Am 20.09.2011 20:21, schrieb Edward Kmett:
I would suggest you rephrase this as a formal proposal, then I can
happily vote +1.

Seeing the "wonderful" interrelation between elem, nub, nubBy and i.e.

  unionBy eq xs ys =  xs ++ foldl (flip (deleteBy eq)) (nubBy eq ys) xs

  intersectBy eq xs ys =  [x | x <- xs, any (eq x) ys]

(note that "any (eq x)" could be "elemBy eq")

I see hardly a chance to make a sensible proposal.

I think, it is wrong to change the implementation of "elem" and "notElem" since I expect the "key" to be the first argument of the eq-comparison (in contrast to the REPORT_PRELUDE!).

But this all would not matter if the eq-function are always symmetric, which may be not the case in practise. So a change could break existing code.

I'd also suggest rephrasing rhe mapAccumR as a formal proposal. I'm not
sure yet of whether or not I'd be behind that one, but make both
proposals separately, so they can pass individually.

I also don't see a relation to mapAccumR, so why don't you make such a separate proposal?


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