Re: [HCP-Users] tikhonov-regularized partial correlation using FSLnets

2017-08-17 Thread Stephen Smith
Hi This normalisation isn't directly part of the actual L2 regularisation - it is just setting the overall scaling of the covariance matrix, so that the effect of choice of regularisation parameter is not dependent on the overall scaling of the original data. The scaling is just the RMS of

Re: [HCP-Users] help: extract MNI coordinates of tfMRI blobs from workbench

2017-08-17 Thread Glasser, Matthew
Nope, you can do the tractography directly from the surfaces using FSL: Use the surfaces in ${StudyFolder}/${Subject}/T1w/fsaverage_LR32k. White surfaces are good for counting and pial surfaces are good for stopping. There

Re: [HCP-Users] Downloading from the S3 browser

2017-08-17 Thread Elam, Jennifer
This thread might be helpful to you: The data in Amazon S3 is not available in download packages as they are in ConnectomeDB. Instead data are organized in the directory structure as all the unzipped data unpacks for each

[HCP-Users] Downloading from the S3 browser

2017-08-17 Thread Manasij Venkatesh
Hi, Is there an easy way to download working memory data for the unrelated subjects group from the S3 browser? I'm having some trouble with Aspera Connect, the connection fails often and I have to restart the whole procedure. The downloading is much faster on the S3 browser, but I can't find an

[HCP-Users] help: extract MNI coordinates of tfMRI blobs from workbench

2017-08-17 Thread Yin Wang
Dear HCP team, We are interested in using both task fMRI and diffusion MRI data to study white matter pathways between functional cortical regions. We are planning to use task fMRI activation to define several ROIs as seeds for dMRI tractography. We have several questions below and hope someone

[HCP-Users] Recognition memory task details

2017-08-17 Thread Evans, Dan
Hi HCP Team, I've been looking for methodological details on the recognition memory task that occurred after the scan, but I can't find them anywhere. The Barch et al. 2013 paper says it reports the specifics in the supplemental materials. However, there is no mention of the recognition memory

[HCP-Users] tikhonov-regularized partial correlation using FSLnets

2017-08-17 Thread Mary Beth
Hi pals, I have a question about the way partial correlations were estimated for the megatrawl using FSLnets. Going through the 'ridgep' section of nets_netmats.m, it looks like the covariance matrix for each subject is normalized by the square root of the mean of the variances squared - yes, no,