Dear HCP experts,

I have a question about saving *.pconn.nii file. I have a *.dlabel.nii file 
(for example, N ROIs) and a pre-computed parcellated connectome matrix (N x N). 
They are in the same order that the connectivity profile of ROI i (with its 
label i in the *.dlabel file) is in the row i (or column i) of the parcellated 
connectome matrix.

How could I save this parcellated connectome matrix into a *.pconn.nii file 
using any Connectome Workbench command? I need this *.pconn.nii" file to be 
compatible with Connectome Workbench so that I can display it using the scene 
similar to Scene 8 of Connectome Workbench Tutorial.

Thank you!

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