Hello! When I use free vpn without tor I am not able to visit sites blocked by 
ISP. That is dns requests performed through my provider.

I want to use dnsmasq to encrypt and secure dns requests and also to get access 
to the sites that I want to visit with nobody's interference.

I've made changes to (services) scheme variable in my config.scm and have 
reconfigured system. Service is working

# cat config.scm
 (services (cons*
 (service xfce-desktop-service-type)
 (service dhcp-client-service-type)

 (service dnsmasq-service-type
 (no-resolv? #t)
 (servers '(""))))

 (remove (lambda (service)
 (member (service-kind service)
 (list ntp-service-type avahi-service-type
 bluetooth-service network-manager-service-type)))
 %desktop-services) ;end of remove lambda services

 (wpa-supplicant-service-type config =>
 (interface "wlp2s0")
 (config-file "/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf")))

 (gdm-service-type config =>
 '("Section "InputClass"
 Identifier "touchpad"
 Driver "libinput"
 MatchIsTouchpad "on"
 Option "Tapping" "on"

 c => (elogind-configuration (handle-lid-switch 'ignore)))
 ) ;;end of modify-services
 )) ;;end of services

# guix system reconfigure /root/config.scm
# reboot

# herd status dnsmasq
Status of dnsmasq:
 It is started.
 Running value is 411.
 It is enabled.
 Provides (dnsmasq).
 Requires (networking).
 Conflicts with ().
 Will be respawned.

Ok. But I cannot get access to blocked sites. Please, let me know how to 
configure wpa-suppliant and dhcp-client to use dnsmasq for dns requests? Or may 
be I need to configure icecat? I don't know about it.

PS: but I do not want to use NetworkManager at all.

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