Re: [Haskell-cafe] Arithmetic expressions with GADTs: parsing

2012-06-05 Thread Paolino
Very useful to get a gadt back to monotype without an existential, which
would mean to use classes for future uses of it with its load of object
oriented thinking.

Thanks for sharing.


2012/6/4 Ryan Ingram 

> Another option is to reify the type so that you can get it back somehow.
> Here's a few diffs to your file (I've attached the full code):
> A new type:
> data Typed f where
>TDouble :: f Double -> Typed f
>TBool :: f Bool -> Typed f
> runT :: (f Double -> a) -> (f Bool -> a) -> Typed f -> a
> runT k _ (TDouble x) = k x
> runT _ k (TBool x)   = k x
> New version of pExpr that can parse both expression types, by tagging with
> the type
> -- pExpr = pArit <|> pBool <|> pEqual
> pExpr = (TDouble <$> pArit) <|> (TBool <$> pBool) <|> (TDouble <$>
> pEqual)
> and now main:
> main = do line <- getLine
>   case parse pExpr "" line of
> Left msg -> putStrLn (show msg)
> Right e -> putStrLn (runT (show . eval) (show . eval) e)
> What I'm doing here is reifying the possible types of top level
> expressions and then providing a handler in main which works on all
> possible types.  There are other ways to do this (embed any expression in
> an existential, for example), but this makes it really clear what is going
> on, and shows the way forward for parsing a larger typed language.
>   -- ryan
> On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 6:08 AM,  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 02, 2012 at 03:02:46PM +0300, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:
>> > *  [2012-05-02 08:03:45-0300]
>> [...]
>> > The alternatives given to <|> must be of the same type. In your case,
>> > one is Expr Double and one is Expr Bool.
>> >
>> > Inclusion of pBool in pFactor is probably a mistake — unless you're
>> > going to multiply booleans.
>> You are right in the sense that I cannot mix Expr Bool and Expr Double
>> in a (O op l r) expression.
>> But the parser should be able to parse any form of expressions. So I
>> rewrite my program to take this into account.
>> The new versions still does not compile:
>> Expr.hs:27:23:
>> Couldn't match expected type `Double' with actual type `Bool'
>> Expected type: ParsecT
>> String () Data.Functor.Identity.Identity (Expr Double)
>>  Actual type: ParsecT
>> String () Data.Functor.Identity.Identity (Expr Bool)
>>In the first argument of `(<|>)', namely `pBool'
>>In the second argument of `(<|>)', namely `pBool <|> pEqual'
>> Romildo
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Arithmetic expressions with GADTs: parsing

2012-06-04 Thread Ryan Ingram
Another option is to reify the type so that you can get it back somehow.
Here's a few diffs to your file (I've attached the full code):

A new type:
data Typed f where
   TDouble :: f Double -> Typed f
   TBool :: f Bool -> Typed f

runT :: (f Double -> a) -> (f Bool -> a) -> Typed f -> a
runT k _ (TDouble x) = k x
runT _ k (TBool x)   = k x

New version of pExpr that can parse both expression types, by tagging with
the type
-- pExpr = pArit <|> pBool <|> pEqual
pExpr = (TDouble <$> pArit) <|> (TBool <$> pBool) <|> (TDouble <$>

and now main:
main = do line <- getLine
  case parse pExpr "" line of
Left msg -> putStrLn (show msg)
Right e -> putStrLn (runT (show . eval) (show . eval) e)

What I'm doing here is reifying the possible types of top level expressions
and then providing a handler in main which works on all possible types.
There are other ways to do this (embed any expression in an existential,
for example), but this makes it really clear what is going on, and shows
the way forward for parsing a larger typed language.

  -- ryan

On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 6:08 AM,  wrote:

> On Wed, May 02, 2012 at 03:02:46PM +0300, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:
> > *  [2012-05-02 08:03:45-0300]
> [...]
> > The alternatives given to <|> must be of the same type. In your case,
> > one is Expr Double and one is Expr Bool.
> >
> > Inclusion of pBool in pFactor is probably a mistake — unless you're
> > going to multiply booleans.
> You are right in the sense that I cannot mix Expr Bool and Expr Double
> in a (O op l r) expression.
> But the parser should be able to parse any form of expressions. So I
> rewrite my program to take this into account.
> The new versions still does not compile:
> Expr.hs:27:23:
> Couldn't match expected type `Double' with actual type `Bool'
> Expected type: ParsecT
> String () Data.Functor.Identity.Identity (Expr Double)
>  Actual type: ParsecT
> String () Data.Functor.Identity.Identity (Expr Bool)
>In the first argument of `(<|>)', namely `pBool'
>In the second argument of `(<|>)', namely `pBool <|> pEqual'
> Romildo
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Description: Binary data
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Arithmetic expressions with GADTs: parsing

2012-05-02 Thread Sean Leather
Hi Romildo,

On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 3:08 PM, j.romildo wrote:

> You are right in the sense that I cannot mix Expr Bool and Expr Double
> in a (O op l r) expression.
> But the parser should be able to parse any form of expressions. So I
> rewrite my program to take this into account.
> The new versions still does not compile:
> Expr.hs:27:23:
> Couldn't match expected type `Double' with actual type `Bool'
> Expected type: ParsecT
> String () Data.Functor.Identity.Identity (Expr Double)
>  Actual type: ParsecT
> String () Data.Functor.Identity.Identity (Expr Bool)
>In the first argument of `(<|>)', namely `pBool'
>In the second argument of `(<|>)', namely `pBool <|> pEqual'

You appear to still be having the same problem. Perhaps this because you
don't quite understand the type error? Let me help you dissect it. Since
this is a type error, I'm not going to assume anything about what should or
should not work. I'll only look at the types.

First, let's comment out the offending line, so that your file type-checks:

Line 27: -- pExpr = pArit <|> pBool <|> pEqual

Next, let's look at each of the components relevant to the type error. The
first mentioned is (<|>). In GHCi, we can find out more information about

*Expr> :i (<|>)
(<|>) :: ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a
  -- Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim
infixr 1 <|>

>From this, we see that the same type parameters to ParsecT are used in the
two argument types as well as the result type. We also see that (<|>) is a
right-associative infix operator. So, this means the offending line could
be parenthesized as pArit <|> (pBool <|> pEqual), which fits the second
part of the type error, pBool <|> pEqual. Looking at the types of those, we

*Expr> :t pBool
pBool :: ParsecT String () Data.Functor.Identity.Identity (Expr Bool)
*Expr> :t pEqual
pEqual :: ParsecT String () Data.Functor.Identity.Identity (Expr Double)

As we saw with the type of (<|>), these two types should be the "same" (as
in unifiable). However, they are not, because the two type arguments to the
Expr GADT differ: Bool in one case and Double in the other. GHC cannot
"match" (unify) these types.

Now, to the goal of your project: You say that the parser "should be able
to parse any form of expressions," but since you are using a GADT with the
expected expression types in the result index of each constructor, you can
only define parsers that each parse an expression of a single type. That
is, you can have a parser for Expr Bool and a parser for Expr Double, but
these parsers can not be alternatives of another Expr and still have a
valid type. This is, of course, the reason for using the type index as it
is: you don't want Bool where you expect Double and vice versa.

As a general comment, you may want to consider simplifying your goal to
parsing only expressions of type Double. Then, what happens to your Bool
constructors? Well, you could drop them, or you could extend your GADT with
an "if" constructor that takes a boolean condition with Double alternatives.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Arithmetic expressions with GADTs: parsing

2012-05-02 Thread j . romildo
On Wed, May 02, 2012 at 03:02:46PM +0300, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:
> *  [2012-05-02 08:03:45-0300]
> The alternatives given to <|> must be of the same type. In your case,
> one is Expr Double and one is Expr Bool.
> Inclusion of pBool in pFactor is probably a mistake — unless you're
> going to multiply booleans.

You are right in the sense that I cannot mix Expr Bool and Expr Double
in a (O op l r) expression. 

But the parser should be able to parse any form of expressions. So I
rewrite my program to take this into account.

The new versions still does not compile:

Couldn't match expected type `Double' with actual type `Bool'
Expected type: ParsecT
 String () Data.Functor.Identity.Identity (Expr Double)
  Actual type: ParsecT
 String () Data.Functor.Identity.Identity (Expr Bool)
In the first argument of `(<|>)', namely `pBool'
In the second argument of `(<|>)', namely `pBool <|> pEqual'

{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}

module Expr where

import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<$),(<*),(*>))
import Data.Char

data Op where
  Add :: Op
  Sub :: Op
  Mul :: Op
  Div :: Op
  deriving (Show)

data Expr a where
  N :: Double -> Expr Double
  B :: Bool -> Expr Bool
  O :: Op -> Expr Double -> Expr Double -> Expr Double
  E :: Expr Double -> Expr Double -> Expr Bool

deriving instance Show (Expr a)

pExpr = pArit <|> pBool <|> pEqual
pArit = chainl1 pTerm (O Add <$ pToken "+" <|> O Sub <$ pToken "-")
pTerm = chainl1 pFactor (O Mul <$ pToken "*" <|> O Div <$ pToken "/")
pFactor   = N <$> pNum <|> between (pToken "(") (pToken ")") pArit
pNum  = read <$> pLexeme (many1 (satisfy isDigit))
pBool = (pToken "t" >> return (B True)) <|> (pToken "f" >> return (B False))
pEqual= E <$> pArit <* pToken "=" *> pArit

pToken   :: String -> Parser String
pToken t  = pLexeme (string t)
pLexeme p = p <* many (satisfy isSpace)

opf Add = (+)
opf Sub = (-)
opf Mul = (*)
opf Div = (/)

eval :: Expr a -> a
eval (N n)  = n
eval (B b)  = b
eval (O op l r) = opf op (eval l) (eval r)
eval (E l r)= eval l == eval r

-- main = do line <- getLine
--   case parse pExpr "" line of
-- Left msg -> putStrLn (show msg)
-- Right e -> putStrLn (eval e)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Arithmetic expressions with GADTs: parsing

2012-05-02 Thread Roman Cheplyaka
*  [2012-05-02 08:03:45-0300]
> Hello.
> In order to learn GADTs, I have written the attached program, which
> defines a type for arithmetic expressions using GADTs, a parser for
> them, and an evaluation function.
> But my parser does not typecheck. ghc-7.4.1 gives me the error message:
> Expr.hs:25:28:
> Couldn't match expected type `Double' with actual type `Bool'
> Expected type: Bool -> Expr Double
>   Actual type: Bool -> Expr Bool
> In the first argument of `(<$>)', namely `B'
> In the first argument of `(<|>)', namely `B <$> pBool'
> Any clues on how to fix that?

The alternatives given to <|> must be of the same type. In your case,
one is Expr Double and one is Expr Bool.

Inclusion of pBool in pFactor is probably a mistake — unless you're
going to multiply booleans.

Roman I. Cheplyaka ::

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Arithmetic expressions with GADTs: parsing

2012-05-02 Thread j . romildo

In order to learn GADTs, I have written the attached program, which
defines a type for arithmetic expressions using GADTs, a parser for
them, and an evaluation function.

But my parser does not typecheck. ghc-7.4.1 gives me the error message:

Couldn't match expected type `Double' with actual type `Bool'
Expected type: Bool -> Expr Double
  Actual type: Bool -> Expr Bool
In the first argument of `(<$>)', namely `B'
In the first argument of `(<|>)', namely `B <$> pBool'

Any clues on how to fix that?


module Expr where

import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<$),(<*))
import Data.Char

data Op where
  Add :: Op
  Sub :: Op
  Mul :: Op
  Div :: Op

data Expr a where
  N :: Double -> Expr Double
  B :: Bool -> Expr Bool
  O :: Op -> Expr Double -> Expr Double -> Expr Double
  E :: Expr Double -> Expr Double -> Expr Bool

pExpr = chainl1 pTerm   (O Add <$ pToken "+" <|> O Sub <$ pToken "-")
pTerm = chainl1 pFactor (O Mul <$ pToken "*" <|> O Div <$ pToken "/")
pFactor   = N <$> pNum <|> B <$> pBool <|> between (pToken "(") (pToken ")") pExpr
pNum  = read <$> pLexeme (many1 (satisfy isDigit))
pBool = (pToken "t" >> return (B True)) <|> (pToken "f" >> return (B False))

pToken   :: String -> Parser String
pToken t  = pLexeme (string t)
pLexeme p = p <* many (satisfy isSpace)

opf Add = (+)
opf Sub = (-)
opf Mul = (*)
opf Div = (/)

eval :: Expr a -> a
eval (N n)  = n
eval (B b)  = b
eval (O op l r) = opf op (eval l) (eval r)
eval (E l r)= eval l == eval r

main = do line <- getLine
  case parse pExpr "" line of
Left msg -> putStrLn (show msg)
Right e -> putStrLn (eval e)
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