Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Global Action against Guantanamo

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiem In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful === News Update === Global Action against Guantanamo

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] US Terrorize The World - 25 Dzulqaidah 1427 H (16.12.06)

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiem In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful === News Update === Diplomat's suppressed document lays bare the lies behind Iraq war The Government's case for going to war

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Perubahan Tempat Kongres Umat Islam Se-Malaysia 23-24 Dis

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik Rozmal bin Malakan
Kongres Umat Islam Se-Malaysia (KUISMA) 1427H yang pada awalnya dicadang untuk berlangsung di POLITEKNIK IPOH dan kemudiaannya di USM, Pulau Pinang telah mendapat campur tangan pihak tertentu. Ekoran daripada campur tangan ini, ke dua-dua tempat yang telah ditempah awal ini dibatalkan permohonan pa

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Kelahiran Anak Kedua

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik Arozi Che Hassan
Assalammualaikum wrwb, Tahniah kepada Saudara Ruzaihan, pengalaman saudara mengingatkan saya ketika menyambut & menyaksikan kelahiran 2 daripada 4 orang anak saya. Satu pengalaman yang paling indah yang dilalui, yang tak dapat digambarkan dengan kata-katasyukur, Alhamdulillah. Teringin berjum

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Tol: "Orang tua itu" tabur pasir ke dalam periuk nasi rakyat

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik seroja
Tol: "Orang tua itu" tabur pasir ke dalam periuk nasi rakyat Abu Bakar Rahman Fri | Dec 15, 06 | 03:58:25 AMKUALA LUMPUR, 15 Dis (Hrkh)


2006-12-20 Terurut Topik uyieeunique uyieeunique
assalamualaikum, Saya bukanlah seorang yang pandai dalam urusan keagamaan tetapi terasa pelik pula dengan amalan di bawah. ianya berbeza dengan cara pembahagian di kampung saya. apapun, individu yang melakukan perkara di bawah ialah seorang tuk Imam merangkap guru mengaji. beliau kerap men

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] `As-Salamu `Alaikum.'

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik ***hajikhan***
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "By Him in Whose Hand is my life! You will not enter Jannah until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I inform you of something which, if you do, you will

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] understanding of Deen

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik ***hajikhan***
Mu`awiyah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah said, "When Allah wishes good for someone, He bestows upon him the understanding of Deen.'' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Commentary: Knowledge and understanding of Deen (religion) here stands for the unders

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] "Kill All Muslim Kids" Hate Site Shut Down (CAIR)

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik Romi Elnagar
'KILL ALL MUSLIM KIDS' HATE SITE SHUT DOWN CAIR-Tampa welcomes decision by web hosting company (TAMPA, FL, 12/15/06) - The Tampa, Fla., office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Tampa) announced today that an Internet web hosting company in that state has shut down a hate site t

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Al-Quran

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik ***hajikhan***
Abu Umamah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying, "Read the Qur'an, for it will come as an intercessor for its reciters on the Day of Resurrection.'' [Muslim]. Commentary: This Hadith tells the excellence of reciting the Qur'an a

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Israeli Professor: 'We Could Destroy All European Capitals'

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiem In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful === News Update === Israeli Professor: 'We Could Destro

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] PesTa TahuN BaRu utk RemaJa d� Masjid Senawang

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik Rozmal bin Malakan
PESTA TAHUN BARU KHUSUS UNTUK REMAJA Tempat : Masjid Bandar Baru Senawang Tarikh : 30 – 31 Disember 2006 (Sabtu – Ahad) Penyertaan : Terbuka kepada remaja berumur 12 hingga 15 tahun dari seluruh Malaysia (terhad kepada 150 orang peserta sahaja). Remaja lelaki tidur di masjid, remaja perempuan pu

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Rufaqa’ claims Ashaari can postpone death, says muft i Datuk Seri Harussani Zakaria.

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik Syaikh Abdu Manaf Al Ansari
Posted : December 05, 2006 - IPOH: The Rufaqa' movement portrayed former al-Arqam leader Ashaari Muhammad as orang tuhan (Man of God) who claims to have the ability to postpone the time of death of a dying person, said Perak Fatwa Committee chairman Datuk Seri Harussani Zakaria. In ann

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Christian Nun convicted of harassing Muslims

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik Showkat Ali
A nun was convicted of religious harassment after ranting against 'terrorist' Muslims in the middle of London's busy Oxford Street. Sister Ruth Augustus, 66, was fined £200 after she

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Nak beli rumah sendiri di Nilai?

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik mahamud azlinda
Dengan nama Allah.. Assalamualaikum.. Ada sesiapa yg berminat nak beli rumah di Nilai, 5 minutes from town. Untuk bumiputera sahaja. Harga bermula RM400,000. 2 storey Bungalow. Land area Free hold 2 pilihan, type A/B. Satu sold, tinggal 27 lot. kalau nak tengok, boleh co

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Quran - Sexual Relations and Crimes

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik free to speak
Quran - Sexual Relations and Crimes 1. Adultery (Fornication). a) Sexual relations with a woman other than the wife (who came under marriage bond) is called 'adultery'. Regarding the singularities of believers it is said: (23-5:6) "They are those who abstain from sexual ind

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Keajaiban Unta

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik ahisham2001
Assalamualaikum wrt Anda ingin melihat keajaiban unta. Saksikanlah video klip di bawah ini (7.43 minit). Saksikanlah Kebijaksanaan dan Kekuasaan Allah swt. Kisah ini berasaskan dari surah Al-Ghasyiyah : 17: "Maka apakah mereka tidak memperhatikan, unta bagaimana dia diciptakan"

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Rufaqa Abuya Boleh Cakap Dengan 'Tuhan' dan 'Tuhan' Boleh Compromised Ajal-Maut

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik Syaikh Abdu Manaf Al Ansari Laa Tansaa Dzikrallaah Unzhur Maa Qiila Walaa Tanzhur Man Qaala Al Haqiir Wal Faqiir Ilaa Rabbihi, Akhuukum Fil Islaam Syaikh Abdu Manaf Al Ansari

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Selamat Hari Jadi Ayah.....

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik ruzaihan . junit
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah… Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan sekalian alam. Aku bersaksi bahawa tiada Tuhan yang disembah selain Allah yang Esa, tiada sekutu bagiNya dan aku bersaksi bahawa Nabi Muhammmad saw itu hamba dan pesuruhNya. Selawat berserta salam buat junjungan mulia Nabi Muhammad saw y

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Rufaqa To Be Gazetted As Deviant

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik Syaikh Abdu Manaf Al Ansari
SHAH ALAM, Nov 27 (Bernama) -- The Rufaqa, an organisation established by the former leader of the outlawed Al-Arqam movement Ashaari Muhammad, is to be gazetted as deviant, the Selangor State Assembly was told Monday. State Islamic Affairs, Youth and People Friendly Committee Chairman Datuk Ab

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Malam Sumbangsih Ibu Tunggal WIDAD

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik syed dahij
Assalamu'alaikum wbt Persatuan Ibu Tunggal WIDAD akan mengadakan Program Malam Sumbangsih dengan maklumat seperti dibawah. Program ini terbuka kepada semua lelaki & wanita. Saranan dari pakar motivasi undangan, Dr Rubiah agar para isteri membawa suami juga ke program ini. Anda semu

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] pregnant

2006-12-20 Terurut Topik RAFIDAH JUNAIDA ROSLAN
--- Received from MAS.JRAFIDAH 8777168420-12-06 10.26 -> assalamualaikum semua sy nak minta nasihatsy br shj mengandung first baby... sekarang, dah 2 bln. di pasaran bnyk set2 jamu dan ubat2an yg boleh dimakan dr awal mengandung hingga bersal