Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is boxed mutable array so slow?

2012-12-01 Thread Branimir Maksimovic

Wow, now performance is on par with Java ;)So slow division was main problem, 
that and GC .

> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is boxed mutable array so slow?
> Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2012 21:12:29 +0100
> On Samstag, 1. Dezember 2012, 16:09:05, Branimir Maksimovic wrote:
> > All in all even unboxed array is about 10 times slower than Java version.
> > I don't understand why is even unboxed array so slow.
> It's not the unboxed arrays that are slow.
> Your code has a couple of weak spots, and GHC's native code generator has a 
> weakness that bites here.
> On my box, I don't quite have a 10× difference to my translation to Java, 
> it's 
> a bit less than 7× (0.82s vs 0.12s - I don't want to bring my box to its 
> knees 
> by running something that takes 3GB+ of RAM, so I run the unboxed array part 
> only) with the LLVM backend and 8× (0.93s) with the native code generator. 
> That's in the same ballpark, though.
> So what's the deal?
> Main.main_$s$wa1 [Occ=LoopBreaker]
>   :: GHC.Prim.Int#
>  -> GHC.Prim.Int#
>  -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld
>  -> GHC.Types.Int
>  -> GHC.Types.Int
>  -> GHC.Types.Int
>  -> ...
> Your loops carry boxed Ints around, that's always a bad sign. In this case it 
> doesn't hurt too much, however, since these values are neither read nor 
> substituted during the loop (they're first and last index of the array and 
> number of elements). Additionally, they carry an IOUArray constructor around. 
> That is unnecessary. Eliminating a couple of dead parameters
> init' a = do
> (_,n) <- getBounds a
> let init k
>   | k > n = return ()
>   | otherwise = do
>   let x = fromIntegral $ k + k `div` 3
>   unsafeWrite a k x
>   init (k+1)
> init 0
> partial_sum a = do
> (_,n) <- getBounds a
> let ps i s
>   | i > n = return ()
>   | otherwise = do
>   k <- unsafeRead a i
>   let l = s + k
>   unsafeWrite a i l
>   ps (i+1) l
> k <- unsafeRead a 0
> ps 1 k
> brings the time for the native code generator down to 0.82s, and for the LLVM 
> backend the time remains the same.
> Next problem, you're using `div` for the division.
> `div` does some checking and potentially fixup (not here, since everything is 
> non-negative) after the machine division because `div` is specified to satisfy
> a = (a `div` b) * b + (a `mod` b)
> with 0 <= a `mod` b < abs b.
> That is in itself slower than the pure machine division you get with quot.
> So let's see what we get with `quot`.
> 0.65s with the native code generator, and 0.13 with the LLVM backend.
> Whoops, what's that?
> The problem is, as can be seen by manually replacing k `quot` 3 with
> (k *2863311531) `shiftR` 33
> (requires 64-bit Ints; equivalent in Java: k*28..1L >> 33), when the native 
> backend, the LLVM backend and Java (as well as C) all take more or less the 
> same time [well, the NCG is a bit slower than the other two, 0.11s, 0.11s, 
> 0.14s], that division is a **very** slow operation.
> Java and LLVM know how to replace the division by the constant 3 with a 
> mulitplication, a couple of shifts and an addition (since we never have 
> negative numbers here, just one multiplication and shift suffice, but neither 
> Java nor LLVM can do that on their own because it's not guaranteed by the 
> type). The native code generator doesn't - not yet.
> So the programme spends the majority of the time dividing. The array reads 
> and 
> writes are on par with Java's (and, for that matter, C's).
> If you make the divisor a parameter instead of a compile time constant, the 
> NCG is not affected at all, the LLVM backend gives you equal performance (it 
> can't optimise a division by a divisor it doesn't know). Java is at an 
> advantage there, after a while the JIT sees that it might be a good idea to 
> optimise the division and so its time only trebles.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is boxed mutable array so slow?

2012-12-01 Thread Daniel Fischer
On Samstag, 1. Dezember 2012, 16:09:05, Branimir Maksimovic wrote:
> All in all even unboxed array is about 10 times slower than Java version.
> I don't understand why is even unboxed array so slow.

It's not the unboxed arrays that are slow.

Your code has a couple of weak spots, and GHC's native code generator has a 
weakness that bites here.

On my box, I don't quite have a 10× difference to my translation to Java, it's 
a bit less than 7× (0.82s vs 0.12s - I don't want to bring my box to its knees 
by running something that takes 3GB+ of RAM, so I run the unboxed array part 
only) with the LLVM backend and 8× (0.93s) with the native code generator. 
That's in the same ballpark, though.

So what's the deal?

Main.main_$s$wa1 [Occ=LoopBreaker]
  :: GHC.Prim.Int#
 -> GHC.Prim.Int#
 -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld
 -> GHC.Types.Int
 -> GHC.Types.Int
 -> GHC.Types.Int
 -> ...

Your loops carry boxed Ints around, that's always a bad sign. In this case it 
doesn't hurt too much, however, since these values are neither read nor 
substituted during the loop (they're first and last index of the array and 
number of elements). Additionally, they carry an IOUArray constructor around. 
That is unnecessary. Eliminating a couple of dead parameters

init' a = do
(_,n) <- getBounds a
let init k
  | k > n = return ()
  | otherwise = do
  let x = fromIntegral $ k + k `div` 3
  unsafeWrite a k x
  init (k+1)
init 0

partial_sum a = do
(_,n) <- getBounds a
let ps i s
  | i > n = return ()
  | otherwise = do
  k <- unsafeRead a i
  let l = s + k
  unsafeWrite a i l
  ps (i+1) l
k <- unsafeRead a 0
ps 1 k

brings the time for the native code generator down to 0.82s, and for the LLVM 
backend the time remains the same.

Next problem, you're using `div` for the division.

`div` does some checking and potentially fixup (not here, since everything is 
non-negative) after the machine division because `div` is specified to satisfy

a = (a `div` b) * b + (a `mod` b)

with 0 <= a `mod` b < abs b.

That is in itself slower than the pure machine division you get with quot.

So let's see what we get with `quot`.

0.65s with the native code generator, and 0.13 with the LLVM backend.

Whoops, what's that?

The problem is, as can be seen by manually replacing k `quot` 3 with

(k *2863311531) `shiftR` 33

(requires 64-bit Ints; equivalent in Java: k*28..1L >> 33), when the native 
backend, the LLVM backend and Java (as well as C) all take more or less the 
same time [well, the NCG is a bit slower than the other two, 0.11s, 0.11s, 
0.14s], that division is a **very** slow operation.

Java and LLVM know how to replace the division by the constant 3 with a 
mulitplication, a couple of shifts and an addition (since we never have 
negative numbers here, just one multiplication and shift suffice, but neither 
Java nor LLVM can do that on their own because it's not guaranteed by the 
type). The native code generator doesn't - not yet.

So the programme spends the majority of the time dividing. The array reads and 
writes are on par with Java's (and, for that matter, C's).

If you make the divisor a parameter instead of a compile time constant, the 
NCG is not affected at all, the LLVM backend gives you equal performance (it 
can't optimise a division by a divisor it doesn't know). Java is at an 
advantage there, after a while the JIT sees that it might be a good idea to 
optimise the division and so its time only trebles.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is boxed mutable array so slow?

2012-12-01 Thread Branimir Maksimovic

Thanks! I have downloaded tool and playing with it.I will use boxed vectors in 
the future ;)

> Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2012 13:22:47 -0500
> Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is boxed mutable array so slow?
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Regarding when to use mutable arrays versus vectors, I would always
> use vectors -- they optimize better, and have a better interface.
> Also, I have updated and released a new version of the tool mentioned below.
> You can get it on Hackage, updated to ghc 7 series.
> For your boxed vector program, we get results that show a clear
> performance peak with a -A of around 64M, about  the size of the
> allocated array ...
> Best settings for Running time:
> 0.16s:  +RTS -A67108864 -H1048576
> 0.16s:  +RTS -A67108864 -H2097152
> 0.16s:  +RTS -A67108864 -H8388608
> E.g.
> $ time ./A +RTS -A67M -H1M
> boxed vector
> last 945735787 seconds 0.123
> -- Don
> On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 12:20 PM, Don Stewart  wrote:
> > The obvious difference between boxed and unboxed arrays is that the
> > boxed arrays are full of pointers to heap allocated objects. This
> > means you pay indirection to access the values, much more time in GC
> > spent chasing pointers (though card marking helps), and generally do
> > more allocation.
> >
> > Compare the GC stats below, for
> >
> > * Boxed vector: 88M bytes copied; 75% of time in GC, 0.472s
> > * Unboxed vector: 11k bytes copied, 1.3% of time in GC, 0.077s
> >
> > So there's your main answer. The increased data density of unboxed
> > arrays also helps a too.
> >
> > Now, you can help out  the GC signifcantly by hinting at how much
> > you're going to allocated in the youngest generation (see the
> > ghc-gc-tune app for a methodical approach to this, though it needs
> > updating to ghc 7 --
> >
> >  and 
> >
> > ).
> >
> > Use the +RTS -A flag to set an initial youngest generation heap size
> > to the size of your array, and watch the GC cost disappear. For our
> > boxed vector, we'd use +RTS -A50M, resulting in:
> >
> > * Boxed vector: 8k copied, 1% of time in GC, 0.157s
> >
> > So not bad. 3x speedup through a RTS flag. -A is very useful if you
> > are working with boxed, mutable arrays.
> >
> > For reference, there's a generic version below that specializes based
> > on the vector type parameter.
> >
> > -
> >
> > {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
> >
> > import System.CPUTime
> > import Text.Printf
> > import Data.Int
> > import Control.DeepSeq
> > import System.Mem
> >
> > import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as V
> > import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as U
> > import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as G
> >
> > main :: IO()
> > main = do
> >
> > --   ( n' :: IO (V.IOVector Int32)) >>= test' "boxed vector"
> > --   performGC
> >( n' :: IO (U.IOVector Int32)) >>= test' "unboxed vector"
> >performGC
> >
> > test' s a = do
> > putStrLn s
> > begin <- getCPUTime
> > init'' a
> > partial_sum' a
> > end <- getCPUTime
> > let diff = (fromIntegral (end - begin)) / (10**12)
> > last <- a (n'-1)
> > printf "last %d seconds %.3f\n" last (diff::Double)
> >
> > n' :: Int
> > n' = 1000 * 1000
> >
> > init'' !a = init 0 (n'-1)
> >   where
> > init :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
> > init !k !n
> > | k > n = return ()
> > | otherwise = do
> > let !x = fromIntegral $ k + k `div` 3
> > G.write a k x
> > init (k+1) n
> >
> >
> >
> > partial_sum' !a = do
> > k <- a 0
> > ps 1 (n'-1) k
> >   where
> > ps :: Int -> Int -> Int32 -> IO ()
> > ps i n s
> > | i > n = return ()
> > | otherwise = do
> > k <- a i
> > let !l = fromIntegral $ s + k
> > G.write a i l
> >  

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is boxed mutable array so slow?

2012-12-01 Thread Don Stewart
Regarding when to use mutable arrays versus vectors, I would always
use vectors -- they optimize better, and have a better interface.

Also, I have updated and released a new version of the tool mentioned below.
You can get it on Hackage, updated to ghc 7 series.

For your boxed vector program, we get results that show a clear
performance peak with a -A of around 64M, about  the size of the
allocated array ...

Best settings for Running time:
0.16s:  +RTS -A67108864 -H1048576
0.16s:  +RTS -A67108864 -H2097152
0.16s:  +RTS -A67108864 -H8388608


$ time ./A +RTS -A67M -H1M
boxed vector
last 945735787 seconds 0.123

-- Don

On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 12:20 PM, Don Stewart  wrote:
> The obvious difference between boxed and unboxed arrays is that the
> boxed arrays are full of pointers to heap allocated objects. This
> means you pay indirection to access the values, much more time in GC
> spent chasing pointers (though card marking helps), and generally do
> more allocation.
> Compare the GC stats below, for
> * Boxed vector: 88M bytes copied; 75% of time in GC, 0.472s
> * Unboxed vector: 11k bytes copied, 1.3% of time in GC, 0.077s
> So there's your main answer. The increased data density of unboxed
> arrays also helps a too.
> Now, you can help out  the GC signifcantly by hinting at how much
> you're going to allocated in the youngest generation (see the
> ghc-gc-tune app for a methodical approach to this, though it needs
> updating to ghc 7 --
>  and 
> ).
> Use the +RTS -A flag to set an initial youngest generation heap size
> to the size of your array, and watch the GC cost disappear. For our
> boxed vector, we'd use +RTS -A50M, resulting in:
> * Boxed vector: 8k copied, 1% of time in GC, 0.157s
> So not bad. 3x speedup through a RTS flag. -A is very useful if you
> are working with boxed, mutable arrays.
> For reference, there's a generic version below that specializes based
> on the vector type parameter.
> -
> {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
> import System.CPUTime
> import Text.Printf
> import Data.Int
> import Control.DeepSeq
> import System.Mem
> import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as V
> import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as U
> import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as G
> main :: IO()
> main = do
> --   ( n' :: IO (V.IOVector Int32)) >>= test' "boxed vector"
> --   performGC
>( n' :: IO (U.IOVector Int32)) >>= test' "unboxed vector"
> test' s a = do
> putStrLn s
> begin <- getCPUTime
> init'' a
> partial_sum' a
> end <- getCPUTime
> let diff = (fromIntegral (end - begin)) / (10**12)
> last <- a (n'-1)
> printf "last %d seconds %.3f\n" last (diff::Double)
> n' :: Int
> n' = 1000 * 1000
> init'' !a = init 0 (n'-1)
>   where
> init :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
> init !k !n
> | k > n = return ()
> | otherwise = do
> let !x = fromIntegral $ k + k `div` 3
> G.write a k x
> init (k+1) n
> partial_sum' !a = do
> k <- a 0
> ps 1 (n'-1) k
>   where
> ps :: Int -> Int -> Int32 -> IO ()
> ps i n s
> | i > n = return ()
> | otherwise = do
> k <- a i
> let !l = fromIntegral $ s + k
> G.write a i l
> ps (i+1) n l
> -
> $ time ./A +RTS -s
> boxed vector
> last 945735787 seconds 0.420
>   40,121,448 bytes allocated in the heap
>   88,355,272 bytes copied during GC
>   24,036,456 bytes maximum residency (6 sample(s))
>  380,632 bytes maximum slop
>   54 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)
>   %GC time  75.2%  (75.9% elapsed)
>   Alloc rate359,655,602 bytes per MUT second
> ./A +RTS -s  0.40s user 0.07s system 98% cpu 0.475 total
> $ time ./A +RTS -s
> unboxed vector
> last 945735787 seconds 0.080
>4,113,568 bytes allocated in the heap
>   11,288 bytes copied during GC
>4,003,256 bytes maximum residency (3 sample(s))
>  182,856 bytes maximum slop
>5 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)
>   %GC time   1.3%  (1.3% elapsed)
>   Alloc rate51,416,660 bytes per MUT second
> ./A +RTS -s  0.08s user 0.01s system 98% cpu 0.088 total
> $ time ./A +RTS -A50M -s
> boxed vector
> last 945735787 seconds 0.127
>   40,121,504 bytes allocated in the heap
>8,032 bytes copied during GC
>   44,704 bytes maximum residency (2 sample(s))
>   20,832 bytes maximum slop
>   59 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentati

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is boxed mutable array so slow?

2012-12-01 Thread Branimir Maksimovic

Wow that sped it up 5 times.I see that boxed Vector is 25% faster than 
IOArray.What is the difference and when to use Vector,when IOArray?Thanks!
bmaxa@maxa:~/examples$ time ./Cumul +RTS -A1600Mboxed arraylast 262486571 
seconds 1.196unboxed arraylast 262486571 seconds 0.748boxed vectorlast 
262486571 seconds 0.908unboxed vectorlast 262486571 seconds 0.720
real0m3.805suser0m3.428ssys 0m0.372s

> Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2012 12:20:37 -0500
> Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is boxed mutable array so slow?
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> The obvious difference between boxed and unboxed arrays is that the
> boxed arrays are full of pointers to heap allocated objects. This
> means you pay indirection to access the values, much more time in GC
> spent chasing pointers (though card marking helps), and generally do
> more allocation.
> Compare the GC stats below, for
> * Boxed vector: 88M bytes copied; 75% of time in GC, 0.472s
> * Unboxed vector: 11k bytes copied, 1.3% of time in GC, 0.077s
> So there's your main answer. The increased data density of unboxed
> arrays also helps a too.
> Now, you can help out  the GC signifcantly by hinting at how much
> you're going to allocated in the youngest generation (see the
> ghc-gc-tune app for a methodical approach to this, though it needs
> updating to ghc 7 --
>  and 
> ).
> Use the +RTS -A flag to set an initial youngest generation heap size
> to the size of your array, and watch the GC cost disappear. For our
> boxed vector, we'd use +RTS -A50M, resulting in:
> * Boxed vector: 8k copied, 1% of time in GC, 0.157s
> So not bad. 3x speedup through a RTS flag. -A is very useful if you
> are working with boxed, mutable arrays.
> For reference, there's a generic version below that specializes based
> on the vector type parameter.
> -
> {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
> import System.CPUTime
> import Text.Printf
> import Data.Int
> import Control.DeepSeq
> import System.Mem
> import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as V
> import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as U
> import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as G
> main :: IO()
> main = do
> --   ( n' :: IO (V.IOVector Int32)) >>= test' "boxed vector"
> --   performGC
>( n' :: IO (U.IOVector Int32)) >>= test' "unboxed vector"
> test' s a = do
> putStrLn s
> begin <- getCPUTime
> init'' a
> partial_sum' a
> end <- getCPUTime
> let diff = (fromIntegral (end - begin)) / (10**12)
> last <- a (n'-1)
> printf "last %d seconds %.3f\n" last (diff::Double)
> n' :: Int
> n' = 1000 * 1000
> init'' !a = init 0 (n'-1)
>   where
> init :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
> init !k !n
> | k > n = return ()
> | otherwise = do
> let !x = fromIntegral $ k + k `div` 3
> G.write a k x
> init (k+1) n
> partial_sum' !a = do
> k <- a 0
> ps 1 (n'-1) k
>   where
> ps :: Int -> Int -> Int32 -> IO ()
> ps i n s
> | i > n = return ()
> | otherwise = do
> k <- a i
> let !l = fromIntegral $ s + k
> G.write a i l
> ps (i+1) n l
> -
> $ time ./A +RTS -s
> boxed vector
> last 945735787 seconds 0.420
>   40,121,448 bytes allocated in the heap
>   88,355,272 bytes copied during GC
>   24,036,456 bytes maximum residency (6 sample(s))
>  380,632 bytes maximum slop
>   54 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)
>   %GC time  75.2%  (75.9% elapsed)
>   Alloc rate359,655,602 bytes per MUT second
> ./A +RTS -s  0.40s user 0.07s system 98% cpu 0.475 total
> $ time ./A +RTS -s
> unboxed vector
> last 945735787 seconds 0.080
>4,113,568 bytes allocated in the heap
>   11,288 bytes copied during GC
>4,003,256 bytes maximum residency (3 sample(s))
>  182,856 bytes maximum slop
>5 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)
>   %GC time   1.3%  (1.3% elapsed)
>   Alloc 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is boxed mutable array so slow?

2012-12-01 Thread Don Stewart
The obvious difference between boxed and unboxed arrays is that the
boxed arrays are full of pointers to heap allocated objects. This
means you pay indirection to access the values, much more time in GC
spent chasing pointers (though card marking helps), and generally do
more allocation.

Compare the GC stats below, for

* Boxed vector: 88M bytes copied; 75% of time in GC, 0.472s
* Unboxed vector: 11k bytes copied, 1.3% of time in GC, 0.077s

So there's your main answer. The increased data density of unboxed
arrays also helps a too.

Now, you can help out  the GC signifcantly by hinting at how much
you're going to allocated in the youngest generation (see the
ghc-gc-tune app for a methodical approach to this, though it needs
updating to ghc 7 --

Use the +RTS -A flag to set an initial youngest generation heap size
to the size of your array, and watch the GC cost disappear. For our
boxed vector, we'd use +RTS -A50M, resulting in:

* Boxed vector: 8k copied, 1% of time in GC, 0.157s

So not bad. 3x speedup through a RTS flag. -A is very useful if you
are working with boxed, mutable arrays.

For reference, there's a generic version below that specializes based
on the vector type parameter.


{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

import System.CPUTime
import Text.Printf
import Data.Int
import Control.DeepSeq
import System.Mem

import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as G

main :: IO()
main = do

--   ( n' :: IO (V.IOVector Int32)) >>= test' "boxed vector"
--   performGC
   ( n' :: IO (U.IOVector Int32)) >>= test' "unboxed vector"

test' s a = do
putStrLn s
begin <- getCPUTime
init'' a
partial_sum' a
end <- getCPUTime
let diff = (fromIntegral (end - begin)) / (10**12)
last <- a (n'-1)
printf "last %d seconds %.3f\n" last (diff::Double)

n' :: Int
n' = 1000 * 1000

init'' !a = init 0 (n'-1)
init :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
init !k !n
| k > n = return ()
| otherwise = do
let !x = fromIntegral $ k + k `div` 3
G.write a k x
init (k+1) n

partial_sum' !a = do
k <- a 0
ps 1 (n'-1) k
ps :: Int -> Int -> Int32 -> IO ()
ps i n s
| i > n = return ()
| otherwise = do
k <- a i
let !l = fromIntegral $ s + k
G.write a i l
ps (i+1) n l


$ time ./A +RTS -s
boxed vector
last 945735787 seconds 0.420
  40,121,448 bytes allocated in the heap
  88,355,272 bytes copied during GC
  24,036,456 bytes maximum residency (6 sample(s))
 380,632 bytes maximum slop
  54 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

  %GC time  75.2%  (75.9% elapsed)

  Alloc rate359,655,602 bytes per MUT second

./A +RTS -s  0.40s user 0.07s system 98% cpu 0.475 total

$ time ./A +RTS -s
unboxed vector
last 945735787 seconds 0.080
   4,113,568 bytes allocated in the heap
  11,288 bytes copied during GC
   4,003,256 bytes maximum residency (3 sample(s))
 182,856 bytes maximum slop
   5 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

  %GC time   1.3%  (1.3% elapsed)

  Alloc rate51,416,660 bytes per MUT second

./A +RTS -s  0.08s user 0.01s system 98% cpu 0.088 total

$ time ./A +RTS -A50M -s
boxed vector
last 945735787 seconds 0.127
  40,121,504 bytes allocated in the heap
   8,032 bytes copied during GC
  44,704 bytes maximum residency (2 sample(s))
  20,832 bytes maximum slop
  59 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

  %GC time   1.0%  (1.0% elapsed)

  Productivity  97.4% of total user, 99.6% of total elapsed

./A +RTS -A50M -s  0.10s user 0.05s system 97% cpu 0.157 total


On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 11:09 AM, Branimir Maksimovic  wrote:
> I have made benchmark test inspired by
> What surprised me is that unboxed array is much faster than boxed array.
> Actually boxed array performance is on par with standard Haskell list
> which is very slow.
> All in all even unboxed array is about 10 times slower than Java version.
> I don't understand why is even unboxed array so slow.
> But! unboxed array consumes least amount of RAM.
> (warning, program consumes more than 3gb of ram)
>  bmaxa@maxa:~/examples$ time ./Cumul
> boxed array
> last 262486571 seconds 4.972
> unboxed array
> last 262486571 seconds 0.776
> list
> last 262486571 seconds 6.812
> real0m13.086s
> user0m11.996s
> sys 0m1.080s
> --

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is boxed mutable array so slow?

2012-12-01 Thread KC
Boxed arrays have a wrapper (extra layer of indirection) to allow for
a fully evaluated value, an unevaluated thunk, or the special value
bottom (a value that can contain bottom is referred to as lifted).

Unboxed arrays always have some value; that is, they cannot represent
a thunk nor bottom.

On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 8:09 AM, Branimir Maksimovic  wrote:
> I have made benchmark test inspired by
> What surprised me is that unboxed array is much faster than boxed array.
> Actually boxed array performance is on par with standard Haskell list
> which is very slow.
> All in all even unboxed array is about 10 times slower than Java version.
> I don't understand why is even unboxed array so slow.
> But! unboxed array consumes least amount of RAM.
> (warning, program consumes more than 3gb of ram)
>  bmaxa@maxa:~/examples$ time ./Cumul
> boxed array
> last 262486571 seconds 4.972
> unboxed array
> last 262486571 seconds 0.776
> list
> last 262486571 seconds 6.812
> real0m13.086s
> user0m11.996s
> sys 0m1.080s
> -
> {-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns #-}
> import System.CPUTime
> import Text.Printf
> import Data.Array.IO
> import Data.Array.Base
> import Data.Int
> import Control.DeepSeq
> import System.Mem
> main :: IO()
> main = do
> (newArray_ (0,n'-1) :: IO(A)) >>= test "boxed array"
> performGC
> (newArray_ (0,n'-1) :: IO(B)) >>= test "unboxed array"
> performGC
> begin <- getCPUTime
> printf "list\nlast %d" $ last $ force $ take n' $ sum' data'
> end <- getCPUTime
> let diff = (fromIntegral (end - begin)) / (10^12)
> printf " seconds %.3f\n" (diff::Double)
> test s a = do
> putStrLn s
> begin <- getCPUTime
> init' a
> partial_sum a
> end <- getCPUTime
> let diff = (fromIntegral (end - begin)) / (10^12)
> last <- readArray a (n'-1)
> printf "last %d seconds %.3f\n" last (diff::Double)
> n' :: Int
> n' = 50 * 1000 * 1000
> type A = IOArray Int Int32
> type B = IOUArray Int Int32
> init' a = do
> (_,n) <- getBounds a
> init a 0 n
> where
> init a k n
> | k > n = return ()
> | otherwise = do
> let  !x = fromIntegral $ k + k `div` 3
> unsafeWrite a k x
> init a (k+1) n
> partial_sum a = do
> (_,n) <- getBounds a
> k <- unsafeRead a 0
> ps a 1 n k
> where
> ps a i n s
> | i > n = return ()
> | otherwise = do
> k <- unsafeRead a i
> let !l = fromIntegral $ s + k
> unsafeWrite a i l
> ps a (i+1) n l
> data' :: [Int32]
> data' = [k + k `div` 3 | k <- [0..] ]
> sum' = scanl1 (+)
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list


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[Haskell-cafe] Why is boxed mutable array so slow?

2012-12-01 Thread Branimir Maksimovic

I have made benchmark test inspired by
What surprised me is that unboxed array is much faster than boxed 
array.Actually boxed array performance is on par with standard Haskell 
listwhich is very slow.All in all even unboxed array is about 10 times slower 
than Java version.I don't understand why is even unboxed array so slow.But! 
unboxed array consumes least amount of RAM.(warning, program consumes more than 
3gb of ram)
 bmaxa@maxa:~/examples$ time ./Cumulboxed arraylast 262486571 seconds 
4.972unboxed arraylast 262486571 seconds 0.776listlast 262486571 seconds 6.812
real0m13.086suser0m11.996ssys 0m1.080s
LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns #-}import System.CPUTimeimport Text.Printfimport 
Data.Array.IOimport Data.Array.Baseimport Data.Intimport Control.DeepSeqimport 
main :: IO()main = do   (newArray_ (0,n'-1) :: IO(A)) >>= test "boxed array"
performGC   (newArray_ (0,n'-1) :: IO(B)) >>= test "unboxed array"  
performGC   begin <- getCPUTime printf "list\nlast %d" $ last $ force $ 
take n' $ sum' data'end <- getCPUTime   let diff = (fromIntegral (end - 
begin)) / (10^12)   printf " seconds %.3f\n" (diff::Double)
test s a = do   putStrLn s  begin <- getCPUTime init' a partial_sum a   
end <- getCPUTime   let diff = (fromIntegral (end - begin)) / (10^12)   
last <- readArray a (n'-1)  printf "last %d seconds %.3f\n" last 
n' :: Intn' = 50 * 1000 * 1000
type A = IOArray Int Int32type B = IOUArray Int Int32
init' a = do(_,n) <- getBounds ainit a 0 n  where   init a 
k n  | k > n = return () | otherwise = 
dolet  !x = fromIntegral $ k + k `div` 3
  unsafeWrite a k x   init a (k+1) n
partial_sum a = do  (_,n) <- getBounds a
k <- unsafeRead a 0 ps a 1 n k  
where   ps a i n s  
| i > n = return () 
| otherwise = do
k <- unsafeRead a i 
let !l = fromIntegral $ s + k   
unsafeWrite a i l   
ps a (i+1) n l
data' :: [Int32]data' = [k + k `div` 3 | k <- [0..] ]
sum' = scanl1 (+)
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