[Haskell] Call for participation: Haskell tutorial at CUFP on 4 Sep 2014

2014-07-22 Thread Stefan Wehr
Dear Haskellers,

I'll be giving an advanced Haskell tutorial as part of the CUFP 2014 workshop.

  * Date/time: 4 Sep 2014, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  * Place: Gothenburg, Sweden (affiliated with ICFP 2014)
  * Early registration deadline: 3 Aug 2014!

The tutorial teaches important techniques for writing correct, robust,
scalable, and fast Haskell programs. The topics covered are: network
programming, serialization, persistence, logging, performance,
scalability, testing, and concurrency.

The tutorial aims at programmers with some Haskell experience. It is
not necessary to be an Haskell expert, but you should know how to
write functions and data types.

For more details, see

Registration page: https://regmaster4.com/2014conf/ICFP14/register.php

Please distribute this call for participation.

See you in Gothenburg!
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Not quite another Haskell tutorial, but ...

2008-11-25 Thread Janis Voigtlaender

... I submitted my Habilitation thesis last week. The first few chapters
of it try to give an introduction to Haskell with emphasis on types and
reasoning principles. That might be an interesting read for some, so I
made it accessible at http://wwwtcs.inf.tu-dresden.de/~voigt/habil.pdf.

And yes, the November HCAR will also be coming. Rather soon now that
this cause for delay is out of the way.

Ciao, Janis.

Dr. Janis Voigtlaender

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Translation of the "Haskell Tutorial for C Programmers"

2008-05-13 Thread Gorgonite

I don't know if there are French-speaking people reading this mailing-list,
but we at haskell-fr have some great news today !

We didn't find any French translation of the "Haskell Tutorial for C
Programmers", thus we decide to write it.
Today, I would like to announce that  we have completed a translation into
French, that it can be read by following the link :


It is currently available as a set of HTML pages and PDF file.

Please send your comments and suggestions to the French Haskell mailing list

Best regards,
Haskell mailing list


2006-10-18 Thread Luigi Liquori

Dear HASKELL people.

we are organizing in Kings College, London (23-24 october) one small workshop
on the Rewriting Calculus.


In one phrase, rewriting calculus


is lambda calculus with sophisticated pattern
matching features which is able to capture
a large class of Term Rewriting Systems.

Without any doubt, the closest functional
language featuring high level pattern matching
features is HASKELL!

We will be honored whether some UK-HASKELL "acolyte"
could give to us a 1 hour talk about HASKELL, with a particular
focus on pattern matching features and types, compilers, et al.

Of course we would be happy to take any expense into account.

We have already contacted some of us, but time is running ...

In any case, we you will be happy to join us, to learn a bit about
the Rewriting calculus


All the best,
Grazie mille,

Luigi Liquori, Claude Kirchner and Maribel Fernandez
(the WS organizers)

 Luigi Liquori, Ph.D,
 INRIA Researcher, Sophia Antipolis
 Project Team Mascotte
 Vox  : +33 4 92 38 71 93
 Fax  : +33 4 92 38 79 71
 Hom  : +33 4 93 67 09 72
 MobFr: +33 6 65 39 51 32
 MobIt: +39 3 49 16 56 45 1
 Off  : Lagrange LS28
 Url  : www-sop.inria.fr/mascotte/Luigi.Liquori
 Eml  : Let (*,#)=(.,@) in Luigi*Liquori#inria*fr
 Pst  : INRIA, 2004 Route des Lucioles - BP 93
FR-06902 Sophia Antipolis, France
Haskell mailing list

Haskell tutorial

2001-10-02 Thread Simon Marlow

Just spotted this Haskell tutorial at IBM developerWorks (free
registration required):


(hope that URL doesn't get mangled by Exchange...).  Looks like it's
aimed at non-functional-programmers.


Haskell mailing list

Haskell tutorial

1992-03-31 Thread Paul Hudak

A few people sent me mail saying they didn't receive the message about
the Haskell tutorial that Joe Fasel and I wrote.  That's probably
because it was buried in the following message announcing Haskell 1.2.
Please note that also buried in this announcement is the availability
of an emacs-based on-line companion to the tutorial which leads the
user through every example in the tutorial (and more), encourages the
user to execute and modify the examples, etc.  It runs under Yale
Haskell, a nice, robust implementation of Haskell that I've used
successfully in several courses now.



Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1992 18:25:26 EST
From: john peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Haskell report 1.2 now available


  The Haskell Report
Version  1.2
1 March 1992

The Haskell Committee, formed in September 1987 to design a "common"
non-strict purely functional language, has released an updated version
of the Haskell Report.

Version 1.2 of the report was prepared for publication in SIGPLAN
Notices in the May 1992 issue.  It corrects some typographical errors
in the 1.1 report, and clarifies the presentation in places, sometimes
by giving new examples.  A few small changes have also been made to
the syntax and standard prelude.

In addition to the new report, a Haskell tutorial by Paul Hudak and
Joe Fasel is also now available.  This will also be published in the
May issue of ACM SIGPLAN Notices as a companion to the report.


Both the new report and the tutorial are available via anonymous
internet ftp.  Three Haskell ftp sites have been established:

nebula.cs.yale.edu (
ftp.dcs.glasgow.ac.uk  (
animal.cs.chalmers.se  (

Each of these sites has an area devoted to Haskell-related material in
pub/haskell.  The file pub/haskell/FILES_ORG contains a complete list
of the available material.  The report can be found in:

pub/haskell/report/report-1.2.dvi.Z  -- A compressed dvi file
pub/haskell/report/report-1.2.ps.Z   -- A compressed postscript file

The tutorial can be found in:

pub/haskell/tutorial/tutorial.ps.Z   -- A compressed postscript file
(No dvi version available)

An online supplement to the tutorial for users of Yale haskell is also
available -- look in pub/haskell/tutorial/README for more information.

These sites also contain current Haskell implementations, papers related
to Haskell, the Gofer system, and archives of the Haskell mailing list.


The report is also available from Yale as a technical report; however,
we recomend waiting for the SIGPLAN publication instead.  To get a
hardcopy version of the report, send $10 to:

The Haskell Project
Department of Computer Science
Yale University
Box 2158 Yale Station
New Haven, CT 06520 USA


A mailing list for general discussions about Haskell is reachable in
one of two ways:


To be added to the above mailing list, or to enquire about the
availability of Haskell implementations, send mail to either
Please do not post administrative requests direct to the mailing list.