Re: [HCP-Users] Questions about parcellated time series (ptseries)

2014-01-20 Thread basile pinsard
Hi Jason, Tim, yes this a problem I also ran into, solved it accessing the data in python with memmap specifying C order (instead of Fortran order as used in Nifti1 and nibabel nifti2 implementation) using: nii = nb.load(ts_file) # just to get header infos tss = np.memmap(nii.get_filename(),

Re: [HCP-Users] Questions about parcellated time series (ptseries)

2014-01-20 Thread Timothy Coalson
You may be running into an unfortunate design problem in CIFTI-1, if NiBabel expects them to be standard NIfTI-2 - the dimensions are backwards in the header, so non-square matrices will have their elements rearranged. You may be able to get matlab to fix them via a reshape with the dimensions swap