Re: missing files from aspell-dict package

2022-03-08 Thread Ludovic Courtès

vapnik spaknik  skribis:

> I have installed the latest versions of aspell & aspell-dict-en via guix on a 
> foreign distro:

Normally ~/.guix-profile/etc/profile does:

  export ASPELL_DICT_DIR="$HOME/lib/aspell“

Can you confirm that’s the case?


> The aspell installation contains cset & cmap files in its lib/aspell-0.60/ 
> subdir, but no dat files, whereas the aspell-dict-en contains dat files but 
> not cset or cmap files. However, aspell expects them to be in the same 
> directory, as they are in the debian aspell package (in /usr/lib/aspell).

I’m not familiar enough with Aspell.  Do you think this is a
misconfiguration of the ‘aspell-dict-en’ package and possibly other
‘aspell-dict-’ packages?

--8<---cut here---start->8---
$ find $(guix build aspell-dict-fr ) -name \*cset
$ find $(guix build aspell-dict-fr ) -name \*cmap
$ find $(guix build aspell-dict-en ) -name \*cmap
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

Let us know if you have clues on how to fix it.


missing files from aspell-dict package

2022-03-02 Thread vapnik spaknik
I have installed the latest versions of aspell & aspell-dict-en via guix on a 
foreign distro:

> guix package --list-installed=aspell\*
aspell                0.60.8               out

However, when recollindex tries to run this aspell command it emits an error:

> aspell --lang=en --encoding=utf-8 create master ~/recoll/aspdict.en.rws
Error: The language "en" is not known. This is probably because: the file 
 can not be opened for reading.

If I add a --data-dir option to point to the aspell-dict-en dir which contains 
en.dat I get a different error:
> aspell --data-dir=~/.guix-profile/lib/aspell --lang=en --encoding=utf-8 
> create master ~/recoll/aspdict.en.rws
Error: The file "~/.guix-profile/lib/aspell/iso-8859-1.cset" can not be opened 
for reading. 

The aspell installation contains cset & cmap files in its lib/aspell-0.60/ 
subdir, but no dat files, whereas the aspell-dict-en contains dat files but not 
cset or cmap files. However, aspell expects them to be in the same directory, 
as they are in the debian aspell package (in /usr/lib/aspell).
