Re: Working Configuration for Wayland Auto-Login?

2020-12-26 Thread Tobias Geerinckx-Rice


yasu 写道:
Does anyone have a working example configuration that enables 



  (service sddm-service-type
;; Logs to ~/.local/share/sddm/wayland-session.log.
  (auto-login-user "nckx") (relogin? #t)
  (auto-login-session "sway.desktop")
  (display-server "wayland")
  (minimum-vt 1)
  (keyboard-layout keyboard-layout)

It's not clear to me why your example didn't work, but I don't use 
the gnome.desktop.

Kind regards,


Description: PGP signature

Re: Working Configuration for Wayland Auto-Login?

2020-12-26 Thread Joshua Branson

I would also be interested in figuring this out.  I have half of the

I currently login to a virtual console, then have .bash_profile start

# Honor per-interactive-shell startup file
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc; fi

# shepherd

if [[ -z $DISPLAY ]] && [[ $(tty) = /dev/tty1 ]]; then
export GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH=/home/joshua/prog/gnu/guix/guix-packages/

# this may fix a bug that I have with termite confusing backspace as space 
in guix environment
# export TERM=linux
shepherd -c /home/joshua/.config/shepherd/init.scm &
exec dbus-run-session sway

Joshua Branson
Sent from Emacs and Gnus
  "You can have whatever you want, as long as you help

enough other people get what they want." - Zig Ziglar

Re: rust: where is cargo?

2020-12-26 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira via
Em 26/12/2020 12:02, Tobias Geerinckx-Rice escreveu:
>> I know that guix approach is to replace package managers
> I don't think that's true.
Also see .

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Re: rust: where is cargo?

2020-12-26 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira via
Em 26/12/2020 12:02, Tobias Geerinckx-Rice escreveu:
>> I know that guix approach is to replace package managers
> I don't think that's true.
It's half true, valid to the extent that, contrary to cargo's default 
repository, Guix's default follows the GNU FSDG, which also requires that every 
other repository referenced in that one or by the community also expresses the 
same commitment. If there is one reference to one which doesn't, then such 
reference should either be replaced, removed or there must be an agreement 
between the parties to fix this in the referenced repository.

The act of removing such reference is sometimes done by not including the 
referrer package, and this is done when there is not much resource left to deal 
with the fact that other repository must be created.

It's common practice for free/libre system distributions to provide a “GNU 
FSDG” bug/issue/task tag/section for cases where they provide packages that 
refer to third-party repositories not committed to the GNU FSDG, along other 
cases not compliant with GNU FSDG. If cargo is indeed included.

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Re: rust: where is cargo?

2020-12-26 Thread Tobias Geerinckx-Rice

Hi Todor!

Todor Kondić 写道:
I have been playing with rust and the first thing I noticed with 
the guix installation is that there is no cargo.

There is, in the (as you note) cargo output:

 $ guix install rust:cargo
 $ type cargo
 cargo is /home/nckx/.guix-profile/bin/cargo
 $ realpath `command -v cargo`
 $ cargo search guix  
 guix = "0.1.0"# Cross Platform Gui Library

 # wait whut no

I think we'll need more details to know why/what doesn't work for 

How did you install and test cargo?

More accurately, there is indeed an output of the rust package 
called "cargo" and there are entries for cargo with bin paths in 
the store, but nothing that ends up in the PATH variable 

Then your configuration is broken somehow: something is messing 
with Guix's $PATH.

Do you modify $PATH anywhere, for example in your .bash_profile?

I know that guix approach is to replace package managers

I don't think that's true.

Kind regards,


Description: PGP signature

rust: where is cargo?

2020-12-26 Thread Todor Kondić

I have been playing with rust and the first thing I noticed with the guix 
installation is that there is no cargo. More accurately, there is indeed an 
output of the rust package called "cargo" and there are entries for cargo with 
bin paths in the store, but nothing that ends up in the PATH variable 

So, what's the deal here? I know that guix approach is to replace package 
managers, but cargo is more than that and, at least, a tool needed to follow 
the rust book while learning.