For some reasons, I am trying to write a small Haskell code for tensor
products (See of bits,
which can expand or shrink their size and dimension as needed.

Has anyone already done similar or more general work before? If so, I'd
be happy use/consult that and cite the work. Otherwise, I should think
about cleaning up and packaging this as a library. My code is like this
right now:

> data Bits = O         -- all 1 bits of any size and dimension
>           | I         -- all 0 bits of any size and dimension
>           | Bs [Bits] -- row of bits possibly nested
>           | Rep Bits  -- repeating of bits (e.g. O = Rep O = Bs [O,O])
>   deriving (Eq,Show)


> O           .& _           = O
> _           .& O           = O
> (Rep O)     .& _           = O
> _           .& (Rep O)     = O
> (Bs (O:xs)) .& _           | all (O==) xs  = O
> _           .& (Bs (O:xs)) | all (O==) xs  = O
> I           .& y           = y
> x           .& I           = x
> (Rep I)     .& y           = y
> x           .& (Rep I)     = x
> (Bs (I:xs)) .& y           | all (I==) xs  = y
> x           .& (Bs (I:ys)) | all (I==) ys  = x
> (Bs xs)     .& (Bs ys)     = reduce $ Bs (zipWith (.&) xs ys)
> (Rep x)     .& (Bs ys)     = reduce $ Bs (xs .&. ys) where xs=repeat x
> (Bs xs)     .& (Rep y)     = reduce $ Bs (xs .&. ys) where ys=repeat y
> (Rep x)     .& (Rep y)     = reduce $ Rep (x .& y)
> (.&.) = zipWith (.&)


> O           .| y           = y
> x           .| O           = x
> (Rep O)     .| y           = y
> x           .| (Rep O)     = x
> (Bs (O:xs)) .| y           | all (O==) xs  = y
> x           .| (Bs (O:ys)) | all (O==) ys  = x
> I           .| _           = I
> _           .| I           = I
> (Rep I)     .| _           = I
> _           .| (Rep I)     = I
> (Bs (I:xs)) .| _           | all (I==) xs  = I
> _           .| (Bs (I:ys)) | all (I==) ys  = I
> (Bs xs)     .| (Bs ys)     = reduce $ Bs (xs .|. ys)
> (Rep x)     .| (Bs ys)     = reduce $ Bs (xs .|. ys) where xs=repeat x
> (Bs xs)     .| (Rep y)     = reduce $ Bs (xs .|. ys) where ys=repeat y
> (Rep x)     .| (Rep y)     = reduce $ Rep (x .| y)
> (.|.) = zipWith (.|)

tensor product

> O           .* _           = O
> _           .* O           = O
> (Rep O)     .* _           = O
> _           .* (Rep O)     = O
> (Bs (O:xs)) .* _           | all (O==) xs  = O
> _           .* (Bs (O:ys)) | all (O==) ys  = O
> I           .* I           = I
> I           .* (Rep y)     = I .* y
> (Rep I)     .* y           = I .* y
> (Bs (I:xs)) .* y           | all (I==) xs  = I .* y
> I           .* y           = reduce $ Rep y
> x           .* (Rep I)     = x .* I
> x           .* (Bs (I:xs)) | all (I==) xs  = x .* I
> x           .* I           = x
> (Bs xs)     .* (Bs ys)     = reduce $ Bs (xs .*. ys)
> (Bs xs)     .* (Rep y)     = reduce $
>                              Bs (map (reduce . Rep) $ xs .*. [y])
> (Rep x)     .* y           = reduce $ Rep (x .* y)
> []     .*. _  = []
> (x:xs) .*. ys = (reduce $ Bs [x .* y | y<-ys]) : (xs .*. ys)

reducing  from Bs [O,O,..] to O and from Bs [I,I,..] to I

> reduce (Bs (x:xs))     | all (x==) xs = x
> reduce (Rep x@(Rep _)) = x
> reduce x               = x

Some example run on Hugs:

Main> Bs [I,O]

Bs [I,O]

Main> Bs [I,O] .| Bs [O,Bs [I,I,I,I] .* Bs [I,O,O,O,O]]

Bs [I,Rep (Bs [I,O,O,O,O])]

Main> Bs [I,O] .| Bs [O, Bs [I,I,I,I] .* Bs [I,O,O,O,O]]
               .| Bs [O, Bs [I,O,O,O] .* Bs [I,I,I,I,I]]

Bs [I,Bs [I,Bs [I,O,O,O,O],Bs [I,O,O,O,O],Bs [I,O,O,O,O]]]

Main> Bs [I,O] .| Bs [O, Bs [I,I,I,I] .* Bs [I,O,O,O,O]]
               .| Bs [O, Bs [I,O,O,O] .* Bs [I,I,I,I,I]]
               .| Bs [O, Bs [O,I,I,O] .* Bs [O,I,I,O,O]]

Bs [I,Bs [I,Bs [I,I,I,O,O],Bs [I,I,I,O,O],Bs [I,O,O,O,O]]]

Main> Bs [I,O] .| Bs [O, Bs [I,I,I,I] .* Bs [I,O,O,O,O]]
               .| Bs [O, Bs [I,O,O,O] .* Bs [I,I,I,I,I]]
               .| Bs [O, Bs [O,I,I,O] .* Bs [O,I,I,O,O]]
               .| Bs [O, Bs [O,I,I,I] .* Bs [O,O,O,I,I]]

Bs [I,Bs [I,I,I,Bs [I,O,O,I,I]]]

Main> Bs [I,O] .| Bs [O, Bs [I,I,I,I] .* Bs [I,O,O,O,O]]
               .| Bs [O, Bs [I,O,O,O] .* Bs [I,I,I,I,I]]
               .| Bs [O, Bs [O,I,I,O] .* Bs [O,I,I,O,O]]
               .| Bs [O, Bs [O,I,I,I] .* Bs [O,O,O,I,I]]
               .| Bs [O, Bs [O,O,I,I] .* Bs [O,I,I,O,O]]


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