Hi Sanne,

*OpenJDK builds  - JDK 14 *- Early Access build 19 is available at 

These early-access, open-source builds are provided under the GNU 
General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception 

  * Release notes
      o https://jdk.java.net/14/release-notes

  * JEPs targeted to JDK 14, so far
      o 352 - Non-Volatile Mapped Byte Buffers
      o 358 - Helpful NullPointerExceptions
      o 349 - JFR Event Streaming <https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/349>
  * *I want to draw your attention to some notable changes in previous
    builds of JDK 14.*
      o *Build 14* - Classes are now loaded and linked by
        Class.forName() (JDK-8212117
          + we need help testing changes to 3-arg Class.forName method.
            The method has always been specified to link the class but
            the implementation has historically not done this when
            invoked with the "initialize" parameter set to false. The
            bug has been fixed in JDK 14 but it has the potential to
            change the behavior of code that uses Class.forName to load
            classes that cannot be linked.

  * Changes in this build

*Openjdk Builds - JDK 13.0.1 *General Availability - 

These early-access, open-source builds are provided under the GNU 
General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception 

  * Release notes <https://jdk.java.net/13/release-notes>
  * Changes in this release

*Crypto roadmap updated*    - 

Targeted Date^(2)       Targeted Release(s)     Algorithm/Protocol      Action  
to test/enable change   Change Log
2019-10-15      13, 11, 8, 7    ECC on TLS      Disable non-NIST Suite B EC 
(sect283k1, sect283r1, sect409k1, sect409r1, sect571k1, sect571r1, 
secp256k1) when negotiating TLS sessions        Disabling non-NIST Suite B EC 
curves when negotiating TLS sessions 
<https://java.com/en/configure_crypto.html#DisablenonNIST>      2019-10-08 


Rgds, Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA, Dublin, Ireland

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