Re: Reducing the need for CPP (was: Monad of no `return` Proposal (MRP): Moving `return` out of `Monad`)

2015-10-06 Thread Johan Tibell
It might be enough to just add a NOWARN  pragma that acts on
a single line/expression. I've seen it in both C++ and Python linters and
it works reasonably well and it's quite general.

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 10:44 AM, Ben Gamari  wrote:

> Sven Panne  writes:
> > 2015-10-05 17:09 GMT+02:00 Gershom B :
> >
> >> On October 5, 2015 at 10:59:35 AM, Bryan O'Sullivan (
> )
> >> wrote:
> >> [...] As for libraries, it has been pointed out, I believe, that without
> >> CPP one can write instances compatible with AMP, and also with AMP +
> MRP.
> >> One can also write code, sans CPP, compatible with pre- and post- AMP.
> [...]
> >>
> >
> > Nope, at least not if you care about -Wall: If you take e.g. (<$>) which
> is
> > now part of the Prelude, you can't simply import some compatibility
> module,
> > because GHC might tell you (rightfully) that that import is redundant,
> > because (<$>) is already visible through the Prelude. So you'll have to
> use
> > CPP to avoid that import on base >= 4.8, be it from it Data.Functor,
> > Control.Applicative or some compat-* module. And you'll have to use CPP
> in
> > each and every module using <$> then, unless I miss something obvious.
> > AFAICT all transitioning guides ignore -Wall and friends...
> >
> This is a fair point that comes up fairly often. The fact that CPP is
> required to silence redundant import warnings is quite unfortunate.
> Others languages have better stories in this area. One example is Rust,
> which has a quite flexible `#[allow(...)]` pragma which can be used to
> acknowledge and silence a wide variety of warnings and lints [1].
> I can think of a few ways (some better than others) how we might
> introduce a similar idea for import redundancy checks in Haskell,
>  1. Attach a `{-# ALLOW redundant_import #-}` pragma to a definition,
> -- in Control.Applicative
> {-# ALLOW redundant_import (<$>) #-}
> (<$>) :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
> (<$>) = fmap
> asking the compiler to pretend that any import of the symbol did not
> exist when looking for redundant imports. This would allow library
> authors to appropriately mark definitions when they are moved,
> saving downstream users from having to make any change whatsoever.
>  2. Or alternatively we could make this a idea a bit more precise,
> -- in Control.Applicative
> {-# ALLOW redundant_import Prelude.(<$>) #-}
> (<$>) :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
> (<$>) = fmap
> Which would ignore imports of `Control.Applicative.(<$>)` only if
> `Prelude.(<$>)` were also in scope.
>  3. Attach a `{-# ALLOW redundancy_import #-}` pragma to an import,
> import {-# ALLOW redundant_import #-} Control.Applicative
> -- or perhaps
> import Control.Applicative
> {-# ALLOW redundant_import Control.Applicative #-}
> allowing the user to explicitly state that they are aware that this
> import may be redundant.
>  4. Attach a `{-# ALLOW redundancy_import #-}` pragma to a name in an
> import list,
> import Control.Applicative ((<$>) {-# ALLOW redundant_import #-})
> allowing the user to explicitly state that they are aware that this
> imported function may be redundant.
> In general I'd like to reiterate that many of the comments in this
> thread describe genuine sharp edges in our language which have presented
> a real cost in developer time during the AMP and and FTP transitions. I
> think it is worth thinking of ways to soften these edges; we may be
> surprised how easy it is to fix some of them.
> - Ben
> [1]
> ___
> Libraries mailing list
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: MRP, 3-year-support-window, and the non-requirement of CPP (was: [Haskell-cafe] Monad of no `return` Proposal (MRP): Moving `return` out of `Monad`)

2015-10-06 Thread Johan Tibell
(Resending with smaller recipient list to avoid getting stuck in the
moderator queue.)

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 9:10 AM, Herbert Valerio Riedel <> wrote:

> On 2015-10-05 at 21:01:16 +0200, Johan Tibell wrote:
> > On the libraries I maintain and have a copy of on my computer right now:
> 329
> Although this was already pointed out to you in a response to a Tweet of
> yours, I'd like to expand on this here to clarify:
> You say that you stick to the 3-major-ghc-release support-window
> convention for your libraries. This is good, because then you don't need
> any CPP at all! Here's why:
> [...]

So what do I have to write today to have my Monad instances be:

 * Warning free - Warnings are useful. Turning them off or having spurious
warnings both contribute to bugs.
 * Use imports that either are qualified or have explicit import lists -
Unqualified imports makes code more likely to break when dependencies add
 * Don't use CPP.

Neither AMP or MRP includes a recipe for this in their proposal. AMP got
one post-facto on the Wiki. It turns out that the workaround there didn't
work (we tried it in Cabal and it conflicted with one of the above

PS: I'm a bit disappointed you seem to dismiss this proposal right away
> categorically without giving us a chance to address your
> concerns. The proposal is not a rigid all-or-nothing thing that
> can't be tweaked and revised.  That's why we're having these
> proposal-discussions in the first place (rather than doing blind
> +1/-1 polls), so we can hear everyone out and try to maximise the
> agreement (even if we will never reach 100% consensus on any
> proposal).
> So please, keep on discussing!

The problem by discussions is that they are done between two groups with
quite a difference in experience. On one hand you have people like Bryan,
who have considerable contributions to the Haskell ecosystem and much
experience in large scale software development (e.g. from Facebook). On the
other hand you have people who don't. That's okay. We've all been at the
latter group at some point of our career.

What's frustrating is that people don't take a step bad and realize that
they might be in the latter group and should perhaps listen to those in the
former. This doesn't happen, instead we get lots of "C++ and Java so bad
and we don't want to be like them." Haskell is not at risk of becoming C++
or Java (which are a large improvement compared to the languages came
before them). We're at risk of missing our window of opportunity. I think
that would be a shame, as I think Haskell is a step forward compared to
those languages and I would like to see more software that used be written
in Haskell.

We've been through this many times before on the libraries list. I'm not
going to win an argument on this mailing list. Between maintaining
libraries you all use and managing a largish team at Google, I don't have
much time for a discussion which approaches a hundred emails and is won by
virtue of having lots of time to write emails.

-- Johan
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad of no `return` Proposal (MRP): Moving `return` out of `Monad`

2015-10-05 Thread Johan Tibell
On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 8:34 PM, Gregory Collins 

> On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 8:09 AM, Gershom B  wrote:
>> My understanding of the argument here, which seems to make sense to me,
>> is that the AMP already introduced a significant breaking change with
>> regards to monads. Books and lecture notes have already not caught up to
>> this, by and large. Hence, by introducing a further change, which
>> _completes_ the general AMP project, then by the time books and lecture
>> notes are all updated, they will be able to tell a much nicer story than
>> the current one?
> This is a multi-year, "boil the ocean"-style project, affecting literally
> every Haskell user, and the end result after all of this labor is going to
> be... a slightly spiffier bike shed?
> Strongly -1 from me also. My experience over the last couple of years is
> that every GHC release breaks my libraries in annoying ways that require
> CPP to fix:
> ~/personal/src/snap λ  find . -name '*.hs' | xargs egrep
> '#if.*(MIN_VERSION)|(GLASGOW_HASKELL)' | wc -l
> 64
> As a user this is another bikeshedding change that is not going to benefit
> me at all. Maintaining a Haskell library can be an exasperating exercise of
> running on a treadmill to keep up with busywork caused by changes to the
> core language and libraries. My feeling is starting to become that the
> libraries committee is doing as much (if not more) to *cause* problems
> and work for me than it is doing to improve the common infrastructure.

On the libraries I maintain and have a copy of on my computer right now: 329
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad of no `return` Proposal (MRP): Moving `return` out of `Monad`

2015-10-05 Thread Johan Tibell
On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 9:02 PM, Erik Hesselink  wrote:

> On 5 October 2015 at 20:58, Sven Panne  wrote:
> > 2015-10-05 17:09 GMT+02:00 Gershom B :
> >>
> >> [...] As for libraries, it has been pointed out, I believe, that without
> >> CPP one can write instances compatible with AMP, and also with AMP +
> MRP.
> >> One can also write code, sans CPP, compatible with pre- and post- AMP.
> [...]
> >
> > Nope, at least not if you care about -Wall: If you take e.g. (<$>) which
> is
> > now part of the Prelude, you can't simply import some compatibility
> module,
> > because GHC might tell you (rightfully) that that import is redundant,
> > because (<$>) is already visible through the Prelude. So you'll have to
> use
> > CPP to avoid that import on base >= 4.8, be it from it Data.Functor,
> > Control.Applicative or some compat-* module. And you'll have to use CPP
> in
> > each and every module using <$> then, unless I miss something obvious.
> > AFAICT all transitioning guides ignore -Wall and friends...
> Does the hack mentioned on the GHC trac [1] work for this? It seems a
> bit fragile but that page says it works and it avoids CPP.

No it doesn't, if you also don't want closed import lists (which you
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Remove Enum from Float and Double

2013-06-11 Thread Johan Tibell
Hi Harry,

On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 3:51 AM, harry wrote:

 There have been several discussions over the years regarding Enum instances
 for Float and Double. The conclusion each time appears to have been that
 there are no instances which are both sane and practical.

Do you have a link to some of those discussions? I have a vague memory of
them but can no longer remember the specifics.

 I would like to propose that these instances be removed from Haskell 2014.
 This may be covered by the various alternative prelude and number class
 proposals, but they are much more ambitious and less likely to make it into
 the standard in the short term.

I don't see much gain. It will break previously working code and the
workaround to the breakage will likely be manually reimplementing
enumFromTo in each instance.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Remove Enum from Float and Double

2013-06-11 Thread Johan Tibell
If we truly believe that the instance is dangerous for users (and not
merely for people who don't understand floating point arithmetic on
computers), then we should add a deprecation pragma to the instance and
discourage its use. But what would the deprecation message encourage
instead, for users to write an explicit loop that tests against some
lower/upper bound? It would have the same problem as enumFromTo. I think
the issue here is really that floating point math on computers is hard to
think about.

On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 11:18 AM, harry wrote:

 Johan Tibell johan.tibell@... writes:

  I don't see much gain. It will break previously working code and the
 workaround to the breakage will likely be manually reimplementing
 in each instance.

 I forgot the main point of my post :-)

 The primary motivation for removing these instances is that they cause
 endless confusion for beginners, e.g.
 and many more.

 On the other hand, how much working code is there correctly using there

 Haskell-prime mailing list

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Remove Enum from Float and Double

2013-06-11 Thread Johan Tibell
On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 3:00 PM, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:

 Does such thing as a deprecation pragma for an instance exist?
 What triggers it?

I don't know. We'll need one if we're going to deprecating core instances.
Just deleting them is not an option (as it gives users with large code
bases no time to migrate).
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Proposal: NoImplicitPreludeImport

2013-05-28 Thread Johan Tibell
On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 8:23 AM, Ian Lynagh wrote:

 Dear Haskellers,

 I have made a wiki page describing a new proposal,
 NoImplicitPreludeImport, which I intend to propose for Haskell 2014:

 What do you think?

-1 for me.

Breaking every single Haskell module for some namespace reorganization
doesn't seem worth it. I don't think alternative Prelused (one of the
justifications) is a good idea to begin with, as programmers will have to
first understand which particular version of e.g. map this module uses,
instead of knowing it's the same one as every other module uses.

Changes like this will likely cause years worth of pain e.g. see the Python
2/Python 3 failure.

The likely practical result of this is that every module will now read:

module M where

#if MIN_VERSION_base(x,y,z)
import Prelude
import Data.Num
import Control.Monad

for the next 3 years or so.

-- Johan
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: proposal for trailing comma and semicolon

2013-05-17 Thread Johan Tibell
On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 9:17 AM, Garrett Mitchener wrote:

 Anyway, this is a paper cut in the language that has been bugging me for
 a while, and since there's now a call for suggestions for Haskell 2014, I
 thought I'd ask about it.

I've also thought about this issue and I agree with Garrett, allowing that
trailing comma (or semicolon) would help readability*. If it doesn't work
with tuples, perhaps we could at least do it with lists and records?

* It also hurts source control diffs a bit, as adding extra commas will
give diffs that suggest that one additional line was changed.

-- Johan
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Bang patterns

2013-02-04 Thread Johan Tibell
On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Ben Millwood wrote:
 I have two proposals, I suppose:
 - make bang patterns in let altogether invalid

I would prefer it to be valid. It's the syntactically most lightweight
option we have to force some thunks before using the resulting values
in a constructor that we have. Example

let !x = ...
!y = ...
in C x y

The alternative would be

let x = ...
y = ...
in x `seq` y `seq` C x y

which obscures the code much more.

My 2 cents.

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Status of Haskell'?

2012-11-30 Thread Johan Tibell
On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 1:42 PM, Jason Dusek wrote:
 It would be nice for there to be a new standard so that many
 features in GHC -- such as overloaded strings, rank n types,
 MPTCs, c. -- were enabled by default without any pragmas.

I think this is one of these nice gains for day-to-day Haskell
programming. Less typing and fewer things to explain to beginners
(You see, this might seem like an experimental feature I'm asking you
to use, but it really isn't.)

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Johan Tibell
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 7:48 AM, Malcolm Wallace wrote:
 In the region of this side of the Atlantic Ocean where I teach, the
 student population is very diverse

 Prelude putStrLn (take 5 Fröhßen)

ghci putStrLn Fro\x0308hßen
ghci putStrLn (take 5 Fro\x0308hßen)

Your example works because your input happens to be in a normal form.

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Johan Tibell
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Henrik Nilsson wrote:
 So, is the argument to deprecate Char, then? As long as Haskell
 allows Chars to be handled in isolation, it would seem impossible
 to prevent naive users from accidentally stumbling over the
 complexities of Unicode?

I haven't proposed anything at all. Someone asked why one should
prefer Text to String. I showed that the former is more correct (given
the currently available APIs) and much faster.

 There are canonical equivalence and compatibility, and each
 has two normal forms (fully composed and fully decomposed),
 and each of these four normal forms can be used in text processing.

 As an example of the difference between equivalent and compatible,
 the ligature ff is compatible - but not canonically equivalent
 to a sequence of two characters latin f, meaning they may be treated the
 same way in some applications (such as sorting and indexing), but not in
 others; and may be substituted for each other in some situations, but not in

 Is it realistic to think that if only Haskell used Text and not
 String = [Char], a naive user/beginner would be able to write
 correct code for all manner of text processing tasks without
 needing to understand a great deal about Unicode?

 I'm sorry, but I'm rather sceptical.

Why? We can hide most of these details behind the Text API. We can
pick which encoding and normal form is used internally and then have
the externally provided API for e.g. sorting do the right thing.

 So I reiterate that I see little if any gain, be it in terms of making
 life simpler for beginners, making Haskell more multi cultural, or
 giving Haskell applications in general a performance boost, in
 deprecating String = [Char] and mandating the use of Text.
 But the costs would be massive.

I agree and thus I don't propose we do something like that.

The way this will go down is that part of the Prelude and other base
modules will eventually be replaced by more modern packages (e.g. see
system-fileio) and the use of String will decline. Unfortunately it's
a bit of a painful transition as today we need to convert back and
forth between the two string types quite a lot.

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Johan Tibell
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 10:12 AM, Ian Lynagh wrote:
 I am very unicode-ignorant, so apologies if I have misunderstood
 something, but doesn't Text do the same thing?

 Prelude T import Data.Text.IO as T
 Prelude T T T.putStrLn (T.take 5 (T.pack Fro\x0308hßen))

 Maybe your point is that neither take function should be used with
 unicode strings, but I don't see how advocating the Text type is going
 to help with that.

We already covered this. Text inherited a list-based API, even if that
sometimes doesn't make sense.

To work with Unicode you need more specific functions for different
tasks. Text only implements a few so far, like case conversion and
case-less comparison, and asks you to use text-icu for the rest.

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Johan Tibell
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 2:31 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:
 I was under the impression they have been very carefully designed to do the
 right thing with characters represented by multiple codepoints, which is
 something the String version *cannot* do.  It would help if Bryan were
 involved with this discussion, though.  (I'm cc:ing him on this.)  Since the
 whole point of Data.Text is to handle stuff like this properly I would be
 surprised if your assertion that

      upcase :: String - String
      upcase = map toUpper

 This is no more incorrect than
    upcase = toUpper

 is correct.

This is simply not possible given the Unicode specification. There's
no code point that corresponds to the two characters used to represent
an upcased version of the essets. I think the list based API predates

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Johan Tibell
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Isaac Dupree wrote:
 How is Text for small strings currently (e.g. one English word, if not one
 character)?  Can we reasonably recommend it for that?
 This recent question suggests it's still not great:

It's definitely not as good as it could be with the common case being
2 bytes per code point and then some fixed overhead.

The UTF-8 GSoC project last summer was an attempt to see if we could
do better, but unfortunately GHC does a worse job streaming out of a
byte array containing utf-8 than out of a byte array containing utf-16
(due to bad branch layout.)

This resulted in some performance gains and some performance losses,
with some more wins and losses. As there are other engineering
benefits in favor of utf-16 (e.g. being able to use ICU efficiently)
we opted for not switching the decoding. If we can get GHC to the
point where it compiles an utf-8 based Text really well, we could
reconsider this decision.

There's also a design trade-off in Text that favors better asymptotic
complexity for some operations (e.g. taking substrings) that adds 2
words of overhead to every string.

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Johan Tibell
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Freddie Manners wrote:
 To add my tuppence-worth on this, addressed to no-one in particular:

 (1) I think getting hung up on UTF-8 correctness is a distraction here.  I
 can't imagine anyone suggesting that the C/C++ standards removed support for
 (char*) because it wasn't UTF-8 correct: sure, you'd recommend people use a
 different type when it matters, but the language standard itself shouldn't
 be driven by technical issues that don't affect most people most of the
 time.  I'm sure it's good engineering practice to worry about these things,
 but the standard isn't there to encourage good engineering practice.

(I assume you mean Unicode correctness. UTF-8 is only one possible
encoding. Also I'm not arguing for removing type String = [Char], I
arguing why Text is better than String.)

C++'s char* is morally equivalent of our ByteString, not Text. There's
no standardized C++ Unicode string type, ICU's UnicodeString is
perhaps the closest to one.

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Johan Tibell
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
 Hmm, std::u16string, std::u23string, and std::wstring are C++ standard
 types to process Unicode texts.

Note that at least u16string is too small to encode all of Unicode and
wstring might be as 16 bits is not enough to encode all of Unicode.

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Johan Tibell
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 5:54 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
 I think there is a confusion here.  A Unicode character is an abstract
 entity.  For it to exist in some concrete form in a program, you need
 an encoding.  The fact that char16_t is 16-bit wide is irrelevant to
 whether it can be used in a representation of a Unicode text, just like
 uint8_t (e.g. 'unsigned char') can be used to encode Unicode string
 despite it being only 8-bit wide.   You do not need to make the
 character type exactly equal to the type of the individual element
 in the text representation.

Well, if you have a 21-bit type you can declare its value to be a
Unicode code point (which are numbered.) Using a char* that you claim
contain utf-8 encoded data is bad for safety, as there is no guarantee
that that's indeed the case.

 Note also that an encoding itself (whether UTF-8, UTF-16, etc.) is 
 as far as text processing goes; you also need a localization at the
 minimum.  It is the
 combination of the two that gives some meaning to text representation
 and operations.

text does that via ICU. Some operations would be possible without
using the locale, if it wasn't for those Turkish i:s. :/

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-20 Thread Johan Tibell
On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 2:25 AM, Simon Marlow wrote:
 Is there a reason not to put all these methods in the IsString class, with 
 appropriate default definitions?  You would need a UTF-8 encoder ( decoder) 
 of course, but it would reduce the burden on clients and improve backwards 

That sounds fine to me. I'm leaning towards only having
unpackUTF8String (in addition to the existing method), as in the
absence of proper byte literals we would have literals which change
types, depending on which bytes they contain*. Ugh!

* Is it even possible to create non-UTF8 literals without using
escaped sequences?

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-19 Thread Johan Tibell
Hi Greg,

There are a few blog posts on Bryan's blog. Here are two of them:

Unfortunately the blog seems partly broken. Images are missing and
some articles are missing altogether (i.e. the article is there but
the actualy body text is gone.)

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-19 Thread Johan Tibell
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 8:45 AM, Thomas Schilling wrote:
 Regarding the type class for converting to and from that type, there
 is a perhaps more complicated question: The current fromString method
 uses String as the source type which causes unnecessary overhead. This
 is unfortunate since GHC's built-in mechanism actually uses
 unpackCString[Utf8]# which constructs the inefficient String
 representation from a compact memory representation.  I think it would
 be best if the new fromString/fromText class allowed an efficient
 mechanism like that.  unpackCString# has type Addr# - [Char] which is
 obviously GHC-specific.

I've been thinking about this question as well. How about

class IsString s where
unpackCString :: Ptr Word8 - CSize - s

It's morally equivalent of unpackCString#, but uses standard Haskell types.

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-19 Thread Johan Tibell
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 9:02 AM, Christian Siefkes wrote:
 On 03/19/2012 04:53 PM, Johan Tibell wrote:
 I've been thinking about this question as well. How about

 class IsString s where
     unpackCString :: Ptr Word8 - CSize - s

 What's the Ptr Word8 supposed to contain? A UTF-8 encoded string?


We could make a distinction between byte and Unicode literals and have:

class IsBytes a where
unpackBytes :: Ptr Word8 - Int - a

class IsText a where
unpackText :: Ptr Word8 - Int - a

In the latter the caller guarantees that the passed in pointer points
to wellformed UTF-8 data.

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-19 Thread Johan Tibell
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 2:55 PM, Daniel Peebles wrote:
 If the input is specified to be UTF-8, wouldn't it be better to call the
 method unpackUTF8 or something like that?


-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-28 Thread Johan Tibell
On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 6:56 PM, Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So I suggest we reject the proposal, and move any further discussion to
 haskell-cafe.  Ok?

Sounds good to me.
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-24 Thread Johan Tibell
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 3:41 PM, Wolfgang Jeltsch
 Am Donnerstag, 24. April 2008 09:30 schrieb Lennart Augustsson:

  Haskell has now reached the point where backwards compatibility is something
   that must be taken very seriously.

  Would you be opposed to a Haskell 2 which would break lots of things?

I would! No new language standard should break lots of things! It
could break some things and should provide easy rewrite rules for code
(or better yet a tool like Python's 2to3) to move from standard A to
standard B for most of the things that break.
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Meta-point: backward compatibility

2008-04-23 Thread Johan Tibell
An interesting question. What is the goal of Haskell'? Is it to, like
Python 3000, fix warts in the language in an (somewhat) incompatible
way or is it to just standardize current practice? I think we need
both, I just don't know which of the two Haskell' is.

-- Johan

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 2:16 PM, Chris Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There appears to be some question as to the backward compatibility goals
  of Haskell'.  Perhaps it's worth bringing out into the open.

  From conversations I've had and things I've read, I've always gathered
  that the main goal of Haskell' is to address the slightly embarrassing
  fact that practically no one actually writes code in Haskell, if by
  Haskell we mean the most recent completed language specification.  This
  obviously argues strongly for a high degree of backward compatibility.

  On the other hand, I am assuming everyone agrees that we don't want to
  replicate Java, which (in my view, anyway) is rapidly becoming obsolete
  because of an eagerness to make the language complex, inconsistent, and
  generally outright flawed in order to avoid even the most unlikely of
  broken code.


  Haskell-prime mailing list

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Meta-point: backward compatibility

2008-04-23 Thread Johan Tibell
On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 4:52 PM, Niklas Broberg
  I would hope it is both. Some changes simply cannot become current
  practice since they would not be compatible with existing code, and
  the only place that such changes *could* be made is in a new language
  version. Like you say, fail in the Monad class is one such issue that
  would not be backwards compatible, and couldn't become a current
  practice without some help. Chicken or egg first?

You're of course right. Haskell' could be both. It probably should be
as the next Haskell standard (after Haskell') will probably be several
years in the future. It would be a shame to wake up the day after GHC
fully implements Haskell' and notice that nothing has changed and my
old annoyances are still there.

-- Johan
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