
the tMEG source-level single-trial power time-series are not part of the released material of HCP.

This is because for the tMEG until now the focus has been on analysis locked on different reference events within the trial, i.e. stimulus onset or response of the participant. That is why all task-MEG source-level time-series results are averaged and are not given for the entire time span.

Power correlations (among other functional connectivity metrics) in source-level have been computed and are available in the release, based on the time-series of single trials.

Now if you would like to compute the source-level power time-series for the entire span then you would have to do it yourself. For this you could use the sensor-level cleaned data produced by pipeline hcp_tmegpreproc. This data contains single trials. Also in the release, in the anatomy folder of the MEG data, for each subject you can find the head models needed for projecting the sensor level data into source space. What you would need to build is the filtering of the single trials in the frequency band of interest and the inverse solution , which you could easily do using Fieldtrip or other toolboxes.



On 8/26/2016 11:29 PM, Charles Lynch wrote:
Hello HCP/MEG experts - I am new to working with the HCP datasets and working with MEG data, more generally. So thank you in advance for your patience.

I am interested in using source-level task MEG data. As far as I can tell, however, all of the source-level task data available for download are /averaged /time-courses//of specific trial conditions/events (i.e., 0-back, 2-back) and/or specific to a given frequency band ... opposed to a whole power source-level time-series representing the duration of the task session.

Ideally, what I am looking for is essentially an "task equivalent" of the resting-state MEG source-level output, where the entire (whole power) time-series data for the entire session is available on the 4k surface.

Any insight into this issue are welcome! Thank you again,


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