
After a lot of thinking, I can't get what I
am doing wrong in this code:
data ( RandomGen g ) => RandomMonad g a = RandomMonad (g -> a)

RandomGen g is considered the constraint for the application of RandomMonad constructor, but GHC does not conclude that every value of (RandomMonad g a) fulfills this constraint. Actually, 'undefined' is available for any 'g'.

you need to make (RandomGen g) a constraint of the instance:

instance RandomGen g => Monad (RandomMonad g) where

Nice. I wasn't so wrong as I though :)

I didn't understand why can't the compiler deduce
that g is always going to be of type RandomGen. Even
if I use 'undefined', it has to be a RandomGen undefined.

Btw. RandomMonad looks like Control.Monad.Reader.

You are right, I'll try that instead so I learn a little
bit more. But I can't understand this syntax:

class (Monad m) => MonadReader r m | m -> r where

What is the '|' doing there? I'll post that in a new thread
since it's a different question.


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