Dear Catalogers,
Below please find the minutes from the 2005 R&S Cataloging Committee Meeting

1. Hebraica Cataloging Manual
Joan Biella and Steve Bernstein reported that the electronic version of the Hebraica Cataloging Manual is near completion and will be mounted on the Hebraica NACO website. Catalogers should let Steve know if we want a PDF version as well. Joan will head an editorial group to provide updates and revisions to existing text.

2. Review of Forthcoming RDA Drafts
Heidi will monitor draft proposals to and reports from the Joint Steering Committee for Revision of Anglo-American Cataloging Rules and will forward relevant documents to Heb-NACO for comments by Hebraica Catalogers.

3.Judeo-Arabic Romanization Table
Joan presented a first draft of a proposed ALA/LC romanization table for Judeo-Arabic. This table is still a work in progress. Joan will continue to look for reliable references sources and also seek input from scholars in the field.

4.Date of Publication in Hebrew Script
Daniel suggested that catalogers provide the Hebrew calendar date in the parallel 260 field in Hebrew characters. We suggested that catalogers propose several options including the transcription of chronograms, Hebrew only dates, etc. The Committee will examine the various options. LC will continue to follow its practice of transcribing Hebrew characters into numbers.

5.Use of Judeo-German in MARC Code Lists for Languages, LCSH
a) Daniel will provide guidelines (to be posted on HebNACO and elsewhere) to assist catalogers in making the distinction between texts in Yiddish and those in German in Hebrew script. b) Daniel will submit a proposal to MARBI to amend the see reference from Judeo-German to Yiddish in the MARC21 Language Code List to include an explanatory note. c) Daniel will submit a SACO proposal to revise the subject authority record for Yiddish to include a scope note to advise of the distinction between Yiddish and German in Hebraic script, and 670's to justify retention of the see reference from "Judeo-German," which appears to be a synonym of Yiddish in some contexts.

6. Ladino Romanization Table
Heidi announced that both LC and ALA have approved the proposed romanization table for Ladino. The official version will be mounted on the Hebraica Funnel website and at LC.

6. Non-Hebrew/Aramaic Place-names in Hebrew Contexts (Leykvoud, Bilgoraya)
Joan will compile a list of principles for the romanization of place names and announced that next year Aaron Taub will speak about this at AJLConvention.

7. Use of Niborskis Verterbukh fun loshn-koydesh-shtamkike verter in Yiddish as a Guide for the Romanization of Yiddish words of Hebrew Origin not found in Weinreich
This was accepted by the AJL Cataloging Committee

8. Treating introductory title words Kuntres, Maamar, etc., as we currently do Sefer A formal announcement will be made that expands the list of introductory words which may be stripped off when identifying or assigning a uniform title. Currently this is done only with Sefer

9. Piyutim
There is interest in following-up on last year's discussion, led by Peter Kearney (LC), of the lack of consistency in treating some piyutim (liturgical poetry) collections as uniform titles and others as form subject headings.

Thank you,
Heidi Lerner, Chair, AJL R&S Cataloging Committee
cc: Shulie Berger

Heidi G. Lerner
Hebraica/Judaica Cataloger
Catalog Dept.
Stanford Univ. Libraries
Stanford, CA 94305-6004
ph: 650-725-9953

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