be an instance of Eq?
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Like making IEEE754 Doubles not an instance of Eq. Normal and denormal
Doubles should have Eq instances.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-02 Thread Colin Adams
Only for meanings of "better" which do not imply as good performance.

On 2 October 2013 14:46, Stijn van Drongelen  wrote:

> I do think something has to be done to have an Eq and Ord with more strict
> laws.
> * Operators in Eq and Ord diverge iff any of their parameters are bottom.
> * The default definitions of (/=), (<), (>) and `compare` are law.
> * (==) is reflexive and transitive
> * (<=) is antisymmetric ((x <= y && y <= x) `implies` (x == y))
> * (<=) is 'total' (x <= y || y <= x)
> * (<=) is transitive
> Currently, reflexivity of (==) is broken in the Prelude (let x = 0/0 in x
> == x). I know this is for IEEE 754 compliance, but c'mon, this is Haskell,
> we can have better ways of dealing with NaNs.
> -Stijn
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-02 Thread Niklas Haas
On Wed, 2 Oct 2013 15:46:42 +0200, Stijn van Drongelen  
> I do think something has to be done to have an Eq and Ord with more strict
> laws.
> * Operators in Eq and Ord diverge iff any of their parameters are bottom.
> * The default definitions of (/=), (<), (>) and `compare` are law.
> * (==) is reflexive and transitive
> * (<=) is antisymmetric ((x <= y && y <= x) `implies` (x == y))
> * (<=) is 'total' (x <= y || y <= x)
> * (<=) is transitive
> Currently, reflexivity of (==) is broken in the Prelude (let x = 0/0 in x
> == x). I know this is for IEEE 754 compliance, but c'mon, this is Haskell,
> we can have better ways of dealing with NaNs.

Like making Double not be an instance of Eq?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-02 Thread Stijn van Drongelen
I do think something has to be done to have an Eq and Ord with more strict

* Operators in Eq and Ord diverge iff any of their parameters are bottom.
* The default definitions of (/=), (<), (>) and `compare` are law.
* (==) is reflexive and transitive
* (<=) is antisymmetric ((x <= y && y <= x) `implies` (x == y))
* (<=) is 'total' (x <= y || y <= x)
* (<=) is transitive

Currently, reflexivity of (==) is broken in the Prelude (let x = 0/0 in x
== x). I know this is for IEEE 754 compliance, but c'mon, this is Haskell,
we can have better ways of dealing with NaNs.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-02 Thread Roman Cheplyaka
* Tillmann Rendel  [2013-10-02 13:19:38+0200]
> Hi,
> Roman Cheplyaka wrote:
> >It still seems to fit nicely into Safe Haskell. If you are the
> >implementor of an abstract type, you can do whatever you want in the Eq
> >instance, declare your module as Trustworthy, and thus take the
> >responsibility for soundness of that instance w.r.t. your public API.
> A possible problem with marking "instance Eq" as an unsafe feature is
> that many modules would be only Trustworthy instead of Safe. So if I
> don't trust the authors of a module (because I don't know them), I
> cannot safely use their code just because they implement their own Eq
> instance?
> That would go against my "every purely functional module is
> automatically safe because the compiler checks that it cannot launch
> the missiles" understanding of Safe Haskell.
> Actually, Eq instances are not unsafe per se, but only if I also use
> some other module that assumes certain properties about all Eq
> instances in scope. So in order to check safety, two independent
> modules (the provider and the consumer of the Eq instance) would have
> to cooperate.

Good point!


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-02 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Roman Cheplyaka wrote:

It still seems to fit nicely into Safe Haskell. If you are the
implementor of an abstract type, you can do whatever you want in the Eq
instance, declare your module as Trustworthy, and thus take the
responsibility for soundness of that instance w.r.t. your public API.

A possible problem with marking "instance Eq" as an unsafe feature is 
that many modules would be only Trustworthy instead of Safe. So if I 
don't trust the authors of a module (because I don't know them), I 
cannot safely use their code just because they implement their own Eq 

That would go against my "every purely functional module is 
automatically safe because the compiler checks that it cannot launch the 
missiles" understanding of Safe Haskell.

Actually, Eq instances are not unsafe per se, but only if I also use 
some other module that assumes certain properties about all Eq instances 
in scope. So in order to check safety, two independent modules (the 
provider and the consumer of the Eq instance) would have to cooperate.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-02 Thread Roman Cheplyaka
* Heinrich Apfelmus  [2013-10-02 11:24:39+0200]
> In other words, equality of abstract data types is different from
> equality of algebraic data types (constructors). I don't think you'll
> ever be able to avoid this proof obligation that the public API of an
> abstract data type preserves equivalence, so that LVish will yield
> "results that are deterministic up to equivalence".

It still seems to fit nicely into Safe Haskell. If you are the
implementor of an abstract type, you can do whatever you want in the Eq
instance, declare your module as Trustworthy, and thus take the
responsibility for soundness of that instance w.r.t. your public API.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-02 Thread Tom Ellis
On Wed, Oct 02, 2013 at 11:24:39AM +0200, Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:
> I'm not sure whether the  Eq  instance you mention is actually
> incorrect. I had always understood that  Eq  denotes an equivalence
> relation, not necessarily equality on the constructor level.

There's a difference between implementors being able to distingush equals,
and application programmers.  Internal implementations are allowed to break
all sorts of invariants, but, by definition, APIs shouldn't.

Are there examples where application programmers would like there so be some
f, a and b such that a == b but f a /= f b (efficiency concerns aside)?  I
can't think of any obvious ones.

> One prominent example would be equality of Data.Map itself: two maps
> are "equal" if they contain the same key-value pairs,
> map1 == map2  <=>  toAscList map1 == toAscList map2
> but that doesn't mean that their internal representation -- the
> balanced tree -- is the same. Virtually all exported operations in
> Data.Map preserve this equivalence, but the library is, in
> principle, still able to distinguish "equal" maps.

I had a quick skim of

to find such examples, and the only one that jumped out was "showTree".  Are
there others?

Still, although the library is, in principle, able to distinguish "equal"
maps, isn't this just a leaking implementation detail?  Is it somehow of
benefit to API users?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-02 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Ryan Newton wrote:

Here are some examples:

data Foo = Bar | Baz

instance Eq Foo where
  _ == _ = True

instance Ord Foo where
  compare Bar Bar = EQ
  compare Bar Baz = LT
  compare _   _   = error "I'm partial!"

These would allow LVish's "runPar" to non-determinstically return Bar or
Baz (thinking they're the same based on Eq).  Or it would allow runPar to
nondeterministically crash based on different schedulings hitting the
compare error or not [1].


[1] If you're curious why this happens, its because the Ord instance is
used by, say, Data.Set and Data.Map for the keys.  If you're inserting
elements in an arbitrary order, the final contents ARE deterministic, but
the comparisons that are done along the way ARE NOT.

I'm not sure whether the  Eq  instance you mention is actually 
incorrect. I had always understood that  Eq  denotes an equivalence 
relation, not necessarily equality on the constructor level.

One prominent example would be equality of Data.Map itself: two maps are 
"equal" if they contain the same key-value pairs,

map1 == map2  <=>  toAscList map1 == toAscList map2

but that doesn't mean that their internal representation -- the balanced 
tree -- is the same. Virtually all exported operations in Data.Map 
preserve this equivalence, but the library is, in principle, still able 
to distinguish "equal" maps.

In other words, equality of abstract data types is different from 
equality of algebraic data types (constructors). I don't think you'll 
ever be able to avoid this proof obligation that the public API of an 
abstract data type preserves equivalence, so that LVish will yield 
"results that are deterministic up to equivalence".

However, you are mainly focused on equality of keys for a Map. In this 
case, it might be possible to move towards pointer equality and use 
things like  Hashable  or  StableName .

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-01 Thread Ryan Newton
Here are some examples:

data Foo = Bar | Baz

instance Eq Foo where
  _ == _ = True

instance Ord Foo where
  compare Bar Bar = EQ
  compare Bar Baz = LT
  compare _   _   = error "I'm partial!"

These would allow LVish's "runPar" to non-determinstically return Bar or
Baz (thinking they're the same based on Eq).  Or it would allow runPar to
nondeterministically crash based on different schedulings hitting the
compare error or not [1].

FYI here's LVish:

(More info in this POPL paper:


[1] If you're curious why this happens, its because the Ord instance is
used by, say, Data.Set and Data.Map for the keys.  If you're inserting
elements in an arbitrary order, the final contents ARE deterministic, but
the comparisons that are done along the way ARE NOT.

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Ryan Newton  wrote:

> Hello all,
> Normally, we don't worry *too* much about incorrect instances of standard
> classes (Num, Eq, Ord) etc.  They make the user's program wrong, but they
> don't compromise the type system.
> Unfortunately, with the LVish parallel programming library we do have a
> situation where incorrect instances of Eq and Ord can cause the "types to
> lie".  In particular, something that claims to be a pure, non-IO type, can
> actually yield a different result on different runs, including throwing
> exceptions on some runs but not others.
> So what's the best way to lock down "SafeEq" and "SafeOrd" instances,
> taking control away from the user (at least with -XSafe is turned on)?
> We could derive our own SafeEq and SafeOrd instances based on
> GHC.Generics.  BUT, that only helps if we can forbid the user from writing
> their own incorrect Generics instances when Safe Haskell is turned on.  It
> looks like GHC.Generics is currently marked as "TrustWorthy":
> So could we get GHC.Generics marked as "Unsafe" and enable some more
> limited interface that is "Trustworthy"?  (Allowing the user ONLY to do
> 'deriving Generic').
> This would be similar to the new policy in GHC 7.8 of only allowing
> derived Typeable instances...
>   -Ryan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-01 Thread Ryan Newton
Hello all,

Normally, we don't worry *too* much about incorrect instances of standard
classes (Num, Eq, Ord) etc.  They make the user's program wrong, but they
don't compromise the type system.

Unfortunately, with the LVish parallel programming library we do have a
situation where incorrect instances of Eq and Ord can cause the "types to
lie".  In particular, something that claims to be a pure, non-IO type, can
actually yield a different result on different runs, including throwing
exceptions on some runs but not others.

So what's the best way to lock down "SafeEq" and "SafeOrd" instances,
taking control away from the user (at least with -XSafe is turned on)?

We could derive our own SafeEq and SafeOrd instances based on GHC.Generics.
 BUT, that only helps if we can forbid the user from writing their own
incorrect Generics instances when Safe Haskell is turned on.  It looks like
GHC.Generics is currently marked as "TrustWorthy":

So could we get GHC.Generics marked as "Unsafe" and enable some more
limited interface that is "Trustworthy"?  (Allowing the user ONLY to do
'deriving Generic').

This would be similar to the new policy in GHC 7.8 of only allowing derived
Typeable instances...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list