The weights are to be able to place the border point somewhere other than
at a vertex.  The three vertices are one of the triangles in the surface
file, and the weights represent where to place the point on that triangle.

If you want a border point at a vertex, the weight for that vertex should
be 1, and 0 for the other two vertices.  You should chose a triangle from
the surface file to use as the other two vertices.  I don't know if we
validate the nodes for being a valid surface triangle, but strange things
might happen if they aren't.


On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 5:34 PM, Shadi, Kamal <>

> Hi All,
> It seems that each vertex in the border files has an associated weight.
> What is this weight? If I want to draw a border vertex by vertex, how
> should I use the weights?
> Thanks,
> Kamal
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