On 06-Oct-1999, Andreas Rossberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Down casts could be done. This would mean that each existential
> constructor had to carry dynamic type information and there would be a
> special pattern matching construct that checks this.

At first I thought a special language construct would be required.
But I realized the other day that special syntax is not essential --
it could be done using only a special library function.

So here's a concrete and very concise proposal for an extension
to Hugs/ghc.  I would propose it as an extension to Haskell,
but it relies on the `Typeable' type class and on existential types, 
which in Hugs/ghc but which are not part of Haskell 98.

        Proposal: add a function called say `class_cast' to the standard
        library, whose type is given by

                class_cast :: Typeable t1 => Typeable t2 => t1 -> Maybe t2

        and whose semantics are as follows: if `t2' is a type with one
        constructor C that takes one argument, and `t1' is a valid type for the
        argument of that constructor, then `(class_cast (x::t1)) :: Maybe t2'
        returns `Just (C x)', otherwise it returns `Nothing'.

Here's an example of how it would be used.

        class Foo t where
                foo_method :: Int

        -- the compiler ought to do this instance declaration automatically
        instance Typeable Foo where ...

        -- the compiler ought to do this type definition automatically too
        data AnyFoo = forall t. Foo t => mkFoo t

        bar :: Typeable t => t -> Int
        bar x = case class_cast x of
                        Just (mkFoo x_as_foo) -> foo_method x_as_foo
                        Nothing -> 42

In theory, for any given program, once you know all the types and instance
declarations in the program, you could write a definition of `class_cast'
in Haskell (presuming Dynamic is extended to allow type casts to polymorphic
types, as is possible in Mercury -- this is a very simple extension which
I may describe in more detail in another message).  However, in
practice doing so would be pretty infeasible/unmaintainable.
So the idea is that the implementation would provide a definition
for `class_cast' automatically as part of the standard library, with
that definition probably making use of automatically-generated RTTI
of some kind.

Personally I think the syntax above is fine, but if more light-weight
syntax is desired, you could add syntactic sugar.

So, that's it.  Any comments?
Feedback on this proposal would be appreciated.

Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh>  |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]        |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

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