On a Heimdal KDC server for the stanford.edu domain we start the KDC service using the --config-file option and point to the file /etc/heimdal-kdc/kdc.conf. This file is different than /etc/krb5.conf, for example, it contains some different log settings.

In the file /etc/heimdal-kdc/kdc.conf we have this section:

    stanford.edu = {
        kdc            = kdc-master-dev.stanford.edu
        master_kdc     = kdc-master-dev.stanford.edu
        admin_server   = kdc-master-dev.stanford.edu
        kpasswd_server = kdc-master-dev.stanford.edu
        default_domain = stanford.edu
        kadmind_port   = 749

Since the KDC service's realm is stanford.edu, is the KDC even using those settings? If so, how?

Adam Lewenberg

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