Dear Apache Enthusiast,

ApacheCon Sevilla is now less than a month out, and we need your help
getting the word out. Please tell your colleagues, your friends, and
members of related technical communities, about this event. Rates go up
November 3rd, so register today!

ApacheCon, and Apache Big Data, are the official gatherings of the
Apache Software Foundation, and one of the best places in the world to
meet other members of your project community, gain deeper knowledge
about your favorite Apache projects, learn about the ASF. Your project
doesn't live in a vacuum - it's part of a larger family of projects that
have a shared set of values, as well as a shared governance model. And
many of our project have an overlap in developers, in communities, and
in subject matter, making ApacheCon a great place for cross-pollination
of ideas and of communities.

Some highlights of these events will be:

    * Many of our board members and project chairs will be present
    * The lightning talks are a great place to hear, and give, short
presentations about what you and other members of the community are
working on
    * The key signing gets you linked into the web of trust, and better
able to verify our software releases
    * Evening receptions and parties where you can meet community
members in a less formal setting
    * The State of the Feather, where you can learn what the ASF has
done in the last year, and what's coming next year
    * BarCampApache, an informal unconference-style event, is another
venue for discussing your projects at the ASF

We have a great schedule lined up, covering the wide range of ASF
projects, including:

    * CI and CD at Scale: Scaling Jenkins with Docker and Apache Mesos -
Carlos Sanchez
    * Inner sourcing 101 - Jim Jagielski
    * Java Memory Leaks in Modular Environments - Mark Thomas

ApacheCon/Apache Big Data will be held in Sevilla, Spain, at the Melia
Sevilla, November 14th through 18th. You can find out more at  Other ways to stay up to date with ApacheCon are:

    * Follow us on Twitter at @apachecon
    * Join us on IRC, at #apachecon on the Freenode IRC network
    * Join the apachecon-discuss mailing list by sending email to
    * Or contact me directly at with questions,
comments, or to volunteer to help

See you in Sevilla!

Rich Bowen: VP, Conferences

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