
recently I tried the Typing Haskell in Haskell library. But I was wondering why this program type checks:

-- plusMfun is standard '+': Num a => a -> a -> a
test = let Just classEnv = ( addCoreClasses <:> addNumClasses ) initialEnv
      e = Ap ( Ap (Var "+") (Lit $ LitStr "3")) (Lit $ LitStr "5")
      impl = ("foo",[([],e)])
    putStrLn $ pretty $ runTI $ tiImpls classEnv [plusMfun] [impl]

I was expecting some kind of typechecking error, because [Char] is no
instance of Num. But I get this:

([isIn1 cNum (TAp tList tChar)],
 ["foo" :>:
    Forall []
      ([] :=>
         (TAp tList tChar))])

The predicate says that if [Char] would be in Num then the type of the expression would be [Char]. But actually [Char] isn't in Num. So, how do I provoke a type check error in this case?

Thanks in advance.

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