I would suggest that you transcribe it as "Kar'el". I found a romanized form for her in the Weinberg catalog at http://www.aiweinberg.com/cgi-local/shop.pl/page=cat-513.html. It may not an authoritative source but it does offer support for that romanization. You can make references from Karal and Kerel and code the record as provisional.
At 09:12 AM 3/21/2005 -0800, you wrote:

i'm establishing the author of resise hayim, one yael [Karel]-bakhrakh. as you no doubt may have guessed, the [karel] portion of the name is giving me a bit of difficulty. the name is spelt kof-resh-alef-lamed. karel seems a likely possibility, but then again, so does kerel and karal. please, help me avoid creating a provisional record.

thanks in advance.


Heidi G. Lerner
Hebraica/Judaica Cataloger
Catalog Dept.
Stanford Univ. Libraries
Stanford, CA 94305-6004
ph: 650-725-9953

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