Re: [Haskell-cafe] Making a strict (non-lazy) GCL Interpreter

2009-06-30 Thread Ketil Malde
Hector Guilarte writes:

   I need to randomly select ONE of the valid conditions and execute it's
 instruction. I know there is a Random Monad, but it returns an IO

No, this is not right.  Values in the Random monad are computations
that rely on randomness, but they can produce values of arbitrary
type.  (The 'a' in 'Random a', no?)

 Is there anyway I can do some Random that doesn't involve IO? or any other

Some options are:  

1.  Use the IO monad
2.  Use the Random monad
3.  Pass around a RandomGen explicitly
4.  Generate an infinite stream of random values, and pass that around 

I think option 2 is the nicest, but option 4 may work if the use of
randomness is limited.  No. 3 does the same as 2 (I presume, I never
looked) but with a lot more noise in your code, and no. 1 erases the
separation between real IO, and computations -- which IME includes a
lot of them -- that happen to depend on randomness (but require no
other IO).

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Making a strict (non-lazy) GCL Interpreter

2009-06-30 Thread Hector Guilarte
Thanks Ketil, I'll try to give that a try, but as I said beforen, I don't know 
anything about monads, and since this project is for next monday and I have 
many other projects for the University for next week too I can't learn them 
right now... What I need to do is randomly select an element from a List... Any 
Ideas? Also, I had another question in my original e-mail... Any ideas about 
--Original Message--
From: Ketil Malde
To: Hector Guilarte
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Making a strict (non-lazy) GCL Interpreter
Sent: Jun 30, 2009 05:00

Hector Guilarte writes:

   I need to randomly select ONE of the valid conditions and execute it's
 instruction. I know there is a Random Monad, but it returns an IO

No, this is not right.  Values in the Random monad are computations
that rely on randomness, but they can produce values of arbitrary
type.  (The 'a' in 'Random a', no?)

 Is there anyway I can do some Random that doesn't involve IO? or any other

Some options are:  

1.  Use the IO monad
2.  Use the Random monad
3.  Pass around a RandomGen explicitly
4.  Generate an infinite stream of random values, and pass that around 

I think option 2 is the nicest, but option 4 may work if the use of
randomness is limited.  No. 3 does the same as 2 (I presume, I never
looked) but with a lot more noise in your code, and no. 1 erases the
separation between real IO, and computations -- which IME includes a
lot of them -- that happen to depend on randomness (but require no
other IO).

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Making a strict (non-lazy) GCL Interpreter

2009-06-29 Thread Hector Guilarte
Hi everyone!

(First of all, I don't know Monads!)

I made a GCL (Guarded Command Language) Compiler and Interpreter for my
Languages and Machines course in my University with alex, happy and ghc. I
asked about a week ago about the use of unsafePerformIO for that same
project, now I have two new doubts:

1) When more than a Condition is true in a
if cond1 - instruction1
|  cond2 - instruction2
| condN - instructionN
  I need to randomly select ONE of the valid conditions and execute it's
instruction. I know there is a Random Monad, but it returns an IO Int, Is
there anyway I can do some Random that doesn't involve IO? or any other
solution? That part of the code is:

(My code is in Spanish. TablaOutput is a type and it stands for the tupe of
the Symbol Table (Data.Map) and the Output [String], obtenerValidos checks
wich pair of (condition,instruction) are true and makes a list out of them,
ejecutarUnoRand is the Instruction that executes one of the instructions

evalSeleccion:: [(BoolY,Instruccion)] - TablaOutput - TablaOutput
evalSeleccion lista tabla =
let validos = obtenerValidos lista [] tabla
in if (isEmpty validos) then error Las guardias del If estan
else ejecutarUnoRand validos tabla

obtenerValidos:: [(BoolY,Instruccion)] - [(BoolY,Instruccion)] -
TablaOutput - [(BoolY,Instruccion)]
obtenerValidos [] validos tabla = validos
obtenerValidos ((boolY,instruccion):bloqueIns) validos tabla = if (evalBoolY
boolY (fst tabla)) then obtenerValidos bloqueIns (validos ++
[(boolY,instruccion)]) tabla

else obtenerValidos bloqueIns validos tabla

ejecutarUnoRand:: [(BoolY,Instruccion)] - TablaOutput - TablaOutput
ejecutarUnoRand validos tabla =
let rand = 0 --getStdRandom (randomR (0,(length validos))) HERE'S WHERE
in evalInstruccion (snd (validos !! rand)) tabla

2) Since Haskell is Lazy, and my GCL program is being interpreted in Haskell
then my GCL is Lazy too (I know is not as simple as that but believe me,
somehow it is behaving lazy). The problem is that it can't be lazy (said to
me by my teacher today) so I tried using seq, I'll paste the code after
Programs in GCL like:
var i : value
i - 1 / 0

var i : value
i - 1 / 0;
show i

var i : value
var foo : array of 2
i - foo[42]

var i : value
i - foo[42];
show i

acts like this:
a and c finish interpretation
b throws division by zero error and finish interpretation
d throws index out of bounds error and finish interpretation

Now the code:
(again, it is in Spanish. ListLValue is a List of L-Values for the
assigments, ListExpr is the list of Expressions to be assigned, Tabla is the
Symbol Table (Data.Map), actualizarVar updates a Variable in the Symbol
Table with the new value valor, ActualizarArray updates the position
indice of an array in the Symbol Table. evalExpr evaluates an arithmetic
Expression and returns an Int. Inside evalExpr are the verifications for
division by zero of modulo by zero.)

evalAsignacion:: ListLvalue - ListExpr - Tabla - Tabla
evalAsignacion [] [] tabla = tabla
evalAsignacion ((Lid id):valueList) (expr:exprList) tabla =
let valor = (evalExpr expr tabla)
in valor `seq` evalAsignacion valueList exprList (actualizarVar id valor
evalAsignacion ((LArrayPosition id exprArray):valueList) (expr:exprList)
tabla =
let valor = (evalExpr expr tabla)
indice = (evalExpr exprArray tabla)
in valor `seq` indice `seq` evalAsignacion valueList exprList
(actualizarArray id indice valor tabla)

evalExpr:: Expr - Tabla - Int
evalExpr expr tabla =
let salida = (snd (evalAritmetico expr tabla))
in salida `seq` if (isLeft salida) then error (getLeft salida)
  else getRight salida

--((Int,Int) is the Line and Colum, that's for error reporting)
evalAritmetico :: Expr - Tabla - ((Int,Int),(Either String Int))

Thanks in advance,

Hector Guilarte
Haskell-Cafe mailing list