i'm sorry, the example with the flip list would be

flipList [[1,2],[3,4]] ==[4,3,2,1]

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 10:54 PM, Carter Schonwald <
carter.schonw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> In the course of some code I've been working on, I found I needed generic
> foldl  / foldr over heterogeneous data structures, where I can easily pick
> whether I want top down left right, botom up left right,  and  ___  right
> left traversals, and to in tandem sensibly approach if a parent node should
> be included altogether
> What i'm wondering is if i'm somehow overlooking some simpler ways of
> writing such or if my attached code for the foldl case (the foldr analogue
> is easy to see from the example code).
> code with example  follows
> --- my "foldl" that is abstracted from traversal order
> travL :: (b -> a -> b)->
>         GenericQ (Maybe  a) ->
>         (Maybe a -> b  ->(b -> a -> b)->(b->b)-> b) ->
>         GenericQ (b ->b)
> travL f  qry merge x nil = merge (qry x) nil f (\nl->
>                                                 foldl (flip ($)) nl  $
> gmapQ (travL f qry merge) x )
> --travR could be written as
> --- travR f  qry merge x nil = foldl (flip f) nil $ travL  (flip (:)) qry
> merge x []
> -- example usage
> -- takes the integers in some datastructure, and puts them in a list
> -- example:
> flipList :: Data a => a -> [Integer]
> flipList x = travL (flip (:) )  (mkQ Nothing  (Just :: Integer -> Maybe
> Integer)  ) (\ v nl f k -> maybe  (k nl) (\y -> k $! f nl y)  v ) x []
> I suppose that i could simplify it to
> travL :: GenericQ (Maybe  a) ->
>         (Maybe a -> b  ->(b->b)-> b) ->
>         GenericQ (b ->b)
> and have the operand *f* of the fold work within the *merge* parameter,
> but that doesn't address the important bit in my mind,
> namely that while its pretty clear to me that I can write the *synthesize*and
> *everything* combinators using my "travL/R" stuff, its not clear to me
> that the converse or something close to it is the case.
> Anyways, what're everyone's thoughts?
> thanks!
> -Carter
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