RE: [Haskell-cafe] A small puzzle: inTwain as function of foldr

2009-06-05 Thread Brian Bloniarz

Hi all,

Malcom Wallace wrote:
> Martijn van Steenbergen  wrote:
> > But this uses length and init and last all of which are recursive 
> > functions. I consider that cheating: only foldr may do the recursion.
> I think the key is to pick your intermediate data-structure wisely.  A
> pair of queues would be my choice.

I think this is the essentially the  same solution as the difference-list 
solution I posted before -- same approach, different datastructures.

> > unQ   (Q begin  end)  = begin ++ reverse end
This might be cheating too? This solution recurses over the input only
once, but then you need to recurse over the queue to convert it to a

The difference list solution manages to only recurse once, I think.
Here's the same solution I posted, with all the difference-list operations
> import Control.Arrow
> start = (Nothing, (id, id))
> iter (Nothing, (r1, r2)) x = (Just x, (r1, r2))
> iter (Just y, (r1, r2)) x =
> case r2 [] of
> [] -> (Nothing, (\t -> y:t, \t -> x:t))
> r:_ -> let r1' = \t -> r1 (r : t)
>r2' = \t -> tail (r2 (y:x:t))
>in (Nothing, (r1', r2'))
> inTwain :: [a] -> ([a], [a])
> inTwain = (($[]) *** ($[])) . snd . foldl iter start
As you can see, it's building up nested lambdas, adding a new
lambda to r1 and r2 on each iteration of the fold. And, on each
iteration, it's also applying the function it's built. Basically, it's
using the program stack as it's intermediate datastructure.
Ugly and inefficient yes, but recursion-free as far as I can see.


P.S. The "walk the list at 2 speeds" trick is very slick.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] A small puzzle: inTwain as function of foldr

2009-06-05 Thread Malcolm Wallace
Martijn van Steenbergen  wrote:

> But this uses length and init and last all of which are recursive 
> functions. I consider that cheating: only foldr may do the recursion.

I think the key is to pick your intermediate data-structure wisely.  A
pair of queues would be my choice.  You don't need to calculate any
lengths, just keep a parity bit for how far you have already come.  Code
is below, including a very simple implementation of queues - I'm sure
there are better ones out there.

> import Data.List (foldl')
> -- inTwain divides a list of even length into two sections of equal length,
> -- using a single recursive traversal (fold) of the input.
> -- Intermediate values are a pair of FIFO queues, keeping a parity state
> -- to ensure the queues are of nearly equal length.
> inTwain :: [a] -> ([a],[a])
> inTwain  = unTwo . foldl' redistrib emptyTwo
>   where
> redistrib (Two Even begin end) v = Two Odd   begin(enQ v end)
> redistrib (Two Odd  begin end) v = Two Even (enQ e begin) (enQ v es)
>where (e,es) = deQ end
> -- The intermediate data structures needed.
> data Parity  = Odd | Even
> data Two a   = Two Parity (Queue a) (Queue a)
> data Queue a = Q [a] [a]
> emptyTwo = Two Even emptyQ emptyQ
> emptyQ   = Q [] []
> unTwo :: Two a -> ([a],[a])
> unTwo (Two _ begin end) = (unQ begin, unQ end)
> -- A very simple implementation of FIFO queues.
> enQ :: a -> Queue a -> Queue a
> deQ ::  Queue a -> (a, Queue a)
> unQ ::  Queue a -> [a]
> enQ v (Q begin  end)  = Q begin (v:end)
> deQ   (Q (v:vs) end)  = (v, Q vs end)
> deQ   (Q [] [])   = error ("deQ []")
> deQ   (Q [] end)  = deQ (Q (reverse end) [])
> unQ   (Q begin  end)  = begin ++ reverse end

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A small puzzle: inTwain as function of foldr

2009-06-05 Thread Ketil Malde
Martijn van Steenbergen  writes:

>> inTwain as = let (x,y,_) = foldr (\a (r,s,t) -> case (t) of
>> {b:(b':bs) -> (r,a:s,bs); _ -> (a:r,s,t)}) ([],[],as) as in (x,y)

> This one is very interesting.

Yes, neat.

> I'm not too happy with the whole list as part of the initial
> state. That feels like cheating to me--although I obviously failed to
> specify this in my original question. 

Can you avoid it?  If you only allow one traversal of the input (and
I think the above might qualify as two, albeit simultaneous), how do
you know when you're halfway through?

I seem to remember one example case that regular languages can't solve
is a^nb^n -- is this for the same (or a related) reason?

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A small puzzle: inTwain as function of foldr

2009-06-05 Thread Ketil Malde
Martijn van Steenbergen  writes:

>>> inTwain = foldr (\x (ls, rs) -> if length ls == length rs then (x:ls, rs) 
>>> else (x:(init ls), (last ls):rs)) ([], [])

> But this uses length and init and last all of which are recursive
> functions. I consider that cheating: only foldr may do the recursion.

inTwain = foldr (\x (ls, rs) -> if foldr (const (+1)) 0 ls = ... ?


If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A small puzzle: inTwain as function of foldr

2009-06-05 Thread Martijn van Steenbergen

Geoffrey Marchant wrote:

The linked paper appears to show the right style.

This appears to satisfy the conditions, however:

inTwain as = let (x,y,_) = foldr (\a (r,s,t) -> case (t) of {b:(b':bs) 
-> (r,a:s,bs); _ -> (a:r,s,t)}) ([],[],as) as in (x,y)

This one is very interesting. Thanks. :-) It took a while to see what is 
going on.

I'm not too happy with the whole list as part of the initial state. That 
feels like cheating to me--although I obviously failed to specify this 
in my original question. Trying to understand morphisms: does that make 
this a paramorphism rather than a catamorphism?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A small puzzle: inTwain as function of foldr

2009-06-05 Thread Martijn van Steenbergen

Thomas ten Cate wrote:

Possible, yes.

Efficient, not really.

inTwain = foldr (\x (ls, rs) -> if length ls == length rs then (x:ls, rs) else 
(x:(init ls), (last ls):rs)) ([], [])

But this uses length and init and last all of which are recursive 
functions. I consider that cheating: only foldr may do the recursion.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A small puzzle: inTwain as function of foldr

2009-06-05 Thread Martijn van Steenbergen

Sittampalam, Ganesh wrote:

Does this help?

I think so! Thanks, got something more to read now. :-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A small puzzle: inTwain as function of foldr

2009-06-04 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Jun 4, 2009, at 4:32 PM, Sittampalam, Ganesh wrote:

Martijn van Steenbergen wrote:

Consider the function inTwain that splits a list of even length
evenly into two sublists:

inTwain "Hello world!"

("Hello ","world!")

Is it possible to implement inTwain such that the recursion is done
by one of the standard list folds?

Does this help?


And maybe this helps:

Sebastiaan Visser

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A small puzzle: inTwain as function of foldr

2009-06-04 Thread Geoffrey Marchant
The linked paper appears to show the right style.
This appears to satisfy the conditions, however:

inTwain as = let (x,y,_) = foldr (\a (r,s,t) -> case (t) of {b:(b':bs) ->
(r,a:s,bs); _ -> (a:r,s,t)}) ([],[],as) as in (x,y)

In the case of a list of odd length, the first half is given the extra

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 8:22 AM, Martijn van Steenbergen <> wrote:

> Bonjour café,
> A small puzzle:
> Consider the function inTwain that splits a list of even length evenly into
> two sublists:
> > inTwain "Hello world!"
> ("Hello ","world!")
> Is it possible to implement inTwain such that the recursion is done by one
> of the standard list folds?
> Is there a general way to tell if a problem can be expressed as a fold?
> Thank you,
> Martijn.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] A small puzzle: inTwain as function of foldr

2009-06-04 Thread Brian Bloniarz

How about the following, using difference lists?

> import Control.Arrow
> import qualified Data.DList as D
> start = (Nothing, (D.empty, D.empty))
> iter (Nothing, (r1, r2)) x = (Just x, (r1, r2))
> iter (Just y, (r1, m)) x =
> D.list (Nothing, (D.singleton y, D.singleton x))
>(\r r2 -> let r2' = D.snoc (D.snoc r2 y) x
>  in  (Nothing, (D.snoc r1 r, r2')))
> inTwain :: [a] -> ([a], [a])
> inTwain = (D.toList *** D.toList) . snd . foldl iter start

There's no recursion besides the fold. Though using difference
lists might be cheating, depending on your definition of
cheating :)


> Bonjour café,
> A small puzzle:
> Consider the function inTwain that splits a list of even length evenly 
> into two sublists:
>  > inTwain "Hello world!"
> ("Hello ","world!")
> Is it possible to implement inTwain such that the recursion is done by 
> one of the standard list folds?
> Is there a general way to tell if a problem can be expressed as a fold?
> Thank you,
> Martijn.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A small puzzle: inTwain as function of foldr

2009-06-04 Thread Thomas ten Cate
Possible, yes.

Efficient, not really.

> inTwain = foldr (\x (ls, rs) -> if length ls == length rs then (x:ls, rs) 
> else (x:(init ls), (last ls):rs)) ([], [])

I have a hunch that everything that reduces a list to a fixed-size
data structure can be expressed as a fold, simply by carrying around
as much intermediate state as necessary. But I'm too lazy and
inexperienced to prove this.


On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 16:22, Martijn van
Steenbergen wrote:
> Bonjour café,
> A small puzzle:
> Consider the function inTwain that splits a list of even length evenly into
> two sublists:
>> inTwain "Hello world!"
> ("Hello ","world!")
> Is it possible to implement inTwain such that the recursion is done by one
> of the standard list folds?
> Is there a general way to tell if a problem can be expressed as a fold?
> Thank you,
> Martijn.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A small puzzle: inTwain as function of foldr

2009-06-04 Thread Chaddaï Fouché
On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Martijn van Steenbergen
> Bonjour café,
> A small puzzle:
> Consider the function inTwain that splits a list of even length evenly into
> two sublists:
>> inTwain "Hello world!"
> ("Hello ","world!")
> Is it possible to implement inTwain such that the recursion is done by one
> of the standard list folds?

I don't think it is without a length before at least. On the other
hand if your specification is just "splits a list of even length
evenly into two sublists", you can contrive something with a simple
foldr :

inTwain = foldr (\x ~(xs,ys) -> (ys, x:xs)) ([],[])

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] A small puzzle: inTwain as function of foldr

2009-06-04 Thread Sittampalam, Ganesh
Martijn van Steenbergen wrote:

> Consider the function inTwain that splits a list of even length
> evenly into two sublists: 
>  > inTwain "Hello world!"
> ("Hello ","world!")
> Is it possible to implement inTwain such that the recursion is done
> by one of the standard list folds? 

Does this help?


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