On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 10:20:30PM +0100, Patrice Dumas wrote:
> I'll now take a stab at a first IXIN output implementation.  I'll do it
> with some abstraction, such that other output format than lisp-like may be
> output with the same information structure, for instance XML.

I have done an implementation.  It is not complete as I haven't
implemented the element that required answers to my questions.

* I added some byte counts (all the indices have an associated byte count)
* I changed the order to put expandable strings more consistently at the
  end, to allow to use attributes for strings in XML.
* no associated node is always -1
* for index entry fonts, instead of - in front, it is r or code as the 
  third argument

To do the .ixin file, call texi2any like

texi2any -c TEXINFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT=ixinsxml myfile.texi


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