
I'm trying to make a program that populates a binary matrix keeping as many blank lines as possible, e.g.


instead of


Since I know the sum of the lines won't be too big I decided to use an approach based on division, but I'm getting a "operand following / has invalid type" error.

/* binary matrix */
var m{x in X, y in Y} binary;
/* minimizes total (sum of line)^-1, a full line is better than two half-full lines*/
minimize maxEmpty: sum{x in X} 1/(1 + sum{y in Y} m[x,y]);

I made a few tests and some constraints, I'm pretty sure it's not a problem with the sets, the matrix, or a typo. If I had to guess I'd say the error is being caused by the nested sums, but I couldn't find much on that.

Can this be fixed in any way?

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