I've been playing with the Monadic I/O system set out in Simon and Phil's
paper ``Imperative Functional Programming'', and I have built a simple
implementation for the Haskell B compiler.  (There _is_ a good reason
why I didn't just use Glasgow's compiler.)

I have the basic functionality working, with a version of the "echo"
program working, running only 100 times slower than a program which
comes with UNIX, written in C, which has similar functionality.

Anyway, I'm looking for ideas on the best way to implement the
obvious function with this type:

> dialogueIO ::  [Request] -> IO [Response]

Where, because the low-level implementation is based on Dialogues,
this makes some sense.

More generally, how would one write a "mapIO" function, with

> mapIO: (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO [b]

My functional programming has become a little rusty, and I can't
work my head round a way of writing this function without some
strange contortions that I am too embarrased to talk about in this
public forum.

Any help would be appreciated.


Duncan Sinclair.

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